
cchow to use vpn on ubuntu phone?01:31
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jgdxcc, go to System Settings -> VPN09:12
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javier4_is there a way to get a list of the files modified by ubuntu touch compared to the aosp tree?10:09
faeniljavier4_: I think you'll have to dig in https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/#/q/status:open,n,z10:11
faenil(not only the open ones of course)10:12
javier4_yes but, given a specific branch, there's no git function to diff an aosp repo?10:15
Paz__Hi. Does anyone know where I can get the source code for Notifications ?10:27
Paz__I'd like to see the code for Notifications List10:27
faeniljavier4_: I don't think so. Clone the source and diff? all the commits are already showing the diff10:29
faenilPaz__: what Notifications list?10:30
faenilPaz__: what in particular are you looking for10:30
Paz__faenil: The Notification List that appears on a Ubuntu Touch device when you drag down from the top bar10:38
faenilPaz__: yeah but what is it you want to change10:38
faenilPaz__: Trevinho is currently working on a partial rewrite of the code handling that, so maybe he can bundle your change in (and talk to Design about it beforehand)10:39
Paz__faenil: I don't want to change anything, I just want to see objectName values for certain components10:40
TrevinhoPaz__: that code is in ubuntu-settings-components... See SimpleMessagMenu10:40
Paz__faenil: I'm trying to access this list via autopilot10:40
TrevinhoPaz__: I guess you can use "autopilot vis" to navigate through the tree though10:40
Paz__or at least access the contents of a notification10:40
TrevinhoPaz__: or... call autopilot methods via dbus10:41
Paz__Trevinho: thanks10:41
Paz__Trevinho: Do you have any examples of accessing via dbus?10:41
TrevinhoPaz__: mhmh. I did that some time ago, but this was working for unity710:56
TrevinhoPaz__: gdbus call --session --dest com.canonical.Unity --object-path /com/canonical/Unity/Debug --method com.canonical.Autopilot.Introspection.GetState /10:56
TrevinhoPaz__: so... paths might have changed, but check with d-feet10:57
faenilPaz__: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/ubuntu-settings-components/trunk/files/head:/plugins/Ubuntu/Settings/Menus/10:57
faenilfor the source10:57
Paz__faenil, Trevinho - thanks very much for your help!10:59
matv1hi all, I am trying to verify something:11:03
matv1when I follow a link in a webapp that gets openend in the webapps oxide container, upon closing and returning to the webapp itself, the webapp crashes most of the time.11:04
matv1for instance gmail, facebook11:04
matv1I cant believe i am the only one as it has been this way for quite some time for both my devices and on various channels. But I cant find a bug for it.11:04
faenilmatv1: I reported that, let me find a link11:05
matv1faenil ah cool11:05
matv1i was looking in webapps-core11:05
javier4_faenil, but the fist commit of a given branch, list the initial differences compared to the aosp tree, or is just an "Initial comit"?11:06
faenilmatv1: ah I only commented, anyway --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/157082811:06
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1570828 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Multiple Web Apps crashes when returning from a linked page" [High,In progress]11:06
faeniljavier4_: I don't know, never touched that repo/branches11:07
faenilbut I'd expect it's a full commit, not a diff11:07
javier4_faenil, then, no way to get differences listed.11:08
faeniljavier4_: that's why I suggested closing the source, cloning aosp, and diffing :)11:08
faeniloSoMoN: any luck with the crasher I linked just above? ^11:08
javier4_faenil, I'm short on hd storage space and internet bandwidth at the moment. I was hoping that code-review provided a similar function. Thanks for your help.11:10
faeniljavier4_: I have no idea, sorry. Maybe ondra can help you with that11:10
oSoMoNfaenil, alex-abreu is working on it, apparently he needs to add a test and rebase on the git branch, let’s see if we can bring it to his attention11:11
faeniloSoMoN: cheers11:11
matv1faenil, oSoMoN cheers both :) just wondering why it wasnt filed against webapp-core, which is where i was expecting it11:13
faenilmatv1: not sure :)11:14
oSoMoNmatv1, it’s filed against the component that is crashing, but it makes it harder to find indeed11:14
matv1not that it matters much. As long its on your radar. thanks again11:14
faeniloSoMoN: it's not even filed against oxide :p11:15
matv1right :)11:15
oSoMoNoops, I though it was11:15
oSoMoNlet me fix this :)11:15
ondrajavier4_ what are you looking for?11:17
javier4_ondra, I use one of your personal branches (5.1_r5), is there a way to have full list of its difference compared to an aosp tree?11:17
ondrajavier4_ you can see easily which repos have actual changes, just grep through .repo/manifest.xml for my branch name11:18
ondrajavier4_ then you have list of repos which do have some changes11:18
ondrajavier4_ otherwise you can always run something like $ repo forall -c git diff android-5.1.1_r5 --raw11:22
matv1faenil, oSoMon Now that I am reading that bug rep more closely, I have to say that magnifying something in the oxide container causes the crash nececarily11:22
faenilmatv1: feel free to add your experience to the bug report, the more the better!11:22
matv1yes I will do some testing and update accordingly11:22
ondrajavier4_ may be add -p so you know what repo it's processing so it'd be $ repo forall -p -c git diff android-5.1.1_r5 --raw11:24
javier4_ondra, this should diff all your branch vs stock AOSP? I have just to redirect to a text file to get all the differences?11:25
ondrajavier4_ yes, this will go through entire tree and lists you modified files11:26
ondrajavier4_ it's important to have aligned phablet-5.1.1_rX branch with android-5.1.1_rX tag, so you really get only what has changed11:27
ondrajavier4_ obviously this won't print you what repos we are not using at all11:27
ondrajavier4_ you can get this from comparing manifests between phablet and android one11:27
javier4_I think it's better if I explain to you my situation taking our time. I'll find you on the channel in a couple hours?11:29
ondrajavier4_ yeah I should be here11:29
javier4_Thanks man, I'll be back.11:29
ondrajavier4_ no prob11:30
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jgdxmardy, hey, could  you take another look at https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/ubuntu-system-settings/path-fixes/+merge/306115 ?12:32
mardyjgdx: sure12:33
jgdxI really want to leave those comments on the cmake path variables in there—it's a pain resolving those manually by use of a text editor. I know ccmake exists :)12:34
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alex-abreufaenil, oSoMoN ack, I'll find a bit of time Monday to update the MR12:40
faenilalex-abreu: thanks!12:40
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javier4_ondra, I'm here again. Long story short: I'm trying to port UbuTouch to a Mediatek based device. My android tree is heavily Mtk customized, and my approach 'til now has been to apply needed mtk customizations to the Ubuntu tree everytime my build fails. That's driving me insane. Somebody on ubports channel some times ago suggested me the opposite approach: apply the Ubuntu customizations to my mtk-aosp tree. So, I woul13:45
javier4_d check how much Ubuntu platform differs from stock AOSP, to understand if it's convenient to start from the beginning by this new way.13:45
ondrajavier4_ yeah I think other way around might easier and probably less maintenance burden13:52
ondrajavier4_ also our changes are usually easily to port. You will usually have issue just with build and frameworks13:52
ondrajavier4_ what mtk tree do you have? if it's something 5.1 based you are good, those trees from mtk are lot more AOSP, 4.4 was still very messy and full of mtk "specialities" :)13:53
javier4_It's a 5.1, but I can assure you it's a "very special kid" too.13:54
javier4_At the moment I got your _r5, and I have modified it a lot, without touching git structure (no git add, nor commit). Do you think it's better to reclone it from scratch? Should I take a newer revision?13:59
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fw190d13is here a brave soul which has succeeded with setting up VPN on Ubuntu Touch?16:30
fw190d13I'm strugling with PIA VPN and If there is a developer ere willing to help I can give my credentials for this service for testing purpose16:31
faenilfw190d13: I heard PPTP is notsupported, if that's what you're trying16:32
faenilsee https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/155182316:33
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1551823 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "PPTP connection does not work and dies after 2 minutes (on the phone)" [High,Confirmed]16:33
fw190d13faenil: I'm doeing the openvpn thingie16:33
faenilmm ok, not sure then what's the problem16:33
fw190d13well it works on my laptop ;)16:33
faenilabeato maybe can assist you if he's not EOD yet16:33
abeatofw190d13, pete-woods implemented VPN support, maybe he can comment on the bug ^^16:35
fw190d13abeato: I have also tried the click package but no luck16:36
pete-woodsyeah, I did the UI side of things16:36
fw190d13well let's not call it a bug yet16:36
pete-woodsbut the actual VPN support is just standard network-manager + the openvpn plugin16:36
fw190d13someone would have to check it on another phone16:36
pete-woodsIIRC the terminal output for NM goes to the syslog16:37
fw190d13OK - noob alert - I can provide it when instructed how ;)16:37
pete-woodsit's also worth checking whether the openvpn process (started as root) is still running16:38
abeatofw190d13, also tcpdump output could be useful16:38
faenilahayzen: it smells like some kind of OOM is hitting your process and killing windows. Or the video driver kills the fbo maybe?16:38
pete-woodstail -f /var/log/syslog16:38
pete-woodsthen start the VPN connection16:38
ahayzenfaenil, i thought maybe memory but the process is at ~40MB16:39
ahayzenfaenil, but i suspect it is something killing it, whether it is compiz, qt, unity16:39
faenilit must be, yeah. have you tried stracing?16:39
pete-woodsfw190d13: with any luck there might be a useful error in the syslog output16:40
ahayzenfaenil, not yet..let me try ...16:40
faenilahayzen: have you looked at unity8.log and usc's log ?16:41
ahayzenfaenil, this is unity716:41
faenilah ok16:41
ahayzencompiz? ;-)16:41
faenilI have no idea about how that stack works .D16:41
fw190d13pete-woods: as I lokk on the terinal it spits something about TLS handshake error16:42
pete-woodsfw190d13: well that's whatever the problem is...16:42
pete-woodsassuming all your certificates + password are correct16:43
pete-woodsTLS is very sensitive to the time being correct16:43
pete-woodsso you could double check that on both your server and phone16:43
pete-woodsif it's not that, triple check you have the certificates correct16:43
pete-woodsand then check you have all the "advanced/tls" settings (best UI is the one I wrote the click one)16:44
pete-woodsthe click one has all the settings available16:44
ahayzenfaenil, i *think* this is the strace of it, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23220964/ but there is so much going on (even though it is just a window and label) that it is difficult to tell16:44
pete-woodswheras the built in one doesn't16:44
pete-woodsthe advanced TLS settings can definitely cause errors if they are configured wrongly16:44
pete-woodsit's completely ludicrous how many settings openvpn has16:45
ahayzenfaenil, that should be, the window getting focus, me clicking on it. It trying to open a new window, all the other windows closing, new one opening :-)16:45
fw190d13pete-woods: thanks for the tips, I will triple check, I have also closed the terminal - how can I get the log for you? Is it written somewhere?16:46
pete-woodsfw190d13: yeah, /var/log/syslog is a file16:46
fw190d13ahh dumb me16:46
pete-woodsI'm not certain if it contains sensitive stuff, though16:46
pete-woodsso don't just pastebin it16:46
pete-woodsto be honest, the actual error message is likely to be incomprehensible to me, too16:47
pete-woodsbut if it's a TLS error, those are the things to check16:47
faenilahayzen: mind you, if it's different processes you need strace -f (or -fff can't remember)16:47
faenilahayzen: I can't have a look right now, I'm about to leave the office :D16:48
ahayzenfaenil, it is all one process from what i can see in system-monitor16:48
faenilsorry I meant threads16:49
ahayzenah :-)16:49
faenildoing too many things at once before leaving :D16:50
faenilah right, lots of windows opening, so strace is a bit too long16:52
faenilahayzen: I believe it's better if you ask someone with more knowledge of that stack, like Trevinho :)16:53
ahayzenfaenil, yeah in this tiny app, you need to hit 100+ .. but in a slightly more complex app i had, it was at 14 windows16:53
faenilyeah read that16:53
faenilit really seems like something is monitoring the memory usage16:53
fw190d13pete-woods: hmm the file is 17,3 mb and after connecting the phone to laptop I can not copy or open it...16:53
dobeyfw190d13: i can tell you that openvpn definitely works. i run my own server and have connected through it successfully from ubuntu on a phone16:54
pete-woodsfw190d13: I really don't think that the specific messages in the file are useful to me16:54
pete-woodsfw190d13: but as you tweak the settings, you can see if they change16:54
pete-woodsor stay the same16:54
dobeyhowever, i didn't use the gui config for it, as that wasn't ready when i tried it. i manually copied the config over from a laptop16:54
pete-woodsI've definitely got the thing working with the GUI16:54
pete-woodsand tested it a lot16:55
pete-woodswith different VPN servers16:55
fw190d13pete-woods: I could pass you my credentials for this VPN provider for a quick test16:55
pete-woodsfw190d13: I don't have any Ubuntu phones to hand right now16:55
pete-woodsfw190d13: but if you send me some temporary credentials to pete.woods@canonical.com16:55
pete-woodsI can have a look on Monday16:55
fw190d13ah ok - I don't have temporary - I will just change the pasword later ;)16:56
pete-woodsif you say you can connect with your laptop, then it's pretty hopeful we can get it working16:56
pete-woodsokay, that works too :)16:56
dobeyfw190d13: does it work from a PC to use that VPN?16:56
pete-woodsdobey: pretty sure he said he can connect with his laptop earlier in the converation16:57
fw190d13dobey: yes, PIA from Ubuntu and Mint works OK, the same for Android wit OpenVPN app, so either I make some silly mistake or I don't know16:58
pete-woodsso hoping it's just a config issue16:58
pete-woodsif it's not then it's possible there's a tweak to some of the advanced settings that might be what is wrong16:58
dobeyfw190d13: you're using network-manager-openvpn to connect there? or just running openvpn manually?16:59
fw190d13dobey:network manager openvpn16:59
dobeyfw190d13: ok, you have developer mode enabled on your device?17:00
dobey(ie, you can use adb or phablet-shell to connect to it over usb from your PC)17:00
fw190d13pete-woods: mail sent from @tutanota account - it may land in spam ;)17:10
pete-woodsokay, will have a look now17:10
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pete-woodsnope, it's got through safely17:11
dobeyfw190d13: if you pull the config file for your VPN off your device, from /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections, and then diff -u that against the smae config file on your laptop where the VPN works, it might give you an idea of what's wrong17:12
pete-woodsfw190d13: right, it's .ovpn files17:13
pete-woodseasy to get those wrong when splitting out17:13
pete-woodsfw190d13: which server are you using?17:13
fw190d13pete-woods: cool, thanks for your help - I like the Ubuntu Touch on Nexus - looks like a great replacment for my N90017:13
pete-woodsfw190d13: just to be clear, I'm not sure which of the ovpn servers you are using from that archive you sent me17:14
pete-woodsthere are like 30 or so different profiles17:15
fw190d13pete-woods: Germany, but only the server name changes in the config on my laptop for other - the rest works the same17:16
pete-woodssure, but I want to be 100% sure I'm using the exact config that you are17:16
pete-woodswho knows if there is a slight variation in config / version of openvpn between them or not17:16
pete-woods(and I have no interest in debugging that :p )17:17
fw190d13pete-woods: I'm trying to do what dobey advised, found the file on latop and on the nexus but can not copy it to downloads or open it17:23
dobeyfw190d13: adb pull /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/VPNConfig . (or whatever the right filename is)17:24
pete-woodsfw190d13: it's not a bad idea. but you have to make sure the certificates are in the right place17:25
pete-woodson your laptop it'll be /home/fw190d13/.../something.ca17:25
pete-woodsbut the phone's user is called phablet17:25
pete-woodsso you'll need to tweak the paths correspondingly17:26
pete-woodsto /home/phablet/.../something.ca17:26
pete-woodsfw190d13: well FWIW I can connect using my laptop17:28
pete-woodswill see if I can manage the same thing on Monday with the phone17:28
dobeywell i was just suggesting grabbing the file from the phone and comapring to the one on the laptop, to see if something is indeed wrong in the config17:29
dobeyif the only difference is file paths to certificates, then it's likely some other issue17:30
pete-woodsyeah, that's a good point17:30
pete-woodshaving looked through the advanced settings on my laptop after importing the profile17:30
pete-woodsthe key things to set are17:31
fw190d13dobey: I have flashed Ubuntu 3 days ago and forgot how did I fix the error device not found any hints?17:32
pete-woodsgateway: germany.privateinternetaccess.com:119817:33
pete-woods- use custom renegotiation interval: 017:33
pete-woods- use LZO compression17:33
pete-woods- set virtual device type: TUN17:33
pete-woods- cipher: aes-128-cbc17:33
pete-woods- verify peer cert type: server17:33
pete-woodsfw190d13: ^17:33
pete-woodsthose are the things you need to check in the VPN connection editor17:33
pete-woodsI recommend making a new VPN connection17:33
pete-woodswith the click packaged VPN editor17:33
pete-woodsand putting in those details17:34
pete-woodshe auth type is "Password"17:34
dobeyfw190d13: is the screen unlocked? and developer mode is enabled?17:34
fw190d13dobey: developer mode was off17:35
pete-woodsI've also just manually created the VPN connection using the details I specified above on my laptop, but using the unity8 click VPN editor17:40
pete-woodsand then successfully connected17:40
pete-woodsso it doesn't look like it's the indicator-network side of things that's wrong17:40
fw190d13pete-woods: Jus installed your click package again and seting it up17:44
pete-woodsfw190d13: cool :)17:44
pete-woodsfw190d13: it looks like the plus button (at the top right) isn't visible any more for some reason17:45
pete-woodsso you might need to stab around there..17:45
pete-woodsno idea why that has happened17:45
pete-woodsit looks like the SDK has deprecated a bunch of the elements I'm using17:46
pete-woodsoh well, it works17:46
pete-woodsright, EOD 4 me!17:52
fw190d13pete-woods: it woooooooooooooooooooooooorks17:52
fw190d13the gateway was set up automatically wrong17:53
fw190d13when chaning it to 1198 it started to work17:53
fw190d13pete-woods: thank you for your help17:53
fw190d13dobey: thank you for your help17:53
fw190d13the default port is 1194 and it should be 1198... sh!@ the first line in the settings - I'm blind ;)17:55
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javier4_ondra, I don't want to bother you, but we lost contacts some hours ago. This was my question:23:20
javier4_At the moment I got your _r5, and I have modified it a lot, without touching git structure (no git add, nor commit). Do you think it's better to reclone it from scratch? Should I take a newer revision?23:20

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