
=== urbanslug is now known as zipper
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
inetprogood mornings07:25
superflymorning unlaudable07:41
superflyhi inetpro, dlPhreak, MaNI07:42
dlPhreaksuperfly: are you well?07:43
superflydlPhreak: I'm fine thanks. Just busy, almost going crazy at the moment.07:43
dlPhreaksuperfly: What's keeping you so busy?07:49
superflydlPhreak: Moving!07:50
superflydlPhreak: specifically, to the USA.07:51
dlPhreakOh yeah that's right.08:03
dlPhreakHow's that going so far, superfly?08:04
superflydlPhreak: we're getting there. The Mrs and the kids are flying out on the 20th of October. We've got a fair amount of stuff sold and/or booked, still lots to get rid of though. Animals are slowly being re-homed (fish have gone, snake is organised, one cat is gone, dog is going this weekend, other cat is coming with us). I'm waiting for my visa so that I can go, but that'll only happen in December, most likely.08:06
superflymorning Squirm08:10
SquirmHeya superfly08:25
unlaudablemorning superfly 08:25
SquirmWe need coffee before you leave then08:26
SquirmI feel like we live a few 100m from each other :D08:26
unlaudablesorry in and out...08:26
superflySquirm: yes08:26
superflySquirm: I'm finishing up at work at the end of next week, after that I'm felxible.08:27
SquirmCan someone easily describe the difference between a cacert file, a cert file and a key file?08:31
superflySquirm: cacert is the Certificate Authority's certificate. It's like the master cert that everyone uses and that the browsers already know about. cert is the certificate for your actual server, which has been signed by the cacert so that the browser knows this particular site's cert is authentic and valid. a key is your private key which you created in order to generate a certificate. your server uses this key to encrypt and decrypt (I 08:34
SquirmCool, that makes sense08:35
SquirmSo now, a service of mine is in need of a cacert file. We bought the cert. I have the key and cert, but no cacert08:35
superflySquirm: go to the place you bought the cert, they have an "intermediate certificate" - this is what you need08:36
SquirmThis helps08:37
kulelu88aag no man, gofundme takes 7% of the total funds raised </308:41
superflykulelu88: I think that's why they raised the price slightly.08:42
kulelu88but the Oz government are idiots. 7 days to pay such a massive bill08:48
MaNII don't think it is really fair to call them idiots for that, they have their policies and it likely has good reasons behind it. Though they actually should have insisted on travel insurance, not insisting on travel insurance if anything is the bad policy here08:59
kulelu88but 7 days to pay such a massive bill? you cannot even get a loan in 7 days09:12
kulelu88unless it's a shark loan09:12
kulelu88but you're right, there was no travel insurance, which is strange for an older person09:13
superflytravel insurance only covers the flight09:36
MaNIno, you are confusing airline ticket insurance with medical travel insurance. It is relatively common place for travellers to take out medical travel insurance and often it is a requirement just to get a visa (especially when visiting countries that have public healthcare systems)09:40
MaNIspecifically to avoid things like what has happened here :/09:42
Kilosi agree MaNI was a stupid mistake not sorting that out first10:02
MaNIto be clear, not blaming you - hindsight is 20/20, I'm just really surprised they didn't insist on it in your circumstances10:03
Kilosthey enforce it if you are goping for more than 3 months so i was actually releived, because it was like 2k for 3 months insurance10:04
MaNIyeah :/10:04
nlsthzng'day all11:16
superflyhi nlsthzn11:17
superflynlsthzn: by the way, if you use SASL auth, people won't see the "joined, quit, joined"11:18
nlsthznhaven't installed a "proper" irc client, using the one that comes with Gnome "Polari" ... AFAIK with the 3.22 version it can save your passwords etc...11:22
nlsthznah and you not in America yet superfly?11:22
superflynlsthzn: nope. The Mrs and the underlings leave on the 20th of October, I leave once my visa comes through, probably December11:23
nlsthznwell I hope it comes through ASAP11:25
superflythe time-frame they gave me was 90 days, which is the beginning of December11:26
paddatrapperHey superfly, nlsthzn, Kilos 12:17
nlsthznsup paddatrapper ? :)12:18
* nlsthzn didn't even notice uncle Kilos in the channel12:18
nlsthznstupid irc client >.<12:18
paddatrapperLol, I was guessing initially simply because there was a lot of talking :)12:19
XethronKilos: How goes man?12:20
superflyhey paddatrapper12:20
superflyhi Xethron, long time no see12:21
Xethronsuperfly: yellow, indeed12:21
XethronWhat you been up to?12:21
superflyXethron: moving to the USA12:25
XethronOh wow12:30
XethronThats a big move12:30
XethronWhen you going?12:31
Kilossorry was having a long hot soak inna bath12:45
Kiloshi neelsie12:45
Kilosohi paddatrapper 12:45
Kilosok ty Xethron and you?12:46
nlsthznhey uncle Kilos... sorry to hear the bad news.  Just glad you are still with us!  Hope you recover soon!12:46
Kilosi have recovered hehe12:48
Kilosyou shoulda seen me before12:49
nlsthznmy dad had about 7 or 8 heart attacks over several years so I have a fair idea12:53
Kilosoh yay i have room for more12:54
XethronYeah, I also just saw the news. Hence I came running in here12:59
nlsthznKilos: >.> try not to have any kthx13:07
Kiloswhat is that nlsthzn 13:07
nlsthznheart attacks, try not to have anymore please13:12
nlsthznany more13:12
nlsthznspelling are hard13:13
Kiloshahaha ill try13:13
Kilosi need to sleep now guys, will be back tomorrow, ty for everything13:13
Kilos11.13pm here13:13
XethronCan't we put that link to the fundraiser in the topic?13:20
nlsthznping inetpro, superfly ^^ (who else has mod power?_13:33
=== superfly changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Please help oom Kilos! https://www.gofundme.com/ReunionRoadblock/ | Ubuntu South Africa https://ubuntu-za.org | pastebin: https://bin.snyman.info | picpaste: http://pasteboard.co | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Next Meeting: Tue, 27 September 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/2bQE5p8
nlsthznnever mind13:36
nlsthznon unrelated news Gnome 3.22 just landed in openSUSE Tumbleweed... guess it is time for a sudo zypper dup13:37
kulelu88Solving hard problems is ... hard 0.o19:05
nlsthznseems legit19:35

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