
bluesabreknome, alrighty, I'll try to not go crazy with it00:14
bluesabreflocculant, made some tweaks, thanks for writing up those test cases00:25
flocculantbluesabre: thanks - I'll get those written and merged to tracker etc - should be able to get a call out tomorrow 05:53
flocculantbluesabre: double check this for me please :) http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/361/builds/117794/testcases06:43
flocculantignore the thunar ones obviously 06:44
bluesabreflocculant, looks good to me09:23
flocculantbluesabre: k - I'll send a mail to the list when properly back from work11:25
akxwi-daveflocculant:  I'll get my testing lappy out tonight to try those on real hardware over the weekend and give it some real welly.12:20
flocculantpleia2: if you're about - any chance of some social media wizardry for the important stuff just landed in dev mail or in inbox from xubuntu-testers :)17:41
flocculantbluesabre: ok - well that's all set up now and called for17:41
* pleia2 adds to her queue17:41
flocculantsorry to add to your queue :(17:41
pleia2will this be included in the (now delayed!) beta?17:42
flocculantthere will be no beta released by us 17:42
pleia2oh ok17:42
pleia2"I'm calling a halt to testing on this milestone, we will not be releasing the beta due to the lock bug."17:43
flocculantseems -release are still pondering respins17:43
* pleia2 can read \o/17:43
flocculantha ha 17:43
pleia2just saw the subject of that email and didn't read further17:43
pleia2my inbox is a bit :\17:43
flocculantyep - I understand 17:43
Unit193...Sort by who'll get the most cranky if you don't read it, flocculant gets higher on the list. >_>17:44
Unit193Meh, locker testing and -session is still stuck in -proposed.17:45
flocculantUnit193: yea hence the testcase saying Make sure that you have xfce4-session 4.12.1-3ubuntu3. If not, enable proposed and install it before continuing 17:46
Unit193Yeah, sadly not exactly ideal, but a good note.17:46
pleia2ok, twitter, G+ and fb done17:47
flocculantpleia2: thanks pleia2 - <317:51
flocculantbluesabre: ok so that was fun, I had g-s installed, had upgraded xfce4session this morning17:52
flocculanttried lock then guest then logout - blank screen17:52
flocculantthen I uninstalled xfce4session - then reinstalled the current version - it wanted to install xscreensaver 17:53
flocculantseems to have light-locker and xscreensaver as recommends17:54
* flocculant might do a new vanilla install to test this ... 17:54
flocculantthis is not good 18:23
Unit193Uhh, oh?18:24
Unit193That's ugly as heck.18:30
flocculantseems to have decided it's half xfce/half xubuntu18:30
Unit193Looks like xfwm theme, aye.18:30
flocculantwhat do I nix to set the thing back to defaults again? 18:31
Unit193Well, you can rm -rf ~/.config/xfce/ but you'll have to logout/in (making sure to select 'Xubuntu'.)  That'll nuke all xfce settings except terminal.18:32
Unit193.config/xfce4  rather...18:32
flocculantbluesabre: I seem to be having issues logging out of guest session in g-s, appears to crash pulseaudio too18:32
flocculantUnit193: thanks - I thought that was the kiddy - bet I forgot to select Xubuntu :p18:33
Unit193cat .dmrc  ?18:33
flocculantstill fubar18:36
flocculantalso it doesn't actually appear to be setting to default as I have *my* panel18:38
Unit193You have anything in ~/.cache/sessions ?18:38
flocculantI'll lose those too - but I did session/startup lose cache18:40
flocculantrebooted - redid them both18:43
flocculantglad I told people to Install Y-Y to hardware from the current iso http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/18:44
flocculantrather than use one they had :p18:44
Unit193bluesabre: Debian 83861019:21
ubottuDebian bug 838610 in lightdm-gtk-greeter "lightdm-gtk-greeter: always uses the last session as default" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/83861019:21
Unit193bluesabre: You see and test https://packages.qa.debian.org/e/exo/news/20160831T080009Z.html ? :P20:26
flocculantbluesabre: mmm - same with xs - new login, logout - dead desktop20:45
Unit193knome: For the -devel ML, can you whitelist doko@ubuntu.com?21:41

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