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bluesabremorning all09:47
flocculanthey bluesabre :)09:48
Unit193Esh, on a weekend?09:48
bluesabreflocculant, so, dead at greeter or after greeter?09:50
flocculantafter logout from guest 09:51
flocculantalso the pulseaudio crash is odd09:51
bluesabreUnit193, that greeter bug is somewhat amusing... you're probably doing it wrong if your computer lab has multiple sessions :\09:52
flocculantonly g-s crashes pa though09:52
bluesabreso logout from guest would be the greeter09:53
flocculantbluesabre: obviously if you want a specific u-bug package I'll do that09:54
flocculantI just didn't want us to end up with a bunch of bugs all for similar things from people09:54
flocculantwith little time it'd take longer to sort those out than anything else :p09:55
bluesabrelooks like there might be a rare greeter bug with it just going black http://osdir.com/ml/general/2016-09/msg22771.html09:58
bluesabreall of this really might stem from some ugly bug in lightdm or X.org10:00
flocculantpersonally I've not a clue what we should do :p10:02
bluesabreflocculant, logout from guest is bad in either, and pa is just gnome-screensaver?10:06
flocculantthis business they've got with kernels and beta isn't making it very easy to find time to talk to people 10:06
flocculantbluesabre: ack10:06
bluesabreso definitely some issue exists in lightdm-gtk-greeter, lightdm, and/or xorg10:08
flocculantthen I ended up with xfce rather than xubntu - but I think that was me not checking the session type10:08
flocculantbluesabre: yea I'd say so10:08
flocculantbut only us - no-one else (including studio) is affected10:08
bluesabreflocculant, so we can swap out the greeter to something else to narrow that down10:08
flocculantbluesabre: have you seen this issue when switching user(s)?10:09
flocculantoh btw - I did add a new admin user and try there - just in case it was some *thing* with guest user - no change10:10
flocculantand I couldn't get back to the original locked session anywhere with anything10:10
flocculantbut I assume that's because greeter10:11
flocculantbluesabre: perhaps try with the ubuntu greeter10:13
flocculantmostly cos I'll hate you if you say lets try kde-greeter :p10:14
bluesabreflocculant, I hadn't seen the issue before, tried just now with a bogged down computer, entered guest session, tried to log out, computer froze, restarted10:17
flocculantok cool - sort of10:17
flocculantat least that means it's not just me being an idjit :)10:17
flocculantI can do some testing later with other greeters easily enough if that helps10:19
bluesabreyeah, that should help10:19
flocculantI think the busiest thing I'm up to this weekend is eating :p10:19
bluesabrewe can also throw lightdm out by testing with gdm10:19
bluesabresounds like its going to be a long weekend :\10:20
flocculantok - can you write on http://pad.ubuntu.com/lock-change exactly what you want from me10:20
flocculantI can test with new-greeter, then change to gdm and old-greeter then new one - whatever gets us the best set of data 10:21
* flocculant hopes that there is surely some combination that works 10:21
flocculantwe don't necessarily need to change - might be we find where the issue lies for someone *canonicalish* to be able to help 10:22
bluesabrelooks like I can not log out of the guest session10:22
bluesabreeverything closes and I am left with the dev wallpaper10:22
flocculantexactly the same here10:23
bluesabrescreen doesn't flash black, so I don't think its even getting back to the greeter10:23
flocculantand not only on the vanilla install but here too - and I ended up http://i.imgur.com/t69s536.png10:23
flocculantwhich was nice ...10:23
bluesabreflocculant, do you know if this is reproducible in a vm?10:25
flocculantbluesabre: hard to tell - can't get one back from suspend 10:26
bluesabreshould be able to test with just locking10:27
flocculant2 seconds then10:27
bluesabrethere's basically a few things I want to test here... it might be a bug with the greeter, so we can try guest session in ubuntu-mate... it might be a bug in xfce4-session, though I think we're alone there10:28
bluesabreif we can reproduce outside of xubuntu, it will get way easier to get help :)10:29
flocculantvm crashes coming back from guest user10:29
flocculantand yea I know - hence me always trying these things elsewhere10:29
flocculantI haven't actually tested other flavours coming back from guest10:30
bluesabreI'm going to be testing these things as well10:30
flocculantI'll test Ubuntu ... 10:30
flocculantthat's the best place for us to find reproducibility :p10:31
flocculantbluesabre: I'll zsync ubuntu right now - install vm - check guest, be ~15 minutes to a result10:33
flocculantin the meantime perhaps you could write some on the pad - so we both test exactly the same things10:33
flocculantubuntu has yak on slideshow :p10:37
bluesabreflocculant, what happens when you lock your screen, click switch users, and then just log back in as yourself?10:40
flocculantnot tried10:41
flocculantI'll try in the vm10:41
flocculantgrabbing mate iso too10:41
bluesabrelappy updated, rebooting, bbiab10:42
flocculantbluesabre: if I lock, switch user, login as me, password, unlock screen, password - back where I started properly10:44
flocculantubuntu takes longer to install ... 10:45
bluesabreflocculant, that's good at least10:46
flocculantbooting ubuntu now - fingers crossed in some bizarrely unfair fashion :p10:46
flocculantstarting mate install 10:48
flocculantbluesabre: booted ubuntu, can switch users while at normal user desktop - get the Data in guest session warning - then blank screen10:50
bluesabreso guest session does not fully load for u?10:52
flocculantnot appearing so - redoing now10:52
bluesabreoh boy10:53
flocculantswitching to guest from lock screen10:53
bluesabrefurther into the rabbit hole...10:53
flocculantyea - but it's not going to be quite so lonely down there now hopefully10:53
flocculantleaving vm for a bit - just in case it's I've got too many running :p10:54
bluesabreI've got 3 isos racing each other as they download10:54
* flocculant wanders to kitchen to make tea - that should be enough time 10:54
flocculantha ha 10:54
flocculantbluesabre: ok - that ubuntu vm is stuck trying to start guest session10:57
flocculantand mate is almost installed10:58
flocculantbluesabre: ok - so ubuntu was hung at guest, ctrl+alt+f7 got me back to lock screen, password and back to where I was10:59
bluesabreso that's no good11:02
flocculantmate just works11:02
flocculantso there are issues with ubuntu at least 11:02
bluesabreand locking/switching everything seem fine with mate?11:04
flocculantbluesabre: ok - so Xubuntu - login user, lock, login guest, logout, crashes, ctrl+alt+f7, login user, unlock user - back where I started11:04
flocculantbluesabre: and ack for mate working fine11:05
flocculantso - we have the same problem seemingly as ubuntu - which I further assume (or hope) to mean we'll get us fixed without having to change locker11:06
flocculantbluesabre: you were expecting mate to fail and ubuntu to work weren't you :)11:06
bluesabreflocculant, I was at least expecting mate to fail11:07
flocculantthought so from reading the pad11:07
flocculantbluesabre: how about I install ubuntu to hardware - then ubuntu-bug from there, dupe our one to it - then go from there?11:07
flocculantor do you still want to be ready for us to move locker if needed? 11:08
bluesabreflocculant, somewhat different though, right? our guest session loads but won't exit, their guest session won't load11:08
flocculantoh hang on11:08
flocculantregardless of the guest issue - we've got other problems iirc11:09
flocculantour bug is unlock from a normal user fails11:09
flocculantI think I will still run through the stuff on pad for us - we'll have that data then regardless of what happens when we tell -release11:10
flocculantI'll work through all that this afternoon - add notes to the pad we're using11:11
bluesabreI'm getting xubuntu installed in a vm while the others download11:12
flocculantokey doke11:12
bluesabreI'll see if I can find anything additional11:12
flocculantomg :|11:16
flocculantnow I found some thunar thing ... unless it's what I couldn't reproduce of Unit193's ... 11:17
Unit193flocculant: Got xfce4-gtk3 exo?11:17
flocculantyes - Unit193 I can now reproduce change view to detailed view 11:17
flocculantoh yes - got the gtk3 ppa's11:17
Unit193bluesabre's fault. :P11:17
bluesabreexo broken in the ppa?11:18
flocculantbluesabre: got to fly for a bit now - will crack on later with this lock stuff - will get notes there for you to see when you're about11:18
bluesabreflocculant, alrighty, hf11:19
flocculantwill be about on and off all day, so if you think of anything either ping me or write it on the pad 11:19
bluesabrewill do11:21
Unit193bluesabre: Yeah, poked you about that.11:21
bluesabrecan you repoke?11:22
bluesabreI miss things :(11:22
flocculantbluesabre: just quickly - vm, remove lightdm, add gdm and a million other things - can't switch user :p11:38
flocculantso we should do that - then no problem if we go to g-s or xs as there's no way to get to another user :D11:38
flocculantbluesabre: what would you say was best thing to bug report against for the ubuntu version?11:49
bluesabreflocculant, hard to say... ubuntu-session maybe? the lock screen in ubuntu is part of unity, but the bug is with the session loader11:51
flocculantbluesabre: I've got some success going on here11:58
flocculantadded a new user - normal account11:58
flocculantcan lock first user - switch to new one - lock that - switch back and forth between them both11:59
flocculantseems to be the guest user causing problems 11:59
bluesabreUnit193, any idea what the guest user might be related to?12:00
flocculantbluesabre: and finally - if you logout of a user - seems to lose any chance of getting back to a locked session12:05
* bluesabre really wants to blame lightdm12:06
flocculantperhaps I should report against that then12:07
flocculantI can (Iassume) reproduce all this in Ubuntu, then we can dupe our bug against it - and hand that new one over 12:08
flocculantjeez this is a real pita ...12:09
flocculantbluesabre: ok - can reproduce ^^ in Ubuntu 12:18
flocculantand guest kills it12:18
bluesabreoh goodie12:18
bluesabrethat should simplify things :D12:18
flocculantoh wait - just see what happens if I log out of one12:19
flocculantso if I logout of session in Ubuntu, can resume other locked session12:20
flocculantin Xubuntu appears to logout all sessions12:20
flocculantbut surely if I report in Ubuntu - can just comment for Xubuntu the difference12:21
flocculantbluesabre: you sure ubuntu-session? 12:22
bluesabreflocculant, not sure of anything12:22
flocculantha ha ha 12:22
flocculantok - well I think I'll report it against kernel - they appear to be worried about that :D12:23
flocculantbluesabre: lightdm because you blame it? 12:25
bluesabreflocculant, maybe just spam the "also affects"12:28
flocculantok - with ubuntu-session, xubuntu-session, greeter?12:29
bluesabreyeah, seems like a good start12:35
flocculantso both our greeter and the unity one :p12:37
flocculantbluesabre: thanks - I think we've done enough for the moment - at least until *they* can facepalm12:38
bluesabreflocculant, thanks a bunch... let me know when we have a bug and I'll see if I can critical it or something12:39
flocculantlikely we'll be in a position to not change locker do you think? 12:39
flocculantworth waiting till we hear from them I guess12:41
jjfrv8flocculant, do you still want us to run the testcases as published? Or are there changes coming from your investigation today?12:45
flocculantjjfrv8: I'd guess not just now12:49
flocculantbluesabre: bug 162730412:50
ubottubug 1627304 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "User locking problems - guest login crashing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162730412:50
flocculantdon't ask why  it decide to call it unity-greeter - also can't find -sessions to affect12:50
bluesabreflocculant, ok, not sure why the -sessions don't show12:53
flocculantno idea - much to much like Lp fu there :)12:54
bluesabrelooks like ubuntu-session is gnome-session12:54
bluesabreapt-get source ubuntu-session12:54
bluesabreReading package lists... Done12:54
bluesabrePicking 'gnome-session' as source package instead of 'ubuntu-session'12:54
bluesabrexubuntu is probably xubuntu-default-settings more than anything12:55
flocculantok - done that then12:57
flocculantI've added a comment from our perspective - with our bug, but haven't duped it atm12:58
flocculantjjfrv8: thanks for reminding me - I've sent a mail to the list now :)12:58
bluesabrethanks flocculant 12:58
flocculantbluesabre: not much more I can do now afaik12:59
bluesabreyeah, I think we're basically waiting for ubuntu proper to take a look now12:59
flocculantk - we can move on to the weekend now then \o/12:59
jjfrv8flocculant, just saw it, thanks. wfm :)  Good work!12:59
flocculantthanks for your help bluesabre :)13:00
flocculantI was getting a bit snowed under with all the permutations :p13:00
bluesabreflocculant, seems like you did most of the hard work, I only suggested things that might be related13:00
flocculantwhich helped enormously :)13:00
flocculantnot even had music on ... 13:00
flocculantso it must have been bad 13:00
flocculantbluesabre: actually I wonder if a mail to the release list would be a better method to start the ball rolling?13:02
flocculantif so it might be better coming from you - if they ask tech questions ... 13:02
flocculantbecause currently - this is a blocker for us 13:02
flocculantsometimes it's a bit 'sigh flocculant found another bug for us :(' 13:03
flocculantI'll just wait now to see the mail13:07
flocculantif I've not seen one by Monday I'll get all huffy :D13:08
bluesabredrafting it up on that pad13:09
flocculantbeen useful that pad :p13:10
bluesabreI suppose I should also report guest session dying on logout in xubuntu13:12
flocculantI'd mention that switching between normal users who are locked would be useful13:13
flocculantwe both see that, it's only us who have the initial complete fail on lock with light-locker13:13
bluesabreflocculant, specifically, xubuntu works when not using light-locker in this scenario, right?13:20
flocculantwhen not using l-l  we have issues with guest, but vt7 brings lock dialogue back as it does with ubuntu13:22
flocculantnot usin gl-l means we can lock for normal users and switch between13:23
flocculantbluesabre: hadn't had time to check all this with xscreensaver13:27
bluesabreflocculant, created bug 162731013:29
ubottubug 1627310 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "Guest session fails to log out" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162731013:29
flocculantshould these be added to b/p? 13:30
flocculantthe original one is atm 13:30
flocculantnot that we're likely to forget them :D13:30
flocculantconfirmed that bug13:30
flocculantbluesabre: I assume I am right in thinking that now we've found ^^ we have a bit more time available (not much) as they'll be wanting us to wait on results ? Though obviously we'll still need time to change locker if necessary and test13:34
bluesabreyeah, we probably shouldn't further bombard them with extra stuff unless we know exactly where to look13:35
bluesabrehow's the draft look to you?13:35
flocculantmaybe add that Mate isn't affected - might help narrow down where to look?13:36
flocculantdoesn't appear to be affected13:36
flocculantbluesabre: yep - that looks fine to me - doom laden enough without sounding like I wrote it :)13:37
bluesabrealrighty then, I'll send this one out13:38
flocculantinfinity will at least be expecting some of that 13:38
flocculantcheers :)13:38
flocculantI bet akxwi-dave is pleased this happened this cycle :p13:40
flocculantI can't wait for us to fiddle with file-managers next cycle, I can just watch \o/13:40
bluesabreflocculant, mail sent13:44
bluesabrePost by non-member to a members-only list13:45
bluesabrethought I was in there...13:45
flocculantha ha ha 13:46
flocculantbluesabre: best subscribe to it then :D13:48
bluesabrejust did13:48
bluesabreand now I'll cancel and send it again :D13:49
bluesabrethere we go13:50
flocculantyea - that's what I mean Council AND Tech :p13:51
flocculantbluesabre: have a good rest of day and Sunday :)13:51
bluesabreand now, time to continue with the day13:51
bluesabreseeya flocculant, bbl13:51
flocculantI'll be about off and on if you need anything13:51
bluesabregreat, thanks13:52
krytarikflocculant, bluesabre: If there is indeed a difference in behavior between Xubuntu and Studio there, then that'd be the result of the former having been switched to using the systemd user session already.13:57
flocculantkrytarik: I knew we'd be able to blame systemd :p14:02
flocculantI do like "may negatively impact the other flavors in unique and related circumstances" 14:07
flocculantso they'd best have a proper look too :p14:08
flocculantok - I'm away with the fairies now for a while14:08
Unit193bluesabre: I've not exactly been following entirely.15:25
flocculantUnit193: simply put - there appears to only be an issue when guest logs out - ordinary users can logout and allow locked users to log back in15:28
flocculantnot sure that helps you mich lol15:43
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