
cablopi'm on Kubuntu 16.04, hence KDE 5... Plasma keeps crashing, and i can't figure out why. I thought it was the nVidia card, then i moved to the onboard Radeon, but the problem does persist... how can i troubleshot the thing?00:09
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DarinMillercablop:  Ensure to install the backports ppa: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports00:26
DarinMillercablop: then sudo apt-get update00:27
DarinMillercablop: sudo apt fullupgrade00:27
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cablopDarinMiller: are the kubuntu backports safe? or could they introduce more unstability?01:05
cablopconsider i'm on Kubuntu 16.04, the LTS release01:06
SporkWitchcablop: i've been on backports a few months now; just the opposite, significant improvements, especially given how broken 16.04 is without them01:16
SporkWitchi strongly recomment doing update && upgrade && full-upgrade, rather than update && full-upgrade.  goes much smoother, and helps prevent some conflicts.  There are one or two packages that have been replaced, though, and you'll want to install the new ones (particularly with regard to Activities, if you're one of the two people besides the team lead that actually uses the horrid things)01:18
SporkWitchcan't remember the package names off the top of my head, though, but with some thought and aptitude search, you can figure it out (might also be some google results)01:18
SporkWitch(basically look at what the updates want to remove,and look for similar packages that don't conflict when you try to install them after the full-upgrade)01:19
DarinMillercablop: They are safe.  The kubunttu-devs are very careful when adding the backport packages.  I have been running them all summer-no issues.01:20
SporkWitchclearly more careful they were than when they let 16.04 out lol01:21
SporkWitch*than they01:21
DarinMillercablop: If you encounter any issues related to packaging, ensure to file a bug report and mention it in the #kubuntu-devel channel.01:21
cablopcan i reverse a fullupgrade to kubuntu backports?01:22
SporkWitchnot easily01:23
SporkWitchwhether it's a full-upgrade or just a bunch of things getting removed by accident (way to go, dep conflict resolution on 16.04 deciding to nuke all of KDE! partly my fault for not looking more closely at a command i've run a million times before)01:24
SporkWitchit's often easier at that point to just reinstall01:25
cablopwell... then once i run into issues, if any, i'll disable the ppa for a while (while fixing, in fact)01:25
cablopbut i have to admit that Kubuntu 16.04 was more on the dissapointment side than the awesome side for me... the network manager utterly broken, the bugs, and the localization thing working ala Gnome (that is, few and nazi options, instead of the wide range of configuration options of KDE 4)01:27
DarinMillercablop: PPA can be purged by installing ppa-purge (sudo apt install ppa-purge)01:28
cablopi need to take note of that01:28
DarinMillercablop: then run sudo ppa-purge ppa_name01:28
DarinMillercablop: I am confident you will appreciate the many issues the ppa fixes!01:30
cablopSporkWitch: what's the difference between upgrade and fullupgrade?01:31
DarinMillerSporkWitch: Looking at the man pages for apt, upgrade and full-upgrade are similar, but full-upgrade will remove packages if needed.01:33
SporkWitchcablop: upgrade won't do any updates that would mean removing deps of other packages or deps have not been upgraded to needed version; full-upgrade will say "fuck you" and happily start nuking things to force the core system to update01:33
cablophow can i test what packages do need fuulupgrade before performing it?01:34
DarinMillercablop: after performing apt udpate, run apt list --upgradeable to view what packages will be upgraded.  If you are concerned about issues, you can alway spin up a virtual environment and test there.01:38
SporkWitchcablop: that's why i say do do upgrade first THEN full-upgrade.  It makes it MUCH easier to see what's actually happening, since upgrade does the majority of it relatively safely; when you then do the full-upgrade there are FAR fewer things being installed or removed, making it easier to parse what's going on01:43
SporkWitch(it also seems to make the automatic dep resolution have an easier time, since it's not having to deal as many interconnecting things, since much has already been taken care of)01:43
SporkWitchs/do do/to do/01:44
cablopthe upgrade is still running02:00
cablopno fullupgrade option for apt02:49
cablopok, it is full-upgrade02:50
cablopnow nuking the thing :s02:50
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adebplase help me09:51
adebhow to install nvida09:51
adeb3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF117M [GeForce 610M/710M/810M/820M / GT 620M/625M/630M/720M] (rev a1) Subsystem: Acer Incorporated [ALI] GeForce GT 720M09:53
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BluesKajHiyas all12:07
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SmurphyEvening :)17:48
cablopi have this issue, the plasma thing keeps crashing then reloading due to "segment fault"... what can i do to solve it? could it be an incompatibility with sddm? should i move to lightdm?18:15
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ahoneybuncablop: are you on 16.04?18:19
cablopyes, i am18:19
ahoneybunwith backports?18:19
cablopyes, i enabled them yesterday18:26
ahoneybunand update/upgraded18:26
cablopyes, i updated, upgraded and full-upgraded after that18:27
ahoneybunsddm should have no issues18:27
cablopnow i feel the KDE runs smoothier and more polished... that issue remained18:27
cablopi'm using an onboard integrated ATI GPU18:27
ahoneybunlightdm might bring more issues18:28
ahoneybunoh AMD18:28
cablopi'm using SDDM at the moment18:28
ahoneybunATI/AMD is ify on 16,0418:29
cablopi'm using it, because the nVidia card is working weird18:29
cablopand i had other issues with it18:29
ahoneybunis it a AMD APU then?18:29
cablopthe plasma crashed with it too, but very very less frequent18:30
cablopnope, it's somehow old18:30
cablopi'm on a board from 200918:30
cablopa good one, but older than modern APUs18:32
cablopi moved to it, to test, cause the CPU is AMD too18:32
ahoneybunmm I know I've seen crashs sometmes18:32
cablopand i thought maybe the nVidia card and the AMD were not playing well18:32
ahoneybunbut I;ve not seen them on 16.1018:32
ahoneybunNVIDIA never had issues for me really18:32
cabloplet me check the repos18:33
cablopsigh, i got disconnected... so i didn't read anything, if you said sth18:35
ahoneybunI saw that no worries18:35
cablophmmm... my synaptic is set to prefer things from xenial updates instead of backports18:41
ahoneybunmm I would go by what /etc/apt/sources.list says18:41
cablopit was disordered, so i minimalized it18:46
cablopam i right by saying xenial < xenial-security < xenial-updates < xenial-backports ?18:46
ahoneybunI've never moved them around or anything18:47
cablopi did that in the past, so i don't worry too much, i just cleaned duplicated lines and simplified some others18:48
cablopdoes the kubuntu-backports pps depends on the ubuntu-backports repo to be enabled?19:28
IrcsomeBotNo chat_id set! Add me to a Telegram group and say hi so I can find your group's chat_id!19:28
IrcsomeBot<Valoriez> synaptic rather than muon, @cablop?19:44
valorieoh also: kubuntu-backports is on its own19:45
valorieyou can install ubuntu-backports as well, or not; your choice19:45
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Mm Intel works better then Nvidia19:47
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user|28680can someone help me20:07
DarinMilleruser|28680: asked if anyone could help.  I was answering honestly....20:08
user|28680I downloaded kubuntu 16.04 onto a usb. I booted up my pc that has a clean hard drive. When I try to install it an error comes up every time. Then when it installs, I restart my pc to find out it didnt install20:08
valorieuser|28680: downloaded it, or burned it as an ISO?20:10
valorieand what error message?20:10
user|28680I burned it as an iso on my flash drive20:11
user|28680It keeps saying this "ubi-partman failed with exit code 141. Further information may be found in /var/log/syslog. Do you want to try running this step again before continuing? If you do not, your installation may fail entirely or may be broken."20:11
valorieI just put 16.04.1 (32-bit) onto an old XP laptop yesterday; worked fine20:11
user|28680This is 64-bit on a laptop thats less than 3 years old20:11
valorieyou might need to run in a konsole `sudo dpkg configure -a`20:12
valorieand perhaps also `sudo apt install -f`20:12
valoriethe -a for all, the -f for fix20:13
user|28680I'll try that real fast, thank you20:14
cablopvalorie: then i disable ubuntu-backports and leave kubuntu-bakports ppa20:19
user|28680I don't understand what you mean.20:20
cablopIrcsomeBot, Valoriez, i didn't see Moun on Kubuntu 16.04... is something called Discover, but i added the synaptic just to do a few things that are tooooo hard to be done on those Sw managers for newbies20:21
user|28680Is anybody able to help me or no?20:22
cablopuser|28680: are you installing it side by side another OS?20:22
valorieuser|28680: do you know how to use the commandline?20:23
valorieit's called konsole in kubuntu20:23
user|28680I'm not installing it side by side, I know how to open konsole20:23
user|28680I dont know the commands is all20:23
valorieor control + alt + f2, 3, 4 to open up a terminal20:24
valoriedpkg is the "debian package manager" , configure -a runs through all the configurations20:24
valorieanything unset will be fixed20:25
valorieapt install -f fixes any borked installations20:25
valoriesudo gives the proper permissions to get those commands done20:26
valoriecablop -- discover is a "software store"20:26
valoriemuon is a package manager like synaptic20:26
valorieI prefer it, but synaptic works too20:26
cablopwell, i think it wasn't installed by default20:26
cablopand i'm used to synaptic20:27
user|64203Can someone help me? I'm having trouble with installing kubuntu 16.04.1 on my pc20:31
user|64203Can anyone help?20:34
cablopname your problem so we can see if we can help20:35
user|39710Is there anybody that can help me with an issue20:37
user|39710guess not. looks like I wont be having a computer today..20:39
clivejouser|39710: just ask the question, if someone can answer they will20:39
* clivejo rolls eyes20:40
clivejouser|47460: ask your question, if someone can answer, they will20:42
cablopuser|47460: just ask your question, and the one able to help will... we are already here for that20:56
user|47460I was in here earlier, I was the one with the error while installing. I was waiting for a response for the konsole commands and for some reason it kicked me off the website20:58
user|47460It managed to finally let me onto the installation page, but it has said "The installation will finish soon. We hope you enjoy Kubuntu." for the past 30 minutes now21:00
valorieuser|47460: best to wait until it's done21:06
cablopuser|47460: hmmm... in your case i'd prepare the machine before installing, and install21:07
valoriealthough if your screen has gone dark, you might want to wake it up and see if it is waiting on a response from you21:07
valoriesometimes I've been cussing at it, only to find it's waiting on a y or n question21:07
user|47460I've been letting it install, its still responsive and I keep checking up on it to make sure my screen doesnt go black.21:08
cablopthe thing again21:08
cablopbecause i won't trust that installation21:09
user|47460What do you mean by prepare the machine?21:09
cablopfor example, if i'm installing a Linux to replace an existing Windows i'll prepare the partitions before, if i'm replacing a Windows (specially a Win 8 or 10) i'll wipe out all the UEFI stuff21:11
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> you need a UEFI partition though21:12
cablopuser|47460, ahoneybun, not exactly... i had issues installing another OS on a a recent laptop, so i wiped out all partitions, converted the disk from GPT to MBR, enabled legacy BIOS support on the BIOS, started the box qith the installer inside, then pressed the key to select boot device and i had two options for the DVD drive, with UEFI and legacy BIOS, selected legacy BIOS and installed ...21:15
cablop... without issues21:15
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> well if you use the legacy option then no21:16
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> but if you use efi you will21:16
cablopi realized i didn't need UEFI after all and legacy booting was pretty ok for me21:16
user|47460I didnt have anything on this device before, its a fresh hard drive with nothing on it. I am currently running kubuntu through my usb flash drive. There wasnt any old os to get rid of21:17
cablopuser|47460: so, in short, first of all go and set the options you need in the BIOS, before anything else21:17
user|47460This is all gibberish to me, can you dumb down the explanation as much as possible?21:18
cablopuser|47460: then set the disk the way you need, backup, partition, wipe unneeded partitions, if necessary rebuild MBR or EFI partitions, they could have things interfering with the install21:18
cablopuser|47460: ok, perfect; don't you have another machine to connect to IRC?21:19
user|47460Yes I do21:20
valorieeveryone: why don't we just wait? user|47460 has an install in progress that seems to be going well21:20
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user|47460The install finished. I restarted my pc and it still didnt install.21:23
user|47460It said it did but in all reality it didn't.21:24
cablopuser|47460: hmmm21:25
cablopuser|47460: i think the thing could be related to UEFI or legacy mode... but it could be anything else21:25
cablopuser|47460: to boot in legacy mode is safe if your laptop support it, so you can give that a try... you need to enable the support for it on the BIOS, change the disk to MBR instead of GPT (except if it is bigger than 2TB), then select boot menu when booting your laptop and launch Kubuntu in legacy (NO uefi) mode21:27
cablopthen install21:27
cablopif you don't need EFI for a specific reason, my suggestion is safe21:33
cablopand can help you isolate the problem if it is not already solved with that21:34
user|98888I'm back, sorry about that. I had to switch to my other computer so I can get this figured out21:35
cablopuser|98888: i'd repeat what i said then21:35
cablopi was about to shutdown21:35
cablopuser|98888: i think the thing could be related to UEFI or legacy mode... but it could be anything else21:36
cablopdespite that, you can try it, it is safe21:36
cablopit is to not to use UEFI and use legacy mode21:36
cablopo boot in legacy mode is safe if your laptop support it, so you can give that a try... you need to enable the support for it on the BIOS, change the disk to MBR instead of GPT (except if it is bigger than 2TB), then select boot menu when booting your laptop and launch Kubuntu in legacy (NO uefi) mode21:37
cablopif you don't need EFI for a specific reason, my suggestion is safe21:37
cablopand can help you isolate the problem if it is not already solved with that21:37
cablopi'll be back in a while21:38
valorieseems more like it could be a grub problem21:46
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:46
valorieI've had to fix one install where the grub was installed to the thumbdrive instead of the laptop21:48
valorieevidently this is a very old bug, only very occasionally happening for many years21:48
valorieI used the thumbdrive live system to fix it21:49
valoriesometimes `update-grub` is enough21:50
cablopi tested the RAM last night, despite that i decided to switch the RAM stick to different slots, i placed back the NVIDIa card and installed the propietary driver... AND THE PLASMA KEEPS CRASHING23:17
cablopi am using the kubuntu-backports ppa, updated, upgraded and full-upgraded... and it just crash!23:20
cablopi can't determine what's happening with this box23:20
cablopi think the CPU could be the guilty one23:20
cablopmmm, but i also doubt that, the apps that use to crash are Plasma, Firefox and Thunderbird... same apps always23:22
cablopfresh install :*(23:22
valoriemy 16.04 box runs like a charm23:26
valorieas does this 16.10 install23:26
cablopi stopped using non-LTS releases many many years go23:29
valorieI like the bleeding edge when possible23:38

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