
rockeygood evening lads.. i have some sort of situation with maas 2.0 on ubuntu xenial lts.. system drives is arranged in different orders, even on the same models with the same bios configurations00:55
rockeywhen trying to boot after deployment is "almost finished, just the last bit left", i get [warn] no mbr magic shittyness, which right now drives me crazy00:56
rockeyi specify in maas that device with X size should be sda and should contain this specified partition setup, next device should be left alone without any partitions at all00:57
rockeythis is some sort of 50/50 scenario right now on about 10 hosts in my lab environment00:57
rockeyanyone had this problem before?00:57
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mupBug #1627419 opened: [ipv6] ephemeral kernel fails to shutdown <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1627419>03:16
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samba35do i require local hardisk on client system for maas client deployment ?04:33
spaokmy guess is yes04:33
spaokI think you need a root disk defined to deploy04:34
samba35thanks ,04:35
spaokrockey: what type of severs?04:35
spaokservers even04:35
samba35can i use sd card ?04:36
spaokshould, mine show up as disks04:36
spaokcan even software raid them04:36
samba35if local hardisk is require then what is purpose of maas server ? just deploy installation ?04:37
spaokmaas is a provisioner04:37
spaoklike cobbler04:38
samba35i am as a blind person judge elephant04:38
spaokwhat are you trying to do?04:38
samba35trying to deploy server with may be wtong idea that my diskless machine will act as a server ,and i can acess same server in cloud04:40
samba35be wrong idea ....04:41
samba35did u deploy maas server ?04:41
spaokbut maas is a tool04:41
samba35with local harddisk04:41
spaokya, I run MAAS 1.9.3 in a KVM instance and the new MAAS 2.0 in a LXD container04:42
spaokit's basically a PXE server04:42
spaokyou can do some fun things with it, but to me, at its core is a PXE server04:43
samba35i am also trying same04:43
spaokwe use it to boot racks of servers, deploy the OS and trigger a puppet run04:43
samba35what hardware is require /do u have04:43
spaokyou can probably run it on a raspberry pi if you wanted, but we use Dell R630's right now04:44
samba35for maas ,lxd and juju 4 ram is ok ?04:44
spaokwell, are you doing multiple servers? or one?04:44
spaokif you use one server you can just use juju and the local provider for LXD04:44
spaokno maas needed04:45
spaokthen juju will create containers04:45
spaoksee https://www.stgraber.org/2016/06/06/lxd-2-0-lxd-and-juju-1012/04:46
spaokbootstrap against localhost will be juju lxd04:46
spaokmaas is more for when you have pools of servers you want to deploy apps to, it's possible to run everything on one server but it's a little tricky04:48
samba35is it u r blog ?04:48
spaoknope, just something I had open when I was testing stuff04:48
spaoki'm trying the new 2.0 features04:48
samba35for lxd it require its own bridge /interface ?04:49
samba35like docker ?04:49
spaokit will auto create it04:49
spaokya , basically the same concepts04:49
spaokthere's differences between docker and lxd, but networking wise out of the box they are basically the same04:50
ComputerAdam-noomy rack controller had no dhcpd check mark, is that why im not getting my server to boot from pxe?05:09
ComputerAdam-noo  dhcpd    dhcpd605:10
spaokya probably05:25
spaokgo to networks05:26
spaokclick on the untagged vlan05:26
spaokthen take action -> enable dhcp05:26
spaoktook me a bit to figure that one also05:26
ComputerAdam-noothanks! should I turn off DHCP on my router?05:28
spaokprobably a good idea05:41
spaokthink you can tell maas to use an external DHCP, but haven't tried it05:41
ComputerAdam-nooyup so dhcp didnt turn on bacause of routers dhcp.. im just configuring this at home.05:46
spaokit should turn on no matter what, just questionable about which DHCP would see the requests first05:46
* spaok would think05:47
ComputerAdam-noosince I have an airport extreme and there is no way to turn off dhcp, i just turned it on the MAAS server and got my vmachine to boot w pxe06:11
spaokif they bridged on the same machine then ya it should work ok06:12
samba35can i use usb pendrive as a hardisk ? to deploy maas client ?06:17
spaokif you mean a client that PXE boots against MAAS and uses USB pendrive it should06:20
samba35for local storage /alternative to harddisk06:23
mupBug #1627441 opened: MAAS 2.0 - CentOS 7 deployment failed <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1627441>06:52
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rockeyspaok: i found a solution, some fucker at the hardware place didnt follow instructions of puting right disk in the right place10:33
rockeyspaok: so sda was different due to motherboard hdd slot order10:34
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echeadleI just installed maas and I am trying to get things to work.  I wanted to turn on dhcp from the command line. I log into the node fine but when I try to use the maas $PROFILE node-groups command it tells me there is no command. What am i doing wrong?  I am reading from the 2.0 version of documentation.14:44
* D4RKS1D3 Hi19:03
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