[00:13] http://www.dailystormer.com/fox-news-contributer-defends-hitler-calls-out-frankfurt-school-jews-as-the-root-of-our-ills/ [00:14] Be sure to pair that with this: "Questioning The Holocaust - Why We Believed (Part 1 of 2)" === Malinux- is now known as Malinux === ron__ is now known as rbetzen [00:49] On September 3rd 1939, the Allies declared war on Germany, leading to the subsequent half a decade long world war. Before Chamberlain died he revealed America and World Jews forced Britain into war against Germany (mentioned in The Forrestal Diaries from 1945.) [00:50] kellydays, this is not the place for that [00:53] !version [00:53] To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy » [00:53] !current [00:53] 16.04 [00:56] 25 days until 16.10 [00:57] OerHeks, Is 16.10 going to feel more luxurious? [00:58] what does that even mean? [00:58] jmadero, More polished and opulent. [00:58] with the latest hardware you might feel better, sure. [00:58] linux is linux - if you're not happy with something, customize it [00:59] and "opulent" is a strange way to describe a distro :-) [00:59] The thing people loved about the new Mac OS was how luxurious it felt, like a high-end sedan. [01:00] "people" are different, I personally hate OSX [01:00] every flavor of it [01:00] i want my distro to be very luxurious, very youge, the best in the world [01:00] 'user experience' is also an endless discussion [01:00] I'd argue that Unity will never be the sleekest or "sexiest" DE [01:01] but everyone is obviously different [01:01] jmadero, What is holding back the developers from making it feel like a top of the line product? [01:01] nothing - it does what they want it to do [01:01] jmadero, But you just said it will never be the best. [01:02] Which in your opinion is the Rolls Royce experience? [01:02] no I didn't, I said it'd never be the sleekest or sexiest [01:02] there is a difference [01:02] I personally prefer Moksha or Enlightenment but it has a ton of annoying bugs that I work around [01:02] Gnome Shell is solid also but it's a bit bloated (way less bloated than Unity) so I don't have it currently installed [01:03] That's not Rolls Royce then. Rolls is when everything is exquisitely crafted with the utmost care, attention detail, and with no expense spared. [01:03] this is a super silly comparison [01:03] people have different desires of an OS/Distro [01:03] Shayne what is your email? [01:03] okay, so in your opinion luxury doesn't apply to much to OS/distro [01:03] not at all [01:04] but I know Ubuntu feels much more luxurious than MS DOS. [01:04] compare DEs and find which you prefer [01:04] it's not rocket science [01:06] When I was running Fedora, it took a long time to get used to Gnome shell, but I actually like it quite a bit now. [01:06] Running Kubuntu right now, I may just install ubuntu with shell sometime. [01:06] yeah I think it's nice, just super bloated and I prefer speed over GUI bells and whistles [01:06] Cinnamon is also nice [01:07] im on ubuntu xenial with multiverse enabled, I can't install the 'unrar' package, only unrar-free, shouldn't the unrar be available in multiverse? [01:07] multiverse! [01:09] sorry i have one problem whit ubuntu 16.04 lts when update i have this mess. W: https://download.01.org/gfx/ubuntu/16.04/main/dists/xenial/InRelease: Signature by key 09D6EF97BFB38E916EF060E756A3DEF863961D39 uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1) [01:09] !info unrar [01:09] unrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:5.3.2-1 (xenial), package size 128 kB, installed size 325 kB [01:09] angel1604lts: that's not a mess [01:09] jmadero, I found it visually clean, and performance is generally not relevant on my current system. [01:10] jmadero, were I installing on a laptop, say, I'd go Openbox or dwm. [01:10] lordcirth: bodhi moksha :) [01:10] Ubuntu 14.04 meets Moksha/E17 [01:10] jmadero, enlightenment? Yeah it's nice. Maybe I should try it again. [01:11] jmadero, this is error [01:11] Moksha now - Jeff (founder of Bodhi) spun it off because E19 was a mess [01:11] nvm got the unrar, i had messed up my source.list file [01:11] you mean the bots just stopped on freenode [01:11] jmadero, 'W:' means warning, iirc [01:12] i have a logitech webcam that works in skype but not in an online app running in chrome (voice recordings don't work) [01:12] jmadero, good to know, thanks. Although, I remember thinking that Bodhi had the ugliest config of e17 I'd ever seen - perhaps it has changed. [01:13] lordcirth: who sticks with default configurations? :-b mine is heavily moded [01:13] angel1604lts: it's server side, nothing you can do to fix that [01:13] angel1604lts, that intel ppa, tons of post online how to fix that. . https://01.org/linuxgraphics/forum/graphics-installer-discussions/new-ubuntu-16.04-packages-use-unknown-key-again [01:13] or I'm wrong :) [01:13] Google has a similar issue and it's just server side, they need to resolve it [01:13] jmadero, but the default config of e17 itself was way better than bodhi, which was strange. [01:13] angel1604lts, using that repo breaks support [01:14] lordcirth: they have an easy way to use about a dozen different themes - a couple of them are pretty nice. My wife uses the japanese them, looks attractive [01:18] thanks OerHeks [01:21] Hmm, how do I install ubuntu-desktop from the command line from a live cd? [01:22] Hi all - I need to configure sane to specify black & white apparently.. but when I try to open sane to get access to the menus it just closes down right away? What now? [01:22] lpsmith: you have server version on the live cd? [01:22] The thing is I need to conserve bandwidth, so I don't want to download a bunch of things a second time, and it's a ZFS install so I can't use the automatic install [01:22] lpsmith: well a live cd everything is lost on reboot..... [01:22] jmadero, no unfortunately my DSL has been out for 4 weeks, and I'm burning through mobile data [01:22] no no [01:23] I have a new desktop === Guest64309 is now known as spammy [01:23] I want to install ubuntu desktop on that desktop [01:23] so I have a gui and everything [01:23] so go to a friends place and download the actual ubuntu iso and get it on a flash drive? [01:23] I have downloaded the Ubuntu 16.04 desktop live image [01:24] I've flashed it to USB [01:24] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [01:24] if there's no GUI then you probably got the server edition [01:24] that's not on the live image [01:24] Hey. I bought some bluetooth headphones, the problem is they are only playing in mono and in Sound settings only showing as mono. Could this possibly because i have the wrong bluetooth adapter, or does that not matter? [01:24] the ubuntu-desktop package is not on the live image [01:24] And no, I definitely have the desktop edition of the live cd [01:24] lpsmith: so you have a GUI? [01:24] yes [01:25] * jmadero is ultra confused [01:25] But I can't use the GUI to install because it's a ZFS filesystem [01:25] I just update to 4.4.0-38 kernel and now I'm at the terminal login instead of desktop login. Did my gui break? [01:25] from 3.19.x or so [01:25] oh now I'm getting there [01:25] and while I could simply apt-get install ubuntu-desktop via mobile data, I don't have the bandwidth available to do that without paying $$ [01:25] Tigerblood: model of bluetooth adapter and headphones? [01:27] does anyone have any experience connecting an android phone to ubuntu? [01:27] Hi folks - how to configure Xsane?? [01:27] knight_: connecting? remotely [01:28] jmadero: Do you know the command line command to find out the bluetooth adapter model? [01:28] I apparently have to switch it to black&white - how to do this.. when starting xsane it closes down immediatly.. [01:28] Hi, why is sudo better than su;password; ? [01:28] knight_ .... ssh [01:28] no usb [01:29] Tigerblood: this seems old but maybe something here: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1464241 [01:29] i have it connected and it shows in lusb but i cant connect it with anything [01:30] jmadero: ive tried that :\ [01:31] Tigerblood: how about this http://askubuntu.com/questions/203272/no-a2dp-streaming-audio-from-12-04-to-bluetooth-headset [01:32] How bad of an idea is it to upgrade the kernel on an LTS release? [01:32] Dreamsicle: there are risks - what does the new kernel give you that you want to risk it? [01:33] one could test mainline, for a reason. [01:33] Nothing yet, just asking in case there will be [01:34] wait 25 days for Yakkety with 4.8 [01:34] If I had to guess it would deal with Nvidia related things [01:36] when trying to open xsane I get an invalid argument fault window.. how to configure this? === dschulz is now known as kchz [01:38] brb [01:38] Dreamsicle: so I don't recommend upgrading just to upgrade, look at release notes and see if there's a real reason to do so === jerichowasahoax` is now known as jerichowasahoax [01:38] is the sun national security for the world ? [01:39] when I started using Linux 12 years ago I'd upgrade just for kicks and giggles, I've learned better :-b [01:39] jmadero if I had AMD I would have defintely upgraded [01:39] That 480 support would be have been great [01:40] But yeah I'll be fine, just wanted to understand the risks is all [01:40] you risk not being able to boot into the system :) [01:41] Well that's big :D [01:41] I'd definitely recommend backing up and separating home from root if you were going to do it ;) === kchz is now known as dschulz [01:48] ok, is there a relatively convenient way to install all packages on the live image, from the live image? [01:48] That would probably work too. === dschulz is now known as kchz [01:49] lpsmith: As the live system runs in ram, depends on how much ram you have in order to do that . [01:50] jmadero: Im going to pose the question to askubuntu, so when i wake up i have a good suprise (hopefully). Do you know how to get my bluetooth adapter model. - i cant find any infomation, other than the brand name from the thing itself. Mybe a command? [01:51] Bashing-om, no, I'm installing to a chroot [01:51] Also I have 64 GB of ram, so even if that was an issue, I have plenty [01:52] hello [01:52] I'm running the live image, and want to install all the packages on the live image to the hard disk [01:55] Hi? === Neotrans_ is now known as Neotrans [02:03] #silknetwork === jackmcbarn_ is now known as jackmcbarn === zel is now known as Guest16702 === Tempesta_ is now known as Tempesta === JanC_ is now known as JanC === lilstevie_ is now known as lilstevie [02:51] anyone ever noticed some null characters (^@) printed at boot? google.... I'm not sure what google-fu I need to use to search for "^@" but both it and duckduckgo seem not to be able to parse that I'm actually looking for results including the string === Guest14787 is now known as Madars === pp is now known as none === yanope is now known as yanome [03:12] hi friends [03:13] i need help ...hoe to customize my login desktop, using shell script [03:13] Naveen, why not use the gui to change it? [03:14] how? [03:14] Naveen, what version are you on? [03:15] Naveen, what version are you on? [03:16] Naveen, ? [03:16] ubuntu 14.04 [03:17] Naveen, you want to change the background, or more? [03:17] or more [03:18] Naveen, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/45315/how-to-change-the-ubuntu-linux-login-screen/ [03:19] thankyou glitchd [03:19] Naveen, np [03:20] navid1, the easiest way is to use ubuntu tweak sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa [03:20] sudo apt-get update [03:20] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak [03:20] what is mean np [03:20] np=no problem [03:20] well [03:20] np=no problem [03:20] Naveen, install ubuntu tweak [03:21] sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa [03:21] sudo apt-get update [03:21] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak [03:21] k.... [03:22] yeah....i am going on [03:22] waht does that mean? [03:24] now i going to do that === med_ is now known as Guest68174 [03:25] what is this http://paste.ubuntu.com/23227690/ here's the file ? [03:25] userdb.txt in my home directory [03:26] Naveen, ok [03:27] skweek: that shouldn't be in your home directory [03:28] you should be able to delete it [03:28] what is it? [03:28] google says that it's usually in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyew/plugins/ [03:28] oh [03:29] I was trying to google around for what it was... the first line of the file didn't pull up anything relevant or make any sense [03:29] peidt and sysreveal.com ...? [03:44] fri..i need help , how to run my shell script in login platform [03:44] /msg NickServ REGISTER [03:44] /msg NickServ SET HIDEMAIL ON [03:44] /msg NickServ IDENTIFY [03:44] Naveen, what are you trying to do? [03:44] the_truth_: probably you want less spaces before the / [03:45] How do I do a full update on my system to reinstall everything? [03:45] i will try to run my script on login page [03:45] I want to refresh it because I am having an issue with one app. [03:45] thank you [03:45] Naveen, why would you need to run a script on the login screen/ [03:45] ? [03:45] tti sudo apt-get upgrade [03:46] Motopmjg123 [03:46] ttti: What results ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ' ? [03:46] Motopmjg123 [03:46] 12345 [03:46] fuck [03:46] ha [03:46] first time sorry [03:46] Bashing-om, What do you mean? [03:46] Which one of those do I want? [03:47] all of them [03:47] Naveen, what script are you trying to run on the login screen? [03:47] Bashing-om, They all do nothing. === guardianL_ is now known as bunring [03:47] "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to removed.. [03:47] " [03:47] etc [03:47] That's not refreshing the system. [03:48] ttti, just reinstall? [03:48] ttti: what software are you having trouble with? [03:48] SchrodingersScat, Fruho. [03:48] I tried removing it completely and reinstalling it but it's not working. [03:48] Must be some issue with one of the config files. [03:48] ttti, did you purge it when you removed it? [03:48] ttti: that's why I'm thinking a complete system anything is maybe overkill [03:49] there using fswebcam [03:49] glitchd, I used Synaptic and hit Remove Completely [03:49] ttti, ok [03:49] ttti: "update" syncs your data base of packages with that of your miiror, "upgrade" does the actual package upgrades, and the -f .. is for "fix broken " . now if all return 0 0 0 0 then in all likely hood you have no package management problem . [03:50] Bashing-om, Because Fruho is not a typical package so it wouldn't be tested, right? [03:50] Naveen, http://askubuntu.com/questions/648412/run-script-at-login-screen [03:50] ttti: I would check in ~/.config or similar, you could also try find ~ -iname "*fruho*" #and see if anything comes up [03:51] What exactly will I type? [03:51] any one know how to use modbus? any one has taken sat/ielts/act? any one from usa/europe? [03:51] ttti: Quite possible, depending on how Fruho was installed, maybe the package manager is not aware of it . [03:52] Bashing-om, I looked on my disk for "fruho" [03:52] nothing is coming up. [03:52] I removed it "completely" using Synaptic. [03:52] But when I reinstall it it still doesn't work right. [03:53] ttti, maybe sudo apt-get autoremove? [03:53] how do i change my password if I just registered and identified? [03:53] ttti what errors is it giving you when you try to reinstall or use it again? [03:53] But it's not listed as one of the packages that will be removed if I hit Y. [03:53] glitchd, The GUI is not working properly. [03:54] glitchd, To such an extent that I can't even use the program. [03:54] ttti, open it from command line and take note of any errors it gives [03:54] the_truth_: /msg nickserv help set [03:56] glitchd, Here's the error: http://pastebin.com/rzrz7rvv [03:57] What seems to be the problem? [03:57] ttti, i have no idea [03:57] I e-mailed Fruho support with that error [03:57] ttti, i think youre missing something [03:58] glitchd, But I installed it using the installer [03:58] ttti, something that program needs to launch or execute [03:58] ttti: What are you compiling ?.. and why compile from source ? [03:58] they also have a github :^) [03:58] https://fruho.com/download [03:58] This here. I installed the 64-bit Linux Deb. [03:59] It was working just fine for many days until just an hour ago. I don't know what happened. [03:59] ttti, did you update or upgrade your system? [04:00] ttti, something obviously changed if it worked before [04:00] No. I updated it yesterday but it was working fine today and between the time it was working fine and not working fine, there were no updates. [04:00] ttti, have you tried rebooting? [04:00] Yes, I did reboot. [04:01] something changed.. [04:01] hey people i am new to ubuntu [04:01] Well, honestly, I was using Fruho just fine, then I disconnected and went to have dinner [04:02] then when I opened it up again to connect it was not working anymore.. [04:02] Any ideas? [04:03] When I rebooted the last time I had Fruho installed. I figured it would work fine when I opened it after rebooting, but no. [04:03] Now it's not installed and I'm going to reboot and then try reinstalling it. [04:03] ttti: find ~ -iname "*fruho*" [04:04] ah, I need to delete all those instances? [04:04] i just wanted t know if it left things behind, but that's up to you. [04:04] !manual | mvmohitverma54 : Good place to start . [04:04] mvmohitverma54 : Good place to start .: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ [04:05] for example: /home/ME/.fruho/fruho.ini [04:05] but when I browse to /.fruho I don't see that directory in the file browser [04:05] why is that? [04:05] ttti: that makes me think maybe it stores things in .fruhu. .directories are 'hidden' directories. [04:06] how to view hidden directories? [04:06] crtl+h [04:06] i probably need to remove everything. [04:06] ttti: in some file browsers, ctrl-h [04:06] somewhere in the menu as well probably [04:06] I see it now [04:06] I think removing this is going to fix it [04:07] probably.. [04:07] Yes! Success. [04:07] it's not supported software here anyway, afaik [04:08] SchrodingersScat, it's excellent software but there must be a rare bug that causes to happen what happened. === Tempesta_ is now known as Tempesta [04:08] ttti: now hopefully you won't immediately jump to an entire system reinstall first ;( [04:11] yes, good thinking. [04:11] a completely local problem. [04:11] control-h is a powerful thing to know. shows all the hidden files and directories. [04:13] hi I am a newbie here [04:13] what is this group for? :-) [04:13] hi Dubna_K42 [04:13] this is the ubuntu support group. how can we help you? [04:18] what should I do to have basic knowledge to be able to join the technical contributors' community? ;-) [04:19] Dubna_K42, what specifically do you want to contribute to? [04:20] hey if I download eclipse, does it come with jdk [04:20] i would strongly suggest you take a look here first and see what interests you. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu [04:20] Dubna_K42: Start here to build a reputatiuon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2260620&p=13206678#post13206678 . [04:21] ??? [04:21] capitao, i don't think you need to. [04:21] eclipse should have its own compiler built into the ide. [04:22] so if i get jGrasp, will i need to download jdk? [04:22] i am unfamilar with jgrasp. sorry. [04:22] okay [04:22] what about vim? [04:24] vim is just an editor. that is all. [04:24] does not include compilers. [04:26] yes but in order to compile, i will need jdk correct? [04:26] Is this WiFi chipset supported in Ubuntu? "Bus 001 Device 014: ID 0a5c:bd12 Broadcom Corp." [04:27] !bcm | TheNH813 [04:27] TheNH813: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [04:27] capitao, yes. [04:27] how do i download jdk [04:27] but it must be compiled separate to using vim. [04:27] jjust use sudo apt get [04:27] ya i know [04:28] u can do it from the terminal [04:28] yes [04:28] i used to compile from cmd when using windows, so i figured it was the same [04:29] capitao, use this command to install... [04:29] $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk [04:29] that should work for you. [04:30] so once i have it [04:30] how do i use it to copmpile [04:30] capitao, that is not a ubuntu question but rather a java specific question. [04:31] as i do not use java, i can't help you beyond how to install it. [04:31] okay well is there a java channel? [04:31] !alis | capitao [04:31] capitao: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http [04:32] tanks goiz [04:32] Iam learning Python , but it seems that it is useless in developing Ubuntu? [04:33] Dubna_K42, python is not useless. it's a powerful scripting language. [04:33] why would it be useless [04:33] it very handy [04:33] infact [04:33] ok [04:33] :-) [04:33] it would be most useful on a linux system [04:33] only as powerful/useless as you code it to be. [04:33] ^^exactly [04:33] Dubna_K42: Not at all .. python is one if the linux building blocks . [04:34] use a bare-bones linux system, and then use python to automate and string together certain tasks [04:37] so, as for complete newbie in the universe, what could be best if he wants to transform into a technical user, is he hardly knows anything about code but some basic Python structures? :-) [04:37] what does he want to do? [04:38] there is like 100000000000000 ways to learn python these days [04:38] this is the ubuntu support channel. please keep the topic on ubuntu. [04:38] if you want python support, head to its own support channel. [04:39] so does kubuntu come with everything ubuntu has? [04:39] capitao, lolz, no. [04:39] capitao, no. [04:39] capitao: they're the same repositories, so anything you can install in one can be installed in the other [04:39] what's the diff [04:40] capitao: the default installed programs are different tho [04:40] like what [04:40] differet standard apps, and more [04:40] capitao, kubuntu runs the kde desktop environment. [04:40] ya in know [04:40] but what else [04:40] kabunchew [04:40] as OerHeks says, different software selection. [04:41] i can install KDE over this garbage Cinnamon DE right? [04:41] yes. [04:41] if you install the kubuntu desktop package then it will become an option at the system login screen. [04:41] sudo apt-get-install the best DE ever creawted [04:42] where can i find that? === cmdshftn_ is now known as cmdshftn [04:42] but if you want the 'true' kde+ubuntu experience, then i recommend you try kubuntu. [04:42] ya but i just got set up here.......... [04:42] There is no single best, use what you like best. [04:43] $ sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [04:43] > it just twerks [04:43] it may drastically change your system though. so do your research first and be sure that is what you want to do. === ubuntu is now known as Guest96847 [04:44] * capitao just wants this to look pretty while also being functional [04:44] what about i3 [04:44] ? [04:45] will that do masive changes as well? [04:45] what you mean i3? [04:45] i3 wm [04:46] polling is so useless. [04:46] interrupts are better [04:46] you don't have to install kubuntu to use i3 wm. [04:47] * capitao screams into his screen [04:57] is there a specific channel for a question related to the Ubuntu subsystem within Windows 10? [04:57] !ubuwin [04:57] Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows. [04:57] copot: Unsure. But that's definitely a specialty issue. === anisha_swain is now known as anisha [04:58] ahh okay [04:59] great question though. i had never even thought about that until now. [04:59] I'm having an issue with shmget(), figured it most likely was specific to Ubuntu on Windows [05:01] Apparantly, the BCM4326 isn't supported in Ubuntu, or Linux for that matter. Can't find a single driver, even on Broadcom's site. They have the 4324 driver, but not the 4326 driver. [05:01] Anyone got advice? [05:02] Contact Broadcom? File a feature request for the Linux Kernel? [05:02] Anyone around who can help me get my audio card on my tablet working with ubuntu My audio card is bytcr-t5640 [05:02] yeah i'd say you're probably out of luck if there's no driver. [05:03] the_yes_man: Mkay. [05:03] Bray90820: Let me look that up. === copot is now known as psycho- === psycho- is now known as copot === copot is now known as fjert [05:04] TheNH813: https://github.com/burzumishi/linux-baytrail-flexx10/tree/master/sound [05:04] TheNH813, yeah it does suck. but from my previous experience (not with this specific chip) if there's no driver and it doesn't work out of the box, too bad! [05:05] otherwise, the linux kernel is pretty good at most h/ware and driver support and using generic ones for that matter. [05:06] It's a circuit board that has a USB header on it. Ripped it out of a printer. Apparantly, they use USB for the WiFi inside printers. The DEV ID shows up in lsusb, however, I guess Linux has no drivers for 5th generation low power broadcom chips. [05:06] Bray90820: Well, according to a bug report on Arch Linux, it's broke in Kernel 4.5. [05:07] I'm using Kernel 4.8 [05:07] Ah, ok. Let me check to see if it's patched. [05:08] On the older kernel it gives me dummy output with 4.8 it detects the card but no sound [05:08] Bray90820: What's the DEV ID, and what does DMESG say when it's found? [05:09] dmesg gives lots of errors idk what my id is [05:09] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33402675/Output.txt [05:10] I'l check that file, thanks. [05:11] There are repeated error codes for Baytrail Audio. [05:11] Mmhmm [05:12] 49.898071] bytcr_rt5640 bytcr_rt5640: invalid position: , pos = -22, buffer size = 203830, period size = 1199 [05:12] It appears it may be having trouble getting a buffer. [05:12] Well I have tried to play a bunch of times maybe it gives me an error every time I play an audio file [05:13] Possibly, but these errors occured 49 seconds into boot. [05:14] Did you use the kernel patches from that GitHub page? [05:15] not 100% which patches you're talking bout [05:16] https://github.com/burzumishi/linux-baytrail-flexx10/tree/master/kernel [05:17] I noticed in the kernel subfolder there's patches for the KErnel having to do with PulseAudio. [05:17] As well as ALSA [05:17] https://github.com/burzumishi/linux-baytrail-flexx10/tree/master/kernel/patches/v4.8 [05:18] This may require building a new kernel. [05:18] And applying some patches. Especially the ones referencing audio. [05:18] I have tried compiling that kernel but It can't find a folder [05:19] Well, you'd have to download the Kernel 4.8 sources if you haven't, and then apply the patches. [05:20] Using the patch command. If you're unfamilliar with that I'm not sure how to help as I'v never patched a kernel manually. [05:21] Unless it has some automated method to apply the patch. [05:21] There is an SH file in there that is suppose to do that for me but it can't find "/*patches/patches" I think was the folder [05:22] Let me look that up. [05:22] Kernel-get.sh [05:22] im trying to get a dell inspiron 1300 wifi working with lubuntu 16.04.1 with a BCM4318 airforce one 54g chipset, both pci and wl driver fail, no special syslog errors, anyone has a clue? [05:23] Bray90820: May be an error in the script. I'm trying to figure out what the script does. [05:23] TheNH813: "Patches/*.patch" is the folder that isn't found [05:23] !bcm | lotuspsychje [05:23] lotuspsychje: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [05:24] Bray90820: I think I got it. [05:24] TheNH813: tnx, but ive tested few drivers yet and cant get it to work [05:24] TheNH813: It also ays unable to locate package "kernel-headers" [05:25] *Says [05:25] Open the command terminal, and type "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install linux-headers" without the quotes. [05:26] lotuspsychje: Did you try the ones from the Broadcom site? [05:26] TheNH813: not yet [05:26] I'l link you to the correct one. Those should work. [05:27] TheNH813: ill try that next tnx [05:27] TheNH813: Package Linux-headers has no insulation candidate [05:27] morning EriC^^ [05:28] morning lotuspsychje [05:28] lotuspsychje: Is it PCI I'm assuming? [05:28] TheNH813: yes [05:28] Bray90820: is it diabetic? [05:28] :p [05:29] Haha [05:29] Bray90820: Type uname -r [05:29] Tell me the kernel version [05:29] 4.8.0 [05:29] 4.8.0-040800rc4-generic to be ecact [05:29] *Exact [05:30] Did you build the kernel, or is it a package? [05:30] lotuspsychje: Pastebin the output of "lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net" [05:30] I installed it from here [05:30] TheNH813: [05:31] What Ubuntu Version? [05:32] 16.04.1 [05:32] And, by here, do you mean you got the kernel from APT, or from a link on this IRC? [05:32] The link [05:33] Do you have the link? [05:33] TheNH813: cant pastebin as the dell is offline atm: [14e4:4318] rev 02, subsystem= dell wireless 1370 WLAN mini-PCI card [1028:0005] driver in use: wl [05:33] All the linux headers that it gives me are are for kernel 4.4 [05:34] lotuspsychje: That's all I need. Give me a minute, [05:34] 4.8.0-040800rc4-generic to be ecactOh my bad I thought I pasted the link [05:34] http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.8-rc4/ [05:34] TheNH813: great tnx [05:35] Bray90820: You on X86 or X64? [05:35] x64 but with 32bit uefi [05:36] Bray90820: Download the following packages: [05:36] http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.8-rc4/linux-headers-4.8.0-040800rc4_4.8.0-040800rc4.201608312129_all.deb [05:36] http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.8-rc4/linux-headers-4.8.0-040800rc4-generic_4.8.0-040800rc4.201608312129_amd64.deb [05:36] Then should i install them? [05:36] And install them both, starting wit the first link. [05:36] Yes. [05:37] lotuspsychje: Try this: "sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree" [05:37] good idea [05:38] It could just be missing firmware. The default driver should be able to handle it. [05:38] TheNH813: lemme connect to eth cable holdon [05:40] lotuspsychje: You'l need to unload and reload the drivers first. [05:40] With modprobe. [05:43] TheNH813: The second file gave me an error "Bad return status for module build on kernel: 4.8.0-040800rc4-generic (x86_64)" [05:43] TheNH813: yeah im uninstalling wl as it broke bc network card also === stevecam is now known as Guest2005 [05:48] Bray90820: lotuspsychje: Hey, sorry to cut this short, but I have some papers to finish for my IT courses. IF there's any important quick questions to ask, you could ask me now. I got about 5-10 more minutes. [05:49] TheNH813: Is the error something I can ignore? [05:49] No, that sounds like it failed to build. [05:49] You might wanna ask on the forums. [05:50] Alright [05:50] Thanks [05:50] If I do get it installed then could I try the SH Script again? [05:51] Yes. [05:51] Ok thanks [05:51] Will do what you suggested [05:51] TheNH813: it says linux-firmware-nonfree not found [05:52] TheNH813: should i enable other sources? [05:52] apt-cache doesnt show neither [05:53] ethernet working again after wl remove [05:53] !info linux-firmware-nonfree [05:53] Package linux-firmware-nonfree does not exist in xenial [05:54] !find firmware [05:54] Found: linux-firmware, alsa-firmware-loaders, atmel-firmware, dahdi-firmware-nonfree, firmware-b43-installer, firmware-b43legacy-installer, firmware-crystalhd, isight-firmware-tools, midisport-firmware, nouveau-firmware (and 15 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=firmware&searchon=names&suite=xenial§ion=all [05:56] lotuspsychje: Yes, enable other sources. Especially the ones containing the restricted extras [05:56] this switch to systemctl from upstart is a big royal PITA [05:56] TheNH813: its in lubuntu-restricted-extras then? [05:56] gah [05:57] Yes, that package would very likely contaian it. [05:57] cant get utorrent to start automatically anymore [05:57] TheNH813: ok mate tnx for help so far and have a nice day [05:57] Enable multiverse. [05:57] You're welcome. You have a great day as well. [06:02] TheNH813: seems like after reboot bcmwl-kernel-source was installed again, and braked my eth card to unclaimed again [06:03] TheNH813: so purging again now [06:03] lotuspsychje: "sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source". [06:03] Yes, do that. [06:06] yes! got it working === danny is now known as Guest14583 [06:10] Using incrontab with pdflatex, syslog tells me the command executed but the compiling doesn't happen. Any known ideas? === phaze75__ is now known as phaze75 [06:15] ner0x: your environment is very different in cron versus in a regular shell, that's a common source of problems. [06:30] ducasse: What problems typically occur? Or should I say, what does the difference in environments actually cause or do? [06:31] ner0x: programs not executing correctly or at all, etc. add logging to your job, so you can see what goes on. [06:33] ducasse: I did but still no luck. Is there a common fix to this? I've tried full paths, putting it in a bash script instead of inline. Confused at this point. [06:35] ner0x: you need to figure out exactly what fails, how do you log the output? [06:39] hi [06:43] ducasse: Well, I used logger to make sure the script was being executed. Is there a way for me to log the output of the actual command? I'm a bit rusty. I can lmgtfy if you give me what to search. Thanks! === Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner [06:45] ner0x: try this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7526971/how-to-redirect-both-stdout-and-stderr-to-a-file [06:58] So anyone know why randomly php5-fpm creates duplicate pools? === Guest69128 is now known as Sparklyballs [07:01] ducasse: See, I'm doing that, nothing is created. syslog says the command executed but still nothing. [07:02] ner0x: is there any output from the command when you run it in a shell? [07:06] ducasse: Yeah, it works just fine when I run the script normally. Logs it to the logfile as well. [07:07] ner0x: sounds like the command isn't getting executed at all, are you using full paths? [07:14] Hi. I am installing Ubuntu, but I have 2 drives I want to use. I want to have my HDD for all my data, so I figure I would put its mount point as /home. I want all my programs and such to be on my SSD, so I would just tell the installer to go there, without a mount point. [07:14] Is this the correct way to do that? [07:14] Malvarose: yes, use the ssd as / [07:14] Malvarose: you have to set the mountpoint to "/" and filesystem to ext4 [07:15] Awesome, thanks guys :) === jaywink2 is now known as jaywink [07:29] beer beer i like beer [07:29] I LIKE BEER [07:29] IT MAKES ME A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW [07:29] !beer [07:31] !beer [07:31] !drugs [07:31] Some topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct [07:31] !idiot [07:31] !troll [07:31] Uh. === gianni is now known as Guest41548 === whuffor is now known as shivers [07:32] Polarcraft: Uh. [07:32] You sound like my mom [07:32] do you have a vagina? [07:32] DrunkIrishSailor, and you sound like an idiot lmao. [07:33] i just need it [07:33] the pussy [07:33] you got some? [07:34] !sex [07:34] !dongs [07:34] !penis [07:34] !ops [07:34] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu [07:34] DrunkIrishSailor: how about you stop that please, thanks. [07:36] Flannel: or what? [07:36] lolz [07:37] k got drunk :d [07:37] a g33k [07:37] damn, my keyboard really needs a replacemnt [07:37] 10+ years and starts playing with me [07:39] ducasse: I'm not. I did int he past. Let me try it again with full paths. === erwin is now known as easyOnMe [07:42] I have issues with updating my ubuntu 16.1 [07:43] easyOnMe: what issues? [07:43] whenever the auto software updater pops up and I clicked install it won't install and complains about checking internet connection which I find absurd as I am able to chat now here [07:44] and what is ubuntu 16.1 [07:44] I have been having this issue since last night [07:44] I tried what I can so I ended up here as I have no other alternatives [07:45] so... ubuntu 16.10? [07:47] easyOnMe: 16.04.1 or 16.10? [07:48] ducasse: http://pastebin.com/HfASC7Xt [07:49] 16.10 [07:49] !+1 | easyOnMe [07:49] !ubuntu+1 | easyOnMe [07:49] easyOnMe: Yakkety Yak is the codename for Ubuntu 16.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 [07:50] how can i set usb modem to 3g on|y? [07:55] easyOnMe: are the messages in that paste from the same machine? because they are from 16.04. [08:05] ducasse: Yep, full paths still don't generate any actual execution. Man, this is odd. I have it exactly like the examples and nothing. [08:06] ner0x: full paths to what? [08:13] EriC^^: pdflatex and the file I plan on processing. [08:13] ner0x: must be a pdflatex issue [08:14] ner0x: try pdflatex <(cat /path/to/file) [08:14] nevermind === cigumo_ is now known as cigumo [08:15] maybe you have to use some argument before the filename [08:16] ner0x: what command are you running? === Gi0_ is now known as Gi0 === Guest34207 is now known as ronron2 [08:26] ducasse: yes they are [08:27] I think I have 16.04 ubuntu though [08:27] bonjour [08:29] j'ai un problème depuis une mise à jour d'ubuntu écran noir, qq peut m'aider svp ? [08:30] Hellodie: try #ubuntu-fr for francophone support :) [08:31] ok thank you [08:32] ner0x: sorry, afk. can you pastebin the cron job line and the script so i can look at them? === sysop is now known as sysop2 [08:38] ducasse: http://pastebin.com/xNmn4Y3c [08:39] hi [08:39] hi [08:39] i installed opera 40 to ubuntu 16.04 [08:39] but i cant view flash contents [08:40] firefox was showing flash contents but not opera [08:40] how can i fix that? [08:40] it shows Get Adobe Flash Player icon on site always [08:40] install flash plugin [08:42] thinky: try sudo add-apt-repository multiverse && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin [08:43] thx EriC^^ [08:43] thinky: no problem [08:45] hey all :) [08:45] I am thinking of buying a small motherboard with an already soldered CPU like a N3150. [08:46] I find some threads on the internet that these CPU's are not well supported by linux in general (I wanna install ubuntu server on it 14.04). Is this true or can I simply install it like any other machine? [08:47] PCdude: show mashine config [08:48] DM_: what do u mean? I did not bought it yet, so cant show anything or have specific problems with it. U wanna know what all the parts in the machine will be? [08:50] PCdude that's more for #ubuntu-offtopic [08:50] MonkeyDust: np, switching to there rn [08:51] PCdude: I havnt any problem in ubuntu installations. Was problem with some RAID controller. [08:51] DM_: u have such a processor like the N3150? I am in #ubuntu-offtopic now [08:57] ducasse: can you still help me with the issues I encountered [09:06] Hello. [09:07] So, I have a problem in apt-get update. [09:08] repos [09:08] chek [09:08] or server [09:08] how to check? [09:08] change sarver [09:09] and see [09:09] mm... the problem is just one of the repo, docker to be exact. [09:09] apt-get update upgrade [09:10] . not in command [09:11] where, if not in command? [09:11] open teriman sudo su pass [09:11] root [09:11] and see [09:11] terminal === ubuntumate is now known as newjx [09:12] aprt-get update apt-get upgrade [09:12] apt-get update [09:12] no change. [09:13] do not use sudo su [09:13] yes. just apt-get update, right? [09:13] sudo apt-get update [09:13] why need to sudo if I am in root? [09:14] how are you root ? [09:14] the root account is locked [09:15] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23228461/ [09:15] Oh, I am not? the command started with # instead of $, that's what I learned. [09:15] :) [09:15] fione [09:16] I am wrong, huh. sorry ikonia. [09:16] no need for sorry [09:16] thats why we are here, to help [09:16] so, the problem started when I added a repo for docker. [09:17] fione: what is the actual problem [09:17] I cannot update docker's repo? [09:17] Hi, what is the best way to get the latest updates for mozilla firefox and thunderbird? is Ubuntuzilla faster than the ubuntu repo's in terms of having the latest updates and security updates that have been tested? [09:17] what do you mean cannot update [09:17] I cannot update docker's repo. [09:18] fione: yes, what do you mean by that [09:18] Bitnova: just wait for the udpates to come from the official ubuntu repos [09:18] sudo apt-get update returns connectionrefused for docker. [09:18] Bitnova: they are well maintained [09:18] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23228435/ [09:18] fione: some me the error in a pastebin [09:18] line 3 [09:19] fione: ok - so that is the dockerprojects repo, and it's rejecting connections [09:19] ikonia, okay, but i read that ubuntuzilla is faster in releasing tested updates. isnt that true you think? [09:19] fione: you need to talk to that repo maintainer and ask him why [09:19] Bitnova: I think ubuntuzilla is a joke [09:19] and I advise you not to use it [09:19] but it's up to you [09:19] Okay. so the problem is not at apt-get update huh. thanks ikonia, dreaman. [09:20] oh okay. ikonia what about the ppa for mozilla? why do they even have that if ubuntu official repos have their own? [09:20] Bitnova: what is the problem with the ubuntu releases ? [09:20] fione: it's that repo [09:21] no nothing ikonia i just want to know if i really am getting the latest on time, or another repo is faster in releasing stable and tested updates. [09:21] Bitnova: I think you're making a problem where one doesn't exist [09:21] the lag on firefox release to the ubuntu repos is normally very small [09:21] and it's done "properly" tested and integrated [09:22] why rush a few hours for a bodge job from someone else ? [09:23] fione: looking at that repo in a browser, it's up and fully available [09:26] Hi I have installed ubuntu 16.04 in asus notebook, I observed an issue with touchpad FTE1001:00 0B05:0101, doesnot have touchpad option in mouse and touchpad setting please help me with it [09:29] Hi I have installed ubuntu 16.04 in asus notebook, I observed an issue with touchpad FTE1001:00 0B05:0101, doesnot have touchpad option in mouse and touchpad setting i am unable to use features like 2 finger scroll [09:29] tree123: asus model? [09:29] r558u [09:33] hello all please help me to install nvida card driver ubuntu 16.4.1 amd my card NVIDIA Corporation GF117M [GeForce 610M/710M/810M/820M / GT 620M/625M/630M/720M] (rev a1) [09:34] please help me to install nvida card driver ubuntu 16.4.1 amd my card NVIDIA Corporation GF117M [GeForce 610M/710M/810M/820M / GT 620M/625M/630M/720M] (rev a1) [09:35] any one help me ? [09:35] !patience | akam [09:35] akam: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [09:36] https://google.com helps a lot too [09:36] ikonia, I have another question. [09:36] im asking but not answre [09:37] akam: you're waiting less than 60 before expecting an answer [09:37] is it possible to remove application that was installed using tar xzf, when the installation directory has been deleted? [09:37] hi [09:37] https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2337982 [09:37] ? [09:37] answre [09:37] plz [09:38] akam: no, sorry - if you're using the forums, wait for the forums to answer [09:38] Hi, I installed win10 first, and then ubuntu, I can't boot to windows now. how can I fix it? update-grub didn't work [09:39] atralheaven: During the install u get an option how u wanna install ubuntu. what did u choose there? [09:39] atralheaven: define can't boot windows [09:39] whay mr iko im very busy plz helping [09:39] atralheaven, there is no other option in grub? [09:39] e [09:39] if I remembered right there is windows boot manager in mine as one of the option. [09:39] did you even check on the problem or just counting on some stranger to solve it for you? [09:39] fione: after update-grub, yes, before it, there was, but it didn't work [09:40] cmon guys be nice, just point him to the dual boot manual [09:40] i meant akam [09:40] lets not let ubuntu turn into fedora :) [09:40] DrManhattan: please - don't rubbish other distros [09:40] never used thank god [09:40] any one help me plz [09:40] so far he's not even said what the problem is [09:40] :( [09:40] akam: stop asking - ask your question and wait for a response [09:40] Hi I have installed ubuntu 16.04 in asus notebook, I observed an issue with touchpad FTE1001:00 0B05:0101, doesnot have touchpad option in mouse and touchpad setting i am unable to use features like 2 finger scroll [09:40] akam, you cant expect people do stuf for you [09:40] akam: your expectation of a support time is unrealistic [09:41] show us the ways you tried so far [09:41] well I've done this dual boot installation many times, as long as windows was first, I had no problem [09:41] so, atralheaven, have you chosen that option anyway? [09:41] -_- [09:41] after updating grub I mean. [09:42] akam, did you even try? or just assuming someone does it for you? [09:42] fione: sorry, which option? [09:42] atralheaven: could you explain the actual problem [09:42] windows boot manager. [09:43] :9* [09:43] I first installed windows 10, then I installed ubuntu, I thought grub would recognize windows too, but it didn't. I can't boot to windows now [09:43] Hi I have installed ubuntu 16.04 in asus notebook, I observed an issue with touchpad FTE1001:00 0B05:0101, doesnot have touchpad option in mouse and touchpad setting i am unable to use features like 2 finger scroll, can anyone help me looking into this issue [09:43] atralheaven: pastebin the output of sudo parted -l [09:44] atralheaven: so is the problem that you are actually missing the windows boot item from grub [09:44] not that you can't boot it - it's just missing from the grub menu [09:45] EriC^^: http://hastebin.com/afoxiqibid.sql [09:45] ikonia: yes, that's it [09:45] tree123: main problem that this is additional things. i think that you need a specifik driver for this === sir is now known as andywork [09:50] I have problem. I can't install .net framework on wine 1.9.19 and I'm using winetricks with it. My ubuntu version is 16.04 and when installing through winetricks, it gives me error that mono does not appear to be installed. [09:50] @DM_: The issue is registerd here but has not proceeded https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/1587913 [09:50] Launchpad bug 1587913 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 16.04 Two finger scrolling/multitouch not working" [Low,Incomplete] [09:51] atralheaven: try sudo update-grub [09:52] EriC^^: I did, it just removed the option for booting windows, which didn't work when it was present [09:53] atralheaven: try ls /sys/firmware/efi [09:54] does it show a bunch of dirs? [09:54] EriC^^: it doesn't exist [09:55] atralheaven: aha [09:55] that means you're booted in legacy mode [09:56] atralheaven: please pastebin /etc/fstab and sudo blkid [09:57] can you still file bufgs against 14.04? [09:57] ChetManly: sure [09:58] ok [09:59] ep2 [10:01] EriC^^: http://hastebin.com/abasusogep.http [10:03] atralheaven: ok, type sudo mkdir /boot/efi [10:04] atralheaven: which ubuntu version is this? [10:07] Guten tag good ppl ;-9 [10:07] Hello everyone, how to view the package version [10:08] cent: apt-cache policy * [10:08] EriC^^: thank you [10:09] cent: no problem [10:09] EriC^^: 16.04 [10:09] yes [10:10] atralheaven: ok, done? [10:10] EriC^^: yes [10:10] I have problem. I can't install .net framework on wine 1.9.19 and I'm using winetricks with it. My ubuntu version is 16.04 and when installing through winetricks, it gives me error that mono does not appear to be installed. [10:10] atralheaven: ok type sudo nano /etc/fstab and add the following line at the bottom [10:10] /clear/clear [10:11] shit :-) [10:11] UUID= 2C4F-363C /boot/efi vfat umask=0077 0 1 [10:11] SomethisGER: wouldn't you use /flush for that? j/k [10:12] EriC^^: done [10:12] ok im hacked and dont know if i can do anything before my linux arrives [10:12] EriC^^: on irssi here ... [10:12] atralheaven: try sudo mount -a [10:12] can anyone help me with root kits on OS X? [10:12] SomethisGER: j/k .. sh*t .. flush.. you know :) [10:12] EriC^^: he he [10:13] EriC^^: my terminal just went crazy on me :-) [10:13] :) [10:13] my terminal wont let me remove a drive [10:13] EriC^^: I get this error: mount: /etc/fstab: parse error: ignore entry at line 14. [10:13] internal drive that is loaded with spyware etc [10:14] atralheaven: please pastebin /etc/fstab [10:14] atralheaven: oh, i had a typo [10:14] it should be [10:14] i see all these gray files i know its a server they installed [10:14] i cant delete them [10:14] UUID=2C4F-363C /boot/efi vfat umask=0077 0 1 [10:14] without the space after UUID= [10:15] anyone interested in working out the kinks in a Win8 Ubuntu-usb-HDD dual boot installation? [10:15] now all the ttrolls hacking me are in this chat room. shows on [10:15] help me someone [10:16] after looking at endless guides i've managed to get dual boot working, but only when the USB drive is plugged in.. so does this mean I need to try to install grub2 to the Win8 MBR? [10:16] EriC^^: it was just that space, sudo mount -a works now :) [10:17] hey I've noticed there are a few MTA's in the repos... I need one that a) just relays to an external smtp server, never actually delivers the message itself b) is a drop-in replacement for the 'sendmail' command ... and I know you're thinking OH! postfix! :P but also... c) will only allow certain processes (e.g. /usr/local/bin/myapp that calls 'sendmail') to send through it and perhaps custom rules when it does (e [10:17] .g. what 'from' address to use)... any ideas? [10:17] atralheaven: ok, great :) [10:17] atralheaven: try now sudo apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64{,-bin,-signed} grub2-common grub-common [10:18] EriC^^: may I ask what does umask=0077 mean here? I've worked with this file to add a /data partition, I think I didn't see that in pages that I read to find out what should I do === mehdi is now known as mehdip2007 [10:18] Hi good morning [10:18] atralheaven: i think it sets the dirs permissions to 770 [10:19] in 16.04 they started putting it for the efi, without root i can't list the files in /boot/efi anymore [10:19] hi guys , how can i detect my iPhone via windows guest on a virtualbox 5.1.2 ? i also installed the extension pack [10:19] Hi good morningserver configuration in Ubuntu 16.4? [10:19] atralheaven: * 700 [10:19] and I said: noooo, don't cum in my ass, you'll make me pregnant! And I was like, omfg and she was like omg too and I told her that Betty dindu nuffin. TRIGGERED! TRIGGER ALERT! === zel is now known as Guest95378 [10:20] Lol, my keyboard turns crazy XD [10:20] rkadrano: LOL! [10:20] or, how can I move this: {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi <-- to my Win Partition? [10:21] EriC^^: why not just doing it with chmod? is this needed only for this partition? [10:21] sophia7, sure.. It's writing things with sense!!! incredible! [10:21] EriC^^: I installed them, is it finished now? [10:21] kk bai lol [10:22] some one have knoment about IRC configuratio? [10:22] atralheaven: yeah since fat32 doesn't have permissions so the umask is needed [10:23] it's a "fake permissions" [10:23] atralheaven: yes try now to reboot and see if ubuntu loads, make sure in the bios uefi is enabled and legacy is disabled [10:24] EriC^^: with NTFS its ok right? because I would add /data partition later [10:24] ntfs is the same it also needs umask for permissions [10:24] EriC^^: with every problem we learn something new! that's what I like with linux problems! === raj` is now known as raj [10:25] EriC^^: but it worked with a chown on /data directiry, I think [10:25] EriC^^: or maybe with chown and chmod after it [10:25] yeah but if you unmount and mount it again they will disappear [10:26] EriC^^: that never happened! so I didn't have this problem. what number should the /data partition have for the umaske? [10:27] it depends how you want it mounted, umask is like the inverse of chmod, it takes away permissions [10:28] EriC^^: /data is for my files, I kept home only for configs, so the main user needs to have access in all forms to that partition [10:29] Does anyone know how to cancel selecting text in nano? [10:30] (ctrl + a to start selection but neither ESC nor ctrl+c will cancel this mode) [10:30] (sorry, alt+a to start selecting text in nano) [10:34] atralheaven: use umask=000 [10:36] EriC^^: thanks :) I'm going to reboot now and see if I can boot to windows [10:36] atralheaven: no problem :) ok [10:36] <__mummy__> when wine tells me a directory is not owned by me when i try to run it with sudo... how do I fix that? [10:39] vices: what's up? [10:41] Sorry, don't know if I already posted this (experimenting with my terminal window) [10:41] Does anyone know how to cancel selecting text in nano? (alt + a to start selection but neither ESC nor ctrl+c will cancel this mode) [10:44] I am having the following problem in ubuntu [10:44] http://askubuntu.com/questions/797128/lvmetad-is-not-active-yet-using-direct-activation-during-sysinit-on-boot [10:44] anybody an idea how to solve this? [10:49] SomethisGER: well, press Alt-a again. =) [10:53] nimms: Duh, that worked :-) [10:53] nimms: Thank you for solving this hard problem [10:58] my console (Ctrl+alt+f1) shows ubuntu loading screen. how can I fix this? thanks [11:04] hi [11:04] gave up centos/rhel, ubuntu is obviously better at desktop [11:05] crazyadm: glad u saw the light ;) [11:05] jk [11:05] crazyadm centos and rhel are more for big buiness and enterprise, so work sations and servervs, but should be fine enough for desktops to [11:07] ducasse: Sorry about that, my internet cut for a bit. Did you happen to say anything while I was away? [11:07] in installation part, i cannot delete previously setup lvm [11:07] the - is grey out === [0xAA] is now known as Zer0Pings [11:08] SebthreeBQM10HD, ur right [11:09] but during installation, i was trying to delelte old partition table with lvm [11:09] the minus sign is grey out [11:10] http://askubuntu.com/questions/797128/lvmetad-is-not-active-yet-using-direct-activation-during-sysinit-on-boot [11:10] anyone an idea on that one? [11:11] so i cannot create my own lvm [11:12] crazyadm: have you tried to disable the lvm volume vgroup at install time? [11:13] crazyadm: vgchange -a n vg [11:14] crazyadm: i'm not sure why it would be activated automatically without query [11:19] is there any problem if I disable swap and then delete the partition and alocate its space to /home? [11:19] I have 8 gb of ram [11:25] installation failed at grub install [11:26] varaindemian: for normal usage no but hibernate needs the swap partition if i remember right [11:27] Hey everyone [11:28] I have this problem with an usb-bootstick, that really starts to fuck me up [11:28] !language [11:28] The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList === damk- is now known as damk [11:29] installation failed at grub install [11:29] sorry... a friend of mine managed to break his laptops harddrive, by letting it fall form a table [11:30] now i am trying to get ubuntu start on it to figure out if anything else is broken [11:30] I got an usb-stick with ubuntu on it [11:30] i copied the 16.04 iso on it using standard dd-command [11:30] in gparted i can see the boot flag is set [11:31] but whenever I try to boot it, I get the massege that "isolinux.bin is missing" [11:31] when i try to start it on my desktop, it boots perfectly [11:31] anyone any idea what i can check? [11:32] on the laptop i enabled legacy boot and disabled all that fast-boot stuff [11:33] sherlockhomeless: did you tell the laptop to boot from the usb drive instead of the hard drive? [11:33] yes, i switched the boot order and also started boot-manager [11:35] why am i auto joining this channel [11:37] hi [11:40] hi [11:41] maiko: hi [11:49] When starting up my PC I get the following error: [11:49] Lvmetad is not active yet, using direct activation during sysinit [11:49] Volume group "ubuntu-vg" not found [11:49] Cannot process volume group ubuntu-vg [11:49] How can I solve this? [11:49] More info: http://askubuntu.com/questions/797128/lvmetad-is-not-active-yet-using-direct-activation-during-sysinit-on-boot [11:50] guys really need your help: i want to c make it offontrol power of usb usb ports in ubuntu i tried suspending it with command line but usb power is still on i want to make it of so i can of usb bulb with it please help :) [11:51] guys really need your help: i want to control power of usb ports in ubuntu i tried suspending it with command line but usb power is still on i want to make it off so i can off usb light bulb with it please help :) [11:53] yo [11:53] hey guys [11:53] how can i check from CLI if a network manager is messing with my interfaces? i lose configuration afterm inutes of applying with ip addr/ifconfig or by /etc/network/interfaces [11:53] hey gays [11:54] please respond to my query i really need help [11:55] first of all hello [11:55] i cant my make script to run at startup [11:55] how can i do this ? [11:55] In almost every country we have a LoCo team channel, you can join #ubuntu- to jump into that channel and start talking with people near you [11:56] !loco [11:56] Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at http://loco.ubuntu.com/ [11:56] join #ubuntu-tr [11:56] join ubuntu-tr [11:57] join #ubuntu-3166-2 [11:58] tugay it's /join ... with a forward slash [11:58] ok i managed it thanks [11:59] hi. [12:01] I need help again? I am currently trying to install printer Epson L310. So far, I found https://github.com/endlessm/epson-inkjet-printer/commit/de11892dbbde4a1d31ca317433e53dba9eab9900 for the recommended driver. [12:01] I don't know what to do now? [12:03] computer is suspend usb still working liubuntu 14.04 how to close usb power [12:03] computer is suspend usb still working in ubuntu 14.04 how to close usb power [12:03] !patience | arann [12:03] arann: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [12:05] fione: i entered "epson l310 ubuntu" into google and got this reply back http://tutorialforlinux.com/2016/02/07/how-to-install-epson-l300l310l312-printer-driver-software-utility-on-ubuntu-linux/ [12:05] www.epson.eu/support?productID=15802#faq_search [12:06] is there a direct link to freenode #ubuntu somewhere in the installation? [12:07] mm... I see. akik. so, I've used dpkg -i instead of gdebi for those two files. should I redo it using gdebi? [12:07] Hiyas all [12:07] fione: no if they installed ok [12:09] fione: did you follow that guide and ran into some error? paste the error in http://pastebin.com/ === Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0 [12:09] not yet. I've installed those two files before I go here. I just installed them without knowing what they do like in the tutorial though. [12:11] sudo apt-get install gdebi sudo gdebi ~/Downloads/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr*.deb [12:12] sudo gdebi ~/Downloads/epson-printer-utility*.deb [12:12] that should do the job [12:12] dpkg does the same as gdebi [12:14] Hmm. printing is successful. [12:14] though I don't know if the quality of the printer is this low or not. [12:15] EriC^^ any idea how to move grub2 to the win8 mbr? [12:15] currently the grub files are on the USB HDD, and if it's not plugged in then I get the grub bash shell [12:16] vices: win8 and ubuntu are on an ext hdd, and without the usb you get grub rescue? [12:17] @vices copy the grub files in to local hdd then boot up on dos or from other command line cd-usb os and place them in the disk you want too after you mount it! [12:17] EriC^^ win8 is on the SSD (Surface pro 2) and ubuntu is on the ext HDD, and without USB i get the grub prompt (doesn't seem to be grub rescue though) [12:17] vices: what usb? [12:17] you mean the ext hdd? [12:18] sorry, yes [12:18] MMan, trying to work out what you said ^^; [12:18] oh, you'd need to have the separate /boot on the ssd [12:18] so c:/boot and just copy the files over? [12:18] vices: are you using uefi? [12:18] EriC^^ yeah [12:19] i had to do the bcdedit command [12:19] no, you need to make a separate /boot partition on the ssd, and have ubuntu use it as its /boot [12:19] grub gets installed in /boot and all its modules and stuff go there too [12:19] ah haa [12:19] are you sure its uefi not legacy? [12:20] EriC^^ pretty sure [12:20] ok [12:21] so I should resize the ssd partition, and then? [12:21] make a ~1gb /boot [12:21] yeah [12:22] ubuntu won't work without the ssd anymore btw [12:22] without the ssd? [12:22] you mean if the size changes? [12:22] no i mean if you plug ubuntu into another pc it won't boot [12:23] ah that's okay, disappointing but okay [12:23] if you dont mind pressing extra buttons [12:23] you could always have the uefi boot window's efi file (right now it's booting ubuntu's grub efi) === a3gis is now known as frostara [12:23] yeah how would I do that? === frostara is now known as frostarea [12:24] that way you could boot windows using its bootloader, and switch the uefi to boot grub when you plug the usb [12:24] depends on your laptop [12:24] yeah that's preferable to losing the 1gb of space (only 128gb ssd) [12:24] on some if you press esc while it's booting you can get a runtime boot options and choose the efi entry you want [12:25] it's a surface pro 2 [12:26] the uefi options are.. spartatn [12:26] spartan === ejat_ is now known as ejat [12:26] here's a pic someone took of them: http://www.followtechnology.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/DSCN0910.jpg [12:27] any other menu? === isp__ is now known as isp_ [12:28] no but.. [12:28] if i hold shift when i restart it takes me to some.. [12:28] options like this [12:28] http://www.hardreset.info/media/resetinfo/2015/282/0ecc30bdba0c4c1c9e4cbadc7f9eed94/microsoft-surface-pro-4.jpg [12:30] vices: hmm [12:30] vices: if you put the efi partition on ubuntu, you could (possibly) tell windows to boot it in bcdedit [12:30] EriC^^ booting into windows and holding shift while restarting just to boot ubuntu is.. kind of.. unacceptable [12:30] and when it doesn't find it it would fallback to using its bootloader as the second entry maybe [12:31] EriC^^ yeah i did this: bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi [12:31] but it doesn't fall back when it doesn't find it.. it just goes to grub2 bash [12:31] since the ubuntu efi is on the windows efi right now, it'll always find it, and then it'll fall to a grub prompt when it can't find /boot [12:31] yeah cause it finds grub now always since its on the same efi partition [12:31] maybe if you make a separate efi on the usb hdd it will fallback to the windows one [12:32] the main issue people have is that without bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi windows tends to skip the ubuntu bootloader [12:33] yeah [12:34] can you set 2 bootloaders in bcdedit? as a list? [12:35] SO uefi bios/boot partition uses integration with os? (Then you build a intepended uefi/bios partition who actualy mount entire disk image to boot from and rebuilds it self with the shut down process) hard to be done or just imposibble ? [12:36] vices: apparently you can, https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff541231(v=vs.85).aspx [12:36] EriC^^: you can create new ntldr boot entries with bcdedit [12:38] EriC^^ thanks, reading that now [12:38] Should I update to the latest kernel 4.7.5? I am running Ubuntu 16.04 kernel 4.4 [12:39] hello. I already read a bit about TTY and starting X via "startx -- :#". this works fine but what I want is slightly different. when I turn on the PC, I like to press CTRL+ALT+F5 and have another login screen already as a GUI. like in KDE but working in Xubuntu ;) how do I do that? [12:41] spmething lik partition magic boot dos boot loader gui screen ? [12:41] something... [12:42] Hi! [12:42] bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path c:\windows\system32\winload.efi <-- is this going to restore the MBR correctly? [12:43] anyone using linux on phone android? [12:43] another XServer / lightdm on another TTY, MMan. Starting with the GUI login instead of text based login. [12:44] I am sorry Mike, i have ages to do something like this :( [12:45] vices, the easiest way to fix mbr is to run from a recovery dvd / harddrive and run bootrec /fixmbr and bootrec /fixboot [12:46] vices, that should restore your MBR and bootloader for you [12:46] LeMike: you could experiment with running "startx -- :1" from the console. it starts another xorg session [12:46] Zteam: yeah but.. running bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi <-- is so easy, isn't there an equally easy option to set it back to whatever the default is? [12:48] Yee, akik. But then I am logged in once again. Can I start X and see the login screen? === scottt is now known as Guest10578 [12:49] vices, I don't really know, but if windows is working on that machine right now, you could try to use EasyBCD to fix such things I think [12:50] vices: by default i think it would be \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi [12:50] LeMike: you would probably need to start anohter lightdm/sddm [12:52] hi [12:56] conky manager not in the repo? === MMan_ is now known as MMan [12:56] LeMike: i found this syntax of stackexchange: startx gnome-session -- :1 vt8 [12:56] on stackexchange [12:57] i'm using ubuntu 12.04 with vagrant, and it tries to read /etc/os-release which doesn't exist. When did this file start getting distributed? Is it weird for me to create one myself? [12:57] So I have built a new computer but now then I tried too boot from my existing Ubuntu 16.04 installation I just get a black screen, I can't use a TTY, recovery mode or anything. the machine has a Nivida Geforce 980 GTX card, if I go into recovery mode or something I just get a messy flickering, booting from my Ubuntu 16.04 pendrive just give me flicering as well [12:58] I have the official Nvidia driver from a previus card installed right now [12:58] Zteam: have u tried removing the GPU and restarting? of course not what u want, but at least we know its the GPU in that case [12:59] nedbat, in 16.04 here it's in a package called base-files. I can pastebin you mine to edit if you'd like. [12:59] lordcirth: i have the content I would use (it was submitted in a bug report to me), i'm just trying to understand the timelines here. I was surprised it wasn't in 12.04, and it felt odd to just create one myself. [13:00] nedbat, do you have an /etc/lsb-release? [13:00] lordcirth: yes [13:00] nedbat, but yeah I see no harm in creating it, provided you make it correctly. [13:00] dist-upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04.1 and I'm now w/out wireless nor X, locked out -- help ? [13:01] lordcirth: this is the content if you are interested, looks fine to me: https://github.com/edx/configuration/issues/3385#issue-177651181 [13:01] lordcirth: does 12.04 pre-date os-release files, or is there some other reason i don't have it? === SWAT_ is now known as SWAT [13:01] wlan0 results RF-killed but Fn keys do not work so RF kill doesn't switch [13:02] PCdude, no I have not, but, I did see an error related to the Nvidia driver so I'm pretty sure it is just a driver problem, also my symptoms definetly matches similair issues with the Ubuntu and Nvidia cards [13:02] damn. nothing happens akik :/ I guess I need to put this at startup or so [13:03] nedbat, looks ok, though mine has some extra lines you might not need: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23229163/ [13:03] nedbat, and I'm not sure, it's been a long time since I used 12.04. [13:04] lordcirth: thanks for the help [13:04] may I have an answer? [13:04] ever? [13:04] PCdude, I could probably just unplug my Nvidia card and try to apply a driver update, with my built in card and then try to reinstall my Nvidia card, but I'm quite suprised I running into these issues at all [13:04] !patience | ChetManly [13:04] ChetManly: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [13:04] LeMike: this could give you some pointers https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX [13:04] ChetManly, conky is in xenial repos [13:05] Zteam: exactly, what I was thinking. for sure not pretty, but might work [13:05] manager! [13:05] !info conky [13:05] conky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10.1-3 (xenial), package size 3 kB, installed size 26 kB [13:05] ChetManly, what's the manager? a GUI config thing for it? [13:05] yes sir [13:06] !find conky [13:06] Found: conky, conky-all, conky-all-dbg, conky-cli, conky-cli-dbg [13:06] ChetManly, where's the fun in that? :P jk https://launchpad.net/~teejee2008/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [13:06] Zteam: I dont think I am the best guy to help u with this and besides I have to go now, but will be back in a couple of hours. Good luck! [13:06] ChetManly there's this http://conkygui.sourceforge.net/ [13:07] ChetManly, this seems to be the author's PPA, it has 16.04 packages of conky-manager. [13:07] lordcirth: I know but I cannot find good how tos without the manager [13:08] ChetManly, I am detecting that you haven't actually asked your real question. What do you actually want here? [13:08] PCdude, thanks man [13:08] I made one by hand some time ago, but they have newer neater designs that I think would be beyond my scope [13:09] ChetManly, you want a guide to configuring conky manually? [13:10] a good one yes [13:11] its all installed already and I can show the thing and figure out how to set on boot or start or whatever [13:11] ChetManly, ok, I will look. You should ask your real question to begin with, you know. [13:12] are the circular "gauges" something to do with lua? [13:13] ChetManly, I think so, yes. I haven't used conky since they were added though. [13:13] lordcirth: so someone could go !info conky? :) [13:13] Thanks akik . I'll read this now ;) [13:14] ChetManly, people did that because you were asking about packages, not configs [13:14] If you ask the wrong question, you get the wrong answer. [13:14] I was asking that question at first thou I just didnt have the manager installed [13:15] in on 14.04 still [13:15] ChetManly, Is this useful? http://conky.sourceforge.net/documentation.html [13:17] cannot seem to connect to the wiki [13:18] gtg tc... see ya later! [13:18] ChetManly, me either [13:18] ChetManly, for good samples, there is also https://www.reddit.com/r/conkyporn [13:19] hello [13:19] Mahmoud_, hi [13:19] I'm getting errors on starting X on a laptop (system76) - it worked fine with 14.04, ideas on how to fix ? [13:20] strk, have you looked in Xorg.0.log? [13:21] hi, i have a strange thing since 16.04, if i do an apt-get update, everything works without errors. Then install misc package, i fails finding the deb file. Then if i rm /var/lib/lists/apt/* and /var/lib/lists/apt/partial/*, apt-get update again and then install : it works [13:21] s/i/it [13:22] lordcirth: no (EE) record in there [13:22] eolien, that is strange. Are you sure it's "no such file or directory" and not, say, checksum failed? [13:22] Hey guys [13:22] but running X prints on console: (EE) Server terminated with error (1). Closing log file.i/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log [13:22] truncated/mungled like that [13:23] ok, redirecting stderr to a file becomes clearer [13:23] parse_vt_settings: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (No such file or directory) [13:23] lordcirth: i'm sure, err getting .deb file, no checksum error, then if i go to the url, then it is the wrong version, so firefox couldnt get the package manually. If i look up in web directories, i find the last version [13:24] sounds like a permission [13:24] eolien, what sort of wrong version? Is it perhaps trying to download for a different Ubuntu release or something? [13:26] lordcirth: let me paste you something just a min [13:28] ok, steps forward: starting lightdm shows me that X actually can work [13:28] only it refuses to start a session for my user [13:29] strk, well, that's useful to know [13:29] strk, refuses how? [13:29] it says "Failed to start session" [13:30] maybe due to this: CRITICAL **: session_get_login1_session_id: assertion 'session != NULL' failed [13:30] it thinks there's another session active ? [13:31] dank memes cant melt steel beams tbh [13:32] lordcirth: http://sprunge.us/JWdN [13:32] didnt wait to finish, but here's the problem [13:33] any user behaves the same [13:33] eolien, why are you downloading from debian-nightly repos? [13:33] eolien, all of your errors are coming from your custom qgis.org repo [13:34] lordcirth: that's not the problem [13:34] go down === Mahmoud_ is now known as mahmoudredsea [13:34] lordcirth: so, no user can login via lightdm, but it's ok from console [13:34] i rm files, then it works === mahmoudredsea is now known as who-am-i === francesco is now known as Guest41948 [13:36] eolien, could you please pastebin it again in English? export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 and run again. [13:37] lordcirth: so now, after reboot, it does boot into lightdm, but for every user I get a "Failed to start session" message [13:37] same for "Guest Session" ? [13:37] ^?^! [13:39] there, figured [13:39] the session was configured to launch LXDE, but LXDE evidently isnt installed [13:39] changing to an installed session fixes the login (sounds like something that could be handled better by the software, not even trying to start what's not available) [13:43] nvidia x server settings lost on reboot ~/.nvidia-settings-rc ? [13:46] LeMike: another option that came to my mind is using Xnest to connect to the local lightdm. it will open the new xorg session in a new window [13:46] LeMike: for this you need to change the -nolisten tcp to -listen tcp === Fuchs_ is now known as Fuchs [13:49] hello, can someone help me? i can barter for service [13:50] sad [13:50] or not [13:50] also, it will be good karma for you, and i'm not too dumb [13:51] next: libreoffice -- /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libicuuc.so.52: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [13:51] hello [13:51] ideas ? (libreoffice calc doesn't start) [13:51] hey, can you help me? or are you looking for help yourself? [13:51] i can [13:52] !ask | workshop [13:52] workshop: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [13:52] i can't boot gnome*, locked out. (cryptswap) [13:52] it's in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libicuuc.so.52 [13:52] tried using live disc to reset some permissions but obv didnt work [13:52] hey thanks ubottu [13:53] but it is not in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu [13:53] OK, sorry, let me start over, sorr everyone, and thank you. [13:53] I have a question [13:54] can someone answer me [13:54] it seems to be a 32bit vs. 64bit compatibility layer, could it be ? [13:54] !ask can't boot gnome, locked out (cryptswap)....tried resetting some permissions using live disc but obviously that is not the way to go, would truly appreciate some help [13:54] workshop: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:54] Okay thank you robot, Youre still polite anyway. [13:54] actually, for some reason libreaoffice looks for libicuuc 52 but only 55 is available [13:56] -> http://strk.kbt.io/tmp/deps [13:56] why is no one answering me [13:56] perhaps if you ask your actual question ............................. ? [13:57] because, "!patience" i hope [13:57] after I install ubuntu and do updates I can't load it anymore [13:57] which is not asking a lot, all things considered [13:57] it shows black screen after reboot [13:58] genuine, maybe graphics driver? [13:58] I have amd 2 gb [13:58] radeon [13:58] distro? [13:58] 16.04 [13:58] does ubuntu keep older kernels ? [13:59] kk4ewt, yes [13:59] it uses the default kernel [13:59] after update I don't know what it uses [13:59] it won't let me start [13:59] kk4ewt, in the grub menu you can choose older kernels, if you haven't autoremoved them [14:00] genuine, have you tried switching to a tty? [14:00] lordcirth, how many by default ? [14:00] what is tty [14:00] kk4ewt, I'm not sure. I think all until you autoremove. [14:00] so how do i unlock my cryptswap or whatever? i dont even have a crypt swap that i know of. my system is just like, locked [14:00] genuine, a virtual terminal. Press Ctrl-Alt-F2. [14:00] lke cant write to locked files, so cant boot [14:00] when === stiv is now known as Guest29082 [14:01] I have NAS with NFS server. I'm running a script and it uses cp --preserve when copying from local hdd to nas over NFS. I get "Operation not permitted" output from cp and script fails. I cannot edit the script. Is there a way to configure nfs to "allow" chmods? [14:01] workshop, cryptswap is handled in /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab [14:01] using ubuntu 16.04 and nfs-common client [14:01] thank you lordcirth, that sounds like a lead.... === Guest29082 is now known as stiv [14:01] otto, are you sure it allows you to cp files without special permissions? [14:01] lordcirth should i just like, reset permissions? [14:02] workshop, permissions on what, sorry? [14:02] otto your user on your local box and the user on the nfs server have the same uid? [14:02] let me check [14:02] nope [14:02] bingo [14:03] otto, nope to my question or kk4ewt ? [14:03] lordcirth cant boot gnome because something about crypt swap.... i dont have a partitioned crypt swap though. i was installing apps and updated. [14:03] nope for kk4ewt [14:03] workshop, pastebin the full error message, please. Don't paraphrase. [14:03] Is something wrong with ubuntu 16.04 apt-get? I've updated a chroot image from 14.04 to 16.04 through do-release-update, now apt cannot resolve to any ubuntu archives, while ping and nslookup has no problem [14:03] otto, well, that would do it then. [14:04] okay i'll have to go pen and paper status then and it'll take me a while. thanks. i can pay you if you can actually help me. lordcirth [14:04] workshop, I will not be here in a few minutes, but I'm sure someone else will be able to help given a clear error message. [14:04] lordcirth, local user id 1000 and on nas 1021, do I need to edit user ids or is there option for fstab line to set uid, somehow? [14:04] k, spanks [14:05] otto, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/nfs-how-to-align-uid-gid-4175519504-print/ [14:10] i dont even know how to copy and past my boot errors. [14:10] do I have to install something from guest additions cd to make full screen in buntu guest? [14:10] vbox [14:10] i remember though boot would just freeze on 'starting system job' dev-mapper-cryptswap1.device [14:11] someone [14:11] ubuntu must use grub? [14:11] can it use other boot loader instead? [14:11] grub is giving me problems [14:11] i used uh.... [14:11] Lilo [14:11] for a while [14:12] for boot [14:12] Lilo ;) [14:12] lol, right? [14:12] is that my answer too? [14:12] can i use lilo when install? [14:12] i actually use lilo on one of my vintage 486 systems to bootstrap debian !! [14:13] is lilo what centos use? [14:13] I didnt remember doing this ubuntu oses just windows [14:13] you can use lilo with ubuntu lol [14:13] the visuals are fresh af, but im a retrogamer and weirdo so [14:13] im unsure why [14:13] 486 should run dos [14:13] "loading linux........................" lolz [14:14] how do i make it lilo when install [14:14] i really dislike grub [14:14] crazyadm [14:14] it's buggy [14:14] get synaptic package manager [14:14] sudo apt-get install synaptic [14:14] crazyadm: This might give you some info about lilo http://askubuntu.com/questions/135426/what-is-lilo-and-its-uses [14:14] then get lilo package [14:14] AND FOLLOW THE SCRIPTS [14:15] dont half-butt it [14:15] i can't even boot into the new installation of ubuntu [14:15] because of failing grub [14:15] hmm full screen [14:15] neato [14:15] crazyadm lilo will help u if you install it right [14:16] how do i install wrong [14:16] by not running the commands in terminal it tells you to at the end [14:16] its like two commands [14:16] is there a chance to install wrong? im installing with server iso [14:17] server iso...? like, netboot? server install? [14:17] yes server install [14:17] You'll be okay, i can help you [14:17] But like, disclaimer; i'm just another user [14:17] it's same as ubuntu desktop if i install ubuntu-desktop to it? [14:17] lordcirth, I believe I wasn't able to graps what I should do :) [14:18] crazyadm its just a boot thing. like grub [14:18] i mean server iso + ubuntu-desktop = ubuntu-desktop.iso? [14:19] crazyadm that i cant help you with..... why not just install off USB? [14:19] it's vm [14:19] vmware workstation [14:19] oh, dunno dude [14:19] sorry mate [14:20] ubuntu installation seems unreliable, it always fails [14:20] or halt [14:20] lordcirth, nevermind, I got it, idmapping was disabled by default in ubuntu 16.04 nfs-common [14:20] crazyadm, you sure its not vmware [14:22] it failed at grub again... [14:22] lordcirth you still there mate [14:22] thanks kk4ewt also for the help :) [14:23] now what do i do [14:23] i opened etc/crypttab and etc/fstab in text editor but dont know where to go from here. !ask [14:26] i've crashed and started over so many times lately, i just want to cry. [14:26] i'm so tired of it. [14:26] i'm learning a lot in the process....but it's painful [14:28] otto i am new to ubuntu but i have using linux since rhl4.2 and fedora since, and i have used nfs for years and that is the most common error [14:28] im in rescue mode [14:28] how do i install lilo instead of stupid piece of grub [14:29] really hate grub [14:29] crazyadm, time for you to get in the 21st century [14:29] crazyadm PM me, i can help you install lilo. beyond that, i dunno. and i'm not a technician. but i can get you through that [14:29] kk4ewt, I've used different distros since 1990s and nfs or 10 years and it took me this long to actually realize this error :) [14:30] 21st keeps failing to install [14:30] grub is buggy === shivers__ is now known as shivers [14:31] kk4ewt, in term of perforamnce, I use nfsv4 32kb buffers, async and auto fstab options... any other options for stab line that might improve performance of nfs? my nas that is running NFS server is the bottleneck of my setup...internal NAS write speeds are 100MB/s, but over nfs absolute maximum 60MB/s and CPU and IO hit 100%. [14:31] I remember what it was (my problem).............I was installing updates, and cryptsetup configuration came up, i must have hit the wrong thing [14:32] so if anyone can unlock me out of my system [14:32] I'll pay you and shower you with affection [14:32] i'll just stay logged on for a while [14:33] there is no lilo too [14:33] in rescue mode [14:33] Nvm android selinux was messing with me [14:33] crazyadm is it connected to internet? [14:34] if so just run the dang diddly root terminal sudo apt install lilo [14:34] then it will tell you to run two scripts at the end of install, do that. [14:34] then reboot [14:34] i think so [14:35] i seen alot people has grub problem [14:35] i did at first.... and prob will again [14:36] http://superuser.com/questions/845630/ubuntu-server-14-04-lts-grub-fails-to-install-on-a-vm [14:37] Hello, anyone know where are NFS logfile ? I have a problem with my NFS server (every config is ok but I can't see my stuff) and I'm looking for the logfile... [14:40] so, really? no one knows just off hand how to fix this cryptsetup/cryptswap lock thing? [14:42] dang [14:42] do i just delete C:/ ? [14:43] hello world === Hex is now known as Guest85640 [14:43] hey Hex [14:43] workshop, so you are running ubuntu in win10? [14:43] hey workshop [14:43] whaaaaaaaaaaaat [14:44] my nick name is changed [14:44] kk4ewt nah, "Do i just delete C:/ ?" was my attempt at humor, thought maybe itd win me some points [14:47] https://youtu.be/GaM62WECUaU [14:47] workshop, If you are Windows 10. You can rm -rf it now [14:47] crazyadm theres your tutorial mate ^ === yaiyan is now known as Yaiyan [14:48] as they say, i have to have /boot / and swap [14:48] so i'm retrying [14:48] i'm on gnome and locked out siva_machina [14:49] because cryptsetup did some bs [14:50] weekend is too short [14:50] have to work tommorow [14:50] still need to do pressure test on load-balanced web server with php [14:51] just delete c:/ dude [14:51] and then watch hackers === dwsr_ is now known as dwsr [14:53] hello, ubuntu hangs at boot screen on a dedicated server, anyone can help in private or something? [14:54] somehow, haproxy+varnish+nginx+php+mysql+redis+memcached, is not as good as nginx+php+mysql+redis+memcached [14:54] performance wise [14:55] https://youtu.be/Rn2cf_wJ4f4 === me is now known as Guest22171 [14:57] so you dont need curl and lm-sensors and such for conky anymore? [14:59] buenas a todos....hace mucho que no entro en IRC [14:59] sabeis si hay canales de especializados en Informática, sistemas? [15:02] alguien me podría indicar alguna sala que hablen sobre estos temas? [15:03] seems to be working without them [15:04] !es | apofis [15:04] apofis: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [15:04] holaaaa [15:04] sup [15:04] sorry ....thanks [15:04] ekaitz [15:05] can you unlock me back into gnome? cryptswap screwed me. ive deleted C:/ and watched Hackers with matthew lilard but nothing yet [15:06] siii [15:10] hi [15:11] hi [15:12] dm [15:12] you use ubuntu?? [15:14] anyone willing to make a conversation?? [15:14] !offtopic | Cruelplatypus67, this channel is for ubuntu support, for small talk and chit-chat try #ubuntu-offtopic after !register[ing] [15:14] Cruelplatypus67, this channel is for ubuntu support, for small talk and chit-chat try #ubuntu-offtopic after !register[ing]: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [15:14] yeah sup [15:15] i'm trying to get help but *shrug* [15:15] if anyone can direct me to a good place to get paid help, even, thatd work [15:17] workshop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto3#Manual_Mounting_and_Unmounting ? [15:17] hey, thanks for the lead. truly appreciate it, hope i havent been too much of a bother this morning [15:17] Will check out [15:17] <3 [15:18] workshop: are you working off a liveusb? [15:19] workshop: I would think you would need to watch up to at least Hackers 2: Antitrust before being able to debug crypt problems. [15:23] SchrodingersScat [15:23] SchrodingersScat [15:23] SchrodingersScat GOOD CALL [15:23] whoops on the x3 [15:23] I LIKE THE CUT OF YOUR JIB [15:23] and yes i'm on live boot gnome usb [15:23] thanks for taking interest [15:24] hi. i see multiple cards in `ls /proc/asound/card*/` output (and multiple selections in alsamixer), but only one in `pacmd list-cards` (the wrong one - my hdmi port). can someone suggest how to force my sound to the correct card? [15:24] workshop: I don't have much experience though, if my FDE fails I'll probably just pull from backups ;( [15:25] workshop, try #flood === william is now known as Guest56086 [15:27] Vi skal ikke si noe til Ubuntu [15:27] hey thanks guys [15:27] !swe | Guest56086 [15:27] Hi all! [15:28] !ops [15:28] zteam: hi [15:28] Did Justin Bieber see selena gomez naked? [15:28] I recently bought a new computer, but now then I booted up Ubuntu I hear a constant clicking sound from my built-in soundcard motherboard [15:28] Why do you ask [15:29] !guidelines | congtitfooo, this channel is for #ubuntu support, and that question's probably not welcome in #u-o either. [15:29] congtitfooo, this channel is for #ubuntu support, and that question's probably not welcome in #u-o either.: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [15:29] which I can't seem to get rid of === zephyrus is now known as Guest52877 === Guest52877 is now known as zephconn [15:29] Did Justin Bieber see selena gomez naked? [15:29] !ops | SchrodingersScat [15:31] congtitfooo, #justinbieber [15:31] congtitfooo, we know you love him. [15:31] can a network connection configuration set proxy settings as well? [15:32] I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 with this motherboard http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=5808#ov [15:32] SchrodingersScat [15:32] SchrodingersScat [15:32] SchrodingersScat you on often? [15:33] workshop: quite a bit. If you hang around though and ask your question on one line occasionally then someone knowledgeable about it will likely be active at some point. [15:34] Nice. === rain is now known as Guest9527 [15:34] If i can ever actually get up and running, i'd love to become more active in the community [15:35] But i get closer each time [15:35] not sure what your actual errors were, you may want to prep a pastebin, etc. [15:36] For sure, where can i see my boot errors? [15:37] especially since, ya know... it doesnt boot. [15:37] i guess i could write it by hand === anddam_ is now known as anddam [15:37] hi === andrea is now known as Guest37690 [15:37] thatd be super nerdy and time consuming [15:38] workshop: it's someplace in logs [15:38] i'm a dog [15:38] ....k [15:38] there's /var/log/boot.log, but if the crypted partition isn't mounting...would that be touched? [15:38] I figure systemd nowadays, so maybe journalctl [15:38] sigh [15:38] Thanks guize [15:38] Guest37690: no you're not === silentbob is now known as Guest10428 [15:39] hey all I'm having a bit of an issue trying to install AMD catalyst control center on ubuntu 14.04 [15:40] it says that it's missing version.lh in the linux headers but they are installed also I'm noticing a lot of xenial software when I try to upgrade even though I'm on 14.04 [15:40] I was suggested to install linux-generic [15:40] but when I do that I'm unable to boot [15:40] I've already reinstalled 3 times [15:41] hi [15:42] hi [15:42] so, dang, this room must just be hit-and-runners filtering in and out all day of people who deleted C:/ [15:43] hi [15:44] join /clojure-spec [15:44] przemek: fail [15:44] I'm following this guide: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2243387 but I'm having trouble installing both the depencies and the graphics driver [15:45] Guest10428, uh [15:46] Guest10428, newer distros supports newer kernels -- which means improved video support [15:46] that justin bieber kid must be starting to memorize jokes from captain billy's wiz-bang [15:47] for some reason I can't install the proprietary graphics drivers of AMD on a xenial system because they've removed it or something? [15:47] so I wanted to try it out with a 14.04 system for sgminer mining [15:47] Guest10428, there's the amd site which has a linux download link but i'm not familiar with crimson [15:48] Guest10428, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMD_Radeon_Software_Crimson [15:48] thanks gtxbb I'll have a look [15:50] so why do printers work out of the box in Ubuntu? What magic is this? [15:51] Hello ? [15:52] Hi,could you help me ? [15:52] Phryq: some work better than others. My landlord's lexmark is unpossible. [15:52] !ask | MrBlank [15:52] MrBlank: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [15:52] getting an error "configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables [15:53] is there anyway to fix that? [15:53] sure [15:53] good morning all === nightfury is now known as Guest14567 [15:53] you installed gcc-c++? === Guest12150 is now known as IdleOne [15:53] good evening [15:53] good night [15:53] crazyadm dont think so. its a new install of ubuntu [15:53] Ok,so I want to install ubuntu 14 to an supermicro server and when i am done to install it's just doesn t boot in,it stays adding 800...k to swap priority 1 and then something wioth Watchdog hardlock on cpu #6 or another number [15:54] Can anyone help me ? [15:54] crazyadm sudo apt-get install gcc-c++ should fix it then? [15:54] you can try [15:54] k i will. thanks [15:54] that didnt work [15:56] install build-essential [15:56] No one can help me :( ? [15:56] k [15:57] %n NightFury [16:00] no one ? [16:02] oh, was directing me to #flood supposed to be a funny? My bad, sincerely, if i messed up the rhythm [16:03] Anyone know of either an imagehost website that allows custom domains or a self-hosted solution(software) that allows short URLs like imgur? [16:09] good morning everyone [16:17] sarek, no but i know a script for a site like that you can host urself or throw on a free host [16:17] cool sunstar . whats that [16:17] I just did a fresh install of 16.04 on my new laptop(other one) but can not login and get a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+F1 also [16:18] I read that the problem is related to nvidia drivers [16:18] but I can not get any terminals at the moment [16:23] ?? [16:26] sunstar ? [16:27] sarek, sorry turns out its not in my collection and i dont remember the name so i went hunting it down whch is proving harder than expected [16:27] ok [16:27] np [16:27] login problem with my new zbook [16:27] hi i have problem with some videos in opera browser [16:27] for example http://www.mojevideo.sk/video/28629/ktora_gulocka_bude_prva_v_cieli.html [16:27] in chrome it works ok [16:27] in mozilla it work ok as well [16:32] I just did a fresh install of 16.04 but I can not login or get a command line to fix the problem [16:32] it seems that there is a problem related to the nvidia drivers [16:32] sarek, sorry im unable to find the exact one. theres tons of Image Sharing Scripts out there [16:33] is anyone reading my messages, it has been some time since I used IRC [16:34] utabak i read you [16:34] utabak, so you cant log in.. what is it doing / what do you see? [16:34] ok thx [16:34] first... you can't lgin session or terminal toot? [16:34] @sunstar: I get to the login screen fine [16:34] @sunstar: then I type the password and accepted then freezes [16:35] @sunstar: If I try to get a command line then freezes again [16:35] utabak... Ok, it acept your pass but don't load session.. isn't it? [16:35] @rkadrano: yes [16:36] and when you try to nter via terminal seem problm? [16:36] @rkadrano: if I type password, I freeze where I am graphically [16:36] @rkadrano: I can not get a terminal, I am getting a black screen and freezes [16:36] utabak, do you try to enter in restor mode? in terminal mode? [16:37] @rkadrano: that is the situation now [16:37] @rkadrano: you mean recovery mode [16:38] oh! ok.... It's the first time that this issue appear? [16:38] @rkadrano: yes, it is my first touch with 16.04 on my new laptop [16:39] ok, what model of laptop do you have? and chipset? [16:39] @rkadrano: it also hanged on when I wanted to restart after the installation is complete [16:39] @rkadrano: hp zbook studio g3 [16:40] meaby this question seems stupid... but, do you remove DVD or storage with the UBUNTU boot? [16:40] ok, let me check it ;) [16:40] @rkadrano: let me see the exact numbers [16:41] @rkadrano: I7-6700HQ [16:41] utabak, maybe you need to disable/blacklist nouveau [16:42] @gtxbb: I am not sure what the problem is [16:42] utabak, (try doing this by using init=/bin/bash to the boot line -- to force using a rescue shell) [16:42] is it possible to ssh into the local linux machine? i tried localhost as the host and also i get a connection refused [16:42] utabak, nouveau driver might still be active, it can conflict with the nvidia driver [16:42] @gtxbb: I can not get a terminal at the moment [16:42] utabak, so you need to find a way to disable/blacklist it [16:42] gtxbb: hmm, ok, I see [16:43] utabak, i explained you can get to a rescue shell -- but it'll take a bit of effort to append a kernel boot-line change on the grub boot menu [16:43] @tonyt, Are you executing a SSH server? [16:43] no. just using a ssh client called securecrt [16:43] gtxxb: ok [16:44] utabak, you should already have alternative boot-options with grub already with 'rescue' [16:44] utabak, (By default) [16:44] @tonyt, If you are not executing a SSH server it wont work [16:44] @gtxbb: ok, I am trying to read about that at the moment on the other screen [16:44] @tonyt You can try OpenSSH server [16:44] so i have to isntall a ssh server then theoceaniscool? [16:44] @tonyt, yes [16:44] k ill give that a shot theoceaniscool. thanks [16:45] utabak, can you insert the UBUNTU DVD or stick Installer and try to us it on live? [16:45] @gtxbb: let me reboot and get into the boot-options once more then I will ask once more [16:45] @rkadrano: hmm, ok, I will perform the necessary changes there on then? [16:46] @gtxbb: let me get to the boot-options first === BenderRodriguez is now known as Foxhoundz [16:47] utabak, we gonna try the UBUNTU environment via DVD, if it works maybe we need enter in the BIOS or change boot parameters [16:47] @rkadrano, no dvd on the laptop ;-), I have a bootable flash [16:48] ok ;) I'm older, you know hahahahaha [16:48] @gtxbb: it also makes a very loud sound until it comes to the graphical login page === tims_techlaptop is now known as tims_tech [16:49] @utabak, Can you describe the noise? [16:49] @theoceaniscool: it is very loud booming noise [16:50] @theoceaniscool: well, how can I describe a sound, btw ;-) [16:50] utabak, how does the sound go? chuck chuk screech poof poof poof? [16:50] utabak, or just click poof? [16:50] theoceaniscool, Him laptop can't load desktop after login, it turns freeze [16:50] utabak, or maybe clickatee clickatee whisp whips wickles [16:51] @gtxbb: no, it is a continous sound of low frequency that is what I can tell [16:51] @rkdrano, Fresh install? [16:51] utabak, what kernel edition are you using? [16:51] utabak, ./distro release (14.04?) [16:51] theoceaniscool, sure, he told that... [16:51] gtxbb: whatever 16.04 LTS is using [16:51] @rkdrano, Sorry I think I joined after that [16:51] @gtxbb: I am not sure at the moment [16:51] utabak, that could be a sound from the video chip [16:52] Hello! [16:52] theoceaniscool, no problem dude ;) we are community ;) [16:52] gtxbb: could be I just wanted to mention it [16:52] utabak, or one of the on-board things from the motherboard [16:52] utabak, do you get screen tearing? [16:52] @gtxbb: no, not at all [16:53] anyone know the command to make nano the defualt editor? [16:53] I wanted to play Warcraft 3: The frozen throne via lan with my friend. We both run linuxes (i use ubuntu he uses manjaro). But we dont see each other in game, but we are in the same hamachi network [16:53] @gtxbb, I just hear the sound and see the ubuntu title and that is all up to the login screen [16:53] https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=3126 - they say to set a default gateway to fix this [16:53] tonyt, seriously??? use VI... VI rules dude! [16:53] can anyone tell me how to do this? [16:54] utabak, i don't think you researched anything i told you about [16:54] utabak, for that I am out [16:54] tonyt, EDITOR=nano with root user [16:54] @gtxbb: by the way, if I try to restart from the login screen, again I get a freeze :-( [16:54] @tonyt, `export EDITOR=nano` [16:54] @tonyt you can also change it in .bashrc [16:54] @gtxbb: that is what I am reading now [16:55] @tonyt or wathever shell you are using [16:55] theoceaniscool, you type faster than me XD [16:55] @gtxbb: getting a secure shell [16:55] @gtxbb: but I could not get to the bios for some reason at my first try [16:56] I never even mentioned about "bios" [16:56] utabak, try 1- change the UEFI boot option to legacy boot option [16:56] 2- change the Hybrid Graphics option to Discrete Graphics option [16:56] * gtxbb ignores utabak [16:56] @gtxbb: so sad :( [16:56] rkadrano, you help him [16:57] @rkadrano: ok, let me see [16:57] gtxbb, i'll try... [16:57] @gtxbb: or her ;-) [16:57] utabak, Bazinga [16:57] ! [16:57] LOL [16:58] utabak, 5 seconds to leave the ignore form him... or her [16:58] @rkadrano: restart and freeze again, now powering off [16:58] @rkadrano: ?? [16:58] utabak, ok... try to run live Flash UBUNTU [16:59] utabak, when it load select the TRY IT option. [17:00] I don't know how is in english, my installation is spanish XD utabak [17:00] @rkadrano: Ok I am in [17:00] @rkadrano: let me go to the boot-options [17:00] utabak, ok [17:01] @rkadrano, shall I also look at secure boot options, or do you want me to try the live installation to get a shell [17:01] thanks theoceaniscool. that worked [17:01] guys [17:01] how to route to my local network on ubuntu 16.04? [17:02] @rkadrano, ok I see the boot options [17:02] @nokozsko, thats the broadcast adress [17:02] yeah, but i need it to fix lan problems on wine [17:03] utabak, When you are running the UBUNTU Flash or DVD installer, you'll see two option first. TRY or install. [17:03] theoceaniscool, do u know how to do this? Will it break my network settings? [17:04] @nokozsko, I don't understand what you call local network [17:04] nokoszko, yes that will break your lan [17:05] utabak, and? [17:05] @rkadrano, missing the bios entry every time [17:06] @nokoszko, unless you have touched some routing table, any package without a specific destination should go to your gateway (your router) [17:06] what!? utabak [17:06] theoceaniscool, kk4ewt well, https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=3126 it says to route that ip to my local network, so I could see other players on lan [17:06] @rkadrano ok I got it this time [17:06] @rkadrano: got to the try selection [17:06] I mean, we are in the same hamachi network and it works in other games, but doesnt for WC3 [17:07] @nokoszko, You should have a default gateway already [17:07] utabak, cheers! thats correct [17:07] @nokozsko, open ports? [17:07] @rkadrano: yes, ta da, black screen [17:07] theoceaniscool, i think they are already opened - i dont have a router, I use a cable modem [17:08] @rkadrano: hangs on the black screen [17:08] hello every body [17:08] Ok, we gonna wait for a pair of minutes, ok? [17:08] nokoszko, means you have 2 computers on the network and one of those is the broadcast address so no you will be able have anyone else on the network but your one machine [17:08] @rkadrano: ok, strange enough, I can not try it even [17:08] To join a channel type: /JOIN #hellow to all...!! i am new to ubuntu...i am facing brightness and double clicking on touchpad issues? any would be very appriciated [17:08] utabak, Ok, we gonna wait for a pair of minutes, ok [17:08] would do [17:09] @rkadrano: ok [17:09] kk4ewt, so it does apply to hamachi as well? [17:09] utabak, give me time to learn about your BIOS. Could ou please give me your Graphic card model? [17:10] nokoszko, it applies to ip networks [17:10] hellp [17:10] heeeeeeeeelp [17:10] Salah, no [17:10] intell graphics hd 4000 [17:10] why no [17:10] kk4ewt, well, then do you have any idea how to make wc3 lan work on hamachi? [17:10] @rkadrano: still waiting [17:10] !ask |s Salah [17:10] s Salah: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [17:11] Salah, no one here is a mind reader [17:12] utabak, ok... enought, it crash.. Why? I don't know, but I help you. Could you please give me your Grapic card model? [17:12] kk4ewt, https://www.winehq.org/wwn/62 can you look at network broadcast issues? Isn't that outdated? [17:12] i cant change letters from capptial or small [17:12] nokoszko: how many other programs do you have working over hamachi? [17:12] @rkadrano: sure let me check [17:12] well mostly games, but at least 4-5 work [17:12] Hi there, I just installed a new version of vim on my ubuntu 15.04 but I was wondering if I can pass configuration flags to the install line, does anyone know? [17:12] @Salah, Do you mean CapsLock does not work? [17:12] @rkadrano: thx [17:13] akik, at least 4-5 games work [17:13] @just-now, search ".vimrc" [17:13] nokoszko: so it's not the hamachi connection that is not working, but wc3? [17:13] akik, yeah, wine says so [17:13] theoceaniscool, in this channel? [17:13] akik, could you look on network issues here? https://www.winehq.org/wwn/62 [17:13] @just-now, In Google [17:13] no capslock enabled but i cant write - underscol [17:13] akik, i'm not sure if that's outdated or not [17:13] nokoszko: sorry, never used hamachi or wc3 [17:14] utabak, we gonna try other thing. Start your laptop normally without booteable flash [17:14] @Salah, Do you mean you enable CapsLock but it writes in lowercases? [17:14] theoceaniscool, i mean I know what a vim configuration file is... but I don't think I can make certain features active after it has been compiled, unless there is more I don't know there [17:14] akik, ok i understand [17:14] @rkadrano: Intel HD Graphics 530 [17:14] @just-now, The .vimrc is not compiled, it just contains a bunch of commands that vim executes automatically on start [17:14] @rkadrano: NVIDIA Quadro M1000M [17:15] utabak, cool! extract flash driv and reboot please [17:15] @just-now, Oh, do you mean in Vim... [17:15] no my friend i WRITE YOU SEE but i cant write underscol see ----------- [17:15] theoceaniscool, right, so the current situation is that my vim currently doesn't have python support, and I got it from a ppa, and I was wondering if I can change something about the installation to make this happen. [17:15] @rkadrano, to the login screen ? [17:15] yep utabak [17:15] @just-now, python support in syntax higlight? [17:16] @rkadrano: ok [17:16] @Salah, try Shift+- [17:16] theoceaniscool, in many things, like right now the youcompleteme plugin isn't active because there is no python support [17:16] ok wait [17:16] utabak, I read intel HD530, you might want to check out next release 16.10 with 4.8 kernel. or wait until oct 20' [17:16] @rkadrano, no sound now it was strange [17:16] @rkadrano, there [17:17] no cant i try this and not working [17:17] see [17:17] ---===-=-= [17:17] utabak, step by step... first conquer world, then go to breaksfast XD [17:17] utabak, ok pres Alt+Ctrl and F2 [17:18] @OerHeks: there is a more serious problem I guess then I can easily solve, am I correct? [17:18] do you enter in command line? [17:18] utabak, you have nice fresh hardware, it takes time for linux to support it perfectly. [17:18] @just-now, execute vim --version | grep python, and check if you have +python or +python3 [17:18] @rkadrano, mistake, F3, but no command line [17:18] @Salah, which kind of keyboard are you using? === katymoe_ is now known as katymoe [17:19] my keyborad bultin [17:19] i have lap dell insperion n5050 [17:19] @OerHeks: indeed, I got the laptop but did not have time in the last month to install the latest version and tried this afternoon [17:19] @Salah, I mean which layout [17:19] utabak, really! OMG... I'm a looser... ok If we can't enter pressing F3, we go to tryother thing [17:20] i dont know [17:20] @rkadrano: ok cool [17:20] you can come in teamviewer [17:20] theoceaniscool, haha i think I'm getting around the issue, but thanks. I sure don't have those things in my version, and I already know what I'm going to try instead. [17:20] utabak, do you have an HDMI or VGA near to conect your laptop to a xternal screen? [17:20] @rkadrano: did you see the message from OerHeks on the fresh hardware issue [17:20] @just-now, just curious, from where did you install vim? [17:21] rkadrano, yes there is my current laptop that is connected to an external monitor already ;-) [17:21] theoceaniscool, I just got vim 8 from http://ppa.launchpad.net/jonathonf/vim/ubuntu/dists/ [17:21] utabak, and the xternal monitor don't work too..? [17:21] @Salah, in your physical keyboard, do you have the underscore on top of the - sign? [17:21] utabak, yes i read her or him. [17:22] @rkadrano: if you want me to connect, certainly that will not work because I do not have an adaptor for my new laptop for hdmi to dvi [17:22] yes i write underscore in windows but linux i cant [17:22] @rkadrano: definitely I can not do this [17:22] @Salah, thats a keyboard layout problem [17:23] ok how to fix [17:23] utabak, nooooo.... ok, don't worry...w gonna try more thing before burn your laptop, don't worry [17:23] @rkadrano: indeed, 1000 euro laptop ;-) [17:23] rkadrano, utabak all i know is these ugly boot parameters > i915.preliminary_hw_support=1 nouveau.modeset=0 [17:24] @Salah, try in Settings -> Text input [17:24] keyborad loyout option [17:24] OerHeks, hehehehe [17:25] @OerHeks: the main problem now, I can not get to any kind of terminal [17:25] @Salah, you have to put your own keyboard layout [17:26] utabak, My laptop 200 euro second hand and works reaaaaaaally fucjing awesome XD [17:26] @rkadrano: maybe I am too rich ;-) [17:26] @rkadrano: joking [17:26] _ [17:26] - [17:26] _ [17:26] _ [17:26] hhhh [17:26] thanks my friend i love u [17:27] utabak, heheheheheh maybe... or maybe i'm tooo saver [17:27] utabak, Kidding...i'm poor. [17:27] @rkadrano: me too [17:27] hmm... having a few issues. 1) xrandr does not have my monitor's native resolution listed, im stuck w/ 1024x768. 2) When computer resumes from suspend; or if the computer has sat too long the screen goes off. once back on i get no signal output to the monitor. 3) despite my power settngs, monitor still goes to sleep after a period of time [17:27] @theoceaniscool thanks my friend [17:28] ubuntu studio 16.04 [17:28] @OerHeks,@rkadrano: do you think, waiting for a month can save me hours? [17:28] utabak, the one thusand laptop poor girl or boy ;) [17:29] @rkadrano: 1000boy [17:29] utabak, the 1000 euros boy ;) [17:29] @rkadrano: sure [17:30] i fix first problem [17:30] @rkadrano: do you have more suggestions or should I wait for a month, come on, this is ridicilous, if we can not figure out the problem ;-) [17:31] but i can play game cuse i cant find my driver vega [17:31] OerHeks, Kernel 4.4-rc3, with Nvidia drivers... utabak [17:31] any body can help me [17:31] Salah, what graphics chip? [17:31] intell [17:31] utabak, we have one dubt [17:31] @rkadrano, indeed I also have it on the screen, but I can not get a shell [17:32] @rkadrano, to try it out [17:32] intel graphics dont normally need a proprietary driver Salah [17:32] utabak, you can install it without problems! [17:32] @rkadrano, how [17:32] what prob driver [17:32] ? [17:32] utabak, for this YOU CAN SEE UBUNTU during the installation... [17:33] @rkadrano, certainly [17:33] @rkadrano, ubuntu during installation or during start up [17:34] @rkadrano, confused [17:34] utabak, ergo.. what is going on? we have signal from your card, maybe is unity crashing with your card model, but, why terminal don't work? [17:34] @sunstar [17:34] @rkadrano, indeed that is also what I do not get [17:34] what do u mean prob driver [17:34] wait for a min dude utabak [17:35] @rkadrano: ok dude ;-) [17:35] Hi [17:35] kamangir, hi [17:35] HI [17:36] @rkadrano, what a misery, a ferrari sitting on the table with a black screen [17:36] any body help me [17:37] Ubuntu OS is addictive guys [17:37] I have replaced my laptop DVD-ROM with a '120 GB SSD within a caddy' to install an ubuntu on it. My laptop has a 1TB HDD originally. Using DVD-ROM port has any affect on speed SSD ability? [17:38] speed of* [17:38] kamangir, that depends on the laptop. Do you know what port it is using internally?> [17:38] uta try to reboot, when UBUNTU load press Alt+Ctrl+(F2, F3 or F1 depeends your machine) [17:38] kamangir, it is probably SATA 3, if it is a newer laptop? [17:38] utabak, try to reboot, when UBUNTU load press Alt+Ctrl+(F2, F3 or F1 depeends your machine) [17:39] @rkadrano: what you mean by ubuntu load is when I see the ubuntu logo with the ubuntu text?? [17:39] utabak, yep [17:40] lordcirth: I have bought it 11 months ago: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23230297/ === PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U [17:41] I mean does it have any different to put SSD in the place of current HDD wich is the original place? [17:41] @rkadrano, I guess I saw some lines sliding but I ended up on the login screen once more [17:41] @rkadrano: with F2 [17:42] @rkadrano: let me try once more [17:42] kamangir, is that caddy usb or pata or sata [17:42] kamangir, If it's SATA 3, then it shouldn't make a difference. You could always just run some benchmarks to see if it's running at full speed. [17:43] kamangir, just looked up your model, it says it's SATA and "supports all maximum SATA speeds" [17:43] @rkadrano, no luck, I saw some lines sliding and again ended up on the login screen [17:43] kamangir, so that's probably fine. Use fio to run some benchmarks if you like. [17:44] utabak, ok ... send me a private message [17:44] hello [17:44] i have problem with driver [17:44] @rkadrano: ok how to send you a private message and with what [17:45] It's currently recognized as sdb. Can it e changed to sda via UEFI settings or somewhat? lordcirth [17:46] kamangir, that really depends on your BIOS, they do random different things. However, in /etc/fstab or whatever, you should only use Labels or UUIDs to refer to drives. [17:46] kamangir, just set nice labels, and then you can refer to them clearly as /dev/by-label/rootfs and so on. [17:47] Ah, OK; Thx [17:47] @rkadrano: ok, I see that telegram is a messaging platform, never used it [17:48] i cant find my driver vega intell [17:49] @rkadrano: ok telegram is there [17:50] Salah, vesa? [17:51] @rkadranon: do you have any idea how much time it can take more?? I have to still perform some ironing for tomorrow for work [17:51] no vga [17:51] intell graphics [17:53] utabak, to open private messages with a person on irc, do '/query name' [17:54] @lordcirth: thx [17:58] intel graphics have problem === grumble is now known as _o{`grumble`}o_ === _o{`grumble`}o_ is now known as grumble [18:08] help me check this link is belong to apple or not :https://survey.apple.com/efm/ [18:09] !ot | splashing [18:09] splashing: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [18:10] splashing, also, look at the cert, it's verified. [18:10] Hello [18:10] lordcirth, thanks [18:18] Hi, is a fix for this bug going to make it into Ubuntu 16.04? https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=788050 [18:18] Debian bug 788050 in systemd "systemd-fsck : Check disks at each reboot" [Important,Fixed] [18:18] It's mighty annoying to wait tens of minutes for the boot to complete because of this. [18:19] ajalkane: file a bug on ubuntu for that or see if there is already one [18:19] ajalkane, seems like fsck fails to fix the problems, not sure it is a fsck issue or your storage. [18:20] ajalkane: but looking in it i dont know if its a systemd issue or if the fsck got some issues it cant fix [18:20] is there a 'systemd time-out message for a unit shown after a while." ?? [18:24] ajalkane: that bug is over a year old [18:24] and fixed [18:26] #170 gives that fix release indeed [18:27] ikonia, OerHeks the last entry seems to imply that it was fixed in systemd 231. I am on 229 in xenial here. Was it backported? [18:27] lordcirth: I'd expect it to trickle down as a back ported fix [18:28] although I'm not sure it's actually as widespread as that bug suggests [18:28] I'd expect people to be in here/on the forums complaining about it a lot [18:28] thats the first time I've seen it referenced [18:30] hi [18:30] i am new to irc [18:30] is anyone there? [18:30] over 1400+ people are [18:31] oh ok thats amazing, i can't use hexchat to connect here === jelly-home is now known as jelly [18:34] keymaster, pretty simple, see 'how to use hexchat' https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/install-use-hexchat-ubuntu-16-04 === bob is now known as Guest63072 [18:39] hello I am trying to run dropbox as a service and this guy tells how: http://askubuntu.com/questions/806445/unable-to-run-dropbox-daemon-at-boot but my new /etc/init.d/dropbox.service file doesnt look like the other service files it lacks a tiny curvy arrow at the bottom left of the icon [18:39] and of course it is not working [18:39] when I type sudo service dropbox start [18:39] pineapplelover_: that won't work on 16.04 [18:40] hello guys [18:40] it says: Job for dropbox.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status dropbox.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. [18:40] pineapplelover_: yes, it won't work with 16.04 [18:40] ikonia: then? [18:40] then what ? [18:41] how do I get it running at boot [18:41] there should already be an init unit file for it, so just enable it with systemd, or put it in your desktop startup session [18:42] #gnucash [18:43] pineapplelover_, why at boot? [18:43] OerHeks: to get my files synchronized [18:43] pineapplelover_: usually the dropbox got nautilus support and is started when loggen in on the desktop [18:44] pineapplelover_: what is the exact issue then? what desktop is in use? [18:44] kubuntu [18:44] Does "wc -l filename" return the number of lines or the number of words? Reason I ask is the "wc" command returns 100 million, yet the program using the file says it only tested 23 million. [18:45] uRock: man wc [18:45] uRock: read what the flags do [18:45] dont know how the kde support of dropbox is. maybe #kubuntu know better. [18:45] the issue was that upgrading to 16.04 made dropbox icon disappear and when I added some files in my dropbox folder they didnt sync because dropbox wasnt running [18:45] right, because of the change in the init sysstem [18:46] pineapplelover_: it didnt break on ubuntu. that is a kde specific issue [18:46] hmm [18:47] nope [18:47] it was running before [18:47] I mean [18:47] pineapplelover_: when was it running before ? [18:47] pineapplelover_: its still running here. [18:47] k1l_: isn't that because there isa desktop session for it in ubuntu [18:47] it was running after upgrade [18:47] he's trying to run it as a service on the system [18:47] ikonia, it says it reads the number of lines which leaves me scratching my head as to why the other program only sees less than 25% of the lines. [18:47] hello [18:47] i would reinstall in such situation, easy peasy [18:47] am i right by saying xenial < xenial-security < xenial-updates < xenial-backports ? [18:47] uRock: right, it lists the line count [18:48] I dont know the reason it stopped working [18:48] ikonia: yes, usually that is run desktop user specific. [18:48] thats why I confidently upload some more files this morning [18:48] k1l_: yeah, so that would make sense why it runs on ubuntu, but not kubuntu, and the fact thats he's tried to put an upstart job from 14.04 in place to manage it on 16.04 explains why it won't launch from systemd [18:48] cablop: can you be more specific? [18:49] i mean, packages in backports are ahead (higherversions) than packages in updates, and so on [18:50] <_0xbadc0de> hi everyone [18:50] <_0xbadc0de> my computer is an hp with radeon hardware [18:50] ikonia, Thanks I lust learned that the other progrma skips lines with less than 8 characters. [18:51] nick tptr [18:51] <_0xbadc0de> I downloaded ubuntu v16 and inserted it in a USB flashdrive [18:51] <_0xbadc0de> I see the main menu that allows you to install ubuntu [18:52] <_0xbadc0de> but from there I can't proceed [18:52] <_0xbadc0de> when I hit install ubuntu my computer shows ubuntu logo [18:52] <_0xbadc0de> and then blackscreen [18:52] <_0xbadc0de> nothing [18:52] _0xbadc0de, Which version 16, there are two. 16.04 and 16.10 [18:53] <_0xbadc0de> 04 [18:53] <_0xbadc0de> can anyone help me? I have unninstalled windows10 from it [18:53] _0xbadc0de, and what radeon hardware is this? [18:53] _0xbadc0de, is it a desktop or a laptop? [18:54] <_0xbadc0de> its actually laptop [18:54] <_0xbadc0de> and the hw is the gfx card [18:54] you told in #debian a different story [18:54] <_0xbadc0de> errr...no I didn't [18:54] <_0xbadc0de> I tried debian and it failed with great misery [18:55] <_0xbadc0de> glrx drivers are not properly working on debian [18:55] _0xbadc0de, when you boot ubuntu, doesnt it give you the option to try without installing? [18:55] <_0xbadc0de> yeah [18:55] <_0xbadc0de> that option shows [18:55] oke, first name your radeon hw, else it is talking out-of-the-blue [18:55] hi men [18:55] Is there an argument for the WC command to ignore lines with less than 8 characters [18:55] i have a problem === anonymous is now known as Guest10997 [18:56] hi men [18:56] i have a problem [18:56] that's sexist [18:56] with my tor browser [18:56] <_0xbadc0de> okay sec. [18:56] _0xbadc0de, in the laptop's bios/cmos, is there an option to give the video card different amounts of ram? You want to give is as much as you can [18:56] can you help me [18:56] <_0xbadc0de> R7 250 [18:56] Guest10997, what is your problem? [18:56] <_0xbadc0de> compdoc: I'll check [18:57] i have the anonymous iso based on ubunto [18:57] and the thing is that [18:57] when i try to open te tor browser [18:57] hi there [18:57] its says that i cloud not find the file [18:57] where is python3-sqlalchemy? [18:58] python3-sqlalchemy-utils are here [18:58] to enable the repo xorg-xedgers is a good or bad idea? [18:58] <_0xbadc0de> compdoc: No there isn't [18:59] Guest10997, did you move the launcher from within the tor folder? [18:59] can someone help me [18:59] xD === robert_ is now known as Guest86880 [18:59] Guest10997, if you are using Tails, then you may want to seek their channel [19:00] _0xbadc0de, R7 250 is not be supported by the AMDgpu, so radeon is your driver AFAIK [19:00] <_0xbadc0de> maybe I fucked up when I decided to use glrx debian drivers [19:00] !ohmy | _0xbadc0de [19:00] _0xbadc0de: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [19:00] can someone help me troubleshoot why icant connect to my openvpn [19:00] !tails [19:00] <_0xbadc0de> OerHeks: wtf [19:00] * OerHeks stops helping _0xbadc0de, not the 1st time faul language [19:01] I followed this guide https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-openvpn-server-on-ubuntu-14-04 [19:01] where is python3-sqlalchemy? python3-sqlalchemy-utils are here [19:01] Hi all [19:01] <_0xbadc0de> the point is: GLRX drivers don't work in debian/ i,e, they have no official support, [19:02] I wanna move my gnome dock from the left side to the middle down side [19:02] _0xbadc0de: the point is: you are using drivers which arent intended to be used on Ubuntu :) [19:02] <_0xbadc0de> so I am just trying to figure out If I haven't f*cked my machine upon trying to install and run your major bs. [19:02] Anyone wanna help me compile a custom kernel I run the kernel-get.sh file it says can't fine linux headers and that the directory "patches/*.patches" isn't found [19:02] it seems to connect bu not traffic flows [19:02] https://github.com/burzumishi/linux-baytrail-flexx10/tree/master/kernel [19:02] I have done it before, but cant remember how. any idea? [19:02] U am burning ubuntu 16.04 [19:02] <_0xbadc0de> bekks: [19:02] *I [19:02] <_0xbadc0de> I just want to install! [19:02] <_0xbadc0de> thats all [19:02] <_0xbadc0de> and I can't [19:02] all fine [19:02] i looked in sys log files [19:02] _0xbadc0de: Install what? Debian drivers? [19:02] <_0xbadc0de> because when I hit "install ubunto" all I see is a black screen! [19:02] but can see anything [19:03] <_0xbadc0de> THE OS for gods sake. [19:03] !nomodeset | _0xbadc0de [19:03] _0xbadc0de: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [19:03] _0xbadc0de, when you boot the disk/USB right b4 it starts booting the computer start hittng the F6 key on you'r keyboard then select language then hit F6 again and select nomodeset === drewID is now known as drewID___ [19:05] is it possible my router blocks port 1194? [19:05] yes [19:05] Sure. [19:05] <_0xbadc0de> so I just add nomodeset to the system booting script [19:06] PCdude: gnome or unity? [19:06] k1l_: gnome [19:06] how da fuck can i use the tor broser [19:06] _0xbadc0de: No, you add nomodeset to the kernel command line options. [19:06] _0xbadc0de: read the forums post linked by the bot. it explains how to use it [19:06] Guest10997 install it, then open it [19:07] PCdude: i dont know if that works for gome.shell. i know it works for unity [19:07] lol [19:08] k1l_: uhm, weird, I had it before on a different machine [19:10] is there any bittorrent client builtin on ubuntu 16.04 lts? [19:10] mlvmhn, transmission [19:10] mlvmhn transmission [19:10] mlvmhn: transmission [19:10] uRock was faster [19:10] lol [19:10] fuck sake [19:10] PCdude language [19:10] do you know anonymous ISO [19:10] Language [19:10] nop [19:10] fckkkkk [19:10] am new here [19:11] yeah sorry guys I know [19:11] you mean Ubuntu iso? [19:12] yes [19:12] and in the install [19:12] yes, i can help [19:12] Guest10997: please dont use that language in here and the focus of this channel is ubuntu. for other linux distributions you want to ask in ##linux [19:12] he's gone [19:13] uRock: 1 second before i hit enter.... [19:13] yup [19:13] mlvmhn: transmission [19:13] thx, since i have a laptop with only little memory; is it better to go with the built-in programs? [19:14] why ubuntu is free? [19:14] mlvmhn, I installed and use qbittorent [19:14] <_0xbadc0de> ok [19:14] but transmission is fine [19:14] <_0xbadc0de> I did radeon.modeset=0 [19:14] <_0xbadc0de> didn't work === jacob_ is now known as Guest73651 [19:15] l [19:15] steven2016: the question should be : "why is windows paid?" [19:15] jk [19:15] !free | steven2016 [19:15] steven2016: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/licensing [19:16] I love ubottu [19:16] <_0xbadc0de> free software suckws [19:16] !FUD | _0xbadc0de [19:16] _0xbadc0de: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here! Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt [19:16] <_0xbadc0de> >_> [19:16] !foss [19:16] FOSS stands for Free and Open Source Software. See !freedom for more info. [19:16] <_0xbadc0de> are you serious? [19:16] <_0xbadc0de> can I sneeze? [19:16] _0xbadc0de, that is what you said in #debian too [19:17] <_0xbadc0de> or do I have to add a written permission for that? [19:17] !freedom [19:17] freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/licensing [19:17] <_0xbadc0de> OerHeks: makes sense right? [19:17] this is my second time on Ubuntu [19:17] i love it [19:17] _0xbadc0de, then use Windows [19:17] <_0xbadc0de> the same person has the same opinion on two different channels [19:17] <_0xbadc0de> uRock [19:17] <_0xbadc0de> yeah I will [19:17] _0x [19:17] <_0xbadc0de> I am just trying linux [19:18] _0xbadc0de, may be best to try in VM while you study the ins and outs [19:18] _0xbadc0de, there are 1999 more linux distros for you to try [19:18] _0xbadc0de, some hardware is just a pain to get started on [19:19] <_0xbadc0de> I have used linux in a vm >_> [19:19] <_0xbadc0de> for quite some time now [19:19] <_0xbadc0de> I was trying to use it as host [19:19] <_0xbadc0de> the see if it actually serves any purpose at all [19:19] _0xbadc0de http://malaysiandigest.com/technology/482848-linux-is-everywhere-we-show-you-exactly-where.html [19:19] It serves all purposes for me [19:19] linux is in all of our hearts [19:20] <_0xbadc0de> I have been using windows for quite some time [19:20] <_0xbadc0de> everything works [19:20] until you run updates [19:20] <_0xbadc0de> linux sems okay [19:21] <_0xbadc0de> but from the point of view of actually serving as host its just unbelievably bad [19:21] uRock, unless you run the LTE version of win10 [19:21] <_0xbadc0de> drivers don't work [19:21] I get those calls all day, updates happen, then people call me to get their drivers working again [19:21] <_0xbadc0de> nothing comes shipped in [19:21] _0xbadc0de: do you have an ubuntu support question ? If not the suggest you join #ubuntu-offtopic [19:21] <_0xbadc0de> etc, etc and etc [19:21] _0xbadc0de, **yawn** [19:22] that's contagious [19:23] kk4ewt, we only have one machine runnning 10 and it is pro, so we have been lucky to have few problems [19:23] uRock, all of mine are enterprise and i have about 150 of them [19:24] awesome [19:24] yay [19:24] well if i had my way they all would be running linux [19:26] kk4ewt, we get a few calls from people running linux at my work and we aren't supposed to help them, so I get kudos and chewed out at the same time for helping them [19:28] they usually just have to clear browsing history and others fear Linux has some other magical way that Windows doesn't [19:28] test [19:29] Im connected to the vpn server but no traffic can flow [19:29] there is a tick by the netwrork manager for the vpn [19:29] uRock, i support winblows, linux and Mac [19:29] but not able to ping [19:29] Jakey3, what is the type of vpn [19:30] openvpn [19:30] doesnt seem to be a router issue [19:31] kk4ewt, We do some support for Macs, mostly tryingto get thermal printers working with safari [19:33] need help figuring out best approach to raid and partitioned drives when installing server [19:33] speaker, don't go with traditional partitions on servers, use LVM instead [19:34] speaker1234: so do you have a hardware raid controller? [19:34] ok, that is what I thought [19:34] bekks: no, using md [19:34] speaker1234, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/advanced-installation.html [19:34] speaker1234: And which raid do you want to setup? [19:34] zfs on the rest of the storage array [19:35] bekks: raid 1 (mirroring) [19:35] as for RAID you have two scenarios, if the server allows you to set a disk with no RAID mode, then use software RAID; other wise, then build the RAID with whatever comes in the server's hw [19:35] uRock: thanks for the guide pointer [19:36] can't delete or rename file ubuntu [19:36] yw [19:36] rm: cannot remove 'nn.jpg.crdownload': No such file or directory [19:36] bekks: sw RAID has a little overhead over hw RAID, but can survive the hw dead, so you can easily move the disks and recover things on other devices, even desktop PCs [19:36] 1 more Q, do I need to have a seperate /boot outside of lvm or can I boot right from lvm? [19:36] hello [19:37] speaker1234: sw RAID has a little overhead over hw RAID, but can survive the hw dead, so you can easily move the disks and recover things on other devices, even desktop PCs [19:37] apart from /var/log/syslog anywhere else i can look [19:37] it connects but i cant ping [19:37] speaker1234: boot appart of the LVM [19:37] speaker1234: you need /boot on raid1, and then setup a second raid1 for the rest of the system. [19:37] speaker1234: the bios hve no way to navigate through the LVM thing [19:38] ronaldsmazitis: Where are you "looking" for nn.jpg.crdownload ? [19:38] hi [19:38] Jakey3: are you pinging on a device that is on a VPN? [19:38] yes [19:39] Jakey3: ping from that device back to you, maybe your pings are reaching the other device, but it has no way to reach you [19:39] so you are not getting the answers [19:40] cablop, bekks: Interesting. I remember reading somewhere that Grub had the ability to navigate the LVM maze. === yw is now known as chudak [19:40] speaker1234: yes... the only thing is grub is placed on the /boot partition :P [19:41] so you cannot load the grub and initramfs and related stuff [19:41] cablop, correct [19:41] 100% lost [19:41] cablop: ah, that makes sense. [19:41] speaker1234: i also suggest you to place the swap outside the LVM [19:42] cablop, i have those ports open though [19:42] on my ubuntu [19:42] must be the router then [19:42] Jakey3, commercial or home router? [19:42] cablop: Just to be clear, I build 3 raid sets. First one for/boot the second one for LVM and the third for swap [19:42] I'd always place the swap inside the LVM, for being able to easily resize it. [19:42] uRock, home [19:43] Hmm, they usually allow ICMP [19:43] speaker1234: I'd not place swap outside the LVM. You cannot resize it in case you need to do so. [19:43] speaker1234: make at least three partitions, /boot, followed by the swap. then a physical LVM volume [19:44] speaker1234: a raid for boot only is too much [19:44] Hello everybody :) . [19:44] Got a problem with broken packages. [19:44] bekks, cablop: would the two of you mind describing why the two of you have a difference in approach? [19:44] speaker1234: I already stated my point. [19:45] bekks is right, you cannot resize the swap [19:45] I can't do anything to install a good version of PHP because I have a broken package (php7.0-fpm). The problem appears after upgrade to ubuntu 16.04 (that upgrade php while I was using a ppa). [19:45] but in the other hand swap is a performance killer, so to have it the simpler way is better [19:45] bekks: right, You are in favor of the swap partition in LVM because you can resize it [19:46] I guess I did too much stupid things because I can't do anything to remove this *@_çà&é package. [19:46] speaker1234: Place everything inside LVM, unless it is /boot [19:46] (had same problem on many computers but each time i deal with it) [19:46] nowadays you don't resize your swap frequently, and you can have more than one swap partition, so in case, you just add another swap partition inside the LVM [19:46] Can you help me ? [19:46] i have [19:46] IPSec Pass-Through [19:46] PPTP Pass-Through [19:46] Multicast Pass-Through [19:46] [19:46] enabled [19:46] bekks: ok, makes sense. [19:48] bekks, cablop: thanks for the insights. off to fight with the ubuntu server installer [19:48] speaker1234: the reasons i suggest you to use the swap outside the LVM are 1. simplicity and better performance; 2 partitions at the beginning are faster than partitions near the end of the disk; 3. hibernation, if you use it, is easier that way; 4. if you have to perform maintenance of the server from a live CD, you can use the swap and not lock the LVM during maintenance [19:48] speaker1234: Why not just install? :) [19:48] bekks: check my answer too, in case you have a different opinion about some of my reasons [19:49] cablop: Do you have any benchmarks for "swap on md" vs. "swap in LVM on md"? Or are you just assuming things based on humidity and moon phase? [19:49] cablop: Unless you do, I'll not discuss it any further ;) [19:49] !info php7 [19:49] Package php7 does not exist in xenial [19:49] !info php6 [19:49] Package php6 does not exist in xenial [19:49] !info php5 [19:49] Package php5 does not exist in xenial [19:50] !info php | Bashing-om [19:50] Bashing-om: php (source: php-defaults (35ubuntu6)): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (default). In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.0+35ubuntu6 (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB [19:50] !info php7.0 | Bashing-om [19:50] Bashing-om: php7.0 (source: php7.0): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.8-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 9 kB [19:51] bekks: not based on the moon phase, but some linux installers tend to do gross things to swap partitions, like placing unnecesary settings for the LVs that hold them [19:51] Who maintains ubottu, it is pretty squared away. [19:51] cablop: LVM settings are never placed in swap. [19:51] bekks: k1l_ :) [19:51] bekks: or placing them at the end of the LVM, causing the disk to do too much head movements just to reach the swap [19:51] bekks: i said in the logical volumes that hold the swap [19:52] bekks: whu not just install??because I'm installing over a Dell iDRAC remove console and the lag gets to me sometimes :-) [19:52] cablop: there are no logical volums holding swap, there are only partitions holding the PV. [19:52] bekks: and inside the PV you creat LVs, and assign one LV for the swap [19:53] cablop: and there still are no logical partitions inside a PV or VG. [19:53] but you really don't need to snapshot a swap, clone a swap, move the swap chunks while using it, and so on [19:53] cablop: there are volumes. totally different from partitions. [19:53] Nek: can you show the errors and output on paste.ubuntu.com and link that here? [19:53] bekks: i already know that, this is why they are called logical volumes, LV for short... [19:54] cablop: and you dont need to snapshot swap, etc. - but you need to resize it, eventually, and thats what LVM offers you. And thats all this discussion is about. [19:54] Nek: ^^ so what is installed pastebin ' dpkg -l php* ' And we then see what apt-cache policy thinks. [19:55] bekks: yup, it is, but i don't like to lock the VGs cause a swap is in use when doing maintenance to them, i prefer to add a second swap on the VG if needed [19:55] cablop: and resizing a swap LV is undiscussably more easy than resizing fs, resizing lv, resizing vg, resizing pv, resizing partition, resize swap partition, resize pv, resize vg, resize lv, resize fs. [19:55] bekks: well, that does really depend in how much disk do we have, if i count with 2 TB of drive i just build a big swap and move on [19:55] cablop: Two. The scenario we are discussing has two disks. Used as MD RAID1. [19:56] yup [19:56] bekks, cablop: doesn't LVM have it's own raid built-in? [19:56] speaker1234: No. [19:56] bekks: yes [19:56] bekks: but if you go for software raid use md, it has more support and more tools [19:56] sigh [19:57] speaker1234: you can mirror LVs, but you need to place the metadata on a third device, for making them persistent. [19:57] i mean speaker1234... just rread my last three lines [19:57] speaker1234: LVM only have mirroring, the equivalent to md RAID 1, but you don't have RAID 5 or 6 [19:58] bekks, cablop: thanks again (And I only need mirroring) [19:59] speaker1234: how many real hard drives do you have? [19:59] speaker1234: So use two disks, place a raid1 for /boot, and another raid1 for LVM use. Put everything (besides /boot) in the LVM, and you are good to go. [20:00] cablop, bekks: 2x500Gb, 4X4Tb 500G raid 1, 4Tb zfs z2 [20:00] speaker1234: zfs z2? Waste of resources. [20:00] speaker1234: and you plan to use the 2x500Gb for the boot only? [20:00] speaker1234: And far slower than a mirrored vdev containing two devices each. === diddledan_ is now known as diddledan [20:01] bekks: no, need the redundancy, snapshots, and future expansion. [20:02] cablop: yes, the 500g is OS, boot and scratch space [20:02] speaker1234: i suggest you to place /boot swap and system on a RAID made with the 2x500GB (and i still think you are wasting space there) use the rest of the disks for the data (databases, services, etc) [20:03] speaker1234: redundancy is nearly the same, snapshots have nothing to do with your waste of resources, future expansion has nothing to do with your waste of resources, and you choose to use the slowest variant. [20:03] speaker1234: Nonetheless, you are wasting your resources, not mine. *shrug [20:03] speaker1234: but i won't place 4 disks on RAID 1, never, 2 at most, but never 4 [20:04] cablop: he doesnt place them in raid1, he uses ZFS RAIDZ2 on the 4 disks. [20:04] Bashing-om, k1l_ here are some more information: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/c158dc0b11ca86578f5023345e316a56 [20:04] bekks: then i'm lost with this part "4X4Tb 500G raid 1" [20:05] cablop: because you did not notice the "4Tb zfs z2" part. [20:06] Nek: run a "sudo apt-get install -f" and show the output again please [20:06] cablop: better Organization 2x500Gb in raid 1, 4X4Tb in zfs z2 [20:07] cablop: That is better organization of description :-) [20:07] hehe [20:07] hi [20:07] can anyone help me out i cant get sound from hdmi out [20:07] k1l_, https://gist.github.com/Nek-/2f26dc5105728ffe62fb16c1c0eb1afb [20:07] speaker1234, bekks, ia think the first RAID is ok... i'm unsure on the second... i'd rather use a RAID 5 and a spare disk, put LVM on top of it and do the nasty things on LVM [20:09] cablop: I understand. I have much more experience with ZFS. Many times when I use LVM, it blows up in my face. ZFS is much simpler from my perspective. This is in an industrial environment where I can't get to replace drives quickly hence the added redundancy of Z2. [20:09] speaker1234: i bet both swap suggestions we gave you are ok, just do what is best for your needs, both have pros and cons... a resized swap on top of LVM is sattered through the physical device so its performance is painfully slow, but it is right to resize it is tooooooo easy on LVM [20:11] speaker1234: well, you should get more experience with LVM, once you realize you can move the / volume while using it at the same time you feel other things are just medieval stuff [20:11] Nek: did you remove stuff from /etc/php/ manually? [20:11] cablop: you can use physical device assignment on lvm - it doesn't have to be distributed [20:11] and you can get excellent performance out of lvm [20:11] :-) which is why I moved to zfs :-) [20:12] anyone good with iptables and ipset? [20:12] k1l_, I may do things like that :-° [20:12] did* [20:12] Nek: hmm, ok, that seems bad [20:12] Yep I know. :/ [20:12] ok this is weird [20:12] i dont have hdmi out [20:12] speaker1234: or when you hot plug a new drive, add it to the LVM group and move a logical volume out of a failing drive to that new drive while users are accesing its data [20:13] and users didn't notice what happened [20:14] ok there are 4 hdmi out device [20:14] devices [20:14] 1,3,4 are no op [20:14] cablop: zfs can do that and more. if you put in a larger drive, zfs will automatically use the new space when you replace all the drives (one at a time) [20:14] hdmi2 is ok [20:14] but why i have 4? [20:14] fresh install [20:15] Haters gonna hate. I fixed my problem. :> [20:15] Nek: sudo apt-get install php7-fpm -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confmiss [20:15] By adding "exit 0" in the start of the pre-removal script of the package. [20:15] (manually) [20:16] hello. i have a quick hardware question if anyone is interested [20:16] ikonia: that's true... but i really hate to have swaps on the same device i have other stuff... they interfere with readings and writings times [20:16] motoku: for plain hardware talk you better ask in ##hardware [20:17] motoku, just ask [20:20] i have a dual-core hyperthreaded processor, what are the benefits of hyperthreading? [20:20] motoku: ##hardware please [20:23] ok thanks, k1l_ === CrackerJack is now known as Dreman === Dreman is now known as Dreaman [20:24] hi, anyone know a oneliner to show total ram used by slack? [20:24] free -m [20:26] my favourite command is top -n 1 -b [20:27] free the fish [20:27] nice but any way i can make it sum all slack processes? [20:27] Nyterax, top | grep slack ? [20:28] no, it's top -n 1 -b | grep slack [20:29] there's no delay with viewing processes with top, right? one second is sufficient? [20:31] hi [20:31] I have installed Ubuntu 16.04 and I have tearing [20:32] when I enabled nvidia card it's very noticeable [20:32] oh why? everyone loves unity! [20:33] when I move windows I see tearing [20:33] who needs themes and customizations, anyhow? [20:34] before, I had this on linux mint and decided to switch back to ubuntu but now I see it also has this issue [20:34] how can I fix this? [20:34] motoku: do you have any ubuntu support issue? that is what this channel is for. [20:34] buffering issue, maybe? [20:34] buffering of what ? [20:34] I read many articles in the internet before. I don't know. Guys said that it will be if I will have fresh install [20:34] so, here I am [20:35] actually i think they're talking about the window moving effect [20:35] oleh: what video card, what kernel, what driver? [20:35] anyone know why ubuntu 16.04 is such a shit show? [20:36] !language | linuxlite1969 [20:36] linuxlite1969: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [20:36] now I'm updating my system and going to reboot. Maybe it will fix. nvidia 950m, 4.4x, nvidia 361.42 [20:36] give me a minute to reboot and back to you [20:38] I'm back [20:38] kernel: 4.4.0-38-generic [20:38] and still tearing [20:39] it's not so noticeable when intel is active [20:39] i am not using nvidia cards since some years. but back then the nvidia-settings had some settings for vsync [20:40] oleh: i fixed my tearing problem with modification to /etc/drirc [20:41] I don't see any vsync in settings. [20:41] what did you do? [20:41] oleh: https://www.phoronix.com/forums/forum/linux-graphics-x-org-drivers/open-source-amd-linux/26564-doubling-your-performance-with-a-simple-trick [20:41] How do you change the boot order on Ubuntu 16? [20:42] with services, that is [20:42] dequeues: boot order for what? in grub? in bios? [20:42] services. trying to figure out how to ensure ipset loads before iptables [20:43] oleh: i'm not sure if this xorg config needs to be done also: Option "SwapbuffersWait" "on" === ITAL0 is now known as ITALICUS [20:43] as I see I don't have drirc file [20:43] dequeues: ipset depends on iptables, so you need iptables being loaded before ipset. [20:43] should I create it? [20:44] oleh: it's from libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-xenial packag === SillySina_ is now known as SillySina [20:44] I don't use mesa, as I understand [20:45] Hi! I'm currently setting up a new config of xbindkeys which pretty works flawlessly, except the following thing: I have associated "xdotool key --clearmodifiers XF86AudioRaiseVolume" to "control+b:4" which works in many cases. However, sometimes the control key is not released after the execution of the command yielding some weird behavior in subsequent commands. Any ideas? [20:46] bekks: trying to figure out this https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2338194 [20:46] dequeues: you need iptables before ipset. [20:47] so how would I work around it? I mean, how can I make sure iptables is loaded? [20:48] still can get this openvpn to work [20:52] I agree the MSM is pretty pathetic. [20:52] And for that matter all know who owns and controls it. [20:54] !ot | jonesmash [20:54] jonesmash: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! === alexandr1 is now known as alexandros_c [20:57] nicomachus, wrong chan. === mrJack1 is now known as mrJack === pablo__ is now known as PAUL^^ [21:14] <_0xbadc0de> hi [21:14] <_0xbadc0de> I dont have wireless either [21:14] hi [21:14] <_0xbadc0de> what should I do? [21:14] i'm looking for support for xubuntu [21:14] * Cannot join #xubuntu (You are banned). [21:15] _0xbadc0de: you should list your wireless card chipset and give more details about your issue [21:15] <_0xbadc0de> how can I do that? [21:15] <_0xbadc0de> my details are: I don't have a working wireless connection [21:16] deicide-: Your issue is ? [21:16] _0xbadc0de: paste the output of 'sudo lshw -C network' to a pastebin and link here. [21:17] i'm trying to downgrade firefox [21:17] _0xbadc0de: can you show the line in "lspci" that lists your wifi card? [21:17] this is hell so far [21:17] deicide-: dont downgrade. [21:17] thats not an option [21:17] deicide-: since ubuntu ships the firefox updates because they close security issues, there is no reason to downgrade the firefox version [21:18] <_0xbadc0de> http://pastebin.com/KbsVSFqK [21:18] deicide-: better tell your plugins to support the new version ( i guess that is the issue?) [21:18] no i cant downgrade it [21:18] !bcm43 | _0xbadc0de [21:18] !bcm43xx | _0xbadc0de [21:18] _0xbadc0de: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [21:19] i tried to download from here https://sourceforge.net/projects/ubuntuzilla/files/mozilla/apt/pool/main/f/firefox-mozilla-build/ [21:20] and it does nothing when i try to install [21:20] deicide-: downgrading is not the way to go. i explained the reason [21:24] The very latest from Scott Roberts: "IN SEARCH OF A CURE" http://www.renegadetribune.com/scott-roberts-search-cure/ [21:26] hey folks [21:27] not technically a ubuntu question, but: how can i convert pdf to tiff without rerastering? [21:27] i want the ouput quality be exactly the same as the input quality [21:28] you cant. [21:29] since a pdf may contain vector graphics, and a tiff is rasterized. [21:29] someone knows where the ifconfig parameters are store in ubuntu plz ? [21:30] bekks: yes, and that aside? [21:30] Keitaro: /etc/sysconfig/network-interfaces [21:30] ppf: there is no other side. you cannot convert a pdf lossless. [21:31] bekks, there is no sysconfig in ubuntu :x [21:31] i mean the folder [21:31] hello [21:31] bekks: i don't believe you [21:32] I'm looking for a simple image manipulator under ubuntu , something like irfan_view for windows [21:32] it contains rastered data. why shouldn't i be able to extract that and store it in a different format [21:32] a program small and fast with few features [21:32] Keitaro: :D /etc/network/interfaces [21:33] ppf: it _may_ contain rasterized data, it _may_ contain vectorized data. [21:33] PAUL^^: pinta [21:33] PAUL^^: something like shotwell? [21:34] I don't know shotwell , is it for linux ? [21:34] bekks: agreed. lets for the sake of argument assume it doesn't contain vectorized data [21:34] PAUL^^: yes. i would not suggest you a windows program in here :) [21:34] ok it's for linux [21:34] I try now to use it [21:34] PAUL^^: install the "shotwell" package [21:35] <_0xbadc0de> hi guys [21:35] bekks, i already did that but the file is empty exepts some comments is it normal ? [21:35] <_0xbadc0de> it worked [21:35] <_0xbadc0de> I am using wireless! [21:35] * PAUL^^ k1l_ ok, immediatly thx [21:35] Keitaro: Yes, because you are using NetworkManager. [21:35] because i don't find my ifconfig paramater in it [21:35] <_0xbadc0de> now I also need to ask this [21:35] <_0xbadc0de> I have an AMD gpu so there are lots of drivers [21:36] <_0xbadc0de> and I don't want to mess this up [21:36] I think it's nice. I've used a couple times [21:36] <_0xbadc0de> what gpu driver should I install? [21:36] Keitaro: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-configuration.html [21:36] bekks, how can i do if i have some exercises and need to change my ip and config ? [21:36] oki thx i will read that [21:36] <_0xbadc0de> show I install catalyst? [21:36] _0xbadc0de: no [21:37] _0xbadc0de: catalyst isnt for nvidia cards. [21:37] <_0xbadc0de> when did I say I had an nvidia? [21:37] _0xbadc0de: sorry, someone else used a very similar nick lately, having an nvidia. [21:37] <_0xbadc0de> I stressed _AMD_ [21:37] _0xbadc0de: since 16.04 you dont have the old fglrx anymore. you are using the proper driver now [21:37] <_0xbadc0de> LOLOL [21:37] <_0xbadc0de> proper driver? [21:37] <_0xbadc0de> dude I have 2x3 resolution almost [21:38] _0xbadc0de: please show the output of "lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3" on paste.ubuntu.com [21:39] <_0xbadc0de> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23231265/ [21:40] Anybody here has experience to install and config ircs servers [21:40] ? [21:40] Hey guys, lets say I install a library from source, and have it in my library path. how can i make sure tht programs can use it? [21:41] _0xbadc0de: see https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMD-Radeon-GPU-PRO-Linux-Beta-Driver%E2%80%93Release-Notes.aspx [21:41] bekks: (or any one, actually) so, any suggestion one how to do this? [21:41] <_0xbadc0de> LOL [21:41] <_0xbadc0de> so basically install catalys [21:41] <_0xbadc0de> t [21:41] <_0xbadc0de> >_> [21:42] _0xbadc0de: there word catalyst doesnt come up once on that page [21:43] catalyst, aka fglrx, is a completely different driver from amdgpu-pro [21:43] one notable difference being that amdgpu-pro doesn't make me want to stab myself in the face [21:43] lol [21:43] doesn't have hdmi audio on my rx480 tho, so i'm still mad at it. but at least it isn't evil. [21:43] <_0xbadc0de> btw [21:43] _0xbadc0de: you are using wrong names. that will confuse helpers. [21:44] <_0xbadc0de> I am not sure if its the same version [21:44] <_0xbadc0de> the gfx card I have [21:44] <_0xbadc0de> I am not sure if its supported by the pro driver you suggested [21:48] anyone here do streaming? I'm looking at DLing OBS but I only see on their site downloads for Ubuntu 14.04 and I'm on 16.04 [21:48] <_0xbadc0de> 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Carrizo (rev c5) [21:48] <_0xbadc0de> that is my gfx card [21:48] or does 15.04+ include 16.04 [21:48] <_0xbadc0de> how can I know if its compatible with [21:48] i think i mighta just misread it... :x [21:49] <_0xbadc0de> https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMD-Radeon-GPU-PRO-Linux-Beta-Driver%E2%80%93Release-Notes.aspx [21:49] <_0xbadc0de> ? [21:49] nvm me [21:49] _0xbadc0de: you try and see if it works [21:49] <_0xbadc0de> won't I mess my system up [21:49] hellp [21:49] <_0xbadc0de> what If I mess the system [21:49] <_0xbadc0de> >_> === Warrigal is now known as tswett [21:49] then you repair it [21:49] sudo apt-get install texlive Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these: The following packages have unmet dependencies: [21:49] <_0xbadc0de> so this is how this works [21:49] <_0xbadc0de> ? [21:50] Does anyone know why that is happening? [21:50] <_0xbadc0de> I just break stuff iteratively until stuff works? [21:50] that's how linux rolls [21:50] <_0xbadc0de> LOOOOOL [21:50] <_0xbadc0de> this is just absurd [21:50] _0xbadc0de: if your break software, you repair it, your reinstall it, or you restore it from your backup. [21:50] *if you [21:51] <_0xbadc0de> I shouldn't have to do this iteratively in order to make basic system stuff work [21:51] _0xbadc0de: it surprisingly isn't. you'll get the hang of it [21:51] when I right-click and select "create an archive" for a file/folder, it shows me a variety of options to choose from: tar.bz2 , tar.gz , .jar, .iso, etc. Where can I find an instructions page that explains what each archive option is? [21:53] kulelu88: wikipedia? just google each of them, you'll get way better information than any overview page will have [21:54] if you're actually interested in how they work, that is === someone_stole_my is now known as mrkirby153 [21:54] hello? [21:55] _0xbadc0de: btw, your lspci output says Kernel modules: amdgpu [21:55] ppf: The internals will be difficult to understand currently. I just want to know how fast and how small their compressions are [21:55] so i'm guessing the driver isn't your problem [21:55] rule of thumb: they're all the same [21:55] (well, maybe except iso and jar, can you actually create those directly out of your file browser) [21:56] ppf: https://askubuntu.com/questions/236598/best-compression-method#236603 [21:56] lbertolotti: "The following packages have unmet dependencies" [21:56] somebody did a chart of it [21:57] hola [21:57] kulelu88: gz and bz2 are the same in that chart [21:57] kulelu88: the chart is missing xz, and doesnt take parallel compression into account. [21:58] if you really really need the extra 15% then install 7z [21:58] or what bekks said [21:58] bekks: how will i/we know when parallel compression is happening? [21:58] kulelu88: by using it, for algorithms that support it, like 7z, bz2, etc. [21:58] kulelu88: that chart doesnt reflect that. [21:59] bekks: so if I am running a quad core PC, using 7z or bz2, it will utilize each core to compress *faster*? [22:00] kulelu88: No. You have to tell the archiver of your choice to use it. === shivers is now known as Guest56100 [22:01] based on the compression questions, is it better to: .tar.bz2 once, or first .tar then .bz2? [22:02] kulelu88: better in terms of what? [22:02] Er, what? those are just two different ways of describing the same operation [22:03] <_0xbadc0de> okay installation is done [22:03] <_0xbadc0de> lets see all this shit to fail miserably [22:03] !language | _0xbadc0de [22:03] _0xbadc0de: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [22:04] <_0xbadc0de> jesus fchrist [22:05] so doing it in 1 step or 2 steps doesn't affect the outcome? bekks maxb [22:05] kulelu88: Of course it affects the outcome. [22:06] kulelu88: because you can start compressing the tarball before it is fully written. [22:07] well my needs are not acute enough to dig deep into this, so I will settle for .tar.bz2 [22:07] kulelu88: And again, bz2 is capable of parallel compression, so you might result in less time even when doing it in two steps. [22:20] I'm trying to update selenium using pip. It keeps telling me "Requirement already up-to-date" even though I'm several versions behind. I'm typing pip install selenium -U [22:21] what is your version and the current version? newdimension [22:22] I'm on 2.53.6 and Pypi says it's at 3.0.0b3 (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/selenium) [22:22] newdimension: you know how to use virtualenv? [22:23] Yes, pip and selenium are installed in a virtualenv [22:23] did you upgrade pip itself? newdimension [22:23] I did not, why would that be an issue? [22:24] that might be why it can't upgrade to the latest (not a fact, an opinion) [22:24] I just tried it, it says requirements up-to-date [22:24] I mean tried to update pip using "pip install --upgrade pip" [22:25] which ubuntu are you on? newdimension [22:25] 16.04 [22:25] selenium doesn't support python3? [22:26] It does, and I only have python3 install in my virtualenv [22:26] type pip --version [22:26] 8.1.2 [22:26] pip is the latest version then === jelatta_away is now known as jelatta [22:27] may help to ask here also: #selenium newdimension [22:28] that's a good suggestion, thank you [22:32] hello [22:48] Hi guys. I have an i3 Processor, with intel HD Graphics 3000 on my laptop. My problem is, I use it connected to a TV, via HDMI but suddenly and random the screen just goes black and turn on again. Already tried to install Intel Drivers but still having this problem. [23:05] hello all, im looking for a program that is easy to use that would allow a ip phone program (like zioper) to a program that can stream to a live radio station (shoutcast server) [23:11] anyone got clovenhoof books? [23:12] Serpico185, try the offtopic channel for that [23:12] Serpico185, how it that ubuntu support related? [23:13] #ubuntu-offtopic Serpico185 [23:13] hello [23:14] velus, there is no streaming app for ubuntu phone, https://uappexplorer.com/ [23:15] thx [23:15] record streaming, that is [23:16] its not for the phone its for the desktop, but something that can link a ip phone program like zioper to a live stream, i currently use mixxx for the streaming, and dont know how to link the two together, or is there a way of tricking the system into thinking what is comming out of the zioper as a input like a mic or a aux [23:18] !info jackd | velus, jack can reroute audio sometimes, sometimes [23:18] velus, jack can reroute audio sometimes, sometimes: jackd (source: jackd-defaults): JACK Audio Connection Kit (default server package). In component universe, is optional. Version 5 (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB [23:18] velus, no idea, that stuff is paid http://www.zoiper.com/en/shop/products [23:20] velus: there's some jack control panel, normally if you install that it'll pull in the deps and let you play around. No guarantee though, I often have really buggy results and consider it black magic. [23:22] velus: I've used it to route the system sounds into a mumble client before though, so I was able to play music/etc. for the mumble server. Was good fun. [23:23] i have looked at jackd and idjc but its too confusing for me to set up [23:29] hi all. tried the official channels but they need auth-service... packaging:does someone knows an example which utilize/packages a node.js app into launchpad ? having a hard time to create a source package and i am not sure i should build the node.js binary from an existing ppa or better do all my self? thanks a lot for any hints. [23:31] worsting: packaging node.js native modules. i can't figure whether launchpad would build this correctly,... [23:37] a fellow brought me a computer I set up with ubuntu years ago, he did an upgrade, and on startup it dosn't start X, ideas? [23:38] I cant see anywhere that init starts x or anything [23:38] rue_shop4: If it boots to terminal , and functions there properly, then I would suspect a broken graphic's driver in this case . [23:42] ok, what log should I look in [23:43] X comes up if I run startx, no session manager [23:44] 'no screen section avialable' [23:44] loosks like the default didn't play out for it [23:44] but its all just wanrnings, not errors [23:45] I need some serious help. I just started my computer and although it is connected to the wireless network, I have no internet connection. The wireless network card is running fine, because when booting in windows I do have internet. I'm running Ubuntu 16.04. The last time i used the computer and ubuntu, everything was working fine. I have not updated or play with any settings in the mean time. HELP [23:45] rue_shop4: A coupl of log that might give hints ; /var/log/Xorg.0.log and in the /home is .xsession-errors . What desktop is this .. as "startx" is only applicable in a few cases ! [23:47] what usually is the start of X a session manager? gsession? [23:48] should it start at runlevel 5? [23:49] rue_shop4: Depends on what (D)isplay (M)anager is in use . Most commmon is lightdm .. and if on 14.04 for lightdm try 'sudo service lightdm start ' . [23:49] about 16 million Germans between 44 and 48 were ethnically cleansed by plan. Wow. [23:50] ok, after cleaning it and rebooting, there is nothing in .xsession-errors [23:50] if you really are the one guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity, far better to point the finger at the victims... and that explains the Nuremberg Trials where they used testicle crushing and beatings to secure confessions. [23:51] Bashing-om, ok, its cycling something [23:51] korfix, take that elsewhere [23:51] and left me with a cursor in the top left of the screen [23:51] ?!?!?! [23:51] korfix, and this channel doesnt want your trolling [23:52] rue_shop4: To knoiw the DM ' echo $DESKTOP_SESSION " " $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ' . [23:52] know* [23:53] xsession errors is still empty... [23:53] desktop_session is empty [23:54] anybody? [23:55] yea, even on a reboot, desktop session is empty [23:55] so maybe the installer removed the whole session manager and then broke? [23:55] I dont even know what the ubuntu installer is [23:55] Cmaj6, last time you shutdown, did you hibernate? that could prevent use of wifi/usb [23:56] c/ shutdown windows [23:56] or even win10 fastboot can do that, I think [23:56] true [23:56] rue_shop4: We still do not know what DeskTop this is . any result ' [23:56] rue_shop4: We still do not know what DeskTop this is . any result ' ls -al /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log ' ? [23:58] OerHeks, now you mention it. Yes i did actually by accident [23:58] ok looking for root error, 1 min [23:58] OerHeks, however, i am now connected to the wireless network, it can detect the networks easily, but no internet connection [23:58] does anyone know socket.io [23:59] the "greeter" failed? [23:59] whats a greeter? [23:59] OerHeks, how do i undo what hibernate did to wifi/usb?