
=== petevg_ is now known as petevg
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mhiltonanyone else having problems with canonical irc?12:09
frankbanuiteam are you able to connect to canonical irc?12:10
rogpeppefrankban, mhilton: no, it's down12:11
mhiltonfrankban: I can't12:11
rogpeppefrankban, mhilton: see discussion on #juju-dev12:11
rogpeppeuiteam: sorry, i don't think I made it clear - I'll need this to be approved and landed before the testing changes: https://github.com/juju/utils/pull/24212:15
hatch_kadams54: you could take another look at that revision branch you were working on and switch it from using the setup.py to not14:21
rick_h_and this channel comes alive :P14:22
kadams54hatch_: Yeah, that's what I'm doing at the moment. Just didn't know if there was anything that should take precedent.14:23
kadams54rick_h_: I know! I saw the notification for hatch's message and then couldn't find it ;-)14:23
hatch_kadams54: here is how you can get the version in the Makefile14:24
hatch_$(eval GUI_VERSION=$(shell sed -n -e '/current_version =/ s/.*\= *//p' .bumpversion.cfg))14:24
hatch_kadams54: I'd also like it to grab the current git sha and include it in the file14:24
=== hatch_ is now known as hatch
hatchprobably in a json format14:24
hatchor js14:24
=== hatch is now known as Guest72453
Guest72453{ "version": "2.1.13", "sha": "asdfasdfasdf" }14:25
kadams54hatch: Yeah, so... when we talked last, we wanted to use the same version that goes on the tarball. That version is pulled from setup.py (`python setup.py sdist --formats=bztar` in the fast-dist target), which is why I took the approach I did. .bumpversion.cfg updates setup.py when you run `make bumpversion`, so I'd like to keep both the dist and version14:30
kadams54targets using the same approach.14:30
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hatchthere we go14:39
hatchkadams54: sorry did you see my messages there? I was having issues :)14:39
kadams54ha ha, no, I did not.14:40
hatchlast one was about the version in json?14:40
hatchor in js14:40
kadams54sha in json14:48
kadams54hatch: The message you sent as Guest7245314:49
frankbanuiteam call in 1014:50
backadams54, antdillon: standup15:00
frankbanhatch: I am now available for any GUI tasks that you need for 2.2. I am near my EOD but please fire me an email before your EOD with anything I can help doing tomorrow15:14
hatchfrankban: sure thing - honestly the big thing right now I think is that subordinate issue15:15
hatchfrankban: the DF was working quite well15:15
hatchso I haven't had enough time to really try and break it15:15
hatchkadams54: 15:15
hatchkadams54: did you need any help?15:15
hatchon your charm?15:15
hatchfrankban: so if you remember that subordinat issue lazypower had actually brought it up again15:17
hatchand then ther ewas also the juju-info issue with subordinates15:17
hatchnot being able to create them15:17
hatchfrankban: does this sound like something you'd be interested in?15:17
kadams54hatch: on my charm? You mean on the version stuff?15:18
hatchyeah the version stuff15:18
hatchdid that sed stuff work for you?15:18
hatchkadams54: I was working on it for when I was generating a custom tarball not using setup.py15:19
kadams54hatch: probably if I'd put it in place yet :-) working on the route issue first.15:20
frankbanhatch: sure, is this https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/issues/1483 ?15:20
hatchfrankban: yeah that's the juju-info one thanks15:20
kadams54hatch: still not sold on that approach. If we change that I feel like we ought to change the fast-dist target15:20
frankbanhatch: ok I'll take a look at that one tomorrow15:20
hatchkadams54: yeah totally it's all going to change - but it's going to be a slack task15:21
hatchthanks frankban 15:21
hatchI'm sure lazypower would be very happy :D15:21
hatchfrankban: plus there are some bundles that can't be made in the GUI, and this will fix that15:21
hatchbac: let me know when you have a moment and I can fill you in on the charm release stuff15:24
hatchfor whatever reason it wasn't working for me (even after jrwren got me settled on the proper charm version)15:24
hatchjrwren: you had mentioned something about azure and python from js? But I couldn't find a js version of those tools15:25
hatchor maybe that was jcsackett ?15:26
hatchfrankban: maybe while you're in there you could take a look at https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/issues/197515:30
hatchassuming it is indeed in that area15:30
frankbanhatch: sure15:32
hatchfrankban: we're down under 90 open issues now :)15:34
hatchMakyo: have you experienced this in a while https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/issues/176715:39
hatchsince you're now back on the gui stuff?15:39
Makyohatch: uh, hmm.  I think so, but I'll keep an eye on it.15:41
hatchMakyo: sure thing, it might have been another one of those vagrant only issues15:41
hatchsince i haven't actually ever experienced it :)15:41
kadams54Taking a quick lunch break.15:49
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hatchoh I can qa these using local charms :)15:51
hatchfrankban: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/authors-subordinate-services#declaring-subordinate-charms here is some information about the 'container vs scope' it sort of helps haha15:55
frankban:-) sort of15:56
jrwrenhatch: https://www.npmjs.com/package/azure has lots of cli tools and used to be the official cli tools for azure.16:00
hatchjrwren: oh I always thought this was a library for use with node tools16:01
hatchnot a cli tool16:01
jrwrenhatch: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/xplat-cli-install/16:02
jrwrenhatch: nice how juju hides all that cmdline stuff for you, eh?16:02
hatchhaha oh yes, yes Juju is pretty awesome there16:03
hatchjrwren: so they aren't going to support this any longer and switch exclusively to the Python implementation?16:04
jrwrenhatch: i don't know. I expect they will tell us, eventually. Maybe they will support both?16:04
jrwrenhatch: the github calls the python one "2.0 - preview" so maybe they are abandoning the node cli tools and moving it all to the new python ones for 2.0. That was my assumption.16:06
hatchthat's a good guess16:06
hatchI could see the advantage16:06
hatcheveryone has python ;)16:06
jrwrenhatch: that isn't true. no one on windows has python OOTB. so its just as much a support nightmare for their 99% use case.16:08
hatchohh, that's a good point!16:08
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=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk

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