
cablopvalorie: i did in the past, until i realized the community never fic things working bad in non LTS releases, so non LTS releases are pretty unstable for daily usage or production environments00:02
valoriewhen we have the time, we do backport, at least for a few months00:02
valoriebut it's true that most of the energy goes into the next release, and backporting to LTS00:03
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I'm 16.10 as well00:21
chcknrubi'm usin kubuntu at work00:22
chcknrubsticking with lts00:22
chcknrubpls release updates00:22
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> your welcome to help package stuff00:22
cablopi'm thinking to use a USB stick as a swap...00:24
ussher_dell produce a linux laptop with a very hi-res display 'precision 5510', it looks really nice, has anyone got one?  Wondering about scaling issues with applications. and how it works with KDE00:25
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Everything should scale00:52
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chcknrubwhen will qt/kde be updated in xenial 16.04 lts?01:51
cablopdamn... i thuink i have no other option than leave KDE for a while01:51
cablopthings are getting worse... sigh01:51
chcknrubyup.. kde is now sucking01:51
chcknrubwindows 10 more updates01:52
cablopit is not making sense anymore... i updated, placed a real GPU card, using proprietary drivers... and now the windows contents freeze, i can still minimize/restore windows, or move them, but the content freeze, i see a lot of hard disk activity, and after the disk stops the windows' content become updated and i can interact with it again...01:53
cablopbut that really does not make any sense!!!01:53
cablopi check the swap, to see if that's the problem... and i have enough free RAM so i'm not using the swap!01:54
cablopi disabled the swap... and the thing [persists! what's wrong with linux!01:55
chcknrubit seems hw/driver problem01:56
chcknrubwhich process is using disk i/o?01:56
chcknrubu can do the command iotop01:56
chcknrubtype 'iotop'01:56
chcknrubkubuntu is now a ripoff01:58
crdpinkrestoring kmail - it seems to have restored my folder with names like "akonadi_imap_resource_10rc" etc instead of the original names, and now wants me to pick which one for each account (I have a bunch). How am I supposed to know which one is which?01:59
crdpinkoh I can manually unzip the old settings and dig in resources/ to see.02:03
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ppkerhello everyone05:25
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ppkerhello everyone05:26
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lordievaderGood morning.08:29
acheronuk16.10 here as well :)08:39
cmmkuJesli ktos komus nie odpisuje na IRC'u to jest zbukiem.08:54
lordievader!pl | cmmku08:55
ubottucmmku: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.08:55
cmmkuA gdy krnobrnost Twoja jest tak duza ze uparcie milczysz wtedy stajesz sie zbukiem smrodliwym.08:55
cmmkuAll right. Sorry.08:55
lordievaderNo worries ;)08:55
cmmkuNot good. I don't speak english. :/08:56
cmmkuMy english is so weak that i rather i'll go myself or will I wrote very little and slowly.09:00
cmmkuThank you <lordievader> ;)09:03
lordievadercmmku: Join #ubuntu-pl then, there might be people there who can help you in your native tongue.09:08
cmmkuI'm going down.I wish you did not have a nice day.09:25
ChetManlydo you know that you must lock widgets and reboot if you have more then five icons set to launch in pnael by kmenu if you want them to stay put10:15
ChetManlyof you kill xserver or logout they go all over the panel10:16
ChetManlyyou must reboot first10:16
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ChetManlyhey how do I make firefox not be retarded when it "picks" what program to launch11:43
ChetManlylike opening gwenview to browse file and such11:43
ChetManlyit literally has no idea what to pick11:49
GuKKDevel_what does it mean with file-system: socket not connected11:49
BluesKajHowdy folks11:53
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EvilRoeyhello all12:57
EvilRoeyanyone here?12:57
EvilRoeyI have a bit of an issue.. I have a friend who gave me his laptop with no files in /boot (apparently they were however saved to /boot/boot-sav/)... I have the laptop booted to a USB stick.. my idea was to move the boot files back, run update-grub (after mountint this directory as /boot) and doing apt-get update/dist-upgrade on it...12:59
EvilRoeyMis-anthrope_: o/12:59
EvilRoeyand hi jasonwert12:59
Mis-anthrope_Hey EvilRoey13:00
EvilRoeyI have a bit of an issue.. I have a friend who gave me his laptop with no files in /boot (apparently they were however saved to /boot/boot-sav/)... I have the laptop booted to a USB stick.. my idea was to move the boot files back, run update-grub (after mountint this directory as /boot) and doing apt-get update/dist-upgrade on it...13:00
EvilRoeyMis-anthrope_: ^13:00
Mis-anthrope_I am a noob in linux.. :)13:00
Mis-anthrope_so sowwy but I cant help :\13:01
EvilRoeyah :) got it13:01
EvilRoeythanks anyway13:01
BluesKajEvilRoey: UEFI?13:01
EvilRoeyoh hi BluesKaj :) :)13:01
EvilRoeyermI don't think so13:02
EvilRoeydell lattitude e744013:02
BluesKajbetter check13:02
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EvilRoeyBluesKaj: how do I check?13:04
BluesKajEvilRoey:  open the BIOS. the laptop is uefi or bios, if it's newer than 2010 then probly uefi13:06
BluesKajwho uses /boot anymore anyway ?13:07
BluesKajunless it's uefi with windows13:08
cablopso weird stuff...13:54
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cablopMy system partialy freezes from time to time: windows' content freezes, so i can't interact with websites or this chat, but windows' controls and window manager remain usable, i can minimize and restore windows and alt-tab them. During the freezing i see high disk usage either with swap on or off. I fsck-ed the file systems and they're ok. I ran the SMART self test twice, disk is ok, also ...14:00
cablop... disk SMART stats are the best of all my 4 drives. I'm puzzled.14:01
cablopwhy disk usage freeze windows' content? I also switched from the ATI onboard GPU to the NVIDIA PCIE GPU... same issue... it makes NO sense for me14:01
cablopany idea?14:01
cablop(i'd expect something thjat weird on Windows...)14:05
=== tarator85 is now known as tarator
cablopanyone in here?15:54
chcknrubkubuntu sucks, no qt/kde libs update for 2 months already16:03
cablopchcknrub: meybe you need to add the kubuntu-backports ppa16:43
user|10579The download link never works, it always fails before it finishes.  I try different mirrors, other versions, they all never complete.  I have been trying for two days and clicked the download link probably 30 times. what is the problem?16:44
krytarikuser|10579: Try the torrents instead then.16:55
user|10579I cant, it is for work.  Torrent client not allowed17:04
acheronukuser|10579: is this the amd64 16.04.1 iso?17:04
acheronukuser|10579: Well, I just downloaded the iso via http in Firefox, and it completed fine and SHA256 has verifies the image as complete17:11
acheronukso I guess there is an issue with your network or something17:11
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BluesKajuser|10579: just tip about downloading with  firefox ..the doen load might stall near the end saying "just a few seconds left" if it remains so for more thn a  few minutes , pause it and restart ,,,for some reason FF downloader has been acting up for while now17:16
acheronukzysnc is another option17:17
BluesKajacheronuk:  I usd zsync and it mucked up a couple of times as well...it could be the source mirrors17:24
cablopuser|10579: what link?17:46
chcknrubi already added backports17:57
pineapplelover_hello kkubuntu 16.04 complains about flashplugin-installer any idea?18:17
pineapplelover_fail downloading extra data files18:18
pineapplelover_and the package willing to do that is flashplugin-installer18:18
geniipineapplelover_: Likely you upgraded from an earlier Kubuntu where adobe-flashplugin was installed, but not flashplugin-installer18:19
geniipineapplelover_: I would suggest from konsole: sudo apt update && sudo apt install flashplugin-installer18:20
cablopuser|10579: if you are downloading a big file, use firefox and the down-them-all extension, it allows you to download by multiple parts simultaneously18:22
cablopand pause and resume downloads18:22
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geniimomoe: I doubt we can get Kubuntu to run on it.19:34
mpo42vr_Folks, do you have an idea what this is? http://imgur.com/K6UrrEf19:50
mpo42vr_The folders are all different and suddenly I have to doubleclick to open a file19:51
mpo42vr_It must have happened with one of the last updates19:51
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Dragnslcrmpo42vr_- it looks like Dolphin with default settings19:55
mpo42vr_Except that some folders are themed and most are not19:58
mpo42vr_I can't change the icons19:58
mpo42vr_And where do I change back to "single-click opens the file"?19:58
wish^Anyone here know something about https://neon.kde.org/?20:00
wish^Is this kubuntu or something else?20:00
chcknrubmy  website20:00
chcknrubkindly click and visit20:01
Dragnslcrwish^- as far as I know, it's a KDE project, not Kubuntu20:03
chcknrubclick --> www.chcknrub.com <-- click20:03
chcknrubi am planning to switch to other kde distro20:05
chcknrubbecause xenial lts 16.04 has no update for months20:05
chcknrubit is buggy too20:05
chcknrubakregator marks all articles as read automatically20:06
chcknrubkonsole don't remember tabs after reboot20:06
chcknrubit is fixed in latest kde/qt, but xenial has no updates20:06
viewer|29888i need help21:24
viewer|29888hello world?21:25
viewer|29888is anybody there?21:26
UnderFactI need help installing kubuntu21:27
rattkingwhats the problem?21:29
UnderFactwhen i try to install kubuntu it say that ubi-partman crashed, so i cant install it21:32
UnderFactif you are saying stuff right now i cant see it.21:34
tlui need help21:39
lethutlu, yes?21:42
tlui need help installing kubuntu21:42
lethutlu, what's the problem?21:43
tluwhen i triy to install it says that ubi-partman crashed.21:43
tluso i cant make a swapfile21:43
lethuwhich version is it?21:43
lethualso do you try to install from live?21:44
tlu16.04 lts21:44
tluand yes21:44
lethutry installing without live environment booted21:44
tluthere isnt an option for that21:44
lethuthere should be21:44
lethuthe first welcome screen21:45
tluwhen i boot from the flash drive, it just goes straight to the desktop21:45
lethuwhich tool did you use to make the usb?21:46
lethuuse uui21:46
tlui have never had anything bad happen with rufus....21:46
tluill try tho...21:47
lethugood luck21:47
tluok, its formatting right now21:49
tluit might take awhile.21:49
tlualso a little side question, how come when i try to run any ubuntu flavour in a vm, a whole bunch of coloured text shows up? its fine if you dont know, though.21:51
lethuno idea sorry never tried ubuntu on a vm21:52
tluok, i dont really need to do that anyway.21:52
tluits almost done.21:53
tluim going to go on my tablet now, brb21:55
tluim going to login as tlu221:57
tlu2this is definitly strange like this21:58
tlu27zip appears to have hung while extracting preseed/kubuntu.seed21:59
tlu2ok its gotten over that...22:00
tlu2its creating persistant file...22:01
tlu2its taking just as long as dd, lol.22:03
tlu2that could just mean that my flash drive is garbage22:03
valoriewhy on earth is that there?22:04
tlu2because windows xp..... :P22:05
valoriemy sympathy22:05
tlu2god this takes forever!22:06
tlu2the notice to be patient makes it feel even longer22:07
tlu2finally dd is done22:08
tlu2im going to try booting from it now22:10
tlu2its showing the menu!22:11
tlu2i bet that rufus didnt know how to make the proper mbr files22:11
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tlu2there isnt a option in the menu to just install without the live environment22:12
lethujust boot it22:12
lethuthen install22:13
tlu2its booting22:13
=== morpheous96 is now known as morpheous69
lethurufus has a reputation of messing live usb's22:13
tlu2lol ok22:13
=== morpheous69 is now known as morpheous96
tlu2once kubuntu is installed i can use dd22:13
tlu2data destroyer22:14
tlu2my computer is so slow22:15
tlu2umm, it usually isnt this slow to start the desktop22:15
valoriexp computers are .....22:15
tlu2finally, speak of the devil22:16
valorieyou might have better luck with lubuntu or so22:16
tlu2no, i mean that with the usb from rufus it was faster22:16
tlu2this computer runs xp because its from the vista era22:17
tlu2woooooaaahh z-fighting22:17
tlu2gotta fix that....22:17
tlu2talking to myself22:18
tlu2moment of truth, will it install22:18
tlu2kind of annoying that it asks for the wifi password twice22:20
tlu2or three times?22:20
tlu2four times? wtf22:21
tlu2five times. T_T22:21
tlu2oh well finally22:22
tlu2(world record most single sided conversation ever)22:23
tlu2still loading22:24
valorieI did have a problem with it asking multiple times22:24
valorieusually Just Works22:24
tlu2it worked eventually22:25
tlu2i used to run lubuntu, but my computer can run kubuntu just fine and it has a much better ui.22:25
tlu2even though i have two floppy drives, there aftermarket so i can play old games and backup small code projects (dont criticize me)22:27
tlu2i know there pretty much volitile22:27
tlu2this loading is going to kill me22:28
tlu2hello there22:28
tlu2the kubuntu background looks pretty trippy if you rock your head back and forth22:30
tlu2im easily amused22:31
tlu2still loading22:31
tlu2this is taking very long22:32
tlu2see what i did there22:33
tlu2i think its stuck on the checking disks22:35
tlu2it will probably load now that i said that22:35
tlu2its definitly stuck22:37
tlu2how long should i wait?22:37
valorietlu2: are installing, or what?22:38
valoriechecking disks takes some time if you are installing22:38
tlu2oops, what was that?22:39
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tlu2i dont know you22:40
tlu2but i need help22:40
tlu2im trying to restart the process22:43
tlu2heyy its actually checking the harddisk22:43
tlu2its working22:43
tlu2it couldnt notify the kernel of changes22:45
tlu2is it safe to continue?22:45
tlu2really, i dont want to screw up or waste time!22:46
valorietlu2: stop doing this22:49
valorieask real questions or leave22:49
tlu1it couldnt notify the kernel about changes to the hdd, is it safe to continue?22:50
tlu1cant i run like modprobe --something or whatever?22:50
valorieI've never done that while installing22:50
valorieI suggest asking in #ubuntu since it is a larger channel22:51
valorieand this is an installer issue, not a Kubuntu issue22:51
ahoneybunmodprobe starts kernel mods22:51
tlu1okay, is there a ommand to notify the kernel of changes to a disk22:55
tlu1or should i just reboot?22:55
tlu1ive come to the amazing conclusion, i just rebooted23:06
valorietlu1: do you have a good install?23:11
tlu1yes, but a bad computer23:11
underfacthello world, i am tlu123:26
valorieon your new install, underfact?23:27
underfactit crashed again, its rebooting now23:27
underfactopengl 2.0 sucks23:28
underfactall of the windows just lost their top bar thing and wont close23:30
underfactanother reboot........23:30
underfactit wont reboot23:31
underfactnow it rebooted23:32
underfactwhat a process23:32
valorieeven on a very slow and underpowered XP machine, I had no crashes23:34
valoriejust slow23:34
underfactmy machine is a first gen atlon 64, with very unprofected 64 bit cpu, so that explains some of it, because amd has probably changed their architecture some..23:35
underfactmaybe the 32 bit version will work?23:35
valoriecould be23:35
valorie32 bit will always work23:36
underfactill tryy it23:36
underfacttryy lol23:36
underfactloading xp ):23:37
underfactit amazes me that windows xp boots in 3 seconds on this computer!23:38
valorie32 will not be better though23:38
* valorie goes off to eat dinner23:38
underfacttime to download the big file on my small internet connection, will the torrent or direct download be better23:38
valorieyou get built-in checking23:39
underfactkk, have a good dinner23:39
underfactstupid windows xp makes me install wifi drivers whenever it boots23:40
underfactall the bots in the room say "I"23:41
underfactall the bots in the room say "I"23:43
underfactdoes MB or Mb mean megabit?23:44
underfactmy internet is so slow, i used to have 60Mb/s up and down and like 7ms of latency from comcast and it was cheap, but then we moved and the same plan was like 200$ a month or some bs like that, and then a bot says that this is too long and off topic23:47
underfactdownload is halfway done23:47
underfactmy cat is with me now23:51
underfactthe download is done23:51
underfactsadly, i have to be a leecher, due to symmetrical bandwith caps making it so that if im uploading, my down speed goes down23:52
underfactwho here watches linus tech tips?23:55

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