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kittykittyuhh, launchpad is down?11:46
cjwatsonkittykitty: Network issue, I think11:48
kittykittythought they fixed it 2 days ago cjwatson ?11:49
cjwatsonkittykitty: Different one :P11:49
kittykittygod, again?!11:49
cjwatsonkittykitty: I don't know any details, sysadmins are looking into it11:49
kittykittycool cool , thanks cjwatson11:49
acheronukok, so not just me then... phew11:49
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #launchpad to: Network issues, being investigated | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad temporarily unavailable due to a network failure | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
wgrantcjwatson: Oh, sorry.11:52
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shaganstill down :/12:08
shaganis there a mirror we could reach out?12:08
shagantrying to download : https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded/5.0/5-2016-q2-update/+download/gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_4-2016q2-20160622-mac.tar.bz212:08
cjwatsonshagan: I'm not aware of any mirrors of product release files.12:15
cjwatsonshagan: Hopefully it won't be long.12:15
shagan@cjwatson hopefully not :/12:15
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axinoshagan cjwatson : it should be back12:22
amar__Launchpad is down?12:23
cjwatsonamar__: Just back now.12:23
shaganit started, thanks guys!12:23
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
amar__ah great thanks12:23
fhfit up again12:28
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dholbachdo I need to be of a special team to register a sprint for Ubuntu? I can register a general sprint on https://launchpad.net/sprints/+new (no option to choose the LP project) - but will that make it show up on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+sprints?13:41
cjwatsondholbach: Sprints aren't themselves directly related to specification targets such as distributions.  You get a sprint to show up on /ubuntu/+sprints by accepting Ubuntu-targeted specifications as topics for the sprint.13:51
dholbachah ok13:51
dholbachthanks cjwatson13:51
acheronukLP down again?14:06
axinoacheronuk: yes, please bear with us14:06
axinoacheronuk: it will be back soon14:06
* acheronuk takes coffee break then :)14:07
oparozLaunchpad is still down14:12
foobar_Hi. It seems launchpad still down for me. Any news? According to twitter status it's up14:12
oparozSame here14:13
wgrantThe dodgy hardware has just dropped out again.14:13
wgrantIt was back for a couple of hours, and will be back again shortly.14:13
oparozThanks! And good luck :)14:13
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad temporarily unavailable due to network failure | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
kashyapHi folks; any ETA on when LaunchPad will be back up?14:17
axinokashyap: not yet unfortunately14:19
kashyapaxino: Whoops.  Okay, so today I can defer my Openstack upstream bug triage, then... :-)14:19
* cjwatson updates twitter status again belatedly14:22
wgrantcjwatson: Too late14:22
LocutusOfBorghi launchpad, why you 503 since this morning?14:22
cjwatsonwgrant: Oh, blah, tweetdeck confused me again14:23
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg: see /topic14:23
andykimpehello please rapid solve Uh oh!  Something has gone wrong. We're sorry! If we are in the middle of an update, Launchpad will be back in a couple of minutes. Otherwise, we are working to fix the unexpected problems. Check @launchpadstatus on Twitter for updates.  If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on freenode.  Technically, the load balancer took too long to connect to an application server.  Reloa14:23
cjwatsonandykimpe: see /topic, sysadmins are working on it14:23
monstahi all. is packages.ubuntu.com on the same server as LP?14:24
cjwatsonmonsta: No, but it's behind some of the same network infrastructure.14:24
=== LocutusOfBorg changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad temporarily unavailable due to network failure | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
ubot5Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic14:25
monstacjwatson: ah ok, thanks, that explains why it's also unreachable14:25
cjwatsonmonsta: Right, it's a network switch problem not a problem with Launchpad per se.14:26
monstaok I see14:26
platzhirschAny known problems with the packages? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/amd64/libssl-dev14:27
LocutusOfBorgplatzhirsch, launchpad is down14:27
platzhirschLocutusOfBorg: would that affect thepackages as well?14:28
platzhirschthe repositories14:28
platzhirschbecause I can't install thepackage14:28
cjwatsonplatzhirsch: Not the Ubuntu archive, but PPA hosting is affected14:28
wgrantplatzhirsch: What's the error?14:28
wgrantcjwatson: It's actually not :)14:28
wgrantPPAs are in GS214:28
cjwatsonOh, good point, but "add-apt-repository" will be :)14:28
wgrantAh yes14:28
cjwatsonAnyway, yes, state the error.14:29
platzhirschwgrant: cannot find package14:29
andykimpeI crazy about your topic  It is almost 17 hours and since no way this morning to connect  I'm asking is that his works  a server that is for fonctioner 24h / 24, 7 days 714:29
cjwatsonplatzhirsch: No, copy and paste the error message, along with saying exactly what command you ran.14:29
andykimpeServer is made to run 24h / 24, 7 days 714:29
wgrantandykimpe: There was a 30 minute outage two hours ago, and 25 minutes just now, due to hardware failures. I don't know what you mean when you say 17 hours.14:30
acheronukandykimpe: to be fair, it has been up *most* of today14:30
lamontshould I expect that I'm getting "Uh oh!" pages from lp right now?  (https://launchpad.net included)?14:30
cjwatsonandykimpe: The network switch situation isn't good, but (a) it's outside the control of the Launchpad developers, we're waiting on sysadmins to fix the switch whose hardware is failing, (b) Launchpad has certainly not been down for 17 hours.14:30
cjwatsonlamont: Yes, see topic.14:30
platzhirschSorry, here http://pastebin.com/n810YqMz cjwatson wgrant14:31
cjwatsonplatzhirsch: OK, that's entirely client-side and nothing to do with Launchpad.  Try "sudo apt-get update" to start with, then "apt-cache policy libssl-dev"14:31
platzhirschcjwatson: ah thanks, I'll try the cache policy14:32
cjwatson"sudo apt-get update" may fix it depending on what's wrong, but if not then "apt-cache policy libssl-dev" will tell us more.14:33
andykimpeI not hardly this page since 0:00 a.m and is 4:32 p.m. (GMT +1)14:33
cjwatsonandykimpe: "this page"?14:34
cjwatsonandykimpe: Launchpad has definitely been up for most of that time.  Perhaps you're conflating multiple problems.14:34
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platzhirschcjwatson: working now. I had apt-get update in before but apparently.. I don't know. Works now14:35
cjwatsonplatzhirsch: OK, great14:35
platzhirschThanks a lot, silly mistake :)14:36
barryah, looks like launchpad is having hiccups14:50
martin1launchpad being down right now is really amazingly bad timing!14:50
martin1never mind :-(14:50
martin1hope you can get it back up and running soon14:50
smcginnisSorry if it's been asked already lately, but anyone have status on what's going on and any ETA? I can try to spread the news in the OpenStack community.14:50
martin1i uninstalled PHP7 and went to install Ondrej's PHP5 but of course launchpad no worky, can't add the PPA... now I have a temporarily dead website :-)14:50
mapreriis patches.ubuntu.com in the same DC of launchpad?  (that one is down too…)14:51
mg983there's an outage, right?14:51
martin1mg983: yeah14:51
axinothere is a network outage yes14:51
mg983an eta?14:51
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axinono ETA right now14:52
mordofmartin1: can you grab it from source somewhere else in the meantime?14:52
wgrantmartin1: You can actually use PPAs, you just can't use add-apt-repository.14:52
mg983darn ok14:52
wgrant(add-apt-repository uses the webapp, which is dependent on servers sitting on the dead switch. but ppa.launchpad.net itself is fine.)14:53
wgrantSo if you add the PPA to your sources.list manually, all should be good.14:53
mordofthat's good to know14:53
martin1wgrant: oh, thanks14:54
martin1wgrant: how would I add e.g. ppa:ondrej/php ?14:54
martin1the URL is https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/php which is obviously also down14:55
dobeyyou have to wait for LP to be back up again14:55
wgrantmartin1: 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ondrej/php/ubuntu SERIES main'14:55
wgrantdobey: no14:55
martin1wgrant: isn't that then going to poll ppa.launchpad.net ? or is that a separate server that's not down?14:56
cjwatsonGetting the key to add a PPA by hand is tricky, though.14:56
cjwatsonmartin1: ppa.launchpad.net is up14:56
martin1cjwatson: thanks14:56
wgrantmartin1: ppa.launchpad.net is in the other datacentre, so it's fine14:56
martin1aah thanks14:56
martin1much appreciated14:56
mordofwgrant: was that an intentional decision to separate the two?14:56
wgrantIt's just the switch with critical single-point-of-failure master database infrastructure that's failed.14:56
cjwatson(I don't think the key is currently available anywhere other than the database/webapp)14:57
wgrantcjwatson: Indeed...14:57
wgrantmordof: Not exactly.14:57
dimitern`any idea how long a downtime are we looking at?14:57
cjwatsondimitern`: We haven't been given an ETA by sysadmins yet, I'm afraid.14:58
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dimitern`cjwatson: right, ok - thanks14:58
Rumblesyey my ppa works again now :D14:59
mg983mine too Rumbles14:59
mordofwgrant: alright. i'm learning about building systems that could have considerations like that, so was thinking it'd be interesting to get insight into that if it were intentional14:59
mordofif it was*...?14:59
mordofhad been?15:00
cjwatson"if it were" is right here, since it's a counterfactual :)15:00
mordofthanks :)15:00
cjwatson(or "if it had been", I guess.)15:00
mordofmaybe the two are interchangeable here? they both feel correct. not sure15:01
cjwatsonDifferent tense.15:01
wgrantmordof: In an ideal world we'd have one of everything in each of our London DCs. But there are a couple of things that aren't: one of them is ppa.launchpad.net, because it's very large and not currently practical to replicate live; and another is the master DB infrastructure, because there has to be a single master at any one time.15:01
mordofcjwatson: english is hard sometimes15:02
mordofwgrant: that makes sense :) thanks15:02
cjwatsonWe do have some tentative plans for de-single-point-of-failure-ing ppa.launchpad.net; in doing that we would probably want to think about attempting to preserve the useful property of independence from master DB problems that we've seen here (though doing so fully may be hard, since the entire reason it's independent is that it has a multi-terabyte copy of lots of stuff locally ...)15:03
wgrantcjwatson: That's already solved by the multiple pgbouncer solution which is planned.15:03
semewith ppa down will I be able to do things like add apt repositories on my system?15:03
wgrantSince they can reasonably run off a slave.15:03
cjwatsonwgrant: That's better robustness of the core rather than independence of PPA, but yes15:04
cjwatsonseme: Once added they'll work, but add-apt-repository won't work at the moment.15:04
cjwatson(Well, "add-apt-repository ppa:..." that is.)15:04
mordofwgrant: is pgbouncer a solution for handling many read-nodes, with a way of distributing writes to all of them?15:04
wgrantmordof: Well that's a funny story actually15:05
cjwatsonhttps://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PgBouncer is perhaps slightly more readable ...15:06
dobeymostly what i'm missing right now is IRC :)15:06
mordofyeah, their main page doesn't explain things that well, lol15:06
mapreriis patches.u.c in the same place?  or, why is it down too?15:06
cjwatsonmapreri: It's behind the same failed switch.15:06
maprerioh, now it replied, damn.15:06
mordofwgrant: i'd be interested in hearing about it if you've got the time/interest :)15:07
maprericjwatson: i suspected it.  though now patches.u.c replied, but lp doesn't :|  I suppose that's enough for now for me :)15:07
dobeyoh well, hopefully it'll be back when i return from lunch15:07
dimitern`paste.u.c is back at least15:07
cjwatsonmapreri: Earlier some packets were getting through but not all; it may be, er, patchy.15:07
dimitern`and LP's back! \o/15:10
dimitern`(most of it - some imgs still not appearing though)15:10
cjwatsonProbably not reliably.15:10
andrew90hi guys!15:10
andrew90what happened?15:10
mordofoh, it seems pgsql has been adding replication into their own stuff.. we'd been using pg 9.1 up until recently, so i hadn't noticed15:10
andrew90trying to download a jar from launchpad, it seems offline?15:10
dimitern`down again :/15:11
smcginnisandrew90: Network outage is being worked on.15:11
smcginnisNo ETA at the moment.15:11
andrew90ok, thank you smcginnis15:11
andrew90are there any other mirror available? I'm trying to get https://launchpad.net/sikuli/sikulix/1.1.0/+download/sikulixsetup-1.1.0.jar15:13
cjwatsonandrew90: I'm not aware of any other mirrors for project release files like that in general, no, although of course individual projects might happen to host them elsewhere as well.15:15
andrew90Thank you again then :)15:21
madjedjHi all, is some know how long Launchpad will be unavailable ?15:32
mordofno ETA provided as of yet15:32
jfjeronimoHola! Tengo problemas con el repositorio pi-rho, ¿alguien sabe si lo solucionarán pronto? Gracias!15:34
axinojfjeronimo: hi, launchad is unreachable because a network outage15:35
rasharIs ppa/arand down?15:35
madjedjmordof: ok thank's and good bye. :(15:35
jfjeronimohi axino, thank you!15:35
brookshankETA on it coming back?15:35
axinono ETA yet15:35
BlackMagewhat kind of network outage?15:38
wgrantBlackMage: The switch with the master database server on it failed.15:39
BlackMagewgrant: a joke?15:40
wgrantBlackMage: No.15:41
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mordofwgrant: did it take any other hardware with it? or it just died itself?15:43
jfjeronimoReady! Thanks!15:57
axinoLaunchpad should be back15:57
cjwatsonaxino: Likely to stay up now?15:57
axinocjwatson: likely, yes.16:00
mordofhurray for launchpad!16:03
mordofgood job to all involved for identifying and solving the problem :)16:03
mordofthanks for keeping things running ^_^16:03
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
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JeanLuc_Okay this is the 3rd channel I was sent to, so please don't just respond with "ask in $SOME_OTHER_CHANNEL". I want to build my vala/gtk-application on launchpad as part of a ppa. But I am facing a strange issue: First a vapi-file is being created during the build, then right after the build fails complaining it can't find the exact same file.18:12
JeanLuc_error: /«BUILDDIR»/feedreader-2.0.0~r1264+pkg25~ubuntu16.10.1//«BUILDDIR»/feedreader-2.0.0~r1264+pkg25~ubuntu16.10.1/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/FeedReaderCommon.vapi not found18:12
naccJeanLuc_: to repeat what i said in #ubuntu:18:15
dobeywell, this is the wrong channel, as this doesn't have anything to do with launchpad itself. it seems there is a problem with the build rules, and the vapi file is either not being created, or created in a different location than the latter rules expect it18:16
naccerror: /«BUILDDIR»/feedreader-2.0.0~r1264+pkg25~ubuntu16.10.1//«BUILDDIR»/feedreader-2.0.0~r1264+pkg25~ubuntu16.10.1/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/FeedReaderCommon.vapi not found18:16
sarnoldwow there's a lot of warnings in that thing, it's hard to even spot an error among all the warnings...18:16
sarnoldsure enough that last "/usr/bin/valac -C -b ..." command refers to that filename with the funky doubled-BUILDDIR, near the end18:19
dobeyfix your cmake :)18:20
sarnoldwhether that means there's a missing filename or missing file or needless reference to a variable, I can't guess, I don't know Cmake nearly well enough18:21
dobeythe CMakeLists.txt is definitely wrong somewhere18:22

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