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tenaciousmvhas anyone built snaps with private git/npm dependencies?02:03
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mupBug #1595987 changed: udev denials  <snapd-interface> <Snappy:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1595987>04:18
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morphis_mwhudson: ping06:04
mwhudsonmorphis_: hi06:23
mwhudsonmorphis_: sounds like you know more about wifi details than me, do you want to submit a probert pr?06:24
morphis_mwhudson: I could but not real soon06:24
mupPR snapd#1994 opened: snap: add `snap known --store` <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1994>06:25
morphis_mwhudson: but I think using something like https://pypi.python.org/pypi/libnl/ to talk with the kernel would be a good thing06:25
mwhudsonmorphis_: huh hadn't seen that one06:25
morphis_mwhudson: however I think for the short term not breaking when the error occurs and requesting CONFIG_CFG80211_WEXT enabled in the kernel is a good start06:26
mwhudsonmorphis_: i guess the patch i added is at least better than doing nothing06:26
morphis_mwhudson: but we shouldn't close the bug with this06:26
mwhudsonnetlink is so very ... the sort of api a kernel developer would think of, i guess06:27
mwhudson    while RTA_OK(hdr, remaining):06:28
mwhudsonalso it's 1930 here and i'm going to try not to work every evening this week :-)06:28
morphis_mwhudson: yeah, I agree with that!06:29
morphis_mwhudson: just one last question06:29
morphis_mwhudson: I am currently hitting the problem that I can't enter @ anymore in the "Profile setup" screen06:30
morphis_mwhudson: this is on the edge channel06:30
mwhudsonmorphis_: !06:30
morphis_on beta it works still06:30
mwhudsonmorphis_: it worked on an image i made today06:30
mwhudsonon a dragonboard06:30
morphis_then it must be my keyboard or so06:30
morphis_this is on a pi306:30
mwhudsonmorphis_: over serial or usb?06:31
mwhudsoni know some keymap related stuff was added to the image recently06:31
mwhudsonbut i didn't think we were doing anything with that yet06:31
morphis_its over a usb keyboard plugged into the dongle06:31
morphis_and having the pi on a hdmi screen06:31
mwhudsonyeah, that's the setup i was using06:32
morphis_then it seems to be a image problem06:32
mupPR snapd#1995 opened: interfaces/builtin: fix resolvconf permissions for network-manager interface <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1995>06:43
morphis_ogra_: ping06:46
zygagood mornign06:47
dholbachhey hey06:48
didrockshey dholbach, zyga06:50
didrocksdholbach: snap-codelabs is available FYI06:50
dholbachwow wow wow06:51
dholbachnice work didrocks06:51
dholbachmhall119_, popey_: ^06:51
didrocksdholbach: based on mhall119_ first snapcraft.yaml, but quite tweaked to make it lightweight then :)06:51
dholbachwell done!06:52
dholbachdidrocks, hum, which port does it listen on?06:54
didrocksdholbach: see the snap long description :) 812306:54
dholbachah yes, of course06:55
liuxgrecently, I use nodejs to compile some project, in some cases, if I add some modules, the compilation fails. I am not sure whether this is related to our nodejs plugin or not. thanks07:02
morphis_pitti: I've updated https://code.launchpad.net/~morphis/netplan/+git/netplan/+merge/306607 , can you have another look?08:04
pittimorphis_: I already did some minutes ago08:05
pittimorphis_: as I said, this is fine for a PoC in a PPA, but this is not a "solution"08:05
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pittipackaging a leaf application might have this namespacing, but if you want to provide OS components as snaps they can't have the same restrictions08:06
pittithe idea was to isolate stuff, not hardcode alternate names for snap OS parts in a hundred places (plus breaking third-party stuff which we can't control)08:07
morphis_pitti: there needs to be a lot more love happening but I still think if netplan is included on ubuntu core it shouldn't come with not functional support for backends08:07
morphis_pitti: I totally agree with that08:07
morphis_pitti: but that is what is giving today with snaps and netplan is included as a first class citizen on Ubuntu Core so it should take care about what it supports today and ask for changes those things solved08:10
morphis_pitti: I see the risk that somebody doesn't know about that patch included in the ppa and then just release a new upstream release and overrides everything08:10
popey_didrocks: tried to find it on my pi, and it can't find codelabs, is that because it's amd64 only?08:15
morphis_ogra_, mvo: so are you guys accepting not-upstream-patches for the netplan debian package in the ppa which ends up in the OS snap? not sure how the maintenance goes here but there needs be some ensurance that those changes are not overriden by anyone trying to bring in a new release from upstream netplan08:15
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ogra_morphis_, wll, they need to be gone from the PPA and landed in -updates before november08:15
morphis_pitti: ^^08:16
didrockspopey: yeah, I didn't build armhf binary (yet)08:16
ogra_if you guys think thats manageable, sure, lets have it in the PPA til then... the inal release must come from -updates08:16
popeydidrocks: I can build it on my pi here if you want, where's the branch?08:17
pittiwell, then you move it from being your responsibility to fix snaps to being my responsibility to ever get rid of this :)08:17
morphis_ogra_: the thing is pitti does not agree with https://code.launchpad.net/~morphis/netplan/+git/netplan/+merge/306607 and does not want it in netplan upstream08:17
pittiand it's certaily not the only place that calls nmcli, like netplan isn't the only package that expects NetworkManager.service or bluez.service or cups.service or whatnot08:17
ogra_right, so the quetion is if it can be a distro patch in xenial ...08:17
morphis_ogra_: so if we can't keep the netplan package in the ppa after the final release then then this needs to be considered differently08:17
ogra_or if you guys find a proper solution before nov.08:18
pittiyes, a distro patch in the xenial backport would be more bearable08:18
ogra_we will keep it in the PPA, but th btea and stable images wont use the PPA08:18
pittialthough it's still completely wrong08:18
pittithis has to be fixed properly anyway at some point..08:18
morphis_ogra_: what do you mean by beta images?08:18
didrockspopey: it's not just a question of snapcraft snap unfortunatly, you need to have a go env ready08:18
didrockspopey: I guess it's quicker if I do it, one sec08:19
pittiogra_: ok, I'll start putting together a NetworkManager SRU for the netplan support patches then08:19
ogra_morphis_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/OSSnapPromotion08:19
pittiogra_: I guess you currently have that in the PPA? (which one is that?)08:19
ogra_eventually only edge will use the PPA08:19
ogra_all other channels come from proposed or updatess later08:19
ogra_(later = by release)08:19
pittinot in https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+archive/ubuntu/image08:19
morphis_ogra_: so the current beta images don't use the ppa?08:19
ogra_pitti, we have "a" netplan there08:20
mupPR snapd#1996 opened: daemon: add the actual ssh keys that got added to the create-user response <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1996>08:20
didrockspopey: can I fake a snapcraft snap on some arch?08:20
popeydidrocks: when you say "long description" for the port number, where's that?08:20
pittiogra_: right, but netplan does not work with xenial's NM08:20
popeydidrocks: dunno08:20
ogra_morphis_, currently they do, but we are workibng on getting all the PPA changes into -updates before release08:20
popeydidrocks: I just have classic on my pi, so can use it to snapcraft things, works fine08:21
didrockspopey: I think nothing apart from uappexplorer exposes it08:21
popeyoh, okay08:21
didrockspopey: hum, ok, so, I will need you :)08:21
didrocksI can give you the binary08:21
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morphis_ogra_, pitti: good then lets keep the patch as a distro one even for -updates08:21
ogra_morphis_, see the wikipage ... within the next two-three weeks wthis will be implemented08:21
morphis_pitti: I know that there will be a discussion to allow snaps shipping things like "nmcli" so they end up with a prefix "network-manager."08:21
popeydidrocks: i installed it, and see nothing on that port08:21
didrockspopey: http://localhost:8123?08:22
didrocksweird, did it work for you dholbach?08:22
ogra_pitti, well, i guess it works with the snapped NM ...08:22
dholbachdidrocks, yes08:22
popeyignore me didrocks08:22
popeypilot error08:22
* didrocks ignores popey FOREVER!!! :)08:22
didrockspopey: so, git clone that branch: https://github.com/ubuntu/codelabs08:23
popeyworks now :)08:23
morphis_ogra_: it does08:23
didrocksI'll give you a binary to replace08:23
pittimorphis_, ogra_: ah, ok; so you don't actually need these patches in xenial-updates then, it seems?08:23
pittithe NM ones, I mean08:23
ogra_we dont ?08:23
morphis_pitti: no, for the snap we don't need the nm patches in the deb package08:23
ogra_ah, right ... i guess we dont use the deb for packaging the snap08:23
morphis_pitti: we're not using the deb package for the snap at all08:23
dz0ny_btw, will you guys open source build server for snappys? currently it's a bit problematic building snaps for different platforms08:24
morphis_dz0ny_: you can already build snaps on launchpad for any architecture08:24
dz0ny_didn't know08:24
didrockspopey: take this binary and replace the one in the root dir with it: http://didrocks.fr/temp/codelabs08:24
didrockspopey: then, you should be able to build the snap08:25
didrocks(for armhf)08:25
dz0ny_morphis_: care to share link08:25
popeydidrocks: ok08:25
morphis_dz0ny_: push a branch and look for a "Create snap package" on the overview site08:25
morphis_dz0ny_: like here: https://code.launchpad.net/~morphis/+junk/pi2-kernel-snap08:25
ogra_dz0ny_, upload your tree (bzr or git) to launchpad ... then you can pick "create snap"08:25
popeydidrocks: what about "server" in that same directory, also an amd64 binary08:26
dz0ny_ah thx08:26
didrockspopey: silly me08:26
didrocksI didn't copy the right bin08:26
morphis_ogra_: so can you upload a new netplan package then to the ppa if I give you one?08:27
* ogra_ grins about mwhudson and cyphermox playing pingpong with bug 162155008:27
mupBug #1621550: Snappy should detect when running in KVM, specify correct ssh connection line <Snappy:New> <subiquity (Ubuntu):Triaged by cyphermox> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1621550>08:27
ogra_morphis_, sure, who will work on getting it into update ? you or pitti ?08:27
didrockspopey: so, the one you want is http://didrocks.fr/temp/server :)08:28
didrocksI didn't recompile the other one, it's not shipped in the snap08:28
didrocks(it's only to build the metadata)08:28
morphis_ogra_: don't know, I just care to have it in the beta image we're doing for our customer this week at the moment :-)08:28
morphis_pitti: can you take the -updates one?08:28
ogra_morphis_, well, i care to not lose it once we turn off the PPA :)08:28
pittimorphis_: that's backport netplan with that PR?08:29
ogra_well, preferably get the one from the PPA into updates08:30
ogra_not ure if there are other changes08:30
ogra_(i didnt put it thre)08:30
* pitti creates an SRU bug08:31
morphis_pitti: thanks!08:31
ogra_ppisati, so i see an oops on the pi3 ... sadly only in the combo of having console=tty0 and HDMI enabld but i think it is somehow related to the wifi card08:36
ogra_i wonder if it is the same thing i saw on the bbb08:37
ppisatiogra_: can fill a bug with the cmdline used to provoke this?08:38
ogra_i can even give you an image that expoes it ... as long as you dont plug in a wire on first boot ... but it scrolls offscreen and there is no wayx to get proper logs before the user is set up ... which need working network08:39
ogra_the pi3 image from http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/all-snaps/daily/current/ has it ..08:40
* ogra_ files bug 08:40
pittimorphis_: tracking in bug 162764108:43
mupBug #1627641: Backport netplan to xenial <network-manager (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <nplan (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <network-manager (Ubuntu Xenial):Triaged by pitti> <nplan (Ubuntu Xenial):Triaged by pitti> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1627641>08:43
ogra_ppisati, bug 162764308:44
mupBug #1627643: oops on pi3 (seemingly wlan related) <linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1627643>08:44
morphis_pitti: ok, are you going to create a deb package with that patch now too?08:44
morphis_just that we do not do the same work twice08:44
pittimorphis_: yes; we eventually want to use netplan for cloud-images etc. as well, so at some point we'll need them; and I'd rather have the integration tests actually succeed08:45
pittimorphis_: (they cannot work without the NM patches)08:45
morphis_pitti: ok, can you hand that package to ogra_ then so that we can include it in the ppa real soon?08:46
mupBug #1627643 opened: oops on pi3 (seemingly wlan related) <Snappy:New> <linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1627643>08:47
pittimorphis_: why? AFAIK snappy edge is built with -proposed enabled, so it would suffice to just have it there? (which we can do today still)08:49
pittimorphis_: I suppose you just backported Read-config-from-run.patch and Read-system-connections-from-run.patch (I'm not aware of anything else that's needed, but I'll verify with nplan's test/integration.py)08:50
ogra_pitti, no, we turned off proposed (it caued skews)08:51
pittibut if you aren't going to use the NM distro package, why do you need it in the PPA then?08:52
ogra_we need it on the image08:52
ogra_which means in the ubuntui-core snap08:52
pittioh, nplan doesn't backport as-is, need a pep8 fallback for pycodestyle08:52
pittistill confused -- if you use an NM snap, you won't need the xenial-updates NM package with the /run patches in the snappy PPA08:53
pittiand if you use the distro package, then why bother with the snap and that ugly nplan patch?08:53
ogra_no, i will need the xenial-updatess nplan08:53
pittioh, this was about nplan, not NM08:54
ogra_regarding NM we only care about the snap ... and that nplan doesnt break it when users install it by accident i guess08:54
ogra_break it -> the NM deb of xenial08:54
ppisatiogra_: i guess that is a 4.4 kernel, right?08:55
ogra_ppisati, whatever is recent in xenial, yeah08:55
ppisatiogra_: k08:55
pittierk, NM is stuck in xenial-proposed (v-failed), pinging Aron09:02
morphis_pitti: as, those two patches are what we did09:17
morphis_pitti: in edge later today is fine through -proposed but we need it in beta by the end of the week09:17
morphis_pitti: if that is doable with the SRU, then I am fine, if not lets use the ppa09:18
pittimorphis_: oh, please do use the PPA; I just wanted to start the process for SRUing now09:18
morphis_pitti: ok, we can take the package you push to -proposed and copy it to the ppa09:18
pittimorphis_: there is a NetworkManager stuck in xenial-proposed (verification-failed), so we can't get NM into -proposed today09:18
morphis_pitti: can you ping me once the package is in -proposed?09:19
pittimorphis_: sure; I also subscribed you to the bug so you get updates from that too09:20
mupBug #1624490 changed: Snap access to /dev/uinput <hardware> <snapd-interface> <uinput> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1624490>09:41
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mupPR snapd#1997 opened: tests: added install_local function <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1997>11:25
ogra_morphis, http://ubunt.eu/zQa7Xs definitelly needs aethercast so you can have it fly while working ;)11:27
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sborovkovHello. Anyone knows what's going on with ubuntu store? I can't submit any new snaps. getting unrecoverable error. And bunch of 503 when navigating the page.12:24
cjwatsonsborovkov: There was a network issue recently, but if that was it it should be recovering now.12:27
sborovkovunderstood, thanks.12:27
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diddledanrandom thinking which I'm sure has already been considered, but I wanted to mention it anyway: gui snaps can only display text using fonts installed in the snap when it was built from what I can tell with unofficial-hexchat. would be nice to share fonts between system and snaps13:00
morphis_pitti: looks like we should just update the exiting netplan package in the ppa rather than integrating recent new changes13:02
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pstolowskijdstrand, hey! can you have another look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1832 ?13:06
mupPR snapd#1832: interfaces/builtin: support time and date settings via 'org.freedesktop.timedate1 <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1832>13:06
jdstrandpstolowski: yes13:09
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didrockspopey: did you build the armhf snap for me to upload?13:21
didrocksI wonder if I can't otherwise, cheat with snapcraft ;)13:21
popeydidrocks: I did, but I moved location and can't ssh to the pi now :)13:23
popeydamn firewalls!13:23
didrockshaha! Who did this! :)13:23
didrockspopey: can wait tomorrow then, no worry ;)13:24
popeyit installed but I didnt get an open port and didn't have time to check logs before I left, will take a look later13:24
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mvopitti: hi! it looks like we may need sysfsutils as a snapd dependency13:39
mvopitti: and therefore make it part of main, so that we can setup bits in /sys at boot time. or is there a different way to ensure /sys values are set on boot?13:40
pittimvo: I'm sorry, do you REALLY mean sysfsutils?13:40
mvopitti: maybe, so let me start differently. we need something that can set values in /sys13:40
pittimvo: this is really not what you are looking for13:40
mvopitti: oh, ok - glad I talked to you :)13:41
mvopitti: what am I looking for?13:41
pittimvo: man sysctl.d :)13:41
pittimvo: *phew* :)13:42
mvopitti: the man page talks about /proc/sys - it seems like we need /sys however. sorry, I'm sort of the messanger here only, zyga is working on gpio bits and we need to set some bits in /sys to control the right gpio13:42
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pittimvo: oh yes, that's sysctls for /proc/sys, I thought that's what you actually  meant13:44
pittimvo: otherwise you want udev rules13:44
mvopitti: aha, thanks, udev rules because /sys is too dynamic for the approvach that sysfsutils took?13:46
mvozyga: you probably find the above useful -^ :)13:47
* zyga looks13:47
pittimvo: no, but sysfsutils was an evolutionary dead-end13:47
zygaoh, interesting, thank you pitti!13:47
zygapitti: was it related to libsys213:48
pittimvo: it's completely useless and does not give you anything that you cannot already do with udev rules or just shell scripts, except for being racy13:48
pittimvo: and it has been abandoned like 10 years ago13:48
pittimvo: hence me being incredulous, sorry :)13:48
zygait should be removed from the archive eventually :)13:49
mvopitti: totally fine, I was earnest when I said "glad I talked to you" :)13:49
zygabut I'm also glad we talked, this is much easier13:49
zygapitti: so a design question I have, perhaps: if snapd would like to generate such .conf files, should they live in /etc (which the man page reserves for the administrator) or in /run (which would require snapd to start and write them before stuff that may depend on it would)13:52
zygapitti: hold that, I just realized I skipped the most essential message about using udev rules13:53
zygapitti: so this is all irrelevant, thanks13:53
pittizyga: yeah, there's always those two last crappy rdepends which keep it alive (FSVO "live")..13:55
pittizyga: I dislike autogenerated files in /etc, as /etc should really/ideally be "settings that the admin did", not something fixed or derived13:56
pittii. e. only "primary" configuration13:57
pittizyga: so if these get derived from some other/primary config, putting them into /run is much better13:57
pittizyga: it also eases your life as then it stays an internal implementation detail which you can change at any time13:57
shuduomvo: hi, i'm trying to compile nextcloud snap target armhf on pc. then snapcraft --target-arch armhf complains "copy" plugin don't support cross compile. you have helped me on snapcraft 1.x. may i know any  solution for 2.x?13:57
pittizyga: with /etc it never goes away and you need to deal with it on upgrades13:57
mupPR snapd#1998 opened: debian: re-add golang-github-gosexy-gettext-dev  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1998>13:59
zygapitti: is there a nice place we could put files in /run for udev to pick up?13:59
pittizyga: /run/udev/rules.d/ ?13:59
zygapitti: thanks, I see14:00
pittizyga: but, maybe we sohuld take a step back and clarify what you want to do14:00
zygapitti: right now I'm not going to change that but it seems like something we may want to explore down the line14:00
pittizyga: i. e. which kind of sysfs attrs do you want to change, and at which point in time14:00
zygapitti: well snapd has a way to influence various bits of the kernel14:00
zygapitti: here we specifically want to export a GPIO pin to userspace14:00
pittizyga: I mean, in the simplest case snapd could just open()/write() the attributes at startup and be done with it14:00
* ogra_ wonders if you rather want a snippet in /etc/sysctl.d in your package 14:00
zygaogra_: no, because this is dynamic and it depends on interfaces14:01
ogra_ah, that GPIO thing again14:01
* ogra_ remembers we talked abot it before 14:01
pittizyga: that doesn't sound like you would need to do that super-early in the boot sequence?14:01
zygapitti: currently when an interface needs to use udev rules we just write them to /etc/udev.d/snap.* and reload udev14:01
ogra_but yeah, why not just write to /sys then ?14:01
pittizyga: if you need to apply that to "any future hotplugs", then yes, let snapd put udev rules into /run/udev/rules.d/14:01
zygapitti: well, before any snap apps start14:01
ogra_without udev14:01
pittifuture hotplug events, I figure14:02
zygapitti: I don't know if GPIO is very hotpluggable14:02
pittiif that's a thing, write temp udev rules, then trigger those in snapd, and let the rules take care of future events14:02
zygapitti: this is more about having a way to influence bits in sysfs14:02
morphis_zyga: what is the problem with the current implementation of the GPIO iface in snapd?14:03
zygamorphis_: it doesn't work across reboots, it writes to sysfs whenever you ask for a snippet14:06
morphis_zyga: should we add something like InitializeIfaceConnectionOnSnapdStartup()14:07
morphis_for an interface?14:07
zygamorphis_: for this case we should use udev rules for that14:07
zygamorphis_: everything else is persistent already14:07
morphis_how would udev rules apply to to sysfs nodes for GPIO's?14:07
zygamorphis_: 'echo' :)14:08
zygamorphis_: udev can just run any command14:08
pittimorphis_: erk, no14:08
morphis_zyga: sure but you need an event, right?14:08
pittiyeah, you need to "coldplug" (udevadm trigger) them after writing to apply to existing devices14:09
zygapitti: we already do that14:09
pitti"udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=gpio" or something suhc14:09
zygapitti: well, we do a generic one14:09
ogra_dont ... that eats resources ... limit it to the subsystem14:10
zygaogra_: we don't know this14:11
zygaogra_: we cannot limit anything at this time14:11
ogra_now you do :)14:11
sil2100Hey! I have a newbie problem in a quick python3-app snap I'm creating14:11
zygaogra_: no, we don't know this in snapd, the udev code doesn't know what snippets are doing14:11
zygaogra_: we'd have to provide richer data14:11
zygaogra_: or parse existing data14:11
ogra_but your interface does, doesnt it ?14:11
zygaogra_: no14:11
zygaogra_: interface has no way to tell14:12
ogra_if i'm the gpio interface i know i want to act on gpio's ...14:12
zygaogra_: the author might but the interface API would have to be changed in a somewhat major way to convey that today14:12
pittior run it before systemd-udev-trigger.service, but then it must run really early, without many assumptions14:12
zygaogra_: it's not something that's easy to change14:12
zygaogra_: then you have to combine the  changed subsystems14:12
zygaogra_: and in the end you might save some memory/whatever or get it wrong :/14:12
zygaogra_: that's not something for this release14:12
didrockssil2100: hey, what's up with it?14:13
ogra_ok ok14:13
mupPR snapcraft#828 opened: yaml xpath for errors <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/828>14:13
sil2100My snap is a standard python3 plugin-based snap, it installs some modules and a python script to /usr/bin/ as expected, but... after installing the snap and trying to run it, I em getting an 'exec: <command here>: not found'14:13
sil2100Even though when checking the /snap installation place, the script is in the usr/bin/ directory as expected, also the wrappers *should* set the PATH correctly14:14
sil2100But still, the launcher cannot find the script14:14
didrocksinteresting… You should have a .wrapper script that the script in /snap/bin points to, correct?14:15
didrocksthis is just shell, you can open it and look at what's added to your env14:15
sil2100Yes, examined the wrapper and everything seems to be ok there14:15
didrocksPATH is set?14:15
didrocksto your $SNAP/usr/bin ?14:15
sil2100I examined all the scripts that are executed on the way and it should be all good, with PATHs being set etc. but it doesn't seem to work14:16
didrocksyou can try:14:16
didrockssnap run --shell <your command>14:16
didrocksyou will then be dropped in a shell, with the snap parameter14:16
didrocksjust before the wrapper is run14:16
ogra_also ... snap install hello-world ...14:16
didrocksand maybe poke from there?14:16
sil2100Yeah, hello-world works fine14:16
ogra_then you can use helo-world.env to get info about the default vars14:16
sil2100Just my snap has some issues with the paths14:16
ogra_or hello-world.sh to spawn a shell inside the snap env14:17
sil2100Oh, ok, thanks for the pointers, let me dig further then14:17
=== charles_ is now known as charles
didrocksI guess snap run --shell will land him in the right context for his snap, with his code nearby and such ;)14:20
ogra_all that new-world stuff ... pfft :P14:21
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morphis_pitti: did you upload a new netplan package already somewhere?14:38
sil2100didrocks: this is really strange, I checked the environment variables when in --shell and the $SNAP variable is set correctly, I also hacked inside an echo $PATH right before the exec part in the final wrapper and the PATH also seems to be set correctly14:42
pittimorphis_: no, I didn't; still working on that networkd regression; but netplan itself needs no change other than adjusting the Breaks:14:42
morphis_pitti: I am going to create just an updated nplan package over the one we already have in ppa to cause no big regressions14:43
sil2100didrocks: and the /snap/landing-team-tools/x1/usr/bin dir has the binary as required, doing a simple PATH=/snap/landing-team-tools/x1/usr/bin:$PATH image-info (which is the command name) works in the same shell14:44
mupPR snapd#1999 opened: daemon: add REST API behind `snap get` <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1999>14:44
sil2100Let me try removing setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the wrapper script14:45
sil2100hm, yeah, it seems that setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH seems to somehow break the exec line, making it not find the binary14:47
pittimorphis_: sure; as I said, go wild with the PPA for now14:50
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
didrockssil2100: interestingly weird14:54
=== Eleventh_Doctor is now known as Pharaoh_Atem
ogra_asac, *sniff*15:08
=== Pharaoh_Atem is now known as King_InuYasha
=== King_InuYasha is now known as Pharaoh_Atem
pittimorphis_: I just figured out the necessary networkd fix (the previous one was a red herring)15:16
pittimorphis_: however, with LP (and other caonical services) being down I can't update/upload anything :(15:17
morphis_pitti: yeah!15:26
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== daniel3 is now known as Odd_Bloke
zygaoh, launchpad is down15:50
modprobe__Trying to create a snap, but after all of my parts finish priming, snapcraft just exists saying "[Errno 21] Is a directory: '/home/dev/swv/prime/.'" (where my snapcraft.yaml is in /home/dev/swv/)15:59
modprobe__I've got three different custom plugins in this snap, though. This project does not go into a snap without a fight.16:01
modprobe__But none of those plugins do anything unusual except during the build step16:01
ogra_slangasek, i assume you have seen my comment on bug 1627146 ?16:06
mupBug #1627146: ubuntu-image creates 'small' ext4 filesystems, which take forever to resize <Ubuntu Image:Fix Committed by vorlon> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1627146>16:06
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
qenghoI sure wish something would warn me that my snap has a vulnerability in OpenSSL that was fixed today.16:16
qenghoMy snap was uploaded from a recipe in Launchpad. It could fire off builders, and then email me a link to upload the builder results to Edge channel, and another to upload to Stable channel.16:18
qenghoI wonder how hard it would be to write a snap scanner that looked for patterns that suggest a vulnerable version of dependency. Like a virus-scanner pattern searcher.16:20
slangasekogra_: yep - sorry, didn't get it fixed over the weekend because of final beta trubs, but will get that sorted today16:25
ogra_no hurry ... i run my own ubuntu-image meanwhile ...16:25
* slangasek nods16:25
ogra_just wanted to make sure you didnt miss it16:26
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mupPR snapd#1963 closed: daemon, overlord, store: add ReadyToBuy API to snapd <Reviewed> <Created by pete-woods> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1963>16:31
=== AdmWiggin is now known as tianon
mupPR snapd#1847 closed: many: discard preserved namespace after removing snap <Critical> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1847>17:31
mupPR snapcraft#829 opened: sources: fix type when calling with depth <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/829>17:55
mupPR snapcraft#830 opened: python plugin: only replace proper shebangs <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/830>18:10
mupPR snapcraft#831 opened: 'sign-build' implementation <Created by cprov> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/831>18:37
mupBug #1627813 opened: AppArmor denies access to /etc/ld.so.preload on armhf <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1627813>18:48
oparoz_Is there an online interface for the snap store where we can find snaps? It seems each developer sees his own or we have to use snapweb which doesn't list everything18:56
mupPR snapcraft#795 closed: WIP: snap-build generation and pushing support <Created by caio1982> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/795>19:01
kyrofaogra_, I'm confused. Why does this https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/raspberry-pi-2/ recommend downloading ubuntu classic for rpi? Isn't that supposed to be a snappy page?19:03
kyrofaogra_, it's causing questions like this: https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/55516/snappy-ubuntu-core-lose-ethernet-connection-after-updating19:03
ogra_kyrofa, because we still dont have official series 16 images ... though the betas might soon be good enough to replace that text19:28
ogra_(wasnt my choice btw)19:28
kyrofaogra_, yeah I figured it wasn't your choice, just that you knew the story behind it ;)19:29
ogra_it is a few months old when we had no images at all19:30
kyrofaogra_, might be handy to spell out somewhere "these are not ubuntu core images!"19:30
ogra_well, i think such pages should slowly start pointing to the betas ... i guess with the next beta release they might be good enough (the dailies have surely a lot bugs fixed now)19:31
mupPR snapcraft#830 closed: python plugin: only replace proper shebangs <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/830>20:01
mupPR snapd#1922 closed: tests: use apt as compatible with trusty <Reviewed> <Created by vosst> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1922>20:15
mupPR snapcraft#828 closed: yaml xpath for errors <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/828>20:28
=== Marcus is now known as Guest8706
Guest8706I just discovered Ubuntu Core, I would like to know which one is appropiate Ubuntu Core/Desktop/Server?20:52
Guest8706I want to program soft real time application using boost library20:52
kyrofaGuest8706, on what hardware will the program run?20:52
Guest8706anyone could help me? Thank you!20:52
kyrofaGuest8706, will it be headless? Or do you need a graphical interface?20:53
Guest8706industrial PC20:53
Guest8706for testing and validation ghapical interface would be useful but not main requirement20:54
Guest8706It would control cameras and laser, so sync is realy important20:54
kyrofaGuest8706, how do you envision updating it?20:55
kyrofaGuest8706, also, is this a one-off for your own use, or a product you intend on providing to others?20:55
Guest8706a product, for selling to another company20:56
Guest8706is a critical system, so we would not perform many updates20:56
Guest8706kyrofa, what do you recommend?20:58
kyrofaGuest8706, will it be connected to the internet?20:59
kyrofaGuest8706, what I'm really asking it, say you DO need to update it. Will it be able to retrieve the update via the internet, or will the user need to sideload it somehow?21:00
Guest8706It would be installed outside and connected by fiber optic to the local network21:00
Guest8706second option I guess21:00
kyrofaGuest8706, and last question: you say soft real time, i.e. you don't expect a real-time kernel?21:01
Guest8706real time is desirable, but I think I would think LinutRT or similar, is that ok?21:01
Guest8706So I need to be able to control priorities of threads21:02
Guest8706and make sure main process run smoothly21:02
Guest8706but I think I dont need a RT OS21:02
Guest8706One of my doubts is, Would i be able to use the same libraries? i.e boost library21:04
Guest8706I mean when using Core version21:04
kyrofaGuest8706, oh sure, the only thing special about ubuntu core is that you'd be required to use snaps21:06
kyrofaGuest8706, are you familiar with snaps?21:06
Guest8706Not at all21:06
kyrofaGuest8706, they're a new packaging format that bundle their dependencies and are transactionally updated (i.e. can rollback upon failure)21:07
kyrofaGuest8706, they're also strictly confined, which means they're more secure, but can also cause some challenges when creating the snap if your software it used to being able to walk all over the system21:08
Guest8706So, it could be more challeging to set up the system?21:08
kyrofaGuest8706, it also automatically updates (including the snap you put on there for your stuff), but if the device isn't connected to the internet that's not much of a win21:09
kyrofaGuest8706, are you familiar with debian packaging?21:10
kyrofaGuest8706, particularly considering that being able to login and have a GUI would be useful to you, you might consider simply using ubuntu desktop21:10
kyrofaGuest8706, if, however, security is important, you might consider ubuntu core21:11
Guest8706ok, thank you Kyrofa21:11
kyrofaBut without the internet, some of the ubuntu core advantages are negated21:11
Guest8706security is important but the local network would be "protected" and traffic limited so I guess it would be OK21:12
kyrofaNote that, if you play with the snap packaging format and like it, ubuntu server, desktop, and core can all use it21:13
kyrofa(as well as various other linux distributions)21:13
Guest8706ok, where could i start?21:14
kyrofaGuest8706, right here: http://snapcraft.io/21:14
Guest8706I can create snaps and test them on Desktop?21:14
kyrofaGuest8706, indeed21:14
Guest8706I have been about 10 years without using Linux, I am getting old, everything seems more difficult now, :)21:17
Guest8706Thank you very much for your help.21:17
kyrofaGuest8706, of course!21:32
mupPR snapd#1995 closed: interfaces/builtin: fix resolvconf permissions for network-manager interface <Critical> <Created by morphis> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1995>21:35
mupPR snapd#1997 closed: tests: added install_local function <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1997>21:36
mupPR snapd#1998 closed: debian: re-add golang-github-gosexy-gettext-dev  <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1998>21:37
mupPR snapcraft#829 closed: sources: fix type when calling with depth <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/829>21:40
andyworki am using the dump plugin to copy something into my snap; i set the source property (which must be a directory), but how do I set what files to be dumped? currently all files in that source directory is being copied into the snap21:41
andywork(which I do not want)21:41
kyrofaandywork, that's how the dump plugin works-- it dumps everything in the directory into the snap. If you want to blacklist things, you can use the `stage` and `snap` keywords in the YAML21:43
kyrofa(or whitelist)21:44
sergiusensandyrock like in the `assets` part here https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/demos/gopaste/snapcraft.yaml#L2021:46
ogra_kyrofa, do you know whats the reason for this horrid complexity (vs having the simple copy plugin syntax we had before)21:46
* ogra_ never understood what was wrong with the copy plugin or why we had to drop it21:47
andyworkkyrofta, sergiusens: thanks, I'll take a look21:51
mupBug #1627860 opened: run fail at missing folder /lib/modules (eg. on a virtual host) <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1627860>22:01
mupPR snapcraft#810 closed: nodejs plugin: Add mechanism to run “npm run” commands <Created by RAOF> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/810>22:16
mupPR snapd#1999 closed: daemon: add REST API behind `snap get` <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1999>22:33
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mupPR snapd#1996 closed: daemon: add the actual ssh keys that got added to the create-user response <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1996>23:05
mupBug #1627893 opened: A daemon is denied to write to the home directory <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1627893>23:40
mupPR snapd#2000 opened: snap, daemon, store: pass through screenshots from store <Created by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2000>23:43

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