
* tsimonq2 wonders why http://summit.ubuntu.com/ shows nothing yet...04:11
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dholbachhey hey06:48
dholbachmhall119_, are you planning to put up uos-1611 today?07:59
dholbachI have a few ideas already and I'd like to encourage a few folks to add sessions :)07:59
=== popey_ is now known as popey
* popey re-locates to brothers less noisy house08:54
tsimonq2+1 dholbach10:48
tsimonq2dholbach: morning :)10:48
Kilos-hi guys11:00
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
tsimonq2o/ Kilos11:07
tsimonq2Kilos: how are you?11:07
Kilosim ok ty lad and you?11:07
tsimonq2great :)11:07
Kilosinstalled 16.04 kde today and lots to learn11:08
Kilostoo much eye candy for me11:08
popeyhey Kilos, how are you feeling?11:09
Kilosim still kicking ty popey , just tire easily11:23
popeyGood to hear :)11:28
* popey lunches11:28
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
mhall119dholbach: yes, is there a sprint in launchpad for it?13:14
mhall119if you would make that, I will make the summit.u.c entry13:26
dholbachlet me see13:27
mhall119ahoneybun: wxl: So you've both told me that your request includes the cost of the hotel room, and that only one of the two actually *needs* to include that cost13:27
mhall119who's request should I remove that from, and how much should the requested amount be reduced by?13:27
dholbachmhall119, do I need to be part of https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-drivers?13:27
dholbachor https://launchpad.net/~uds-organizers?13:28
mhall119uds-organizers probably13:29
mhall119or maybe not, I'm not on that team13:29
dholbachon https://launchpad.net/sprints/+new I can't pick the project the sprint is for13:30
dholbachand on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+sprints I can't find an option to register a sprint/meeting13:30
dholbachI'll ask in #launchpad13:40
dholbachmhall119, https://launchpad.net/sprints/uos-161113:54
dholbachit'll turn up under ubuntu as soon as we accept blueprints for ubuntu13:54
dholbachI picked the same time of day as last time13:54
mhall119thanks dholbach13:54
mhall119dholbach: well, you broke Launchpad :)14:17
dholbachof course :)14:17
dholbachI wanted to get everyone an extra coffee break14:17
mhall119that's a reasonable way of doing that14:25
wxlmhall119: ahoneybun: just eliminate the cost of the hotel from ahoneybun's unless he does not have the cost broken down. in that case, remove it from mine. let us know what ends up happening.15:26
mhall119wxl: ahoneybun did not break down the cost, so I will remove it (x2) from yours15:35
wxlmhall119: 179x2 to be clear, right?15:36
wxlahoneybun: that said, it's on you to reserve a room at the silver cloud for us. 2 queens were 179 last i checked.15:37
=== belkinsa_ is now known as belkinsa
mhall119wxl: yes, since I already increased it by one15:38
dholbachall rightie... I call it a day - see you all tomorrow again!15:58
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
ahoneybunwxl: mhall119 rooms seemed to be 150-200 a night and I gave 300 or so incase they drop some stupid fee or increase on us19:30
joseahoneybun, wxl: where are you going?23:15
ahoneybunSeattle for SeaGL23:17
joseI guess I'll be seeing you there23:17
ahoneybunwell not sure if I am going or not23:20
ahoneybunI have not gotten a yes or no yet23:20
joseahoneybun: what hotel rare were you looking at?23:27
ahoneybunSliver Shord or something like that23:28
joseseeing $195 around here, if it's cheaper lmk and I'll send you the info23:28
ahoneybunwell that's where valorie and sgclark are staying23:28
ahoneybunso if we need to uber/lyft/taxi we can carpool cheaper23:29
* wxl is bringing his bike23:29
ahoneybunwell I don't own one and can't bring that on a plane lol23:29
wxlyeah our bikes are meant for that bikefriday.com (shameless plug!)23:30
ahoneybunbut like I said not 100% sure I can go23:30
wxlyou mean it's contingent on the donations request, ahoneybun, or are there other factors?23:31
ahoneybunwxl: they could say no to the whole thing23:31
wxloh right23:31
wxlwell i usually assume i'm going until they tell me no (they never have)23:31
ahoneybunwxl: did you reserve a room?23:31
josepleia2: are you going to seagl as well?23:31
josewe need to have an ubuntu dinner23:32
ahoneybunwxl: I'd rather wait to get a yes23:32
wxlno i didn't ahoneybun. i was going to. you just need a credit card to reserve it. no money is taken out23:32
ahoneybunvalorie said you did23:32
wxlahoneybun: that said, i'd reserve the room. you can cancel it at any time really23:32
wxlvalorie said she thought i did23:32
joseahoneybun: if there's no deposit required, it's always better to reserve the room and then cancel if you're not going, in case rates go up23:32
wxl+1 jose23:32

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