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cyphermoxdo we have quorum? I'll chair instead of sil210015:01
cyphermoxlooks like we do15:02
cyphermox#startmeeting DMB meeting15:02
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Sep 26 15:02:08 2016 UTC.  The chair is cyphermox. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB meeting | Current topic:
cyphermox#topic Review of previous action items15:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB meeting | Current topic: Review of previous action items
cyphermoxsil2100 asked me to chair, since he was going to be on a uncertain connection15:02
BenCHas it reall been two weeks since the last meeting? My internal clock is misrepresenting terribly.15:02
* rbasak is also on an uncertain connection15:03
cyphermoxBenC: it has15:03
BenCAnd on that note, I must appologize for not updating the agenda.15:03
cyphermoxno infinity here, but I'll poke him to do his PPU stuff for Gunnar.15:03
rbasakThat's done actually.15:03
rbasakslangasek took care of it for us.15:03
cyphermoxwhat about the PPU acces for Otto?15:03
rbasakThat I didn't have in my mind when I asked him, sorry.15:04
cyphermoxok, I will then15:04
rbasakIf someone wants to prepare the edit-acl command for slangasek, I'm sure he'd be happy to oblige.15:04
cyphermoxmy tasks were done15:04
cyphermoxsil2100's tasks were done (libdumbnet and zerofree for ubuntu-cloud)15:04
cyphermoxand finally mine (nacc to add to core-dev and annoucing results) are done too -- so looks like we just need to cover Otto's PPU now15:05
cyphermoxI see no applications on the agenda...15:05
cyphermoxBenC: was there anything that should be on today's agenda?15:06
BenCWe pushed “Nicholas Skaggs and (Juju Delegated Team) (September 12th)” to this meeting.15:06
cyphermoxballoons: are you around?15:06
balloonsHappy Monday to you all15:07
cyphermox#topic Juju Delegated Team15:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB meeting | Current topic: Juju Delegated Team
rbasakI wasn't expecting to be available today, but I happen to be free and with a connection available right now.15:08
cyphermoxwell, we have an email thread describing the request for a Juju PPU team.15:09
cyphermoxis everyone familiar with that thread or with last meeting's discussion so we can skip right to voting on the team creation? is there anything we need to discuss on that regard? (or was the voting done already?)15:10
BenCI’m good15:11
bdmurrayI'm not caught up on the thread15:12
cyphermoxrbasak had concerns with the complexity of the packages, and whether they shouldn't just require core-dev15:13
cyphermoxthe thing is, we should usually consider PPU uploader teams separate from who asked to have that access .. can we sufficiently well define the packageset?15:13
rbasakI believe that all the packages currently requested have the property that they are only dependencies of Juju and nothing else.15:14
rbasakSo "Juju and supporting packages that aren't dependencies for anything other than Juju" or a more concise form of that maybe?15:14
BenCYeah, let’s get the package set out of the way. I think that’s fairly well defined.15:16
BenCAnd uncontested, for the most part.15:16
rbasakIf we were to decide that Juju can only be uploaded to by core devs, then there would be no point in having a packageset.15:17
rbasakI realise that it's a bit circular though. I don't mind which way round we do it.15:18
rbasakAs you say, I think everyone agrees what the packageset should be.15:18
cyphermoxwell, I don't think it has to only be core developers. people can show interest in only juju and show that they can handle these special packages correctly without necessarily qualifying or willing to be core-dev15:19
micahgcyphermox: that's a point of contention15:19
BenCI agree. I think it’s actually more likely that some one would work on juju and not want or need core, than the other way around.15:19
cyphermoxmicahg: could you elaborate?15:20
BenCmicahg: Is it contended because there’s an opinion that you need to be at the level of a core-dev to work on it correcly, or because you should be a core dev to do it?15:20
BenCI agree, there needs to be a higher level of expertise for anyone working on juju, but I don’t agree that you should need core-dev permissions to do so.15:22
cyphermoxuploads are uploads, we're not here to check if someone uploading is doing a bugfix or not15:22
rbasakWhat if we ask all DMB members here to express their opinion on my questions A-E in that email? Would that help? Are there any further distinctions or nuances in opinion that this would miss?15:23
cyphermoxAFAIK we've worked the same way for other packages for which uploads have consequences -- that's why we look at the packageset and who requests access separately15:23
micahgI agree on that point, I'm still not sure about whether or not someone should be core-dev for juju, I'm leaning towards it's plumbing for package management, so people should have a decent understand of how things work15:23
BenCA) Yes, B) No15:24
BenCGiven that, I move that we define juju as a package set and to allow PPU access to it on a case-by-case basis.15:25
cyphermoxseems to be like "bugfix-only uploads for the PPU" is unenforceable, and arguably something that goes beyond the scope of the DMB15:27
BenCYeah, and most of these points can easily bog us down to the point of hindering progress rather than enabling.15:28
BenCWhich I think is our main goal.15:28
cyphermoxperhaps we could vote on the packageset, then vote on rbasak's points and bring this up to the next TB meeting?15:28
cyphermoxBenC: err, what? :)15:28
BenCWe should be enabling progress and development rather than hindering it :)15:29
cyphermoxoh, ok :)15:29
BenCOrder of gramatical operations failure on my part.15:29
rbasakI think that given it's within the scope of the DMB to deny an application for PPU, it's also within the scope of the DMB to permit a limited PPU only. Whether or not we choose to do it, or whether or not it's a good idea, is a separate matter.15:30
cyphermox#vote for the creation of a juju packageset defined as "Juju and supporting packages that aren't dependencies for anything other than Juju"15:30
meetingologyPlease vote on: for the creation of a juju packageset defined as "Juju and supporting packages that aren't dependencies for anything other than Juju"15:30
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)15:30
meetingology+1 received from rbasak15:31
meetingology+1 received from BenC15:31
meetingology+1 received from bdmurray15:31
meetingology+1 received from cyphermox15:31
meetingology+0 received from micahg15:31
meetingologyVoting ended on: for the creation of a juju packageset defined as "Juju and supporting packages that aren't dependencies for anything other than Juju"15:32
meetingologyVotes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:115:32
meetingologyMotion carried15:32
rbasakI'm not sure we need to send this to the TB, unless we're hung or really unsure or something. We can still decide to our best ability and allow balloons (or anyone else) to take it to the TB if unhappy still though.15:32
cyphermoxrbasak: that's not what I meant though15:33
cyphermoxI think we ought to proceed as usual to do the vote for the packageset, vote on the applicants, and then bring up this discussion on ubuntu-devel perhaps?15:33
cyphermoxand if need be, have a decision made by the TB15:33
cyphermoxeven if juju is complicated, I don't think it qualifies as stuff that only core-devs should ever upload15:34
cyphermoxI think very few such packages exist15:34
cyphermoxeven boot stuff typically has bad consequences if you do stuff wrong, but we can have very knowledgeable uploaders ready to do such uploads15:35
cyphermox#topic Nicholas Skaggs for juju packageset upload rights15:36
rbasakI have no objection to bring it up on ubuntu-devel if you would like to do that.15:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB meeting | Current topic: Nicholas Skaggs for juju packageset upload rights
cyphermoxballoons: could you tell us more about what changed since last meeting?15:36
* cyphermox kicks Launchpad, would be nice to see upload history right about now15:36
balloonscyphermox, you can at least still see http://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?render=html&sponsor=*&sponsor_search=name&sponsoree=*Skaggs*&sponsoree_search=name15:37
balloonsbut yea :-(15:37
balloonsAnyways, I sent along an email about juju packaging history as I knew it, and my invovlement with it15:37
micahgyes, but boot loaders are very focused, yes, results can be disastrous, but there's specific knowledge involved, packaging plumbing would seemingly require knowledge of how other packages interact and can potentially interact with each other, which implies archive-wide understanding15:37
balloonsThere's also an on-going debate about 32-bit uploads, and work on getting an RC into the archive15:38
cyphermoxmicahg: juju doesn't affect the archive, only the system on which you run it15:38
balloonscyphermox, did you have anything specific you want an update on?15:38
cyphermoxballoons: not necessarily, but I wasn't at the last meeting, so trying to catch up with approximate resources15:39
balloonshere's my mail btw https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2016-September/000965.html15:39
BenCballoons: I have a single question: How do you plan ro help resolve some of the packaging issues being raised?15:39
BenCSpeficially, without vague things like “I’m going to make juju great again” :)15:40
micahgcyphermox: right, but isn't the idea to be a layer on top of the package manager to make it even easier to install groups of packages?15:40
balloonsBenC, :-). Are you speaking about issues like the 32-bit issue?15:40
cyphermoxmicahg: following specific rules which aren't part of juju itself, and those recipes are reviewed differently, etc.15:41
cyphermoxmicahg: it's not very different from chef/puppet, etc.15:41
BenCWell, there seems to be a huge discussion on how best to move forward with juju packaging to satisfy some current problems. Things raised last DMB meeting.15:41
cyphermoxie. you're always free to destroy your computer, or your datacenter, if you so choose.15:41
=== daniel3 is now known as Odd_Bloke
balloonsMy goal in general has been to try and make juju a better upstream partner. I've sought to do that by addressing the various packaging issues raised before I started working on the package. This included things like breaking out dependencies and doing regular uploads15:41
BenCAs juju PPU #1, how would you lead that movement?15:42
BenCballoons: Sorry to come across as pushy, but not past. What are your future plans?15:43
balloonsI push for open discussions on hard issues and seek resolution. It's not ok to just stop doing things once they get hard.15:43
balloonsMy future plans are to beef up the autopkgtests a bit more, and make the juju ci packaging mirror what goes into the archive15:44
balloonsI want to reduce the release timing for pushing something into a ppa to into the devel archive to nil15:44
micahgballoons: not to open up a can of worms, but is there a reason that juju isn't part of the CI train?15:46
cjwatsonmost packages aren't15:46
micahgeven the canonical developed ones15:47
balloonsmicahg, the CI train for phone images?15:47
balloonsif so, the answer is simply that it doesn't ship on those images15:47
micahgfor the archive15:47
cjwatsonright, bileto (formerly called the CI train) mainly focuses on the code used on the phone; it's certainly possible to use it for other things, but might well be an impedance mismatch in a lot of cases, and is in no way a requirement15:47
cyphermoxthe CI train isn't meant just for phone images though15:47
rbasakJuju does have autopkgtests, assuming they're still there. I wrote a couple.15:48
cjwatsonand in particular most server packages don't use bileto15:48
cyphermoxotoh, cjwatson is right, and we shouldn't use it as a crutch to make it easier to do uploads15:48
balloonsrbasak, absolutely, and they are still there. Specifically, I'm going to try and stamp out archive issues with LXD, cloud-init, or snaps breaking us (or vice versa)15:48
micahgit was one potential solution to the "we want point releases quickly"15:48
balloonsas an aside, who does the manual qa on a silo if it's not going on the phone?15:49
cyphermoxyou, or some other person designated for these uploads.15:50
sil2100o/ Sorry for being late, on mobile but around15:50
balloonsmicahg, my solution for that has been to integrate autopkgtesting into our CI, along with running things like lint, and checking for copyrights, etc15:50
sil2100The QA process is only for vivid and phone stuff, so other series just get released as is15:50
balloonscyphermox, ahh interesting. So I do an upload, get a silo, then I do the signoff?15:51
sil2100Bileto, in this regard, can be used for any package anywhere - if, of course, it fits the project needs15:51
cyphermoxwe're drifting away from the subject though, should we go on to vote?15:51
sil2100Since as cjwatson mentioned, bileto might 'get in the way' if you dont have autopkgtest or follow some specific release process15:52
sil2100Yeah, sorry about that15:52
cyphermox#vote for Nicholas Skaggs to get uploads rights for the juju packageset15:54
meetingologyPlease vote on: for Nicholas Skaggs to get uploads rights for the juju packageset15:54
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)15:54
balloonsso rbasak, when I say "beef up autopkgtests", I mean adding tests to ensure uploads to lxd, cloud-init, snap-confine don't break our juju packaging or vice versa. We've struggled with catching LXD breakages before they hit the archive15:54
rbasakballoons: that wasn't my question :-)15:55
rbasak-1 for reasons I explained at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2016-September/000979.html15:56
meetingology-1 for reasons I explained at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2016-September/000979.html received from rbasak15:56
cyphermox+0, I see some uploads, but I can't look at a few, and I would prefer to see more uploads of other packages that will be on the package set.15:57
meetingology+0, I see some uploads, but I can't look at a few, and I would prefer to see more uploads of other packages that will be on the package set. received from cyphermox15:57
meetingology+0 received from BenC15:58
meetingology+0 received from sil210015:58
micahg-1  I agree with most of what rbasak said15:59
meetingology-1  I agree with most of what rbasak said received from micahg15:59
BenCI trust baloons capability, but I think the first person on juju PPU needs more of a leadership role than a technical one.15:59
meetingologyVoting ended on: for Nicholas Skaggs to get uploads rights for the juju packageset16:00
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:2 Abstentions:316:00
meetingologyMotion denied16:00
balloonsThanks for your consideration all. On rbasak's comments, as I told him, I do hope to see some wider discussion as I think he brought up some interesting points around packages and ppu permissions16:01
sil2100I think we all would prefer you to do a few more uploads through sponsoring for now, and certainly re-try in a bit16:01
BenCAgreed on that.16:01
balloonsyea, my uploads for things like mongodb never showed up in the miner16:02
balloonsI can work to make sure my name gets attached to things more; it'll happen naturally anyway16:02
rbasakIt's OK if they don't show up on the sponsorship miner - just point to them in your (re-)application and explain your involvement.16:02
rbasak(with an endorsement from the uploader also describing/confirming your involvement, etc)16:02
cyphermox#topic Any other business16:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB meeting | Current topic: Any other business
bdmurrayIs there a bug in the sponsorship miner then?16:03
balloonsbdmurray, seems unlikely. More likely is that my sponser uploaded and it has there name (probably very few if any of these). And for the other things, it likely carries someone else who I colloborated with as the uploader16:04
cyphermoxso, no AOB16:07
sil2100Not from me16:07
cyphermoxbut I did forget to write down the ACTION for creating the packageset.. who wants to do it?16:08
sil2100I could try16:08
sil2100The juju packageset, right?16:08
rbasakIs there any point doing it now?16:08
sil2100I would get on it when Im back or tomorrow then if that's needed16:09
cyphermoxwell, you don't have to DO it, just own the action so that we eventually have it done16:09
rbasakI suppose it would make it easy to add someone to when it's ready.16:09
cyphermoxrbasak: not now, but let's not forget.16:09
cyphermoxACTION: sil2100 to deal with the juju packageset creation16:09
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Sep 26 16:09:44 2016 UTC.16:09
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2016/ubuntu-meeting.2016-09-26-15.02.moin.txt16:09
rbasakThe person who gets the future action to add someone to the packageset won't forget :-)16:09
rbasakBut sure, do it now if desired, because it's a TB action so will take longer.16:09
rbasakThen adding will be quick in future.16:10
sil2100Thanks cyphermox for chairing!16:10
cyphermoxsil2100: you're up next ;)16:10
rbasakThanks all!16:10
sil2100Ill take the next meeting in this case ;)16:10
sil2100Yeah ;)16:10
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Sep 26 16:31:30 2016 UTC.  The chair is tyhicks. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:31
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:31
tyhicksThe meeting agenda can be found at:16:31
tyhicks[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Meeting16:31
tyhicks[TOPIC] Announcements16:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Announcements
tyhicksOtto Kekäläinen (otto) provided updates for trusty and xenial for mariadb (LP: #1605493)16:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1605493 in mariadb-5.5 (Ubuntu) "USN-3040-1: MySQL vulnerabilities partially applies to MariaDB too" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160549316:31
tyhicksThank you for your assistance in keeping Ubuntu users secure! :)16:31
tyhicks[TOPIC] Weekly stand-up report16:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly stand-up report
tyhicksjdstrand: you're up16:31
jdstrandlast week I focused a lot on the docker interface, ancillary interface/backend reviews and getting the docker snap to work on classic. The interface is merged and I syncd with stakeholders to get an updated docker in the store.16:32
jdstrandAlso did a lot of PR reviews, updated the dbus-app interface and discussed the unity8 interface with ted16:32
jdstrandsnap-declaration assertions in the review tools and other review tools updates16:33
jdstranditerate on the dbus-app interface (hopefully, waiting for PR feedback)16:33
jdstrandPR reviews, especially wrt /run/media and udisks216:33
jdstrandcontinue to investigate what a 'network-namespace' interface might look like16:33
jdstrandfew more policy updates and policy bugs to look at16:33
jdstrandsnap-declaration assertions in the review tools and other review tools updates16:33
jdstrandoh, I repeated one of those. it's that important :)16:33
jdstrandthat's it from me16:33
jdstrandmdeslaur: you're up16:33
mdeslaurI'm on triage this week16:33
mdeslaurI'm currently working on an embargoed issue16:33
mdeslaurand I have samba and clamav updates ready for testing16:33
mdeslaurthat's about it, sbeattie, you're up16:34
sbeattieI'm in the happy place this week16:34
sbeattieI made progress on some apparmor reviews last week, and will finish those up16:34
sbeattieI have kernel signoffs to get through today16:34
sbeattieI'll try to pick up an update from the list as well16:35
sbeattiethat's it for me, tyhicks?16:35
tyhicksI'm in the happy place this week16:36
tyhicksI'm trying to do SRU verification (LP: #1580463) (LP: #1614215)16:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1580463 in im-config (Ubuntu Xenial) "Snap blocks access to system input methods (ibus, fcitx, ...)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158046316:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1614215 in apparmor (Ubuntu Xenial) ""md5sums differ" message seems to indicate an install problem" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161421516:36
tyhicksjdstrand: it looks like im-config was removed from xenial-proposed :/16:36
tyhicksjdstrand: could you re-upload and I'll handle the SRU verification?16:36
tyhicksafter that, I'll be back on trying to bring AppArmor UNIX domain socket mediation back to 14.04 + hardware enablement kernel16:37
tyhicksI hit a blocker last week and I'm now taking a different approach16:37
tyhicksI have some packaging changes to make today so that we continue to ship the 14.04 policy in the backported 16.04 package16:37
tyhicksthen I'll be testing16:37
tyhicksjjohansen: you're up16:37
tyhickssbeattie: either you or I need to look at bug #1627304 this week16:38
ubottubug 1627304 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "User locking problems - guest login crashing" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162730416:39
sbeattietyhicks: okay16:39
tyhickssbeattie: I can get to it mid-week and will let you know if/when I start working on it16:39
tyhicksI think jj isn't around just yet16:39
tyhickssarnold: are you here?16:39
tyhickschrisccoulson: go ahead16:40
chrisccoulsonI've got a minor Oxide update to do this week. There aren't any planned Mozilla updates16:40
chrisccoulsonI've got a few Oxide code reviews to get through too16:41
chrisccoulsonAlso, Firefox and Thunderbird fail to build on various architectures in yakkety, so I need to spend some time on that16:41
chrisccoulsonOther than that, I'll be working through Oxide bugs as usual16:41
tyhicksthanks chrisccoulson16:42
tyhicksratliff: you're up16:42
ratliffI'm on bug triage this week16:42
ratliffI'm finalizing the pillow update16:42
ratliffDesign doc review and other internal tasks to complete16:43
ratliffback to you, tyhicks16:43
tyhicks[TOPIC] Highlighted packages16:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Highlighted packages
tyhicksThe Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so.16:44
tyhicksSee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved.16:44
tyhicks[TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions16:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Miscellaneous and Questions
tyhicksDoes anyone have any other questions or items to discuss?16:44
sarnoldhey, sorry I'm late16:45
sarnoldMIRs this week, not sure which ones to start next16:46
sbeattietyhicks: ^16:46
sarnoldand I'm on community16:46
sarnoldthanks ratliff :)16:46
tyhicksand zmqpp after that16:46
sarnoldlets hope lukasz fixes the ftbfs :)16:47
sarnoldit sounded promising but he mentioned silos and I lost track16:47
tyhickssarnold: a fixed upload is in the unapproved queue16:47
tyhickssarnold: see the bug report16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1617005 in zmqpp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] zmqpp" [Undecided,New]16:48
tyhickssarnold: might be worth kicking that build off while looking at ubuntu-terminal-app :)16:48
tyhicksdoes anyone have anything else?16:48
sarnoldheh, ubuntu-terminal-app doesn't even show up in umt search :/16:49
tyhicksI'm confused by that one16:49
tyhicksmaybe ratliff can get you more info?16:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1625074 in ubuntu-terminal-app (Ubuntu) "[MIR] ubuntu-terminal-app" [High,Confirmed]16:49
tyhicksratliff: it isn't in Ubuntu: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-terminal-app16:50
ratliffthe code is in launchpad and linked to off of that MIR16:50
tyhickslets discuss this outside of the meeting so that everyone else can go about their day16:51
tyhicksjdstrand, mdeslaur, sbeattie, jjohansen, sarnold, ChrisCoulson, ratliff: Thanks!16:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Sep 26 16:51:40 2016 UTC.16:51
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2016/ubuntu-meeting.2016-09-26-16.31.moin.txt16:51
mdeslaurthanks tyhicks16:51
ratliffthanks, tyhicks!16:51
sbeattietyhicks: thanks!16:51
sarnoldthanks tyhicks!16:53
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jdstrandthanks tyhicks :)16:55
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