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alan_ganpok: is this likely to be another gtk-mir problem? https://bugs.launchpad.net/miral/+bug/162769711:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1627697 in MirAL "gnome-terminal crashes on resize" [Undecided,New]11:14
alf_kdub: Is our IRC server down for you too, or is it just me?11:58
kdubhmm, launchpad is down for me, so i'd guess outage11:59
alan_g#launchpad says "Launchpad temporarily unavailable due to a network failure"12:00
* alan_g decides to try again after lunch12:00
RAOFFirewall madness strikes again.12:02
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NeKitany idea what might be the reason for unity8 to fail? unity-system-compositor works though13:14
NeKitthe device is MTK Helio X1013:15
anpokNeKit: kdub might have an diea..13:21
anpokalan_g: I will take a look when the keymapping bug is in a better state13:22
kdubNeKit, it seems to fail to map the buffer on the server side13:23
kduband then seems to have fencing problems13:23
kdubmaybe the usage bits go wrong somewhere13:24
kdubnot sure though13:24
NeKitvisually Ubuntu logo animation is playing fine though13:25
NeKitbut nested compositor won't start due to buffer error13:25
alan_ganpok: thanks, I'm starting to feel that some spelunking tin gtk+ is needed.13:26
om26erHi! How can I query screen resolution from Mir ?13:28
anpokom26er: as soon as you create a surface that is shown on screen you get surface_output_event13:30
om26eranpok, is there a commandline way to get that ?13:30
om26eror something pythonic ?13:30
anpokthat even will tell you on which output you are displayed.. the via mir_connection_display_config you get access to the current setup...13:31
anpokyes mirout13:31
NeKitkdub, might it be related to https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb?p=aosp/platform/frameworks/native.git;a=commitdiff;h=90c5a47b7c7f00c04b4b681f4b81aea90b606b6f?13:32
kdubbroken link13:33
NeKitkdub, https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb?p=aosp/platform/frameworks/native.git;a=commitdiff;h=90c5a47b7c7f00c04b4b681f4b81aea90b606b6f13:35
kdubwell, we don't really use the BufferQueue system in the ubuntu touch stack13:36
NeKitany steps that might help to debug buffer mapping then?13:53
kdubeh, I suppose I would start tinkering with mir::graphics::android::Buffer::write or read, and see if you can figure out a reason why its failing14:05
kdubmaybe tinker with the allocation bits passed in to gralloc14:05
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kgunnalf_: hey, i'm back...but only here :)14:23
kgunnbut  i was going to say, i added the core/kern snap to the drawing in order to14:24
alf_kgunn: (me too, only here...)14:24
kgunnshow that those my have facilities needed by the u8-session snap14:24
kgunnto actually control the screen14:24
kgunnwhich i think is exactly what you were indicating14:25
kgunnwas missing from the display control i/f that is there today14:25
alf_kgunn: that's one aspect, the other is actually allowing repowerd (or others) provide the dbus service over which apps can request keep-display-on14:27
kgunnalf_: yes, exactly14:27
kgunnalf_: so what may not be obvious, "an interface" (as in a single interface)14:28
kgunncan actually provide the slot/plug to the system/server side & the plug/slot to the client side14:28
kgunnalf_: mir interface is actually an example of this14:28
kgunnalf_: in the mir interface anything under "permanent slot" is what the mir server side is needing from the system14:29
alf_kgunn: looking...14:29
kgunnanything on the "connected slot" is what the mir server may need to do on the client side, and "connected plug" is what the client needs from the server14:29
kgunnalf_: ^14:30
kgunnhope that makes sense14:30
alf_kgunn: so, an interface can contain multiple slot/plug pairs?14:31
kgunnalf_: yes...well, specifically 214:32
kgunnalf_: in my simple mind, i think of it as "top" pair and "bottom" pair architecturally14:33
alf_kgunn: thank, your explanation + reading the mir snap helps.14:42
alf_kgunn: my approach would be for the screen-inhibit-control interface to have a ConnectedSlot (allowing accepting dbus request) and ConnectedPlug (allowing sending dbus requests)14:47
alf_kgunn: but no PermanentSlot/Plug14:47
kgunnalf_: well, i think you've gotta drive that thru some testing....14:48
kgunne.g. can u8 session do what it needs to do ?14:48
kgunnalf_:  when AlbertA and tedg ge the u8-session to the point where you can launch an app we'd need to try on an all-snaps system14:49
alf_kgunn: yes, I need to test, but my point (and I could be wrong) is that screen-inhibit-control interface shouldn't know about how repowerd in particular implements this functionality (hence no PermanentSlot/Plug)14:51
kgunnalf_: well...it's not that the plug/slot knows about implementation per se...it's just permissions14:52
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alf_kgunn: it leaks implementation details, e.g., PermanentSlot contains the paths that repowerd needs to access to provide the display-on functionality.14:53
alf_kgunn: mir can get away with this because the interface is 'mir' not 'compositor'14:54
kdubhmm, login.ubuntu.com isn't working for me, which means no hangouts14:59
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alan_ganpok: when you get headspace to look at gtk-mir, could you check all the miral bugs tagged with gtk-mir - AFAICT they are all in the toolkit16:17
bschaeferalan_g, do you want me to tag vs put [ gtk ] in the name for bugs?16:20
* bschaefer wasnt really sure how you wanted to do the bug reports16:20
alan_gbschaefer: tags are easy to search16:21
bschaeferright, ill make sure to add those for future bugs16:21
alan_gBut really once we're sure they're toolkit related they should be logged upstream16:22
bschaeferi agree16:22
alan_gI've  not got around to that either16:22
bschaefer(not sure where to log gtk mir issue?)16:22
bschaeferis there a launchpad page for it?16:22
bschaefersame with sdl2/sdl1.2 i suppose you *could* log it upstream for SDL2 (which is fine since mir lives in upstream SDL2)16:23
kdub22 MP's up for review :/16:25
bschaeferkdub, partly my fault :|16:26
* bschaefer made a bunch of sub MPs16:26
bschaeferbut now depend on the ABI changes (which is blocked atm)16:26
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kdubpartly everyone's fault :)16:27
* bschaefer starts reviewing16:27
dandraderalan_g, how do I tell miral that no window should have focus? ie, I opened a indicator panel, so the foreground window should lose focus and it should not be given to any other window16:31
dandraderwhen indicator panel closes, focus return to foreground window16:32
alan_gselect_active_window(Window{}) should do it16:32
dandraderalan_g, if I understood its code, it will give focus to the previous window16:32
alan_gHmm. Let me look...16:33
alan_gselect_active_window(Window{}) should do it.16:34
dandraderalan_g, right, that prev_window variable confused me....16:35
alan_gIt needs to notify focus loss to the previous window16:35
alan_gbschaefer: anpok did point me where to log gtk bugs, butr I can't find it in my IRC log today16:38
bschaeferalan_g, :) i can poke anpok later16:39
bschaeferas if i can figure out if its miral (ill still report it for miral) then report it for gtk as well16:39
bschaeferjust so i can mark it as a dup of that (so others can follow it)16:39
alan_gThat sounds good16:39
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anpok... i am out for a bit .. but will continue for a few hours later tonight16:58
anpokbschaefer: bugzilla.gnome.org product:gtk+ component: Backend:Mir16:59
bschaeferanpok, sweet thanks16:59
bschaeferalan_g, ^16:59
* alan_g has lp:1625401 in gdb, with debug symbols17:01
bschaefero nice17:02
bschaeferits not just X?17:02
* bschaefer only saw it on miral on x17:02
bschaeferbut doesnt mean it didnt happen on kms :)17:03
bschaefero strange on mir 0.24... ive not seen this on mir_demo_server (wonder if its something strange happening specifically in miral?)17:03
bschaeferthough ive not tried xmir on mir_demo_server17:04
alan_gI hope to find out17:04
bschaeferthats a good hope17:08
alan_gbschaefer: found it17:34
bschaeferalan_g, o nice, what was it?17:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1625401 in MirAL "Miral seems to spin at 100% and steals focus from everything until the server shutdown" [Critical,Confirmed]17:35
bschaefero interesting17:35
bschaeferalan_g, just it just loop forever trying to find a not null session?17:35
alan_gTrying to find a session that's either null or doesn't have a null default_surface17:36
alan_gI wish I could reproduce more than twice a day. But I've already stretched EOD, so I'll finish off tomorrow.17:38
bschaeferyeah :( i was randomly hitting17:38
bschaeferalan_g, o also the reason we couldnt remove that API17:39
bschaeferis it would break ABI? (from my understanding?)17:39
bschaefer(the public client API) since it was released in 0.2417:39
alan_gNo worse than changing the function to not work17:40
bschaeferbut we cant break public client ABI?17:40
alan_gBoth cases break clients that use it17:40
bschaefer(the C abi)17:40
alan_gthe function17:41
kdubany other takers? https://code.launchpad.net/~kdub/mir/eglimage-from-mirbuffer-android/+merge/305868 https://code.launchpad.net/~kdub/mir/passthrough-ipc-plumbing/+merge/305698 https://code.launchpad.net/~kdub/mir/fix-1626503/+merge/306480 ?17:41
bschaeferkdub, ill attempt to review but a lot of the context is lost :)17:41
bschaeferalan_g, hmm right but ... i would love to remove it but if we are going to break client ABI ... shouldnt we just go ahead and break it for a bunch of things we want to remove?17:41
kdubbschaefer, thanks (and thanks to the other vogons who have reviewed those ones too)17:41
bschaeferalan_g, ill ask you tomorrow, dont want to question to much here :)17:42
bschaefer(since you're EOD)17:42
alan_gbschaefer: I've pushed an (untested) fix, if you have time to try it...17:43
bschaeferalan_g, yeah i can try to reproduce it all day17:43
bschaeferand let you know17:43
alan_gbschaefer: breaking the function affects exactly the same clients that removing it does17:45
* alan_g has to go17:45
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bschaeferalan_g|EOD, ...very true17:46
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