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cchow can i make it possible07:55
duflucc: If you can't buy an Ubuntu phone then see if you can buy a Nexus 4 or Nexus 5 and install Ubuntu on it07:58
cci already have one07:59
ccMeizu pro 507:59
duflucc: The best advice I can find is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/DisplayCasting08:03
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sil2100pitti: hey! I noticed that two of the unity8 autopkgtests are failing possibly due to not using ubuntu-keyboard from -proposed08:11
sil2100pitti: is it somehow possible to re-run those tests with all-proposed?08:11
pittisil2100: sure; you can even do it yourself now08:12
pitti(since last week or so)08:12
sil2100How? Through the recycle icon?08:12
pittisil2100: grab the URL from the recycle icon and append &all-proposed=108:12
sil2100pitti: awesome!08:12
sil2100Thanks :)08:12
pittisil2100: I don't want to expose that on excuses.html, as it would look totally confusing and cluttering, and second one shold know what she's doing when using that08:13
pittisil2100: as this would usually point out too lax dependencies08:13
sil2100pitti: yeah, makes sense08:13
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pittisil2100: http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running#queue-ubuntu-yakkety-i386 → worked08:27
pittisil2100: (still working on the infra, test will start in a bit)08:27
ccduflu: thanks a lot,does that mean it must has WIFI?08:29
duflucc: Yes, either a smart TV with wifi or one of the listed adapters plugged in08:30
dufluI'm not sure if there is a cabled solution for the Pro 508:30
ccduflu: by the way,i want to install some file like .click08:31
ccbut it told me i have no application to open08:31
ccwhat do i need ?08:31
dufluI don't know. Someone else here might08:32
ccpitti: hi,do you know which application can make my phone open .click?08:32
cci'm new on ubuntu phone08:33
pittisorry, I don't08:33
pitti"sudo click install"?08:33
pitti(I don't know if there is a graphical UI for that)08:33
cc1.i download a package,named "shadowsocks.ubuntu-dawndily_1.0.5_armhf.click"08:34
ccbut i cant run it08:34
ccit told me i have no application to run it08:34
MCMiccc: Where and why did you download this?08:35
cci want to use vpn on my phone08:36
ccand i search it on google08:36
MCMiccc: you can install this with the openstore08:37
MCMiccc: https://open.uappexplorer.com/docs#install08:37
MCMicFollow the 4 steps of how to install and then you should have an openstore app in which you can browse and install openstore packages08:38
MCMicOh, does someone manage to send sound to a bluetooth speaker?08:45
MCMicWhen I tried I could pair, but then I did not find how to tell the music app to send the sound to it, same failure with the browser (youtube video, sound came out of the phone instead of the speaker).08:46
mardyMirv: hi! I just commented on bug 1613670; I think you need to reopen it :-(08:58
ubot5bug 1613670 in oxide-qt (Ubuntu) "Webview turns white after clicking on it" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161367008:58
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ccMCMic: it told me09:07
cc"could not resolve:openstore.openstore-team_0.10._armhf.click"09:07
MCMiccc: then you might not be in the download folder09:08
MCMicYou did download the file?09:08
MCMic(on your phone)09:08
cci have download it09:08
ccon my phone09:08
MCMicAnd you went to the download folder in the terminal?09:08
MCMicyou should see the file if you do «ls»09:09
cci can see what i have download in my phone09:09
ccoh,maybe i'm wrong09:10
ccMCMic: when i download the openstore,i cant run it09:12
popeycc: installed it?09:12
ccyeah,i cant install it09:12
popeypkcon install-local --allow-untrusted openstore.openstore-team_0.10._armhf.click09:12
ccit told me i have no application to run it09:12
vwxyzcan someone help me installing ubuntu touch on my lenovo a1000 smartphone09:12
popeyvwxyz: I don't think it's been ported to that yet09:13
ccso , i tpye "pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted openstore.openstore-team_0.10._armhf.click "on terminal09:13
ccand it told me could not resolve:openstore.openstore-team_0.10._armhf.click09:13
popeyyou need to install it first09:13
vwxyzpopey : how  can i port an ubuntu touch image to it?09:13
ccbut i cant install it ,that's the problem09:13
popeycc: have you typed the above command?09:14
popeyin the directory where the open store click is?09:14
k1lvwxyz: Porting (advanced) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting09:14
popeyvwxyz: see the porting link above09:14
popey(in the topic)09:14
ccpopey: where can i find it09:15
MCMicpopey: The command tells him «could not resolve:openstore.openstore-team_0.10._armhf.click», I guess he’is in the wrong folder09:15
ccwhen i download it ,i can see it on my09:15
popeyit's easier to do this over adb from a pc tbh09:16
popeywget the click url and then issue the pkcon command09:16
popeyall from adb from a pc09:16
vwxyzpopey : can you then help me with that... I didn't understand anything09:17
popeyvwxyz: no, but the people in #ubports might09:17
popeycc: so:- enable developer mode on your phone, and attach via usb cable to pc09:17
popeycc: on pc:- adb shell09:17
vwxyzpopey : okaaay thanks popey09:17
popeycc: in adb, run wget https://open.uappexplorer.com/api/download/openstore.openstore-team/openstore.openstore-team_0.103_armhf.click09:17
popeycc: then pkcon install local-install --allow-untrusted openstore.openstore-team_0.103_armhf.click09:18
popeyjob done09:18
MCMicI did it without adb09:19
MCMicI think it’s simpler just to type the command on the phone it’s not that long09:20
MCMiccc: You need to go in the download folder on your phone terminal, using «cd» command to change directory09:20
MCMicShould be «cd Downloads»09:21
MCMiccc: Then you can check with «ls» that you see the openstore click file09:21
MCMicIf yes you can run the pkcon command09:21
ccMCMic: where can i download folder?09:24
MCMiccc: What??09:25
MCMicYou just need to go in the right folder before running the command, the one with you downloads09:26
MCMic*your downloads09:26
MCMicOn my phone the command for this is «cd Downloads»09:26
MCMicI guess it’s the same on yours, you need to try and then run «ls» to check if you see the openstore file or not09:26
ccyou mean i should tpye "cd download"on terminal?09:27
ccwhen i type " cd downloads",it told me "No such file or directory09:28
MCMicNo, "cd Downloads"09:29
MCMicCase is important09:29
ccit's right09:29
ccand then?09:29
MCMicAnd see if there is the openstore file in the list it gives you09:29
cci see it09:30
MCMicSo "pkcon install local-install --allow-untrusted openstore.openstore-team_0.103_armhf.click" should work now09:30
ccdebsig:Origin Signature chenk failed.This deb might not be signed09:36
ccwhat's that?09:36
ccit's time to leave now,i'll back tomorrow,MCMic,thanks for your help09:45
vandenoeveri'd like to file a bug for the hotspot on ubuntu touch, what bugtracker is that?09:48
dufluvandenoever: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+filebug09:52
dufluAt least that's a starting point09:52
popeyvandenoever: which device?09:53
vandenoeverduflu: meizu mx409:55
vandenoeverbasically, to get hotspot working, i first have to enable it in system settings and then with the notification toggle09:55
vandenoeverso the toggles are somehow not properly connected09:55
sil2100pitti: I know you're probably busy, but I just wanted to make sure that all is good - is there a way to check if the unity8 amd64 re-run of autopkgtests with all-proposed is queued somewhere?09:56
matv1vandenoever you might also check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-network09:56
sil2100pitti: since the i386 finished successfully, but the amd64 one didn't seem to get run yet?09:56
pittisil2100: I saw it queued earlier, so should be good; but I don't remember if it was on all arches09:56
pittisil2100: the queue view is a bit broken right now, it often leaves out queued entries09:57
sil2100Ah, ok, thanks09:57
pittisil2100: actually it did run: http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/unity8/yakkety/amd6409:57
vandenoeverah, reported already: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-network/+bug/158914909:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1589149 in Canonical System Image "the two Hotspots buttons seem to disagree" [High,Confirmed]09:57
pittisil2100: it just finished quickly on uninstallability09:57
ondrajavier4_ if you want to get rid of them, then just git clean -fdx will do the trick09:58
Mirvmardy: :( but wasn't even the final silo tested as well earlier? or was it confusing that the scrolling worked but clicking not? finally, is it all about the webview and not something that would require what just landed for ubuntuone-credentials to fix blank page https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/ubuntuone-credentials/loader-1620338/+merge/305193 ?09:58
pittisil2100: search for "broken count: 35"09:58
mardyMirv: the U1 is a different issue, it doesn't use the webview and is about unity8; this one is about webview and unity709:59
mardyMirv: AFAICT, scrolling always worked; it's when getting focus, that the problem manifests itself10:00
mardyMirv: you are not basing Qt on 5.6.1, are you?10:00
javier4_ondra, I could get rid, stash, or simply branch them and checkout on original commit and restart from that, that's not a problem... What I really need is a safe way to get ALL the modifications Ubuntu applied to aosp tree. That's why I asked you if the initial commit of the branch is a plain aosp, or an already modified version.10:01
ondrajavier4_ build repository is heavily modified by mtk, so usually you have to dump down patches and apply them one by one by hand. Or if you do not want to do it patch by patch, dump big diff and do it as one big diff10:03
ondrajavier4_ so do you want it as diff on file level, or as set of patches for each git repo?10:03
ondrajavier4_ set of patches  you can apply as git am --3way <patch set>10:04
ondrajavier4_ though I think it won't work that we as you probably lack history, so 3way merge usually fails10:04
javier4_ondra, I could give a chance to the automatic apllying, but due to modifications inside mtk tree, I doubt they would fit as-they-are. So probably a file-per-file diff should be preferable. The fact is that I have to be sure that I will get ALL the differences betwenn pure AOSP and Ubuntu.10:07
ondrajavier4_ there are only few problematic ones, build and frameworks, rest usually applies almost clean or with little help10:12
ondrajavier4_ to be sure to take it all, take it patch by patch10:12
ondrajavier4_ if you take is as massive diff, it's easy to miss something as there are then too many changes in build dir  you can't be sure what is mtk change and what is Ubuntu related10:13
NeKitI think, another patch by patch approach advantage is that you keep those changes in git history with basic description for them10:14
Mirvmardy: sorry I don't get what you asked on the basing part?10:14
javier4_Nekit, didn't you say in private that you used the big diff approach?10:15
Mirvmardy: 5.6.1 is the newest upstream release and the one in yakkety + xenial (plus big pile of our patches)10:15
NeKit<NeKit> git am for most of patches, and manually where it failed10:15
NeKitI mean that if git am fails to apply patch, you need to do it manually10:15
Mirvmardy: and you were testing the 5.6.1+dfsg-3ubuntu5~110:16
NeKitbut it will be a small change and not a big diff10:16
mardyMirv: right, now I remember, that I was not testing the upstream 5.6.1, but 5.6, which probably has many more patches on top10:17
javier4_NeKit, oh... git am on every single patch. Now i understand.10:17
NeKityou can use git am on all the patches for specific repo at once, it will apply them step by step and ask to do it manually when it fails, then continue10:19
Mirvmardy: hmm, right I don't remember either if you tested the final PPA or not. but given that you tried with and without that patch, it's still weird it wouldn't work with the patch.10:19
Mirvmardy: maybe there's something else touching the same files between 5.6.1 and 5.6 tip?10:19
mardyMirv: yep, I suspect that... I'll try some bisecting10:19
Mirvmardy: my plan is to land 5.6.2 (+ our patches) to xenial-overlay eventually, but that won't help yakkety users10:21
javier4_NeKit, ondra , I have another doubt: the mtk tree on which I would apply the patches, is not divided into many repos. It's just a huge unique repo. Will I be able to apply on it the various big dump taken with git format-patch from the various sub-repos Ubuntu is divided into?10:48
NeKitI created new repos as in AOSP structure for parts I needed to apply patches too10:50
sil2100pitti: the ubuntu-keyboard thing worries me a bit, since the amd64 unity8 autopkgtest is failing because of ubuntu-keyboard being uninstallable - and that's uninstallable because, huh, ubuntu-keyboard-data is not available for the latest keyboard version10:50
sil2100pitti: e.g. doing apt-cache policy ubuntu-keyboard-data on a yakkety-amd64 chroot returns only 0.100+16.10.20160818-0ubuntu1, no mention of the 0.100+16.10.20160921-0ubuntu1 version in proposed10:52
sil2100(with -proposed enabled)10:52
Mirvahayzen: not sure who is leading the ticket https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1972 but the next step would be testing the built silo and getting the Lander Signoff clicked to "Approved" if it works ok. comment on the bug report would be ok too.10:52
sil2100pitti: what could be the cases when a certain binary package is missing from -proposed? I checked the changes of the package but there's nothing that could have caused it, just a dep change10:53
Trevinhomardy: about that system settings issue... I've that also in my xenial+overlay installation10:53
javier4_NeKit, did you create them on mtk tree or on the ubuntu one?10:53
NeKitmtk tree10:53
sil2100pitti: so, in this case it seems that even though ubuntu-keyboard=0.100+16.10.20160921-0ubuntu1 is available in -proposed, ubuntu-keyboard-data=0.100+16.10.20160921-0ubuntu1 is not10:53
NeKitthe tree I have is without any git repos at all10:53
sil2100(while both come from the same source)10:54
ahayzenMirv, ok thanks i'm going to give it a try tonight, if it works i'll let you know :-)10:54
javier4_NeKit, Mine was too, then I initialized one on it, but a big one. Non a wise choice.10:54
Mirvahayzen: ok! or get Jim to test it, whichever is fine.11:03
mardyTrevinho: you mean the webview turning white when it gets focus?11:13
ogra_Trevinho, overlay seems pretty broken currently (i tried it on the WE. empty apps scope, cant create U1 account)11:15
jgdxpete-woods, hey, using libqtdbusmock, do you ever get failures where a name fails to appear on the bus in time?11:16
pete-woodsjgdx: usually only if the build server is incredibly slow11:24
pete-woodsjgdx: it's (IIRC) a 30 second timeout11:24
sil2100pitti: ok, nvm my earlier ping, cjwatson helped out with that11:24
sil2100(it was actually my fault partially)11:25
pete-woodsso sometimes with our heavily overloaded build system the python daemons can take longer than that to grab the DBus name11:25
jgdxpete-woods, we seem to hit it quite frequently on our jaas. Do you see that? Or have you taken steps to mitigate the risk for it to happen?11:25
pete-woodsjgdx: I don't use JAAS at the moment because half the indicator-network tests just timeout due to its slowness11:26
jgdxpete-woods, what times out?11:26
pete-woodssometimes things like you are experiencing there11:26
pete-woodswhere even reasonable timeouts of 30+ seconds are failing11:27
pete-woodsbut the other thing it exposes is that there are still a few race conditions in the tests11:27
pete-woodsand it makes those fail with regularity11:27
pete-woodshowever, I don't have the time to fix those right now11:28
pete-woodsso for the moment, we're just using CI train11:28
jgdxpete-woods, okay. Looking at the time stamps and run times of those tests, that corresponds with what you're telling me. But I'm partly suspecting the kind of template used has something to do with the timeouts.11:30
jgdxthe bluetooth template seems to always produce something on the bus, e.g.11:31
* pete-woods listens11:31
jgdxthat's all I've got11:32
pete-woodse.g. made me think there was more11:32
pete-woodsjgdx: that's a very interesting observation11:32
pete-woodshowever the ordering could be significant11:32
pete-woodsit could also be a bug in one of the templates, as you're implying11:32
jgdxpete-woods, I'll take a look at it, maybe I can find something interesting11:33
pete-woodsjgdx: what I'd really like to see is you guys moving back to using the shared templates11:33
pete-woodsas they have had a lot of fixes applied to them11:33
pete-woodsand then at least both of us are singing from the same hymn sheet with our tests11:33
ogra_record ... or it didnt happen !11:34
jgdxpete-woods, yea… But we have to migrate to shared templates after we've rewritten most of the AP tests into unit tests. but time11:37
pete-woodsI understand11:37
pete-woodswould be great to see you using qmltestrunner11:38
pete-woodsinstead of AP11:38
pete-woodsshould give you much more reliable tests11:38
pete-woodsanyway, not my job to push requirements onto you :)11:38
jgdxyeah, that work has started, and e.g. the network panel now uses mostly qmltestrunner11:38
jgdx+ nm mock via libqdbusmock11:39
ondrajavier4_ yeah that is usual mtk style, as they use internally perforce so they throw over the fence one huge repo with no history11:51
ondrajavier4_ so you won't able to use git apply or git am in this case11:51
ondrajavier4_ all manual work11:51
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Trevinhomardy: yeah speaking of the white webview12:08
pittisil2100: that sounds like binNEW, let me check12:23
pittisil2100: hm, I don't see it in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/yakkety/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=12:26
mardyMirv: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oxide-qt/+bug/1613670/comments/16 now I'm making a rebuild from the yakkety sources, with that patch in, to double check that it's indeed helping12:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1613670 in oxide-qt (Ubuntu) "Webview turns white after clicking on it" [High,Confirmed]12:27
pittisil2100: ah, good12:29
sil2100pitti: yeah, resolved, it was caused by a double-copy to UNAPPROVED, with both migrating to the -proposed pocket and superseeding eachother (with the same version number)12:31
sil2100Crazy stuff12:31
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sverzegnassifaenil: ping12:58
mardyMirv: yes, it helps! That's the patch! Can you please put it in a silo?13:02
Mirvmardy: right, I was just checking that indeed it's not in 5.6.1 despite being put to 5.6 branch before 5.6.1 release.13:04
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Mirvmardy: sir, yes, sir13:04
faenilsverzegnassi: pong13:12
sverzegnassifaenil: o/ Do you have a moment so we can discuss about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1627078 ? :)13:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1627078 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "ScrollBars and ScrollView - add 'isDragged' or 'isScrolling' property" [Undecided,New]13:14
faenilsverzegnassi: sure13:14
faenilzsombi: you there?13:14
zsombifaenil: yes13:15
faenilzsombi: can you have a look ^13:15
zsombifaenil: sverzegnassi: ok, read the comments13:18
zsombifaenil: sverzegnassi: for the sake of QQC2 compatibility, we could add a pressed property to the scrollbars. question is do we need similar thing to ScrollView?13:19
sverzegnassizsombi: as long as each ScrollBar can be accessed from ScrollView, I'd say it's okay13:19
faenilzsombi: ScrollView already exposes the scrollbars, so you can manually bind to horizontalScrollbar.pressed13:20
zsombisverzegnassi: ok, so we can go for a readonly alias names as pressed13:20
sverzegnassizsombi, faenil: that's great! thanks!13:20
faenilone other question, which is still pending time/investigation, is whether ScrollView should instantiate both scrollbars every time (which it does, at the moment, for simplicity/time)13:20
faenilzsombi: ok, can you comment on hte bug please?13:21
zsombifaenil: sure13:21
faenilI'm not sure when I'll have the time to do the change, it might have to go through yu guys13:21
faenil(it's not just about the property, it's about making sure the semantic of that property is correct)13:22
sverzegnassifaenil: np, I can workaround it for now, by binding to the 'verticalVelocity' of the Flickable, as suggested in the report13:25
faenilsverzegnassi: mmm I'd expect verticalyVelocity == 0 while you're dragging the scrollbar13:26
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sverzegnassifaenil: ack, right! ScrollBar sets 'contentX/contentY' directly... ok, no problem, i can disable that overlay for now :)13:32
faenilsverzegnassi: heh :)13:34
javier4_ondra, shouldn't work at all, or should it fails time to time needing manual intervention, as NeKit said?13:38
NeKityou can't use 3-way-merge due to lack of history, but can use git am/git apply if you create the repos yourself13:39
dobey!ask | Raghuveer13:59
ubot5Raghuveer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:59
ogra_!ask | Raghuveer13:59
ogra_bah, dobey beats me13:59
ogra_seems we scared him13:59
ogra_(or her)13:59
dobeybecause someone falling into your taxi cab and yelling HAAALP isn't scary at all14:02
ogra_hmpf ... so i'd really like to be able to create a U1 account again :/14:05
dobeyyou can14:06
dobeywhy can't you?14:06
ogra_dunno ...14:06
javier4_NeKit, thanks again man.14:06
ogra_my apps scope is empty on the desktop since the weekend14:06
dobeyon xenial+overlay, or yakkety?14:07
ogra_so i thought i'd be a clever boy and re-create my U1 account ... deleted it ... and now i only get an empty window when trying to add one14:07
ogra_but even in unity7 i dont get the U1 option14:07
dobeythe blank window is fixed in overlay now, the fix landed earlier today14:07
ogra_running system-settings under U7 gets me the option but the same behaviour14:08
dobeyyeah, we don't provide a gtk+ plug-in14:08
ogra_ah, i'll dist-upgrade then14:08
dobeyand ubuntu-system-settings requires mir for the trusted prompt stuff14:08
ogra_well, it behaves identical on both unities atm :)14:09
ogra_ok, dist-upgrade got me something14:09
* ogra_ needs to wait for some processes to finish before switching to U8 14:10
dobeyfor the apps scope being blank, i'm not sure what exactly would cause that. we switched to using ubuntu-app-launch to get list of installed apps in yakkety/xenial, but it's been working fine for me for several weeks before we landed that, and worked fine for a few others too.14:12
dobeyogra_: do you have libertine container with apps configured there?14:12
dobeyhow can i create a libertine container on PC?14:13
ogra_install the libertine stuff and run libertine-container-manager create ...14:14
jibeldobey, blank app scope is bug 161859014:15
jibelit's a crash of scoperunner14:15
jibellp down doesn't help14:15
ubot5Error: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #1618590 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1618590). The error has been logged14:15
ogra_is it still ?14:15
dobeyjibel: is that the QObject::disconnect crash?14:15
jibelnot only lp14:15
ogra_yeah, it is14:16
dobeythen no, that would not cause a blank scope14:16
jibeldobey, I filed another bug this morning but Marcus marked it as duplicate of this report14:16
dobeythat crash happens when the scope is being shut down14:16
dobeyso results would have already been returned and shown in unity14:17
jibeldobey, my original report was [Bug 1627668] [NEW] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/unity-scopes/scoperunner:11:QObject::disconnect:QObject::disconnect:QDBusConnectionPrivate::closeConnection:QDBusConnectionManager::run:QThreadPrivate::start14:17
dobeyjibel: yes if you filed a bug about that crash it's a duplicate14:17
ubot5Error: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #1627668 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1627668). The error has been logged14:17
dobeyjibel: but that is a separate issue from getting a blank scope14:17
jibeldobey, it's the only error I found14:18
dobeyjibel: sure. the scope is blank because something is causing it to return 0 results14:19
jibelotherwise I've this warning "** (process:4294): WARNING **: Unable to get snap information for 'yakkety': Status code is: 404"14:19
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jibelthere is a unity8 crash too14:20
jibeland signon-ui14:20
dobeyjibel: do you have a libertine container?14:22
jibeldobey, I do14:23
dobeyjibel: ok, i'm trying to create one now. i think maybe there's a bug in ual with getting libertine app info or something.14:25
jibeldobey, is there any info I can provide? I cannot find anything obvious from the logs14:25
dobeyjibel: i just recreated the issue in my vm, so i think i can debug from here now14:27
dobeyhopefully can figure it out quickly14:27
jibeldobey, thanks14:29
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dobeyjibel: when lp comes back on, can you file a new bug about the scope being blank please?14:32
jibeldobey, sure14:35
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kgunnbfiller: hey, is the u8 snap catch up meeting time tomorrow ok?15:54
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bfillerkgunn, works for me16:11
jibeldobey, bug 162775916:20
ubot5bug 1627759 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "Blank app scope" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162775916:20
jibellet me know if you need some logs16:20
davmor2jibel: I have webbrowser and system-settings vissible in on a fresh install of unity8-desktop-session16:22
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
dobeydavmor2: yeah, it only breaks after you set up libertine16:31
MichalPHello, I need flash UT to Meizu MX4 android version. I asking for it many times here without any good answer, but I want try last one if somebody know hot flash UT to MX4. If not I will need to start used ANDROID but this is for me very bad thing. I used UT more than one year on Nexus and I don't wont stop use UT.16:33
ChrisTownsenddobey: Do you have any ideas why Libertine triggers that?16:34
dobeyChrisTownsend: small implementation difference in the backend in ual i guess16:34
bregmaprolly triggers some code path16:34
ChrisTownsenddobey: Is tedg on it to fix?16:34
dobeyChrisTownsend: i'm looking at it16:34
dobeyChrisTownsend: i'm still not sure if i need to change something in the scope too; but i should have a fix today i hope16:35
ChrisTownsenddobey: Ah, ok.  Do you need any other debugging from me from our Friday debugging session?16:35
dobeyChrisTownsend: nah, i've set up a libertine container in my VM and can replicate the issue, so i can debug myself now16:35
ChrisTownsenddobey: Ok, cool.  Let me know if there is anything I can do to help test.16:36
dobeyChrisTownsend: yep i will16:36
ChrisTownsenddobey: thanks!16:37
fw190d13Is there some way to block adds on stock Ubuntu touch browser?16:44
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MichalPOr do sombody why MTK tool show me error 5000?16:55
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dobeyi guess only mtk would know that16:58
MichalPSo It looks that no any choice, just leave from UT :(  I tried all method, but all fails....16:59
MichalPOk, anyway thanks. Maybe when will release any new Ut phone and it will more then 100 pcs than I will have lucky to buy. So jump to android now :( . Thanks17:03
dobeymy best guess with the mtk tool not working would be either usb cable/port/chipset, or the device is locked bootloader17:04
=== nuclearbob_afk is now known as nuclearbob
MichalPprobably locked bootloader (i listen that internacional deveices are locked and chinesse are unlocked. It detect my device good, so looks no way17:07
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