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brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:34
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
=== popey_ is now known as popey
davmor2Morning all08:18
foobarrywhen the lights only go green for 10seconds...you are 50yds from the bus stop and have to endure a 10 min wait because the driver won't let you off early :(08:28
zmoylan-1ion the old routemasters you just tucked and rolled tot he kerb... :-)08:43
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
foobarryyeah. we were stationary...08:44
zmoylan-picatching buses after they pulled away was possible too08:44
foobarryonce we had a customer revolt and pressed the emergency button08:44
zmoylan-pii was on a bus once when the driver didn't open the doors at a really important stop, i think he didn't notice. so while bus was in traffic i wrenched the door open and got off while bus was stuck in traffic followed by a dozen or so others08:45
foobarrythere's a button above the door08:45
zmoylan-pii was so angry that i didn't even consider it08:46
zmoylan-pii have ripped the doors open before when a driver closed them on my laptop bag and started to drive away08:46
foobarrytypically the most angry people are the ones who prmptly step into the path of a cyclist08:46
zmoylan-piso went with what i knew worked08:46
zmoylan-pii always check for cyclists carefully08:47
zmoylan-pieven moron ones going wrong way on one way street08:48
davmor2zmoylan-pi: that's cause cycle lanes don't have directions on them ;)08:49
zmoylan-pifor them i usually take a stance that indicates it'll hurt them more than it hurts me08:49
zmoylan-piif they're on a cycle lane then they're not breaking the law, if they aren't then they're idiots who need a punching08:50
popeyMorning all :)08:52
davmor2There are two things that really annoy me, Cyclist who don't stop at traffic lights because amazingly the law doesn't apply to them and those that cycle on the footpath, I still think cycling proficiency should be mandatory at schools as should lights and reflectors08:54
popeyi found my cycling proficiency certificate over the weekend08:55
popeyfrom ~30 years ago08:55
davmor2popey: man you were old when you took yours08:57
davmor2popey: I was in 1st or second year of Cubs so 8-9 maybe08:59
davmor2so nearer 40 than 30 man I feel old now09:00
foobarryi never took mine since they were racist against bmx and grifters09:02
davmor2foobarry: no they weren't you just needed all the correct equipment on them which they didn't have by default :P09:05
foobarrywheels and steering?09:05
foobarrymy school didn't consider them proper bikes to ride to school on09:05
BigRedShaha, I think I did mine on a purple raleigh bmx09:06
popeydavmor2: hm, maybe a few more then09:10
popeyyeah, i was in middle school, so probably same age09:12
zmoylan-pii don't mind cyclists on a pavement as long as they are going slow and been careful around pedestrians... but cyclists racing along the path risking hitting people and especially very young kids on that path need an attitude adjusting09:22
diploMorning all09:37
diploTwo monday mornings, two very ill kids in a row :/ at least it was a different one this time09:38
zmoylan-piit was when i was sick as a kid that i discovered the hobbit been read by cribbins on jackanory... i was sick for ages... :-)09:45
davmor2zmoylan-pi: I love the bbc radio 4 play adaptation of the hobbit and lord of the rings09:55
zmoylan-pii have the bbc adaption of asimovs caves of steel downloaded to my phone. they do _great_ adaptions09:57
TwistedLucidityIs that stuff available via iPlayer/website?10:14
davmor2TwistedLucidity: yes10:16
TwistedLucidityRight, that's my free time ruined10:16
davmor2TwistedLucidity: LotR is only 13 hours it's not that long10:17
TwistedLucidityCertainly something to listen to when dog walking and I've run out of podcasts10:18
TwistedLucidityOr am driving to Germany10:18
popeyi was listening to an adaptation of Blade Runner off iplayer last night10:22
DaveWas it some weird version set in a wasteland where the only people left on earth were too stupid to be allowed to leave?10:26
TwistedLucidityI must be stupid, I can't find anything10:40
TwistedLucidityAh, now I found some10:42
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diddledanubuntu.com down?!12:16
zmoylan-pirunning for the hills is a rookie mistake, you need to have your bunker prepared...12:17
directhexrunning for the hills is the right choice in a tsunami. not a huge help in a zombie apocalypse12:30
popeyYeah, there was a firewall issue apparently12:30
diddledanseems to be fixed again now12:33
foobarryannoys me that dd returns a prompt straight away while the usb stick carries on flashing12:40
foobarrywhen i get the prompt i wanna yank the usb stick12:40
foobarryneed to remember to type sync afterwards.12:40
diddledanfoobarry, yeah that seems to be recent behaviour12:55
diddledanit used to be synchronous12:56
diddledanI have no idea when the behaviour changed tho12:56
diddledanoh America! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-3746975712:57
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: If all the other shoppers had been carrying fully automatic assault rifles, that would have never happened.13:40
diddledanTwistedLucidity, exactly!13:40
TwistedLucidityI've heard that some schools/districts in the USA are planning to allow teachers to conceal-carry guns.13:41
diddledanthat's a good plan13:42
diddledanof course the pupils need to have guns to protect themselves from rampaging teachers13:42
zmoylan-piso how long till the first teacher snaps and wipes out their class13:42
foobarryif i carried a gun at work at least 5 people would have been shot13:42
TwistedLucidityzmoylan-pi: It's OK, they'll be trained in a similar way to the police. :-S13:43
zmoylan-piand to make things fair, pupils are only allowed revolvers and teachers are limited to belt fed weapons?13:43
foobarryluckily i live in the UK and just throw stress toys at people instead13:43
diddledanthe only way to be sure that nobody uses a gun is to make sure everyone has access to a gun for easy use13:43
diddledanfoobarry, ow13:43
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: Or to follow the Chris Rock paradigm: ditch gun control, what you need is bullet control!13:43
diddledanread an article just yesterday where a private investigator was challenged by a policeman with gun drawn just for sitting in his car13:44
TwistedLucidityIf every bullet cost US$5,000, you can be sure people would think about it first!13:44
* TwistedLucidity has edited the language down. Heavily.13:44
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: I though the USA policy was "Shoot if black"?13:45
diddledanTwistedLucidity, the officer was obviously badly trained13:45
diddledanTwistedLucidity, if he had had proper training the PI would be dead13:46
zmoylan-pithey'd just bring back the pistol sword... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pistol_sword#/media/File:Elgin_cutlass_pistol.jpg13:46
diddledanzmoylan-pi, wtf?!13:46
diddledanthat's a nutty gun13:46
zmoylan-pididdledan people can be very /creative/ when it comes to getting rid of people they don't like13:46
TwistedLucidityPow! Pow! Pow! Rats, out of bullets. Stabby! Stabby! Stabby!13:47
zmoylan-pididdledan it doesn't even reach a 5/10 on weird gun lists13:47
TwistedLucidityGuns can run Linux too (thinking of that computer-aided sniper rifle thing)13:48
diddledanit's cool from the technical perspective, that linux gun, but morally challenged in terms of it being a lethal weapon13:49
TwistedLucidityAll weapons are morally challenged. The problem with guns is the ease by which they offer lethality. More so with remote systems like drones.13:51
TwistedLucidityWithout training, and just like any other animal, we will seek to avoid confrontation.13:51
zmoylan-pisome will seek to avoid confrontation, others on the other hand won't13:51
TwistedLucidityThere's always the psycho, nothing can be done13:53
TwistedLuciditywith them13:53
TwistedLucidityIf we as a species actually *liked* violence and death, soldiers etc wouldn't suffer PTSD.13:54
diddledanthe problem is the people deciding to create violence and death are usually the ones who are detached from it13:55
diddledani.e. governments13:55
diddledanwho cares about a load of squaddies getting killed as long as the government don't have to get involved13:55
TwistedLucidityWhich is why drones are all the craze. Then it's just a video game.13:56
TwistedLucidityYou use machinery to detach the soldiers from the atrocity as much as you can.13:57
diddledanthe leaked footage of some drone kills has had commentary from the controllers where they make it sound exactly like that13:57
diddledanpew pew pew13:57
TwistedLucidityAdd in an authority figure giving them permission, genocide becomes easy.13:57
diddledanthen the hague gets involved and the soldiers use the "I was just following orders" defence13:58
zmoylan-piisn't it now illegal to follow illegal orders?13:59
diddledanthe problem with human behaviour is we're inherently conformist, so if everyone around you is doing something you'll likely follow-suit13:59
zmoylan-pii'm not :-P14:01
diddledanlife of brian quote: "you're all individual, you're all unique" .. "I'm not!"14:01
diddledanlove that movie14:02
zmoylan-pione of the best comedy moments on film ever... right after 'no one is to throw anything until i blow this whistle, even and i want to make this clear, even if they say jehovah'14:02
TwistedLucidityzmoylan-pi: Yes it is, I am sure the firing squad will feel remorse.14:02
diddledanwas probably the first time I was aware of seeing full-frontal nudity of someone other than my family14:03
zmoylan-piplus of course the latin lesson... :-P14:06
foobarryshakes fist at launchpad14:13
davmor2foobarry: there is an outage should be fixed soon14:14
diddledanI think we need to petition to rename launchpad to lunchbox14:15
acheronukplenty of times I have typed lunchpad14:19
foobarryinstalling elementary while trying to keep /home ended up dumping me to grub :(14:29
foobarryboot-repair commands were horrific15:01
TwistedLucidityI broke my ownCloud install last night going to Ubuntu 16.04. Something has gone rather wrong with the php stuff15:12
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