
vigohi all!04:32
vigoanyone getting a blank screen in apps scope on unity8?04:33
dufluvigo: Yes and then no. That was fixed about a week ago. Make sure you have Mesa 12.0.3 installed04:53
vigoduflu, hi! last friday it was working :S I just update && upgrade this morning04:54
vigoand then appeared blank04:54
vigohow could I check mesa version¿04:55
dufluvigo: Just updating is fine. Ubuntu 12.10?04:55
dufluvigo: Ubuntu 16.10 or 16.04?04:55
vigoxenial + stable overlay04:55
dufluvigo: Must be a problem in the stable overlay because yakkety is working. Please report a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8-desktop-session/+filebug04:56
vigook I'll update again if it is still the same I'll report04:57
dufluOr even: https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+filebug04:57
vigoI also noticed that music player does not work when opening from music scope for example :\ so maybe isn't only the apps scope04:58
dufluIf you want to use the latest Unity8 it might be a better idea to install 16.1004:58
dufluUnless you need long term support04:59
dufluAlthough LTS and trying the latest Unity8 are kind of incompatible ideas... it should still work04:59
vigoIt worked on yakkety last friday, but we were told to use xenial+overlay so :\05:02
vigoI'll file the bug and try also with yakketi to confirm :), thank you05:03
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MirvUnity8 in yakkety had some autopkgtest failure regarding dependencies, but a retry seems to be running now ok so far. stuck in -proposed until passess.06:43
sil2100Hey guys! Anyone looking at the autopkgtest dep-failures from unity8 in yakkety-proposed?07:18
duflusil2100: Wait for western Europe :)07:31
duflusil2100: Hey can you help push this little one along?  https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/ubuntu-system-settings/fix-1607240/+merge/30160607:33
sil2100duflu: hey! I guess it would be best to poke someone from the u-s-s team07:42
* duflu looks that up07:42
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om26erHi! Its a little difficult to understand the changes that went into latest Unity8, so I am looking for an answer to "Whats new".14:06
davmor2om26er: look at the trello ticket14:08
dandradergreyback, how have you guys been working today without launchpad?14:16
dandradersilo has landed but I cannot pull it!14:17
greybackdandrader: did it land? It hadn't landed 3 hours ago anyway (last time I tried to pull)14:17
dandradergreyback, I got like a trillion e-mails about landed MPs14:17
greybackyeah? Hmm14:18
greybackah yes, 20 mins14:18
greybackwell I'm just working based on local branches, hoping for the best14:19
ltinklgreyback, dandrader: yeah it landed but LP is down again (2nd time today)14:19
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om26erdavmor2, link please :)14:21
mzanetti_@unity: standup (cc andyrock)14:27
ltinklmzanetti_, mumble down as well14:28
mzanetti_works for me14:28
mzanetti_and some others14:28
dednicknot for me14:28
ltinklnot here either14:28
mterrynot for me14:29
josharensonunity8 hangout? I'm the only one there?14:31
mzanetti_hmm... hangout not working for me :D14:31
mzanetti_gets me an error last thing before actually joining14:31
josharensonIt says I'm in it, but nobody else it...14:31
ltinkljosharenson, you're the lucky one then, can't connect :)14:32
mterryLP is down too?14:32
mzanetti_crap... just saw I need to attend another meeting14:32
ltinklmterry, yeah, basically everything atm14:32
dandradermumble also down14:32
mzanetti_dandrader, weirdly it worked for some of us14:32
dandraderlet's do google hangout14:32
josharensonltinkl: yeah mumble and hangouts were fine, but unfortunately lp and irc are down (as expected)14:32
ltinkldandrader, josharenson: nothing works for me14:33
dandrader@unity ^^14:33
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Trevinhocan't join :o14:35
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mzanetti_Trevinho, no hangout?14:36
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Trevinhomzanetti_: yeah, but it doesn't log in now14:36
Trevinho503 from login ubuntu...14:36
dandraderTrevinho, log with your canonical account14:36
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Trevinhodandrader: that's the thing14:37
TrevinhoI can't14:37
Trevinho503 Service Unavailable14:37
dandraderoh man14:37
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Trevinhogive me a sec, let me see if firefox has already it14:38
mzanetti_in terms of amount of emails, best day ever!14:43
mterryLP is back up14:46
mterryOh that was a lie14:46
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davmor2guys I have kvm set to 1080p however unity8 is at a much lower resolution is there a way to change this?16:23
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mterrytedg: heyo about your icon-basepath patch...20:23
mterrytedg: legacy apps check UBUNTU_APP_LAUNCH_LEGACY_ROOT, but I don't see that set anyway20:23
mterrytedg: shouldn't they also look at $SNAP?20:23
tedgmterry: Yes, I hadn't landed it yet, so I hadn't put it into the snap. My goal was to set those in the environment script based on SNAP.20:24
tedgmterry: It felt weird to encode SNAP into the library...20:24
mterrytedg: I see...20:25
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