
floridagram12<ahoneybun> omg00:19
floridagram12<ahoneybun> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM3eNAOCphk00:19
floridagram12<ahoneybun> @AdamOutler how can I use nmap to only look at the first 20 or 25 hosts on a network02:23
floridagram12<ahoneybun> trying to find the ip of my Mycroft unit02:23
floridagram12<ahoneybun> XD https://nmap.org/movies/02:28
floridagram12<AdamOutler> I made a guide for the raspberry pi home automation announcers.  https://community.smartthings.com/t/65-home-automation-announcer/58392  They use the raspberry pi server edition "Minimal".02:55
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
=== jck77_ is now known as jck77
floridagram12<ahoneybun> Heyo14:22
betotengo problemas para actualizar ubuntu studio14:23
betode la 14.4.4 a la 1614:23
floridagram12<ahoneybun> Mm there's a few Spanish speakers but I only speak english14:23
betoI have problems updating ubuntu studio14:25
beto14.4.4 of the 1614:25
floridagram12<ahoneybun> You mean from 14.04 to 16.04?14:26
floridagram12<ahoneybun> There is a IRC channel for Spanish speakers14:26
floridagram12<ahoneybun> #ubuntu-es I tbink14:26
betoas I look14:27
=== roaksoax_ is now known as roaksoax
floridagram12<KMyers> @RazPi - http://copy.sh/v86/?profile=openbsd15:38
floridagram12<govatent> I can help him. Yo te puedo ayudar.16:24
floridagram12<govatent> If he's still here.16:24
floridagram12<ahoneybun> Man I have to deal with Simon...18:14
floridagram12<ahoneybun> And Amazon messed up19:18
floridagram12<ahoneybun> Does this look like a Blu phone?19:19
floridagram12<KMyers> Da hell...19:19
floridagram12<ahoneybun> Yea19:19
floridagram12<ahoneybun> anyone heard of an amazon locker?19:26
roaksoaxwin 1020:04
maxolasersquadahoneybon, I had not, but it seems like a good idea for people who can't trust packages at their doorstep.20:08
floridagram12<ahoneybun> That's new20:14
floridagram12<KMyers> Where is that?20:37
floridagram12<ahoneybun> A 7 eleven on university and Johnson20:37
floridagram12<govatent> That's amazing!22:47
floridagram12<govatent> It's too far from me though22:47
floridagram12<ahoneybun> theirs more22:48
floridagram12<ahoneybun> *there are more22:48
floridagram12<ahoneybun> seems you can use them as delievery addresses too22:48

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