
CantideI want to donate for Kilos, but I need to use a PayPal account to do so and GoFundMe doesn't have a PayPal option. If anyone has a solution, please send me a PM. Thanks.04:36
paddatrapperHey Cantide. If you hang around someone with the answer should wake up soon 04:52
=== spinza_ is now known as spinza
=== Sub_Oracle is now known as SubOracle
=== dlPhreak_ is now known as dlPhreak
Kiloshi all, has something happened to port 7070. 2 days i cant get in on secure connection06:36
superflyCantide: I have paypal, so if you want, you can send me the money, and then I'll donate on your behalf?07:54
superflyhi Kilos07:55
superflyCantide: are you in SA? Cause then you can do an EFT to me instead of PayPal too07:56
superflyhi deegee08:15
Kiloshi superfly inetpro and everyone else08:53
Kilosjust got out the bath, so lekker warm08:54
Kilosall ok in za land?08:54
Kilosim playing doc for some days, Debs had an AS flare up, and tara went to her grans funeral far away today. so the old peeps are along08:55
superflyKilos: all good08:55
Kiloswill try sort the secure connection thing another time09:13
Kilos-16.04 kde is too pretty for me09:13
sakhiHello ubuntu-za, I need to centrally manage all windows machines on the network, I would like to get the following informaiton: update status(patching), packages installed, cve status, Windows OS version installed per machine, is there a free tool I can use to achive this? Preferably open source.09:45
superflysakhi: I haven't worked with Windows in over 10 years, I really don't know. Has Google been unfruitful?09:46
sakhisuperfly: Not too fruitful on this one, last time I worked on Windows was in 2003 (MCSA-2k) let me see if I can put together something that will use snmp.09:51
thatgraemeguysakhi: WSUS10:09
thatgraemeguyor whatever its modern equivalent is called, I've been out of that game for a fair while now10:09
superflyah yes, that's the one I was thinking of. couldn't remember its name10:10
sakhithatgraemeguy: thanks, not sure if WSUS is free, I will check it. The thought of managing Windows machines status through a Windows management system scares me :) RHN-Satelite(not free), Chef/Puppet or any other *nix Orchastration system would be great.10:16
thatgraemeguyits free10:16
thatgraemeguymanaging a significant amount of windows infrastructure is best done using the native tools, you just aren't going to do it properly otherwise10:17
sakhithatgraemeguy: wow Windows has free stuff too ;) the world will end.10:17
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kilosroabish2 do you ever chat to the guys here11:05
Kilospaddatrapper whats up lad11:05
paddatrapperKilos: not much. I'm at work. Ho are you doing? 11:43
* superfly wonders what "work" is for paddatrapper11:43
superflyhi magespawn11:43
magespawnhi superfly11:43
magespawnWould you like some money?11:45
paddatrapperLol. superfly it depends on what hat I'm wearing. Currently it is radio 11:46
superflymagespawn: ah yes11:46
superflypaddatrapper: do you get paid for it?11:46
paddatrapperNope. Student organisation... 11:47
paddatrappersuperfly: I realised I'm paid for very little of what I do... 11:48
superflypaddatrapper: then it's not work, it's volunteering ;-)11:48
superflymagespawn: I sent you my bank details on Telegram11:48
paddatrappersuperfly: I use work to describe most things I do that aren't me studying, doesn't yet have the negative connotation 11:49
Kiloshi magespawn 11:58
Kilospaddatrapper just keep doing things that teach you more11:59
paddatrapperKilos: I certainly am. Friend of mine has a sysadmin job for me part time during Dec/Jan which I'm quite looking forward to. Debian/Ubuntu admin training finally 12:10
Kilosnight all. sleep tight12:20
Cantidesuperfly, I'm in Korea13:11
superflyCantide: oh right, now I remember13:11
superflyCantide: I'll PM you my PayPal address13:13
superflyYou're welcome!13:34
magespawnsuperfly: 13:41
superflymagespawn: 13:41
magespawnsorry got distracted by work13:41
magespawnhow much again? for the ibed hosting?13:55
superflymagespawn: R10014:09
magespawncool beans14:12
magespawnjust as well you said i took telegram off my phone14:13
magespawnokay done.14:23
superflymagespawn: thanks14:30
magespawncheers chat later all15:58
=== urbanslug is now known as zipper
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
kulelu88howzit okes? hows everyone tonight?19:02
paddatrapperHey kulelu88. Everyone seems sleepy 19:21
kulelu88paddatrapper: yeah, nobody likes chatting here19:21
paddatrapperIt's so quiet without Kilos19:22
* superfly is busy fixing stuff19:22
superflywell, writing tests, at the moment19:22
kulelu88unit tests ? :D19:23
paddatrapperSeems like people like chatting. Just it seems to be short 19:23
paddatrapperHey superfly19:23
superflyhi kulelu88, paddatrapper19:23
paddatrapperOpenLP? 19:23
superflypaddatrapper: yup19:23
kulelu88apparently for 1 of the testing libs you have to write OOP code to test other code19:23
superflykulelu88: I like nose2 these days. you can either use unittest, or just plain test functions19:24
superflya colleague likes pytest, but it's too magic for me19:24
kulelu88which lib allows the writing of tests as functions? 19:24
superflykulelu88: technically, you don't even need a test runner or a library write and run tests... it just makes it easier19:25
superflykulelu88: I'm using http://nose2.readthedocs.io/19:26
kulelu88I like a bit of hand-holding :D 19:26
paddatrapperOOP makes unit test building easier 19:26
superflypaddatrapper: and slower. I've been writing test functions at work and it's actually simpler and easier19:26
kulelu88paddatrapper: you write OOP code mostly? 19:26
superflykulelu88: if you write any python it's OOP19:27
superflywhether you use classes or not is up to you19:27
paddatrapperkulelu88: yup. Started my programming journey with Java and I'm now so used to OOP that anything else just feels like scripting 19:27
superflypaddatrapper: I'll help you unlearn that nonsense that Java teaches19:28
superflypaddatrapper: Java is not true OOP, Java is more COP19:28
paddatrapperEven c/c++ I just OOP for almost everything. It just makes more sense 19:28
kulelu88My first experience with OOP was C++ and I'll never go back to it19:28
superflykulelu88: oooo, C++ can be very pretty19:29
superflyespecially if you use C++11 or C++1419:29
paddatrappersuperfly: lol, it certainly is very verbose and now I wouldn't use it for anything outside of assignments and the occasional tomcat Java EE app19:30
superflypaddatrapper: no, seriously, Java dents your brain19:30
superflyit twists everything so badly that you have to unlearn what things like references are19:30
kulelu88I think most varsities still use Java in 2nd/3rd year19:30
paddatrapperI do like c++, though lately I'm having to deal with C projects which take OOP and throw it out the window 19:31
kulelu88superfly: I tried to understand how functional code is different to writing functions and gluing them together and apparently, it is very very different :D19:31
kulelu88paddatrapper: have you tried imperative Go code?19:31
paddatrapperkulelu88: yup, at least at UCT second semester of first year is Java and so is first semester of second year. Then it's c++19:32
paddatrapperkulelu88: I haven't messed around with the newer languages really 19:32
kulelu88#nim seems cool, but there's too much syntax magic going on. 19:32
paddatrappersuperfly: I really enjoyed moving to c++ from Java because of things like that. No more magic hidden behind the compiler 19:33
paddatrapperkulelu88: never heard of it 19:33
kulelu88paddatrapper: http://nim-lang.org/ 19:34
kulelu88reading through nim code again, it makes a lot more sense in 2016 then it previously did19:37
=== urbanslug is now known as zipper
MaNIdon't confuse the 'function' part in functional with typical programming functions, the function there refers more to function in the mathematical sense20:00
kulelu88MaNI: do you have a nice example showing how a function will look in: Python vs. Haskell ?20:02
MaNII've never used haskell, functional languages I've had (minor) experience with include prolog and XSLT with only the second one being business world experience (i.e. not university junk)20:03
kulelu88aah. examples are sparse on the nets20:05
MaNIit's all about not having side effects basically, and most things are then recursive as a result20:07
MaNIi.e. if you call 'foo(5)' the output will always be the same, because there are no internal side effects to change the result - while in a language like python 'foo(5)' could return something different every time20:07
MaNIexamples are sparse - because generally it makes no sense for regular programming, it's most heavily used in academia 20:09
MaNIwith a few rare exceptions20:09
kulelu88so recursive is critical to functional coding?20:10
MaNIpretty much20:10
MaNIe.g. see https://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Fibonacci_sequence#Prolog for a fibonacci generator in prolog - it should remind you a lot of the actual mathematical way of showing such a dequence20:12
MaNIwhereas in a language like c++ one would tend to avoid the recursion https://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Fibonacci_sequence#C.2B.2B20:13
MaNII tried very hard to like prolog in university, at some level it seems like a better way of thinking, but I couldn't for the life of me find any practical real world uses where c++ was not better, hehe20:15
kulelu88MaNI: as they say: functional code makes hard problems easy and easy problems hard20:22
MaNII found XSLT a bit better - but thats because it isn't pure functional, also it has a very niche purpose though I mean not general purpose20:24
kulelu88Elixir is quite nice MaNI 20:24
superflykulelu88: RabbitMQ and Wings3D are written in Erlang, take a look at them20:28
kulelu88superfly: as most programmers/hobbyists suffer from, jumping between projects is the issue20:29
superflykulelu88: thankfully, I have one main project.20:31
superflybut yes, I'm still interested in a few sideline projects20:32
kulelu88I'm learning about async programming currently superfly . what is your main project?20:33
superflykulelu88: OpenLP20:34
kulelu88you plan on adding some funding model to it? superfly looks very polished20:50
superflykulelu88: it's been around since 2004, but it could use more polish. we're not actively seeking funding, but we have paypal and gratipay20:51
kulelu88oh it's 12 years old. thought it was new20:51
superflyand the income from gratipay covers the server costs20:51
superflykulelu88: it's been through a few iterations, but the current one has been around since 200820:51
superflystarted 2, now on 320:52
superflywe moved to 3 at version 2.220:52
superflyand moved to Qt5 at 2.420:52
kulelu88what's the stats on the project? how many churches using it?20:54
superflyI don't know precisely. We have over 3000 fans on Facebook, so I'd say we probably have easily twice that using it?20:56
superflya lot of people will just download, install, and then move on because it works20:56
superflyit's like using PowerPoint. you don't get all excited, you just use it20:56
kulelu88the man years to build it must be quite a bit by now20:59
superflykulelu88: scroll down to "In a nutshell"21:01
superflykulelu88: https://www.openhub.net/p/openlp/estimated_cost21:02
superflythat site is not all that accurate, because it's not really tracking all the code we have, but it gives you a good idea21:03
kulelu88yeah 2 million is about a low-level guesstimate 21:07
superflyyup. I estimate my US-based salary would be about 100k per year, which ups the amount to 4 mil21:09
kulelu88what is your years experience as a python programmer?21:09
superflyabout as long as OpenLP 2.x has been around, so about 8 years21:10

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