
underfactim trying 32 bit now00:17
underfacthopefully this works00:18
underfactgod, ive been doing this all day!00:19
underfactbrb, im going to the #ubuntu channel00:20
underfact32 bit mode seems to be working a little better i guess00:23
underfactis there a way to change from 32 to 64 bit from within an installed os, or are they to different?00:24
cablopi guess you are talking alone or i'm not getting other people messages, but just yours underfact00:28
underfactno, technically im talking alone00:29
cablopthen, for the record, MB is for megabytes and Mb for megabits00:29
cablopthis is why internet speeds are sold in Mbs, cause they sound like big numbers, where they're just crap00:30
underfactyeah lol00:30
cablopthe other question... no, you cannot convert a 32bit OS into a 64bit OS00:31
underfactits possible to run desktop ubuntu on a raspberry pi00:31
underfactyou need to use qemu, and its really slow00:31
cablopin linux, somehow, you can run some 64bit stuff inside 32bit stuff, but you need too much sorcery for that00:31
cablopqemu is sorcery00:32
underfactyeah, atleast i can run 64 bit vm's in 32 bit linux00:32
underfacti caN USE QEMU00:32
underfactwoah caps lock lol00:32
cablopthat doesn't make qemu less sorcery :P00:33
underfactwell its sorcery if you use it from the command line, but from a qui like aqemu its easy-ish00:33
cablopif mankind dissapears now, and aliens come and see our stuff, they are going to be able to recover stuff like txt files in ascii, but they're going to cry with things like QEMU00:33
underfactits funny how detroit is so densly populated that it has its own time zone to keep everything in check00:35
cablopthey're going to understand our Fourier transformations before understanding what's QEMU for or what's UTF16 or to open an XLS file without Windows and Office00:35
cablopthis is why i love open source :P00:36
underfactAww dangit, my Bluetooth keyboard died.00:36
cablopin a few decades people could rebuild files made in OSS but everything made in proprietary software would be lost forever00:37
underfactokay the keyboards charging againg00:38
underfactis it normal to have the kubuntu installer pause at 90%01:05
underfactubottu hello01:08
underfactubottu sorry01:09
ubottuIt's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/01:09
valorieunderfact: yes, it will pause01:21
valoriedepending on the speed of your computer01:21
valoriedownload is one thing, install is the other01:21
underfactits been paused for about half an hour01:24
underfactand the  only thing using any cpu is ubiquity at 10% cpu01:25
underfactwait no its actually 0.3% cpu on ubiquity, its using 10% mem01:26
underfactoooh it says its downloading packages 3 hours remaing01:27
underfactatleast i know its working01:27
crdpinkone of my panels keeps disappearing. short of restarting plasmashell every so often, can I debug why it's going away?04:23
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lordievaderGood morning.09:00
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cablopnot a failing drive... but that baloo search indexer eating the IO... sigh11:07
lordievaderI allways disable baloo, rarely make use of file search so there is no gain for me in keeping an index.11:09
BluesKajHiyas all11:14
mcoxBluesKaj: i'd be careful with that greeting.... -> https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/jul/13/shining-a-light-on-the-dark-web-how-the-police-ended-up-running-a-paedophile-site11:31
mcox' - In Brisbane, police laboured over the word “hiyas”, the word use by the site's de facto CEO'11:31
ChetManlyhow to show desktop command?11:40
mcoxChetManly: add a widget11:44
ChetManlymy panel is crowed as is11:45
ChetManlyis crtl alt D set to anything?11:46
ChetManlyalso still looking for a command11:47
lordievaderChetManly: You can set that in the settings program.11:58
lordievaderUnder kwin11:59
ChetManlyyeah I set that already, I just wanted to know since I ve messed with my settings a good bunch11:59
ChetManlyI use yakuake quite a bit now so I was looking for a command as well12:00
lordievaderWhat are you looking for then?12:00
lordievaderIt probably does a dbus call to that effect.12:01
mcoxChetManly: there will be a way of making it a desktop shortcut, you may have more luck in #kde or #plasma maybe ?12:06
mcoxI'll be interested if you do find a way12:06
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ChetManlyinstall and and on off swithc12:13
tibihi! I've just upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04 and my plasma keeps crashing12:30
tibiwhat can I do to locate the problem?12:30
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ChetManlytibi:  go back to 14.04 turn off distro update from new versions and wait 6 months to update lol12:35
tibiChetManly: helpful, thanks, I'll do that /s12:49
ChetManlywell im doing it12:49
ChetManlyexcept for years likely12:50
ChetManlycause plasma isnt what I like12:51
ChetManlyplasma 512:51
tibiI like it so far, except for the crashing12:51
ChetManlywell thats part of my reasoning as well12:52
ChetManlydebian are now at respectable levels of kde now as well, for rock solid stability12:52
ChetManly4.10 I believe12:55
BluesKajtibi:  make sure update and upgrade, depending how you upghraded you may need to reinstall your graphics driver if you have a pci gpu13:00
tibiBluesKaj: I use the HDMI output of my motherboard. I think it's an Intel chipset13:09
tibiI'm writing this from "that KDE", it's just that plasma keeps crashing around each 5 minutes13:09
BluesKajtibi:  run, sudo lshw -C video, check the product and vendoe lines13:12
BluesKajvendor even13:13
tibiBluesKaj: this is from my .xsession-errors https://gist.github.com/tiberiuichim/a24765ab88d58f5583758a84aa3b7feb13:13
tibiaround line 88 is the crash13:14
tibisorry, 8013:14
mcoxtibi: I would suggest doing 2 things (1) use the backports PPA to get Plasma 5.6.x (2) install the updated intel driver from https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads/intel-graphics-update-tool-linux-os-v2.0.213:15
mcoxif you are using intel13:16
mcoxpeople moan about nvidia/amd drivers but in the last 14 years of Linux desktop use it is always Intel drivers (from multiple machines) than have the worst graphical crashes#13:16
tibiI've disabled the "intel CPU microcodes" from the restricted drivers, maybe it makes a difference13:19
BluesKajI have 16.04 installed with intel  i915 driver and no ppas required, plasma is very stable13:21
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mcoxtibi: yuo probably actually want that enabled13:21
BluesKajtibi:  doubt the microcodes has much effect13:21
mcoxthe link I gave updates the intel GPU drivers13:21
tibimcox: could you give me the link again? I must have missed it when I reboot13:22
tibiBluesKaj: how did you install the i915 driver?13:22
mcoxthe updated drivers had fixed things in the past - for example if you ran 15.10 and used google chrome with h/w accel enabled and used street view it would segfault13:22
BluesKajit's default13:22
tibiI have "product: 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller,  configuration: driver=i915 latency=0"13:22
mcoxwhen you updated the drivers it fixed that issue13:23
mcoxtibi: the link is  https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads/intel-graphics-update-tool-linux-os-v2.0.213:23
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tibimcox: thanks! I'll wait for the crash, to see if it still happens or my reboot cleared it13:24
mcoxin my experience the updated drivers improve performance and stability13:24
BluesKajthat looks like a better solution than a ppa13:25
mcoxthe PPA I was talking about was for plasma - the PPA fixed a few things for me ..13:27
BluesKajunless the tool doesn't help, then a plasma upgrade is the next best try13:27
mcoxsuch as not being able to edit network settings....13:27
tibimcox: what version of Ubuntu are you using? Which PPA that was?13:29
mcoxtibi: 16.0413:29
mcoxppa = https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports?field.series_filter=xenial13:29
mcoxits plasma 5.6.5 at present13:30
mcoxa few multiple monitor fixes compared to plasma 5.513:30
tibimcox: cool! thanks! I'll try it if I still see problems. So far, no crash, and it's been 10 minutes already :)13:32
tibiIt might have been the Instant Messaging plasmoid, I'll try to readd it13:32
BluesKajtibi:  to see which plasma you have, run plasmashell -v13:33
tibiplasmashell 5.5.513:35
tibiI see. Thanks BluesKaj13:35
BluesKajtbi, you could also enable the backports repos in your package manager/sources.list13:38
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tibiIt seems I already have xenial-backports enabled13:41
mcoxtibi: xenial backports is different to kubuntu-backports (in case there was any confusion)13:41
tibiSo far I'm stable, unlike before my reboot. So I think I'm good for now13:42
BluesKajked/plasma is usually in the backports13:42
BluesKajkde even13:42
mcoxBluesKaj: unless you add kubuntu-backports you will be on plasma 5.5.x you have to enable kubuntu-backports to have 5.6.x13:44
BluesKajmcox:  yes, but if 5.5 is stable , then waiting for a regular upgrade is fine too13:45
mcoxall I know is that 5.6.x fixed a few annoying things for me..13:45
mcox(5.7.x is even better)13:46
mcoxits a shame 16.10 isn't having 5.8 ...13:47
BluesKajyeah i have 5.7.5 on on Yakkety beta2 which I'm currently testing, however X i s a bit confused where tp place the desktop13:48
BluesKajatm it's about 1/3 below the panel13:48
tibihttps://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.7.95.php looks like it will come up sometime soon, isn't it?13:48
mcoxive only tried 5.7.x through neon and arch and tumbleweed so far.13:49
mcox(to be honest all of them have a better desktop experience than kubuntu 16.04)..  But I'm sticking with kubuntu for work purposes.13:50
BluesKajI have no issues with xenial atm , upgraded with the staging frameworks, kdeapplications and plasma ppas, of course they're disabled as soon as the packages are installed/upgraded13:52
David_MHi. I'm using Kubuntu 16.04 and interface is working strange. When scrolling pages in Firefox it's jumping and when switching between Firefox and KDE menu it's jumping14:00
David_MPlease, help me.14:05
Anubisdavid_m: are you using trackpad or mouse ?14:05
David_MI had the same problem with Fedora 24 and that's why i removed it.14:06
Anubiswhen scrolling down or up is the cursor jumping on desktop for example ?14:07
David_MWhen scrolling down in Firefox it's jumping and then if you switch to menu or any window it begins to jump again. And windows can tear on a few pieces.14:08
Anubisit is possible that happens because at some point the active window is loosing focus14:09
Anubisor you have active some settings… go to settings and check the windows behavior and the mouse settings14:10
David_MIn Fedora I fixed it by switching from OpenGL 2.0 to 3.1 but on the next day this bug appeared again. On Kubuntu I got this after reboot.14:11
Anubisyou can try also by disable the trackpad14:11
David_MI couldn't even minimize Firefox window. I had to click twice.14:12
Anubisalso check the compiz manager14:13
David_MI removed it.14:13
BluesKajno compiz on kubuntu, it's kwin14:13
David_Mhttps://pp.vk.me/c636916/v636916367/32f0f/pLw1jebTdmI.jpg check this picture please14:14
Anubislet me check something14:16
David_MSo I typed in terminal kwin --replace and it fixed. Don't know if it will appear again.14:18
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Anubis1david: still there ?14:26
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JonelethIrenicushow can i do square root with kcalc15:30
chcknrubinstall octave15:43
chcknrubkcalc is for simple calculations only i think15:43
chcknrubKubuntu 16.04 has no updates for years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15:44
acheronukJonelethIrenicus: sqrt is raising to the power (1/2), so you can do that15:44
lordievaderchcknrub: How can that be if it has been released this year?16:31
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rails661Hi guys, does anyone know if it's possible to have a shortcut that will always focus a given app. For example if I have 15 apps open(one of them is terminal) and if I press Ctrl+E or something, terminal should pop?17:24
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David_MWhen I type kwin --replace my desktop is working correct but if I close terminal kwin stops working. I have no maximize and minimize buttons in Firefox.18:47
BluesKajDavid_M,  which kubuntu?18:53
IrcsomeBot<Deno Jacob> Hi...what is the best way to customize kubuntu 16.0418:57
BluesKajDavid_M, all packages up to date ?18:58
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BluesKajDeno Jacob, system settings> workspace  theme and application style themes19:01
David_MI think yes. Can you please show me lsb release file?19:01
BluesKajDavid_M, lsb_release -a   ?19:03
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BluesKajDavid_M, type that in the terminal19:05
David_MI wanted to compare your output with mine. I used Linux Mint MATE but didn't want to reinstall my system and converted it into Kubuntu. I did something like this with Mint by turning it into Xubuntu.19:06
BluesKajmine will be different I've upgraded with several ppas19:07
BluesKajthasn stock kubuntu19:07
lordievaderDavid_M: That is because when you run that command the display manager lives in Konsole and when you close it the child (kwin) dies.19:08
lordievaderDavid_M: Better to run that command from krunner ;)19:08
BluesKajwas gonna suggest a small bash script in sys setings startup& shutdown19:11
David_MShould there be Ubuntu or Kubuntu? What it should show me?19:11
David_Mlordievader: thank you for explanation.19:14
lordievaderDavid_M: No problem ;)19:15
lordievaderIt is usefull to be aware of where processes live ;)19:15
David_MI wonder if all Ubuntu flavors have Ubuntu name in lsb release or a flavor name.19:16
DragnslcrSince Kubuntu is just Ubuntu with a different set of packages installed by default, lsb_release will show the same information19:18
David_MDragnslcr: thank you.19:21
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David_MHow can I fix that kwin issue?19:46
BluesKajDavid_M,  does it die in the run command too?19:47
David_MI'll check19:48
David_MI typed kwin in menu and it showed Individual Window Behavior.19:49
BluesKaj right click on the desktop, choose run command19:50
David_MI started kwin by pressing Alt-F2 and typing kwin19:51
BluesKajyes that's the same thing as the choosing run command aka krunner19:52
lordievaderDavid_M: Well, in theory, you should never have the need to run that command...19:52
David_MWhat should I do to avoid interface jumping issue and restarting kwin?19:53
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crdpinkmy popups (and drop downs even) appear on a different display than the window from which they belong. Also, no mouse gestures is killing me. Back to 14.04?20:02
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user|46162Greetings, how to make windows key to open app menu instead of alt + f1?21:05
user5150i am trying to download qbase onto to my computer and it wont something about a wine authentication password21:46
user5150i never made one what do i do about this21:47
SporkWitchwine accounts are totally optional, only need one to submit feedback/bug reports...21:49
valorie!info qbase21:51
ubottuPackage qbase does not exist in xenial21:51
mparillo_Google ksuperkey, but use it at your own risk.22:19

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