
mupPR snapd#1975 closed: tests: add test benchmark script <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1975>00:19
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mupPR snapd#1578 closed: image: add meta/gadget.yaml infrastructure <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1578>01:25
mupPR snapd#1953 closed: snap, daemon, store: pass through screenshots from store <Created by robert-ancell> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1953>01:38
mupPR snapd#2000 closed: snap, daemon, store: pass through screenshots from store <Created by niemeyer> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2000>02:02
mupPR snapcraft#832 opened: WIP LP: #1627880 <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/832>03:56
mupBug #1597784 changed: "PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied" executing a snap <snapd-interface> <Snappy:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1597784>04:18
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lpotterMirv: ping05:59
Mirvlpotter: pong06:06
Mirvlpotter: I commented on your MP already and merged it, thanks a lot! really happy about getting the locally built qmake into use.06:07
lpotterI can help with qt-ubuntu snap. I have it building with the local qmake, but it's installing to wonky director06:07
lpotterthe build plugin dont recognize $SNAP.06:08
Mirvlpotter: in what sense? the current snap in the store installs to usr/lib/arch/ (libs) and usr/lib/arch/qt5 (plugins, qml)06:08
Mirvah, "NAP" :)06:09
MirvI wonder if it's needed at all in the config or not06:09
lpotterit is, as without prefix it tries to use / which is not writable to the snap06:10
lpotterand I ran into an issue with libpng-dev for some reason06:11
lpotterand that libicu will cause issues too06:12
Mirvlpotter: I was building on yakkety. As commented on github, it's libpn12-dev on xenial. Fixed it now.06:14
lpotterok, cool06:16
abeatoogra_, hi, is the pi2-kernel snap available now? ubuntu-image complains as it cannot download it, and I do not see it with "snap find"06:16
dholbachgood morning06:26
dholbachhas anyone of you dealt with node issues like the following already? what's a good way of going about them? "npm ERR! version not found: cheerio@0.20.0"07:11
mupPR snapd#2001 opened: overlord/boot: switch to using assertstate.Batch <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2001>07:31
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mvopitti: is it possible to delete the successful test of ppc64el for snapd? I think this successful test was a mistake, i.e. it happend when there was actually no test executed due to a mistake08:09
Son_Gokuzyga: ping: https://github.com/zyga/snapcore-fedora/pull/608:25
mupPR zyga/snapcore-fedora#6: Flesh out snapd-glib spec <Created by Conan-Kudo> <https://github.com/zyga/snapcore-fedora/pull/6>08:25
Son_Gokumvo, why is snapd-xdg-open not under the io.snapcraft.* namespace?08:26
Son_Gokuon the bus08:26
Son_Gokueverything else has moved onto that namespace, so it's weird that this one still retains com.canonical.*08:26
pittimvo: how do you mean? There isn't just one pass in http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/snapd/yakkety/ppc64el but many, and 2.13+16.10 actually did run tests08:28
mvoSon_Goku: uh, thank you, that looks like an oversight08:29
Son_Gokubelieve it or not, I actually check these things before letting zyga push them into Fedora ;)08:29
mvoSon_Goku: heh :)08:30
mvopitti: sorry, I was wrong, tests did run but they were not really useful "OK: 1 passed, 2 skipped"08:30
mvopitti: now we have ~80 tests that are run, 4 fail on ppc64el, I work on skipping or making them pass (our test snaps we uploaded seem to be not fully working on ppc64el)08:31
mvoSon_Goku: and sorry that I have not got back to your mail :/ life is a bit busy right now due to some looming deadlines08:32
Son_Gokuwell, I was hoping that something could be done before the October sprint, so that I would have something cool to show off, but no worries if not08:33
mvoSon_Goku: thats going to be tricky but maybe we can get some quality hack time during the sprint08:33
Son_GokuI hope so08:33
Son_GokuI've already got that selinux policy module that I need to test to see if it resolves https://github.com/zyga/snapcore-fedora/issues/108:34
pittimvo: so I can mark the currnet version on ppc64el as "ignore failure"08:35
mvopitti: please do, I will work on making them work again but until then it owuld be great to ignore-failure them so that they do not block the other arches08:36
pittimvo: that won't help much though, as it also regresses on both x8608:36
mvopitti: that will be fixed soon, its actually a regression from snpa-confine08:38
mvopitti: triggered by snap-confine which is used in the tests, but zyga fixed that so the next upload should fix it08:39
pittimvo: ah, good, then we can just retry those; I'll add the ppc hint then08:39
mupPR snapd#2001 closed: overlord/boot: switch to using assertstate.Batch <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2001>08:41
mvopitti: thank you08:41
pittizyga: any chance to get the snap-confine SRU in xenial verified?08:51
pitti(sitting there for 20 days)08:51
pittizyga: the next version has already been sitting in unapproved for a week, but is blocked by ^08:51
ogra_abeato, did you pick the right channel ? (we didnt rellease to stable yet)09:02
abeatoogra_, yes, I found out that was the issue in the end, thanks09:03
mupPR snapd#2002 opened: tests: use new spread `debug` feature <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2002>09:49
zygapitti: I'll check what's going on there, thanks for telling me about it09:49
kalikianaHmm stumbled upon this in another context. Could/ do snaps take advantage of ksm (kernel page sharing) to address memory waste? https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/vm/ksm.txt09:51
ogra_kalikiana, yes09:51
ogra_(has been discussed multiple times ... i'm not sure about the verdict though)09:51
kalikianaogra_: Ah, cool. Would there be any documentation of what features are currently being used? I wouldn't want to stir up the discussion for the nth time if it's already sorted.09:52
ogra_you have to ask the core team ... mvo or niemeyer would know more09:52
zygaogra_: yes?09:53
ogra_zyga, ?09:53
zygakalikiana: reading the document I see that this requires MADV_MERGEABLE09:53
zygakalikiana: so only applications explicitly doing that would benefit09:53
ogra_zyga, isnt that a wrapper thing ? i.e. ubuntu-core-launcher09:54
zygakalikiana: so snaps could take advantage of this09:54
zygaogra_: no09:54
mupPR snapd#1921 closed: tests: replace systemd-run with on-the-fly generation of units <Reviewed> <Created by vosst> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1921>09:54
zygaogra_: and besides, we cannot do that for the application09:54
zygakalikiana: so I think a more balanced answer is that snapd doesn't prevent apps from using ksm09:55
zygakalikiana: so if they are written to take advantage of it, they can09:55
ogra_our kernels have definitely switched it on ...09:55
ogra_(at least the official ones)09:56
zygaogra_: right but applications need to use it, otherwise it does nothing09:56
ogra_zyga, well, then i dont understand how al the cloud services can make use of it on behzalf of the apps that run in their containers/VMs09:56
ogra_afaik they a use that on a VM level09:57
zygaogra_: with madvise(and MADV_MERGABLE)09:57
kalikianazyga: Supposedly qemu can share memory of multiple instances - I wonder how they do it in that general way09:57
zygakalikiana: ^^09:57
ogra_dunno, i dont thionk all debs that are used in ubuntu clouds are patched on the fly :)09:57
zygaapplication developers need to explicitly mark private memory pages as mergable09:58
zygaprobably only virtualization tools use this feature09:58
ogra_afaik the sharing theer works on application level and people are surely not using modified debs09:58
mupPR snapd#1994 closed: snap: add `snap known --remote` <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1994>09:58
ogra_so the VM must do something here that snapd/ubuntu-core-launcher should be able to do as well09:59
zygaogra_: snap-confine lives for a millisecond10:00
zygaogra_: and execs an application10:00
zygaogra_: the appication must understand what is going on and actually sensibly use madvise10:00
zygaogra_: it cannot be blindly enabled10:00
zygaogra_: VMs enable that so that that they can share memory across memory-heavy virtualization but we don't pay that price and we cannot enable it in any way10:01
zygaogra_: but if there's a snap with VM inside then that snap can use this feature internally10:01
zygaogra_: so snapd is not related to ksm in any way, this is application responsibility to use10:01
mupPR snapd#2003 opened: debian: adjust packaging setup for trusty/deputy systemd <Created by vosst> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2003>10:04
mupPR snapd#2004 opened: cmd/snap: make the buy tests run again and fix the failures <Created by pete-woods> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2004>10:17
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mupPR snapd#2005 opened: many: introduce a device-init hook, let it optionally configure device registration and the serial-request <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2005>11:29
mupPR snapd#1865 closed: overlord/devicestate: POC to parametrise serial-request content/sending <Blocked> <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1865>11:30
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morphis_ogra_: at which time is a new OS snap for edge build daily?12:15
ogra_ogra@lillypilly:~$ crontab -l12:16
ogra_30 4 * * * /home/ogra/ubuntu-core-builds/build-ubuntu-core >>/home/ogra/ubuntu-core-builds/build.log 2>&112:16
ogra_0,30 * * * * /home/ogra/public_html/ubuntu-core-builds/generate-core.sh >>/home/ogra/public_html/ubuntu-core-builds/generate.log 2>&112:16
ogra_4:30 UTC12:16
morphis_ogra_: is this generate-core script available somewhere?12:17
ogra_morphis_, note though that the store is buggy ... sometimes i get 404s for existing snaps ... which results in them not to have a channel and not being published12:17
ogra_sure, on people.canonical.com ;)12:18
ogra_(the path is right in there )12:18
ogra_thats always the latest version ... its a bit out of sync, but it is also in lp:snappy-dev/ubuntu-core12:18
morphis_ogra_: ok12:24
ogra_https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/ubuntu-core-snap/trunk  .... in the cron-scripts dir12:26
ogra_morphis_, i brought the branch in sync now12:34
ogra_there is also a README in the cron-scripts dir, describing what you need to prepare when using it yourself12:36
abeatopstolowski, hi, was wondering how the kmod interface works. If I add a module to an interface, which permissions do I get? can I do modprobe on it?12:48
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zygaabeato: no, you get that module loaded but you cannot load it yourself12:52
zygaabeato: kmod is not an interface it is a "security backend"12:52
zygaabeato: interfaces can choose to use it12:52
abeatozyga, so the module would get loaded when you connect to a plug that requires that, correct?12:53
mupPR snapd#2006 opened: debian: merge 2.15.2ubuntu1 release <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2006>12:53
zygaabeato: it depends on the design of the interface12:53
jdstrandabeato: is there a particular use case you have in mind?12:54
jdstrandzyga: good morning/afternoon zyga :)12:54
jdstrandand hello abeato :)12:54
zygajdstrand: hello12:54
abeatojdstrand, loading ppp modules12:54
abeatojdstrand, morning :)12:54
zygajdstrand: I'm working on SRU verification, eh, I "love" our fragmented releases12:55
jdstrandabeato: yep, that was the other one that I thought people would add things to immediately12:55
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ogra_zyga, snappy will fix that :P12:55
jdstrandzyga: heh. you can spin that another way-- it is motivating to get things right before release :P12:55
mupPR snapd#1979 closed: assertions: add system-user assertion <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1979>12:55
abeatojdstrand, zyga just want to load ppp_generic when somebody connects to the ppp interface12:56
zygajdstrand: the problem is the release is right but now I'm in some weird partial state that is never tested12:56
pstolowskiabeato, yeah, as zyga says12:56
zygaogra_: it was supposed to ;)12:56
zygaogra_: but not for snappy :-(12:56
zygaabeato: that's a two-liner then12:57
ogra_yeah, there was some irony in my sentence ;)12:57
zygaabeato: or maybe even one liner, depending on syntax12:57
abeatopstolowski, zyga so this should be just fine, isn't it?: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23242066/12:57
jdstrandabeato: yeah, take a look at firewall-control. ppp will be the same. you won't need anything special12:57
zygaogra_: yeah, I know :/12:57
jdstrandabeato: specify the modules you want and snapd will handle the rest on interface connect12:57
abeatoalright, thanks12:58
jdstrandzyga: oh hrmm-- I was hoping the snapd autopkgtest fixes were going to be in place before snap-confine (which is why I suggested that whoever uploads snapd should upload snap-confine)13:00
jdstrandoh well, there is a bug in the devel release that will get fixed13:00
jdstrandthat's happened on occasion :)13:01
jgdxafter $ sudo snap try prime and prime is removed/changed, I get into a state where I can't remove the snap because: /snap/ubuntu-system-settings/x1: not mounted13:11
jgdxit make sense, but it's not known to me how to get out of that situation13:12
jgdxany ideas?13:14
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zygajdstrand: I'd love to know about that docker workaround13:19
zygajdstrand: I see what it does but OMG what is this doing to make the problem go away13:19
jdstrandzyga: it is arguably a bug in docker. it is looking in mountinfo to find where the cgroup directory is. it finds /tmp/snap.rootfs_... and thinks it is there13:20
jdstrandzyga: so we let it keep thinking that13:20
jdstrandzyga: I noticed in looking at mountinfo from inside a snap that we are leaking those mount locations and also all the mounted snaps13:21
jdstrandzyga: ideally we would have a clean mountinfo and we could remove the workaround13:22
jdstrandzyga: docker could also update their FindCgroupMountpoint() in runc/libcontainer/cgroups/utils.go, but went with a non-patch approach for now until we decide if there is something we can do (even if it is terribly)13:24
jdstrandterribly ugly13:24
Guest60909nick pmp13:27
Guest60909<-- sry, what an idiot13:27
mupPR snapd#2007 opened: interfaces: ppp: load needed kernel module <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2007>13:34
zygajdstrand: interesting, that explains a lot13:36
zygajdstrand: I don't think that obtaining clean mountinfo is possible though13:36
zygajdstrand: unless I'm missing something it will always contain the real data, even if we managed to unmount everything in clasic (which we cannot)13:36
sergiusenszyga the important question is, are you going to target the correct mailing list for the announcement this time ;-)13:37
zygasergiusens: for what? :)13:37
zygajdstrand: as for SRU we have a more nested problem to solve, I need to talk to pitti about it13:38
zygapitti: can you perhaps help me with a little SRU problem13:38
sergiusenszyga snapd, snap-confine, ubuntu-core13:39
sergiusenszyga I feel like I am the only one using snapcraft-announce!13:39
zygapitti: there's snap-confine 1.0.38-0ubuntu0-something as a pending SRU, I'd like to kill that one and instead upload the one that is currently in the queue here:13:39
zygasergiusens: I agree and I really should use it13:39
zygapitti: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=13:39
zygapitti: or perhaps even .42 from yakkety if mvo manages to release snapd today13:40
zygapitti: I starte verifying the .38 version but I realized it errnously links to bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-confine/+bug/159784213:41
mupBug #1597842: Allow access to the currently running kernel sources from /usr/src <snapd-interfaces> <verification-needed> <Snappy Launcher:Fix Released by jdstrand> <Snappy:Invalid> <snap-confine (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <snap-confine (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1597842>13:41
zygapitti: from my POV the version under SRU currently is okay except that it doesn't fix this particular bug; we can probably either mark it as failed, remove the bug and mark it as passing elsewhere or just skip it entirely and go to .41 or .4213:43
zygapitti: I want to avoid extra delays so I'd appreciate any insight you may give me13:43
mupPR snapd#2006 closed: debian: merge 2.15.2ubuntu1 release <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2006>13:43
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mupPR snapd#2008 opened: overlord/state: prune old empty changes <Created by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2008>13:49
zygajdstrand: do you have a suggestion on how snap-confine could do something differently to make docker work?13:50
pittizyga: no problem, I can cancel that SRU if you want, i. e. we remove it from -proposed; does the next upload address the same bugs also?13:58
zygapitti: yes, it's a superset13:58
pittizyga: if it doesn't fix everything, that's not a problem -- there will always be the next SRU13:58
zygapitti: (full upstream releae rather than a cherry-picked one)13:58
pittizyga: we just must pull an SRU if it regresses something that worked before13:59
zygapitti: hmm13:59
zygapitti: that's not the case here13:59
zygapitti: the fix in .38-0ubuntusomething is just partial13:59
zygapitti: there are no regressions, I just want to find a smooth way to eventually update everyone to .4213:59
pittizyga: hm, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/285662383/snap-confine_1.0.38-0ubuntu0.16.04.10_1.0.41-0ubuntu2~16.04.1.diff.gz removes a metric ton of previous changelogs -- is that a rebase error?13:59
pittiah, it's more like a backport14:00
pittizyga: well, as you wish -- verify 38 and we release it, or skip it and I review/acept .41 "over" it14:00
zygapitti: yes, I think that's more accurate14:00
zygapitti: ok, I cna finish the verification, what should I do about bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-confine/+bug/1597842 then? just mark it as verification-done?14:01
mupBug #1597842: Allow access to the currently running kernel sources from /usr/src <snapd-interfaces> <verification-needed> <Snappy Launcher:Fix Released by jdstrand> <Snappy:Invalid> <snap-confine (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <snap-confine (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1597842>14:01
pittizyga: I'd just reopen it and clear the tag after releasing the update (that auto-closes the bug)14:02
zygaso I'll reopen and re-verify this with .41 that really fixes it14:02
pittizyga: ok; otherwise current SRU is good?14:04
zygapitti: let me verify the last two items14:04
morphis_pitti: thanks a lot for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nplan/0.12~16.04 !14:04
pittizyga: rihgt, please officially say "works" on some of the bugs14:05
zygajdstrand: curious, how did you debug the docker issue, I think that is pretty esoteric :)14:05
zygapitti: will do14:05
pittimorphis_: yw! it needs to grind through the machinery now, and we can hopefully release it in a week14:05
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jdstrandzyga: since we are in our own mount namespace, I would think we could unmount other snaps to close down the info leak (so long as the unmount didn't propogate. I'm not sure how that would work for /tmp/snap.rootfs_*14:17
jdstrandzyga: I found it by noticing that the docker log entry was complaining about that file not existing. I was assuming it was confused about the mount namespace and that /sys was mounted wrong, but thought I'd check out the low hanging fruit and just take docker at its word about the file it was trying to access not existing14:18
jdstrandzyga: and that turned out to be the problem14:19
zygajdstrand: well, we might (extra complexity for content sharing) but why why would that matter? we'd still see the load of tmpfs entries14:21
jdstrandzyga: I don't think that would complicate content sharing-- we are still mounting the target in SNAP_DATA14:22
sborovkovHello. Just updated my classic image. Now getting this: Sep 27 14:21:34 ubuntu snap[6727]: this GOARM=6 binary. Recompile using GOARM=5.14:23
sborovkovThis snap ran before just fine14:23
sborovkovAny idea what's going on14:23
jdstrandzyga: that wouldn't matter for the docker case, you are right. that would only prevent an info leak (leaking all installed snaps) via mountinfo. as it happens there are other leaks there due to accesses in /proc, but we have work items to address that in the medium term14:23
zygajdstrand: I can experiment quickly but I doubt that would change anything for docker14:23
zygajdstrand: mountinfo requires devmode, it's not readable14:23
jdstrandzyga: or mount-observe14:24
jdstrandzyga: I'm not saying it is a world burning problem14:24
zygajdstrand: hmm, interesting, yes14:24
jdstrandjust that it is a leak14:25
jdstrandunfortunately due to noisy denials due to various libraries, I suspect people will specify mount-observe a lo14:25
jdstrandbut, like I said, we leak things via /proc. this shouldn't distract for /media or network-namespace or really whatever else is on your plate atm. just wanted to mention it14:26
jdstrandas for /tmp/snap.rootfs_*, that would be worth looking into I think (at least after a few high prioirty items are off your list), but I'm not sure what to do there14:27
jdstrandzyga: ^14:28
ralsinasergiusens: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/813 is ready for a review when you have a spare moment14:30
mupPR snapcraft#813: "snapcraft validate" and "snapcraft gated" commands <Created by ralsina> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/813>14:30
zygajdstrand: well, yeah, I think this is a tough problem, mouninfo will always tell the truth14:30
sergiusensralsina will do, thanks for working on this!14:31
jdstrandzyga: the good news is there shouldn't be a lot of software that is parsing mountinfo for the reasons that docker is, and we have a workaround for docker (and again, it is arguably a bug in docker)14:32
ralsinasergiusens: np, ping me for anything you see there.. 1st snapcraft branch so there will surely be something horrible :-)14:32
sergiusensralsina nah, all good, I am holding off moving away from docopt until this lands so you don't take a hit14:33
ralsinawee, kill docopt :-)14:33
jdstrandmectors: hey, did you get my email regarding bug #1627309 ?14:34
mupBug #1627309: bluetooth-control noble.js not working <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1627309>14:34
sborovkov Hello. After updating classic image I am now getting this for all of my snaps which were working before... Any ideas? : Sep 27 14:21:34 ubuntu snap[6727]: this GOARM=6 binary. Recompile using GOARM=5.14:42
ogra_sborovkov, was that something cross compiled ?14:48
* ogra_ wonders why anything would use 5 or 6 on ubuntu ... given we only support ARMv7 14:49
mupPR snapd#2009 opened: tests: add firewall-control interface test <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2009>14:50
sborovkovogra_: no14:50
ogra_so it only howed up ater a snapd upgrade ?14:51
sborovkovogra_: I compiled that snap on rpi3 on ubuntu mate. everything worked. Got latest updates. So I guess newer snapd. After that everything stopped working with those errors. And something about not supported floating architecture14:51
ogra_*showed up after14:51
ogra_right, looks like napd itself was built for ARMv6 without hardfloat14:52
ogra_mvo, zyga ^^^14:52
ogra_(i dont see such issue on the allo-snap images though)14:52
sborovkovI am pretty sure someone else had similar issue some time ago. I remember seeing this here. But don't remember when it happened or why.14:53
mupBug #1627692 opened: Error when model file is not in $HOME <Snappy:Confirmed> <Ubuntu Image:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1627692>14:55
mvosborovkov, ogra_: I think this is fixed with a updated snap-confine, the aux vector was not passed along and this confused go programs14:56
zygajdstrand: hmm14:56
zygajdstrand: sorry, I didn't notice your name was in the bugger14:56
ogra_mvo, ah, perhaps the snap-confine that is stuck in proposed ?14:56
ogra_snapd should have a versioned dep if thats the case14:57
sborovkovah ok. So I guess I need to use proposed to make sure it works.14:57
zygasborovkov: try the ppa perhaps14:58
zygasborovkov: or build 1.0.42 from the tarball on github14:58
zygasborovkov: packaging is on git.launchpad.net/snap-confine14:58
mvoogra_: I think something else broke it, but I don't remember the details15:00
mvoogra_: hm, maybe I do15:00
sborovkovzyga: what ppa should I use?15:00
ogra_well, if we break everyones RPi classic install regarding snaps after we told everyone to use classic, thats a bad thing15:00
zygasborovkov: aww, I never remember, sorry15:01
zygasborovkov: can you try the package in yakkety?15:01
sborovkovzyga: ok. I will try it today/tomorrow. Will tell you if that does not work. (if either of them does not work).15:02
zygasborovkov: thanks15:02
jdstrandzyga: no worries15:09
mupPR snapd#2010 opened: many: create auth.json for the freshly created user in `snap create-user` <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2010>15:11
zygajdstrand: can I just mark https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-confine/+bug/1584456 as verification-done based on the presence of the extra apparmor rule?15:15
mupBug #1584456: apparmor denial using ptmx char device <apparmor> <verification-needed> <Snappy Launcher:Fix Released by jdstrand> <linux (Ubuntu):Confirmed for tyhicks> <snap-confine (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <snap-confine (Ubuntu Xenial):In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1584456>15:15
* ogra_ puts on an evil grin ... 15:16
jdstrandzyga: yes. you can also say that 'apparmor_parser -QTK /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine' returns with no errors and show that it is present in 'sudo aa-status|grep snap-confine'15:17
ogra_mvo, so where is that script you said you would write if you ever had to touch meta again ? (i see you added xdelta today)15:17
jdstrandzyga: that is sufficient for these policy updates that only allow more access (ie, it can't regress with more access and you demonstrate the policy compiles and is loaded)15:17
jdstrandzyga: (sufficient when there isn't a simple test case)15:18
jdstrandzyga: it is nice to prove that it fixes it, but when you don't have the ability to do that, proving it doesn't regress is good enough with policy updates like this15:19
zygajdstrand: thank you :)15:21
ogra_hmm, why does the PPA actually check package versions against proposed ... it tells me nplan and initramfs-tools have newer versions available ...15:22
* ogra_ checks the PPA setup ... 15:22
ogra_no, definitely pointing to -updates ... as it should ... weird15:23
ogra_cjwatson, is there a bug open for that ? ^^15:23
* ogra_ assumes there is ... i cant be the first one noticing that15:24
cjwatsonogra_: not sure, probably, various bugs about ancestry not being ideal15:28
ogra_yeah, k15:28
ogra_i wont file one then15:28
ogra_(even though it is a lie, it is a good warning mechanism that i need to take action before it migrates)15:29
ogra_oh man ... that initramfs-tools in -proposed will make the size explode :/15:32
cjwatsonogra_: Yeah, that's why it wouldn't be trivial to change.  It would probably need multiple indicators that look slightly different.15:33
zygaok, verification done15:34
zygapitti: I've verified all the other issues, I will now ask for the SRU in ubuntu-release15:34
ogra_cyphermox, hmm, looking at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/286301974/initramfs-tools_0.122ubuntu8.1_0.122ubuntu8.2.diff.gz ... how do you actually make sure dhclient is in the initrd ? i dont see a hook anywhere that would copy it in15:35
ogra_cydizen, oh, ignore me ... i see it in the isc-dhcp package15:36
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ogra_err, sorry cydizen, that was for cyphermox15:37
cyphermoxisc-dhcp has the hook.15:37
ogra_yeah, just saw it15:37
cyphermoxit only adds 500k15:37
ogra_thats a lot15:38
cyphermoxno choice.15:38
ogra_(for an initrd that is only 2.5MB and has no NIC drivers in it at all :) )15:38
ogra_(like ours)15:38
cyphermoxthere isn't a choice --- there are conflicting priorities here, and IPv6 needs isc-dhcp in the initramfs to work.15:39
cyphermox(that's for MAAS, but it's relevant to any network where you want to "netboot" over ipv6)15:39
ogra_well, we exclude all modules from the core initrd15:39
ogra_so it wont affect us at all15:39
ogra_just the growth will15:40
cyphermoxwell you can always explicitly remove the hook15:40
ogra_indeed ... but ... well ... moar hacks15:40
cyphermoxor I suppose we can come up with an environment parameter to say "no, don't install isc-dhcp"15:40
cyphermoxthere's only so much that can be done.15:40
ogra_yeah, via initramfs.conf15:40
ogra_our initrd has in general become a horrid thing ...15:41
ogra_34MB on my desktop install15:42
cyphermox34M is generally not a big deal15:42
ogra_a few yeqars ago that would have counted as rootfs :P15:42
ogra_it slows down your boot15:42
zygajdstrand: I'm wondering if we can not mount all of / as rslave15:42
ogra_you need to load it from disk15:42
ogra_and then wait til the kernel decompressed it (on arches where that happens)15:43
cyphermoxreplacing klibc (which is partly why isc-dhcp comes in) is long overdue.15:43
zygajdstrand: or do some trick that would let us do make / rslave and then bind mount "vanilla" /media over15:43
ogra_well, you cant actually replace klibc15:43
ogra_you only start duplicating more of it with glibc tuff15:43
cyphermoxof course you can get rid of it, most things already don't use it at all15:44
ogra_well, once someone re-writes run-init you can15:44
ogra_but i dont see that happen15:44
cyphermoxipconfig was the biggest bit, and that's mostly replaced by isc-dhcp, unless you use ancient network boot stuff15:44
cjwatsonrun-init could probably just be directly copied somewhere else and relinked against glibc15:45
cjwatsonMaybe with very minor changes15:45
ogra_i thought thats not possible15:45
cyphermoxcjwatson: indeed.15:45
* ogra_ suggested that years ago and was told so15:46
cjwatsonI think at the time it may not have been worth it because there was a ton of other stuff15:46
cjwatsonipconfig was definitely more of an issue15:46
cyphermoxrun-init will be last on my list once I've run through $everythingelse and made sure there weren't packages elsewhere that depend on obscure other bits of klibc15:47
ogra_well, getting rid of the duplication is surely a good thing ... getting rid of it in favour of massive growth ... not so much though15:48
davidcalleogra_: hey, a quick question: I'm looking ant gadget snaps and wondering: is there another possible value than "kernel" for "device-tree-origin" in gadget.yaml?15:49
davidcallelooking at*15:49
ogra_looking on my desktop that was originally installed with 3.13.0, the initrd has already grown by 5MB15:49
ogra_davidcalle, "gadget"15:49
ogra_davidcalle, but thats the default anyway ... so we dont bother to set "device-tree-origin" in gadgets where the dtb is shipped in the gadget15:50
jdstrandzyga: tyhicks had thoughts on that. I've forwarded you the info15:50
zygathank you15:51
davidcalleogra_: thanks!15:51
ogra_*grown by 5MB between 3.13.0 and 4.4.015:51
ogra_davidcalle, np ...15:51
mupPR snapd#2004 closed: cmd/snap: make the buy tests run again and fix the failures <Created by pete-woods> <Merged by pete-woods> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2004>16:05
mupPR snapd#2011 opened: client, cmd: change buy command to match UX document <Created by pete-woods> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2011>16:08
mupPR snapd#2012 opened: interfaces/builtin: add missing rule to allow run-parts to execute all resolvconf scripts <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2012>16:19
mupBug #1628193 opened: please set TMPDIR=/tmp when launching snaps <Snappy:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1628193>16:20
mupPR snapd#2013 opened: many: finish `snap set` API <Created by kyrofa> <Conflict> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2013>16:24
zygatyhicks: thank you for the investigation wrt /media sharing!16:29
tyhickszyga: no problem - I hope it is helpful16:31
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* ogra_` feels net-splitted16:39
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ogra_geez ... that net-splittery today is really annoying17:23
om26erHi! I am trying to create a local snap for a python script, how can I add source for my script code that is a local directory ?17:25
naccom26er: your snapcraft.yaml can copy/dump from local directoriees (source: ., iirc)17:25
nacc(and as an example)17:25
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om26ernacc, I tried source: /my_path it didn't pick the code from there17:26
ogra_also make sure to have the python plugin in use ... there is really no guarantee that the core snap has a python interpreter or a ceetain version of it17:26
naccogra_: good point :)17:26
naccom26er: can you pastebin your snapcraft.yaml?17:26
om26ernacc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23243296/17:27
ogra_i.e http://paste.ubuntu.com/23243298/ would get you the python2 interpreter (and just that) in your snap17:28
ogra_ah, i see you are already using it17:32
ogra_there are various issues in your snapcraft.yaml ...17:32
ogra_source: /home/om26er/Desktop/source/17:32
ogra_that should be a relative path from where your snapcraft.yaml lives17:32
ogra_command: python3 run17:32
ogra_that would only work if "run" is actually living in a dir in $PATH17:32
ogra_om26er, /my_path would mean you have actually a dir in / called my_path ... try ./my_path here17:32
ogra_i.e. relative to your snap dir17:32
naccogra_: i wonder if the relative path requirement should be explicit in the help? the example does say ./..., but absolute paths don't work?17:32
ogra_not sure, if $SNAP works here ... iirc there was a bug about that17:33
ogra_absolute paths would be ugly since you need to include the snap name, version etc17:33
ogra_they *can* work though ... if you put that data in17:33
* nacc might be confused, but thought absolute paths worked with the copy plugin, at least17:33
naccnot important, regardless :)17:34
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ogra_well, the copy plugin is dead for some obscure reason17:34
naccyeah,that's why i said not important17:34
pmcgowanogra_, I need help :(17:34
om26erogra_, /my_path actually meant my local path i.e. /home/om26er/Desktop/source/17:39
ogra_right, try a relative one ... starting from where your snapcraft.yaml lives17:39
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mhall119check it out! http://mhall119.com/2016/09/desktop-app-snap-in-300kb/18:22
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mupPR snapd#2015 opened: asserts: introduce AttributeConstraints <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2015>19:03
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oparoz_Is there an interface in the works which would allow snaps to mount NFS and Samba shares?19:29
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nhainesIs snapweb still broken on the RPi2?  :)19:58
jdstrandnessita: hey, if someone wanted to file a bug against the store's review process, but not the review tools, what project would that be against?20:00
pedronisjdstrand: I think https://bugs.launchpad.net/software-center-agent20:02
jdstrandpedronis: thanks20:05
zyga_tyhicks, jdstrand: https://twitter.com/zygoon/status/78085810995061964920:09
tyhickszyga_: that's quite a mount table you have there20:11
zyga_tyhicks: yep, and the kernel nicely hangs when I ran 'umount -l' later on20:13
zyga_tyhicks: you know that the kernel dies when the cursor stops blinking :)20:13
zyga_tyhicks: it's late today and I was supposed to go rinding but I can easily reproduce this with a few syscalls20:15
zyga_tyhicks: perhaps a bug in the kernel, looks like it is trying to rbind the same thing recursively and happily runs out of memory, I killed the process when I saw 5GB of extra memory allocated in a few seconds20:15
niemeyercjwatson: The spread snap doesn't work with qemu yet, sorry :(20:29
niemeyercjwatson: It needs to be aware of the hosts file being elsewhere.. we need to address this problem in snappy itself, making it easier for that sort of reusability to occur someohw20:30
cjwatsonniemeyer: aha, right, so I should just build it straight from the github repository or similar?20:31
niemeyercjwatson: We're addressing that with lxd and docker by enabling communication with the daemons, but we don't yet have good  support for reusing classic debs generically, as that's basically a deb dependency20:31
cjwatson(for now)20:32
niemeyercjwatson: yeah, go get https://github.com/snapcore/spread/cmd/spread should land a bin on $GOPATH/bin20:32
cjwatsonall right, will give that a try later, ta20:32
niemeyercjwatson: Sorry for the trouble20:32
mupPR snapd#2013 closed: many: finish `snap set` API <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2013>20:49
nessitajdstrand, http://bugs.launchpad.net/software-center-agent/+filebug :-)20:52
mupPR snapd#2016 opened: many: rename apply-config hook to config-changing <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2016>20:55
kyrofaogra_, are you still around?21:01
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mupBug #1628289 opened: snapd should depend on squashfuse (for use in containers) <lxd> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1628289>21:43
mupPR snapd#2002 closed: tests: use new spread `debug` feature <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/2002>22:30
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