=== MylesBraithwait- is now known as MylesBraithwaite | ||
genii | Hey, I know some of you guys are in Waterloo. azend|vps for instance. https://www.govdeals.ca/index.cfm?fa=Main.Item&itemid=114&acctid=5637 | 20:21 |
=== MylesBraithwait- is now known as MylesBraithwaite | ||
genii | Looks like it works out to 7 fully functional systems with docking bays and power supplies, then there's 2 more working systems with batteries and stations but no power supplies, then 2 working but no battery/no power supply ( and 4 additional docks) | 20:25 |
azend|vps | Cool | 20:41 |
azend|vps | Pretty expensive though for only 7 machines | 20:41 |
genii | at the current price after taxes etc something like $162-ish each, if the other 4 and the 8 other docks just go to ewaste. But I think batteries and chargers could probably be found for those at not too much | 20:44 |
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