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ejatapw: i've updated to 4.8.0-17-generic , but still no luck for the ntfs rw02:30
apwejat, reviewing configs, i cannot see when we had that turned on ... it looks like writability of ntfs was actually done via a fuse filesystem, which is unrelated to the kernel, so that is confusing07:14
ricotzhi, regarding https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/FAQ#Kernel.2FFAQ.2FGeneralUbuntuDelta.What_differentiates_the_Ubuntu_Kernel_from_the_upstream_Linux_Kernel.3F07:23
ricotzit seems wrong to included commits and tags like https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git/commit/?id=1d074db69c46d62ce82b331c2080e2fcb710bf4a07:23
ricotzand using a "ckt" suffix would be more appropriate to reflect the nature of the kernel in its version string07:24
ricotzwrong commit, I meant this one https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/xenial/commit/?h=master-next&id=b536d9ae195f9daa32cf2446df2a35787142cacb07:24
apwricotz, that is really a matter of taste to a large degree, that kernel has the vast majority of the stable 4.4.21 and its predecessors applied07:29
apwricotz, so is it wrong for its internal version strings to include that information07:29
apwricotz, it exposes its version in uname more like 4.4.0-36-generic #19-Ubuntu so you can tell it is an ubuntu build and track it back07:31
ricotzapw, imho, it is wrong while it suggests it is based on the full 4.4.x stable release07:31
ricotzthis stable release version is exposed in logs though07:31
apwricotz, well the vast majority are applied so ... its pretty close, and it it was literally rebased on that and we reverted the delta it would be fine to call it that ?07:32
ricotzapw, imo, yes07:32
apwricotz, as i say, i think you can make arguement either way, and indeed we have internally, but we feel that calling a kernel which has all of 4.4.21 applied 4.4.0 would be more inaccurate07:32
apwricotz, well i'd argue as those bits on disk would be identicle it is wrong to say one way of making it can be called 4.4.21 and the other not07:33
ricotzwhat I am saying if someone it hit by a bug which an unapplied patch is triggering, it would be more painful to find out07:33
apwricotz, i can't deny that if we have dropped any there is a very slight possibility of people making assumptions rather thna actually checking what is applied07:35
apwi actually do not think we have in 4.4 so far, we tend to drop them because they are already applied "early" rather than anything else07:35
ricotzright, so using the ckt suffix to some extent would be it a bit more clear07:35
apwthe kernel advertises itself as -Ubuntu pretty strongly in the only real place we emit "loose dumps" of data, which is oops output07:36
apwmost any other collection of data is attached to system information07:37
ricotz(I for myself assumed it would get all stable-release patches until now)07:37
apwand that is the plan, aim and normally the execution07:37
apwi have i think twice in recent memory seen a patch dropped for being already applied, and oobviously we have reverted a couple of actually broken patches07:38
apwbefore they got fixed in -stable, but that seems like a positive07:38
ricotzit might not hurt so much for non-lts kernels, but for the 4.4 lts with 5 year support those dropped patches might pile up07:38
apwyou know ubuntu is not a pure upstream kernel, no distro kernle is, there is always delta07:39
apwhaving the 4.4.21 information tells you at least waht it is closest to in mainline terms, not including that just 07:39
apwmeans you have even less idea what it is similar to07:39
ricotzI am aware of that, I am just arguing about the advertised base-kernel07:39
ricotzI see07:40
apwand you are arguing it should be 4.4.007:40
ricotzno, I am not ;)07:40
apwok then you need to be clearer in what you are arguing :)07:40
ricotzI mentioned to add some "ckt" suffix07:40
apwand where do you want that, given we have a -Ubuntu suffix in the primary output userspace can ask for07:41
apwand do keep in mind that we cannot completley arbitrarily mangle the version format07:42
apwbecause _stupid_ userspace tools assume it is at least 3 dotted numbers, _and_ others assume they can just07:42
ricotzlike https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/trusty/commit/?id=a4e4e7cac5f9fcf4368ad5d22ac96285290562fc07:42
apwuse the string as a directory name in the filesystem07:42
apwextraversion does not make it into the names exposed in the packaging, that is set in some of the older kernels07:43
apwand you won't see it, because htat is where the abi number is07:43
apwi guess we could put -ckt in the Makefile itself, but you'd never see it anywhere else07:43
ricotzI know the kernel package name doesnt reflect the micro version07:45
ricotzok, I guess I will have to live with it ;)07:46
apwricotz, i'd like to remove the .0 there and expose the real micro in the binary packages, but that keeps slipping07:46
ricotzapw, I see, that makes sense07:52
apwwe got into this .0 mess because userspace tooling is broken in the format assumptions so like ps would vomit if you made the built in version shorter07:52
ricotzapw, oh, I assumed it was made that way to cope with "real" ABI breaks regarding dkms modules08:00
apwthe name of the abi directory isn't so critical as long as it changes when the abi changes08:01
apw(and only ...)08:01
ejatapw: so its conclude not coming from Kernel issue/problem? 08:15
ejatany suggestion how can i debug or get logs from ? 08:16
apwejat, right now i believe that if it is a kernel issue it is not what i would have thought, as that fucnionality is marked dangerous and turned off08:16
apwejat, in all releases.  it was pointed out to me that we used a fuse job to access ntfs r/w08:17
apwnot quite sure how that triggers08:17
ejatapw: i think i found some clues .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/23240235/08:22
ejati have suspected windows partition .. but i already full shutdown n restart08:23
ejatn off the fast restart08:23
apwoh a good point, i wonder if with new never shutting down windows you can ever mount it r/w safely from outside08:24
ejator maybe some updates/patches for Windows 10 Fast Ring Insider 08:24
ejatbut its work previous in LTS :( 08:25
apwit does not seem possible we could modify the filessytem is windows is hibernated08:26
apwas it could have any of that data cached in memory and changing it would be fatal to the filesystme08:26
ejatbut i've tried to disable the Fast Startup 08:27
ejatmaybe the cache is not cleaned yet ...08:28
apwprobabaly windows has reneabled it because you would be daft to not use it (in its mind) :)08:36
ejatlol ... u got a point .. im clearing off the cache in the disk n will try again shortly 09:03
ejatapw: sorry to bothering u this few days ... finally rw work again after i clear the partition cache and disable the fast startup + shutdown 09:34
apwejat, awsome that it is now working09:34
ejatbut its kinda weird that i doesnt have to do that way previously as i can just reboot when ever i want to choose etiher ubuntu or windows09:35
ejati doesn't need to disable the fast startup in 16.04 lts ... n its work flawlessly without proper shutdown (just only reboot will do the job to switch between  OS) 09:36
apwthat can only be broken to my mind, if windows is hibernated what is on disk cannot be changed safely ever09:36
apwso something else must have changed, and i am willing to believe that windows changed something to be "faster"09:37
ejatbtw, thanks again .. im also thinking that there is "something" changed in windows ... as i use the fast insider ring09:40
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb
manjortg, EDAC_MM_EDAC=m therefore EDAC_GHES is not selected, EDAC_GHES is needed on arm64 v8.0+ for firmware first error handling of memory and CPU errors .. would you consider a patch to enable that for Y ? 13:43
manjoapw, ^13:43
rtgmanjo, file away...13:43
manjortg, thanks13:43
apwmanjo, we're close enough to freeze now that we should have a bug for that and send the patch to the list, as it will likely need two acks etc as if it were an sru13:50
manjoapw, will open a bug and send it to ukml 13:50
manjoapw, bug against package "linux" ? 13:54
manjoapw, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/162811113:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1628111 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Yakkety] enable EDAC_GHES in kernel config" [Undecided,New]13:56
apwmanjo, yes, and i assume you referenced that in the patch14:02
manjoapw, yes . just letting you know I have the bug ☺ 14:02
apwoh don't worry i have wiped all knowledge of it14:02
manjoapw, config.common.ubuntu:CONFIG_HAVE_ACPI_APEI=y but when I do edit configs for arm64 it is not selected .. why is that ? 14:37
manjoapw, it is depend is ACPI=y which is true 14:37
manjoapw, nm I see why14:43
apwconfigs are fenicety is normally the reason14:43
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
_ami_any pointers on why i get this warning messages sometimes when i send urbs for IN/OUT endpoint? 15:13
_ami_ WARNING: CPU: 1 PID: 2866 at /build/linux-a2WvEb/linux-4.4.0/drivers/usb/core/urb.c15:13
_ami_:338 usb_submit_urb+0x51/0x70()15:13
_ami_[  +0.000002] URB ffff8801fd3ef780 submitted while active15:13
_ami_i send interrupt IN & OUT whenever a sysfs file value is changed15:14
apw_ami_, as that is a WARN_ON i assume it has some hints at that line to say what it thinks you are doing wrong15:14
_ami_apw: it seems like i am resubmitting a urb which is yet to be used.. 15:16
apwreusing the same buffer perhaps ?15:16
_ami_apw: indeed, it was the case.15:17
_ami_just fixed :) 15:17
_ami_i was doing submitting interrupt in urb on _probe() too. just removed that code. now doing Interrupt in/out on device attribute setter function. :)15:18
rtgmanjo, is that CONFIG_EDAC_MM_EDAC patch for Xenial or Yakkety ?15:23
manjortg, for Y 15:23
manjortg, oops did I miss that 15:23
manjortg, the bug report says Y .. 15:23
rtgmanjo, 'cause I set it15:24
manjortg, ok thanks .. sorry about that my patch should have said Y as well 15:24
_ami_apw: which is FASTER? creating and reusing control/bulk/interrupt urbs to send/recv data? or helper functions like usb_control/bulk/interrupt_msg()? i tend to believe that reusing same urb everytime is FASTER. just wonder why people use helper functions quite often?  15:35
_ami_people are LAZY or its just does not matter much?15:36
apwreusing it is only safe if you can be sure it will never get queued etd15:36
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apwhelpers tend to stop you making mistakes like reusing them too early15:36
_ami_aha, sync vs async dilemma 15:37
apwright, async is normally better when you have lots of data15:37
apwand knowin when the urb has gone is error prone15:37
_ami_got it., thanks, noted down.15:38
rtgmanjo, I responded to your patch with an alternate. I'm not too keen on munging Kconfigs15:39
manjortg, trying your patch as we speak.. 15:40
rtgmanjo, thanks15:41
manjortg, it does not select EDAC_GHES15:41
manjortg, for that you also need to satisfy select HAVE_ACPI_APEI if ACPI in Kconfig. 15:42
rtgmanthen you really need 2 patches, a SAUCE patch to fix the Kconfig, and a patch to update the config settings.15:43
rtgmanjo, ^^15:43
manjortg, ok will resend  15:43
rtgmanjo, I expect that you'll want to upstream the Kconfig patch15:44
manjortg, right that is next 15:44
manjortg, ah that patch for APIE in kconfig went upstream in Jul 15:53
manjortg, https://lkml.org/lkml/2016/7/27/42715:53
manjortg, wonder why it is missing in Ubuntu 15:53
rtgmanI assume you are basing this off of Yakkety master-next ? It has been rebased against 4.8-rc815:54
rtgmanjo, ^^ damn tab completion15:54
manjortg, let me reclone my tree.. it is a cf right now 16:08
rtgmanjo, you shouldn't have to reclone. 'git fetch origin master-next;git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD"16:08
manjortg, that is what I did and it blew up on my face 16:09
manjortg, recloning as we speak16:09
rtgmanjo, how did it blow up ?16:09
apwgit fetch origin master-next doenst make sense those are all remote names16:09
manjoapw, git fetch master-next; git rebase master-next ? 16:12
apwgit fetch origin; then maybe a rebase yes16:13
apwbut if the upstream is rebasing which it is you need to be more careful16:13
apwand use --onto16:13
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