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jhonyred | someone from Brazil | 01:46 |
Jiraiya_ | Hi, someone online? | 03:10 |
Jiraiya_ | hi | 03:14 |
Jiraiya_ | sargosse | 03:14 |
Jiraiya_ | hannah | 03:14 |
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cc | hmm,openstore is a good thing | 04:46 |
cc | it's better than Ubuntu-shop | 04:46 |
lotuspsychje | cc: link? | 04:55 |
cc | https://open.uappexplorer.com/app/com.mikeasoft.cutespotify | 04:55 |
lotuspsychje | cc: cool | 04:56 |
cc | really good! | 04:57 |
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cc | one questiong,how to uninstall some applications?i cant find it on ubuntu-shop,so i cant move it out | 05:11 |
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cc | scoper | 05:12 |
cc | i find a way to uninstall it | 05:33 |
cc | wow | 05:33 |
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cc | is there any good application about irc on ubuntu phone? | 06:53 |
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Mirv | mardy: hi! could you test now on otherwise "clean" machine/device the https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1997 ? | 07:58 |
Mirv | the silo is ready, it's just regenerating diffs now | 07:59 |
mardy | Mirv: ok | 08:01 |
mardy | Mirv: tested, it works! | 08:10 |
mardy | Mirv: though it's hard to tell how clean my machine actually is; but I'm sure that I've the signon-ui from the archive, as well as Qt | 08:11 |
mcphail | cc: IRC clients are difficult as the phone keeps dropping the connection when the app is put into the background or the screen goes off | 08:17 |
Mirv | mardy: ok, great! hopefully this is the real complete fix now :) I'll click Approved on the silo since the autopkgtests will take ages (the whole day or more), but I'll smoke test on phone a bit too | 08:18 |
mcphail | cc: There's a quassel client in the store (which will work with a persistent quassel server back end) but I can't get the client to work properly | 08:18 |
cc | MCMic: i tpye "sudo apt-get install quassel" | 08:27 |
cc | it already download it | 08:27 |
cc | nearly 120M | 08:27 |
cc | but it cant work....and now i dont know how to move it out, | 08:27 |
cc | i cant find it,,,, | 08:27 |
popey | cc: you installed quassel on the phone? | 08:47 |
cc | yeah.. | 08:47 |
popey | I wouldn't use apt on the phone.. | 08:51 |
cc | ... | 08:51 |
duflu | popey means that OTA updates don't honour apt installed packages. They may go missing or get corrupted at the next OTA | 08:54 |
popey | also, it can fill the phone up | 08:54 |
popey | and if you update packages, it can break boot | 08:54 |
duflu | Indeed | 08:54 |
duflu | popey: Hmm, so why is the command there? | 08:54 |
mcphail | cc: The idea is you install the quassel client from the Store on the phone, and a quassel server on another machine which will maintain a persistent IRC connection | 08:55 |
popey | heh interesting question. | 08:55 |
popey | wonder if apt / dpkg could be removed post image creation | 08:55 |
duflu | popey: The usual answer is unexpected dependencies | 08:55 |
duflu | I want to say remove it but I use it for development | 08:55 |
popey | although, that said people already jump through hoops to make it writable, I imagine they'd "Find a way" Ⓒ Jeff Goldblum | 08:56 |
mcphail | cc: You can run a quassel server on the phone itself, but not by installing with apt-get | 08:56 |
mcphail | (unless you want to break things) | 08:56 |
mcphail | cc: the "mcphail_quassel" user who has just joined the channel is from a quassel server running on my phone. I can connect to it using the quassel client from the store, but it doesn't seem to work weel enough to write to the channel yet | 08:58 |
mcphail | cc: so consider it a "work in progress" | 08:58 |
cc | i see | 08:59 |
mcphail | cc: if the quassel client gets updated, I'll post my server app so others can use it | 08:59 |
ahayzen | Mirv, o/ Hi, i've tested the qtmultimedia silo (1972) and it works \o/, there is a minor change required to qtubuntu-media for it to work. Would it be possible for this branch to be added to the same silo/request? (https://code.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/qtubuntu-media/fix-1510225-isReadOnly-not-respecting-canEditTracks/+merge/306849) | 09:56 |
ahayzen | Mirv, or is it better to ask Jim when he is online? | 09:57 |
Mirv | ahayzen: added, and clicked Build https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1972 | 10:00 |
ahayzen | Mirv, awesome thanks! | 10:00 |
miumiu | HI everybody | 10:04 |
miumiu | I have 2 mobile oppo r281 & galaxy y duos GT-s6102 and I want install ubuntu touch ? | 10:05 |
miumiu | what the mobile i should choose install ubuntu touch ? | 10:06 |
miumiu | what mobile should I choose ? samsung galaxy y duos gt-s6102 / oppo r281 ? | 10:11 |
jgdx | !devices | miumiu | 10:37 |
ubot5 | miumiu: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 10:37 |
miumiu | thanks | 10:52 |
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Mirv | oSoMoN: even if I change the user agent for a webapp for the banking site I'm interested in, it throws an error - not immediately like earlier, but later when trying to log in - however, with the same user agent in desktop Firefox with Responsive Design Mode (ie portrait mobile like, and with custom user-agent), it works fine. any idea what they could using to detect it's not really real Chrome but | 14:14 |
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Mirv | where Firefox with Chrome user agent is ok? | 14:14 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: I did clean .local, .config and .cache in between, because that also seemed to affect (if I had wrong user agent first, it immediately threw error page eve if I fixed a better user agent, if I didn't clean up) | 14:14 |
davmor2 | Mirv: is the login initiated in a second window if so check if that is producing the same useragent string | 14:15 |
grandrew | Hi all! does anybody know how to manually start indicator-network? I ran out of free space on my phone and indicator broke and does not start anymore - I want to manually check what is going on | 14:15 |
Mirv | davmor2: no, same window (it doesn't give the slide from bottom to up that happens on some sites) | 14:16 |
oSoMoN | Mirv, can you try modifying the global UA string (value of the 'defaultUA' property in /usr/lib/{arch}/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Web/UserAgent02.qml) and see if that works better? | 14:16 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: no, similar problem (better than if using no UA agent, but similar to webapp override) | 14:21 |
Mirv | they're detecting some other stuff than UA, but for some reason desktop Firefox faking to be Chrome Mobile is better than Chromium/Oxide faking to be Chrome Mobile | 14:22 |
oSoMoN | Mirv, then I don’t know… afaik firefox is pretty strict about not pretending to be who it isn’t, so I doubt they do anything else than the UA override | 14:26 |
oSoMoN | Mirv, a bug report with a link to your bank’s website to reproduce the issue would be useful (unless it can’t be observed without logging in) | 14:26 |
ogra_ | Mirv, he also needs your account data and your login indeed ;) | 14:28 |
ogra_ | oSoMoN, happy to provide you the target data for the "test" transfers ;) | 14:28 |
oSoMoN | heh :) | 14:29 |
davmor2 | ogra_: that's so kind to to let us target your account for transfers, /me transfers £200 out | 14:30 |
ogra_ | \o/ | 14:30 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: unfortunately it errors out (with the fake UA) only after netering username and password | 14:31 |
davmor2 | ogra_: wouldn't want your account to get too full dude anything I can do to help you out ;) | 14:31 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: I tried with frieza too, so it's not about low resolution or anything | 14:32 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: there's a zillion things of course that can be found with javascript | 14:32 |
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oSoMoN | Mirv, in the end if a website really insists on not being browser-agnostic, there’s not much we can do… | 14:33 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: oh actually it seems there's a possibility of not logging in and getting the error, filing a bug | 14:34 |
oSoMoN | good | 14:34 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: yeah they want to "officially" support only > 1% browser strings, even thouh they acknowledge it would probably work with Chromium based browsers | 14:34 |
oSoMoN | stupid | 14:36 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: ok bug #1628134 filed | 14:38 |
ubot5 | bug 1628134 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "OP banking website not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1628134 | 14:38 |
oSoMoN | Mirv, thanks | 14:39 |
Mirv | it's interesting what they're doing given the Firefox UA hack working | 14:40 |
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torusJKL | I also posted this on ask ubuntu : http://askubuntu.com/questions/830154/system-settings-screen-blank-after-ubuntu-phone-upgrade-on-meizu-pro-5 | 16:46 |
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dobey | wow is freenode getting smacked around by a DDoS? | 16:48 |
k1l | seems so | 16:49 |
davmor2 | dobey: looks that way | 16:49 |
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