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zzarrhello! how is Unity 8 comming along?09:39
zzarrwill it be ready for use when 16.10 is released?09:40
davmor2zzarr: It will be ready but I don't believe it you would want to use it daily as such09:45
bregmazzarr, that Unity 8 does not yet appear in daily images is a matter of paperwork:  a number of dependency packages are still going through security reviews and the Main Inclusion Request process required to get into "main" prior to inclusion in the distribution image10:31
bregmait's a manual process that takes effort10:32
bregmaso any rumours you have heard in social media are still just rumours10:32
zzarrokey, thanks10:51
zzarrI haven't locked at any daily build10:52
zzarrI will start using unity8 as soon as possible, and that means when java/opengl games work (through X or native)10:54
zzarrand Ubuntu SDK too10:54
tsdgeosi've managed to get unity7 launcher to get stuck open11:05
davmor2tsdgeos: I thought unity7's did stay open it's unity8's that disappears :)11:06
tsdgeosdavmor2: depends how you configure it11:09
tsdgeosi've it configured to hide11:09
zzarrdoes Unity 8 have support for multi-window applications now?11:15
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attentedoes unity 8 look at the X-Ubuntu-Touch desktop file flag any more? how do you modify a desktop file to show in the u8 app scope?13:44
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mterrytedg: so I'm testing the ual and unity8 patches in a u8 snap14:23
mterrytedg: I've got your install-root patch and its pre-req14:24
mterrytedg: apps still don't launch -- somewhere inside upstart seemingly.  UAL seems to dbus call into upstart and get back a JobFailed message14:24
mterrytedg: but the job doesn't actually get into the job (I added prints to the job file)14:25
mterrySo upstart is bailing somewhere14:25
mterrytedg: I'm still digging, don't really have a question necessarily, unless you have guesses14:25
mterrytedg: but I can confirm I have icons in the launcher at least  :)14:26
tedgmterry: So usually when things "just bail" it is cgmanager or apparmor. As those checks happen earlier than most of the stuff we think of as the app.14:26
tedgmterry: You might just take out the cgroup line in the upstart jobs.14:26
tedgmterry: You can take out the apparmor one too14:26
tedgmterry: Generally that means we can't close apps, but get them started before worrying about that :-)14:26
mterryah good tip, thanks14:26
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mterrytedg: UAL is a bit noisy -- when testing if an appid is a snap (which happens often), it will spit out "Unable to get snap information for '': Status code is 404"14:51
mterrytedg: but your trick worked... I've gotten further, still not working yet, but further14:52
tedgmterry: I've got a branch up to fix that :-)14:52
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
jarlath_Unity 8 locks up my desktop completely (even CAPS LOCK) within minutes of logging in. I suspect Mir/Intel Sandybridge, but is anyone else getting this?16:02
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oSoMoNdandrader|afk, kgunn mentioned you would be a good candidate to review https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/qtubuntu/1623861.window-focus/+merge/306318 . I’m very interested in getting this one landed together with the multiple-window support in webbrowser-app, but of course I’d need your ack that the code is good first19:11
oSoMoNany chance you can give it a look soon-ish?19:12
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dandraderoSoMoN, kgunn, on it19:29
kgunndandrader: thanks so much19:30
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oSoMoNdandrader, thanks!19:52
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