
arosaleshello folks19:11
arosalesif I want to use the gui with RC1 do I need to do a charm upgrade?19:12
rick_h_arosales: a juju upgrade-gui yes. 19:12
rick_h_hatch: ^ the latest release is all rc1 friendly right?19:12
hatcharosales: with Juju 2 you do not need to use the GUI charm19:12
rick_h_arosales: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/releases/download/2.1.13/jujugui-2.1.13.tar.bz219:12
hatchyou can simply download the latest dist and upgrade it from there19:13
rick_h_arosales: download and juju upgrde-gui that file19:13
arosalesrick_h_: thanks. I wasn't able to switch models19:13
hatcharosales: with the 2.1.13 release it should work properly for you - if not, we've got a new one coming tomorrow ;)19:13
arosalesgotcha, and good to hear19:13
hatcharosales: after running `juju upgrade-gui /path/to/tar.bz2` then you can run `juju gui --show-credentials` 19:14
hatchit'll open up a browser window and show you your u/p in the console19:14
arosalesgoing to be showing your guys goodness here in NY ina bit19:15
hatchuh oh19:15
hatchdo us proud :D19:15
* arosales will try19:15
hatcharosales: also if you have any issues with that, I can cut you a dist from the release branch for tomorrow which definitely works heh19:15
arosalesah much better19:16
arosalesI can switch models now19:16
hatchgreat :)19:16
arosalesgood stuff 19:16
hatcharosales: I'll be around for a while yet so if you run into any more issues just ping 19:17
arosaleshatch: rick_h_ thanks19:26

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