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cablophow can i disable baloo?03:08
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Michael20552Hello!! I need help plz04:29
Michael20552Any can help me?04:30
valorieMichael20552: with what?04:33
valoriethis is a help channel, but we can't read your mind04:33
Michael20552I want updagre plasma to version 5.704:33
Michael20552i've 5.6.504:34
Michael20552(my english is too bad, sorry)04:34
Michael20552I try with "sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports" and "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y" and nothing...04:35
valoriei'm not sure what you mean04:36
Michael20552Nothing happens04:36
valorieput your readout in a pastebin04:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.kde.org | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:36
valorieI'm not sure what version is in backports04:37
Michael20552only want upgrade to last version of kde Plasma =/04:37
valoriewe had a problem with Ubuntu not providing a too-old version of Qt04:38
valorieI can't recall what got into backports04:38
valorie I have plasma 5.7.2 in Yakkety04:39
valoriethe beta that will be published tomorrow morning04:40
Michael20552I'l be able to install this version?04:41
valoriewe have only a few people working04:41
valoriewe're doing the best we can04:41
valoriewe've been calling for testers.....04:42
valorieI've been running it for months04:42
Michael20552But I've seen many people who have been able to install in ubuntu plasma kde 5.7, right?04:43
valoriein the next version, yes04:43
Michael20552So these people have another O.S? Not ubuntu?04:44
valorie? I'm running Kubuntu 16.10, as I said04:45
user|43177Hi sorry to disturb, I have a question that I belive has a quick answer, when Im using Kubuntu 16.04 live I can properly set up my 3 screens , but after installing it I can't change anything, whats the first thing I should do?04:45
valorieuser|43177: after installing what?04:46
Michael20552Oh sorry, i've Ubuntu 16.04 lts04:46
user|43177Or how can I copy the live cd xorg config (I know its now autodetected and no longer uses the etc file)04:46
valorieuser|43177: are you saying that Ubuntu 16.04 worked with with 3 screens, but Kubuntu 16.04 you can't?04:50
valoriethere was a problem for awhile in Qt, if so04:51
valoriefixed in the latest04:51
valoriewhich unfortunately is not in 16.0404:52
user|43177before installing Kubuntu 16.04 i tested it on a live USB04:53
user|43177on that live USB my 3 monitors were properly detected04:53
user|43177after making a full install, only 1 of my screen is detected and I cant change the configuration04:53
user|43177So I was asking if there is a way for me to copy the live USB cfg04:53
user|43177or if I should dig deeper and pick another sollution?04:54
valoriethe config comes from the liveUSB04:54
user|91555system shut down I was teh one asking about the cfg05:05
user|91555I lost any messages05:05
user|91555xorg cfg05:05
valoriethe config comes from the liveUSB05:08
user|91555ajam? but the result is different05:08
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VorapHello Shakyamuni08:44
Shakyamunihello, Vorap08:44
IrcsomeBot<Deno Jacob> Is backport ppa stable releases08:45
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muixirthi, after waking up from suspend to ram i sometimes only get a black screen with a mouse cursor in it. how can i investigate what causes it?08:51
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lordievaderDeno: Backports contains newer releases from KDE, KDE considers them stable.08:52
IrcsomeBot<Deno Jacob> Ok.08:52
lordievadermuixirt: Sounds like plasmashell dying, can you still open a konsole?08:52
Vorapmuixirt: You can change to another tty using ctrl + alt + f108:55
muixirtVorap, lordievader: yes08:57
lordievadermuixirt: Find the process id of plasmashell, kill it and run in krunner (alt + f2) 'kstart plasmashell'.08:57
muixirtthe only thing i do right now is rebooting, ps tells me that a *lot* of kworker threads are spinned up08:58
muixirtlordievader: will try next time it happend, thanks08:59
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YuxKukMohi guys! can anyone tell me why this error messages appeared to me after runing source ~/.bashrc?10:32
YuxKukMothe messages are: syntax error near unexpected token `then'  and `if [ -z "$debian_chroot" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_chroot ]; then'10:33
YuxKukMoi've made a separate file named .bash_aliases. after running source ~/.bashrc the mentioned errors occured10:34
YuxKukMonothing was modified in the .bashrc file10:34
VorapI have a feeling this has something to do with the dot10:35
VorapBut I am not sure10:35
VorapI can't look further into this right now10:35
proxxDoes anyone know a window manager / de that has proper multi gpu support, Ive used a lot of de/wms throughout the years but cant find any that just works in this setup11:02
Haohmarui'm running kubuntu14.04 with lxde, and i wanna use a printer over the network (hosted by samba/cups) but i don't have any printer settings anywhere in the menu11:37
Haohmarui'm not even sure if this is a kubuntu issue or lxde issue or what11:37
lordievaderYuxKukMo: Could you pastebin your full bashrc?12:09
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.kde.org | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:14
YuxKukMolordie: check the paste link12:14
YuxKukMoit's nothing fancy in the file. just the default file12:16
lordievaderYuxKukMo: Do you still have the error if you replace the dot in line 91 with 'source'?12:17
YuxKukMolet me check12:18
lordievaderWhat happens if you run 'bash ~/.bashrc'?12:22
YuxKukMoline 6: return: can only `return' from a function or sourced script12:22
BluesKajHey folks12:23
lordievaderYuxKukMo: Could you comment line 24 and try again?12:25
lordievaderMy bash doesn't complain after commenting that line.12:25
lordievaderWas that the culprit?12:29
YuxKukMoi will delete .bashrc file and put a new .bashrc file12:33
lordievaderHmm, for my bash the file is okay.12:34
YuxKukMocan you paste yours?12:34
lordievaderI don't use bash... Just occured to me that I don't even have a bashrc.12:35
lordievaderYuxKukMo: There should be a system bashrc in /etc/bash/bashrc12:36
BluesKajlordievader, that file doesn't exist here , but I do have a ~/.bashrc file12:39
acheronukmy bashrc has12:40
acheronuk# set variable identifying the chroot you work in (used in the prompt below)12:40
acheronukif [ -z "$debian_chroot" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_chroot ]; then12:40
acheronuk    debian_chroot=$(cat /etc/debian_chroot)12:40
lordievaderBluesKaj: Could you pastebin yours for YuxKukMo ?12:40
YuxKukMohmmm, strange... i just tested on another machine and created a file named .bash_aliases entered alias h='history' then run source ~/.bashrc and worked12:41
YuxKukModidnt modified anything in .bashrc12:41
YuxKukMocould be a problem with the .bash_aliases12:42
acheronukactually I was wrong12:42
BluesKajYuxKukMo, http://pastebin.ca/372311112:42
acheronukmine says.....12:42
acheronukif [ -z "${debian_chroot:-}" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_chroot ]; then12:42
YuxKukMoblueskaj: it's identical with what i have on the other machine12:43
YuxKukMoit's the default file12:43
BluesKajYuxKukMo, ~/.bash_aliases links to ~/. bashrc ...I use ~/.bash_alaises for all my aliased cli commands12:45
BluesKajyeah ~/.bashrc is default12:46
YuxKukMoi just copied what you put on pastebin, recreatded the .bashrc file and .bash_aliases and run source command and now it's working12:46
YuxKukMoso strange12:46
YuxKukMoi suspect that something was wrong in the .bash_aliases file12:47
BluesKajapparently it's good practice to use bash_aliases instead of editing/adding aliases to bashrc12:47
YuxKukMobut this i what i did but for some weird reason i received those errord12:49
YuxKukMolordie, blueskaj: thank you12:51
BluesKajYuxKukMo, np12:51
lordievaderYuxKukMo: No problem.12:53
YuxKukMowell, it's working despite the fact the chroot error appeared again:)))13:12
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atdprhsHi, have anyone came accross an issue with wireless, where after a while of being connected, it just stops sending/receiving, kinda like freezing but you can still disconnect and reconnect? And then it continues working again?14:52
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BluesKajatdprhs_, what type of connection, ethernet or wifi?15:09
atdprhs_@BluesKaj wifi15:10
Walexatdprhs_: wireless is often like that, and most WiFi drivers are a bit buggy; sometimes you even have to unload and reload the driver module to properly reset things.15:13
BluesKajatdprhs_, run,  lspci | grep -i net15:13
BluesKajatdprhs_, and find the wireless network and it's hardware,. Perhaps the driver needs upgrading, especially if it's a braodcom like mine15:16
BluesKajbroadcom even15:16
geniiSome adapters also run off the USB bus even though they are internal, they stall when USB goes into powersave mode15:18
atdprhs_02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless 7265 (rev 59)15:20
atdprhs_the packets are dropped again15:21
BluesKajatdprhs_, kubuntu 16.04?15:22
BluesKajregular home network router or on the job on a WAN?15:23
atdprhs_I'm using driver manager to update check15:26
atdprhs_in kubuntu15:26
Smurphyatdprhs_: Some times it's a timeout function if nothjing goes over the wire.15:26
atdprhs_Sorry guys, I got dropped again15:26
SmurphyTry doing a: mtr -i 5 <gatewayIP>15:26
SmurphyWorks for me.15:26
BluesKajbully for you15:27
Smurphyit sends a ping to your gateway every 5secs. Keeps the connection up here.15:27
atdprhs_Smurphy, I always check router's page when I get dropped cuz it doesn't make sense, and I can't even access the routers page, this only happens in Kubuntu BTW, in windows, it's fine... :(15:27
SmurphyDelete the complete connection/configuration, and create a new one (In case you have upgraded your machine from a previous release).15:28
atdprhs_I did15:28
atdprhs_this is also new installation when I gave up15:28
atdprhs_of the entire os15:29
atdprhs_Does driver manager takes a while for you?15:29
SmurphyNo. Does not work here. check google to use the CLI version of the driver manager.15:30
Smurphyhave to go. Be back later (Kid -> music lessons).15:30
atdprhs_jockey-text --list?15:31
atdprhs_Thanks Smurphy15:31
atdprhs_Enjoy your day :)15:31
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atdprhs_BluesKaj, I'm sorry, but I'm too tired, I'll go to sleep for now, I'll come back tomorrow15:37
atdprhs_thanks for your help too :-)15:37
atdprhs_Goodnight everyone15:37
BluesKajheh, just when I found something that might help him15:40
geniiBluesKaj: There's always tomorrow :)15:49
BluesKajgenii, I'll probly forget ..already have oo many bookmarks15:52
BluesKajtoo many15:52
rattkingwow removing the neon repo and packages and replacing them with regular kubuntu packages was a realy PITA :)15:52
geniiI understand entirely15:52
rattkingnow I can see why they recommend you not do that :)15:52
BluesKajrattking, neon is a different animal15:52
acheronukrattking: it's not too much bother with a bit of apt pinning15:53
rattkingah I need to read up on that15:53
florian_qq peut m'aider, j'utillise une machine virtuel (oracle virtual box) et je n'ai pas le sons, comment on l'active ?17:09
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:13
geniiah, they left already17:13
marco-parilloIn my case, I first check my host for sounds; then go to the VM.17:13
marco-parilloFor Oracle Virtual Box, perhaps the guest additions can help.17:14
cablopany recommended dock for KDE?17:26
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krabbeltierist das ne stille hier :)18:13
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FritigernI can't seem to find a resource on the web to tell me what is going to change, be added, be fixed, etc. in Kubuntu yakkety, all i seems to come across is chatter about Ubuntu and Unity 8 or the lack thereof19:56
FritigernAnd yeah, i did find https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/Beta2/Kubuntu but seriously, that does not tell me anything at all20:00
valorieFritigern: we need to fix that page indeed20:38
valorieI just got wiki editing rights, and will fix20:38
* Fritigern flyhugs valorie20:38
=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone`
viewer|70587Can I just say, I'm at the pre-install phase of getting Kubuntu onto a netbook with EUFI and .... my touchpad is working already.20:51
viewer|70587I've tried Arch, Ubuntu 14.1, Ubuntu 16.4, Fedora, Mint, Debian, Crunchbang and many others and none of them had native support for my Sentelic touchpad20:52
viewer|70587I run Kubuntu and it's already fucking working, oh my days I am so happy. I'm not moving distros.20:53
valorieviewer|70587: good to hear20:59
valoriewithout the non-friendly-to-families language, please20:59
viewer|70587My apologies!21:05
viewer|70587Is the Kubuntu community active then?21:06
viewer|70587I'm looking to get quite involved with Linux now that I've had a horrible experience with Windows21:06
geniiviewer|70587: A small but dedicated group :)21:07
valorieand fun!21:10
valoriemany of us met up in Berlin earlier in the month to attend Akademy /Qtcon and have some planning meets, eat together, etc.21:10
valorieexhausting and fun!21:11
viewer|70587That sounds ace! :)21:11
valoriemuch beer was had, much walking around Berlin together, and lots of laughs, hugs, smiles21:11
valorieyep, we invite everybody21:11
viewer|70587What a community :O21:11
valorieand it's awesome21:11
viewer|70587I got the opposite from the Ubuntu forums :')21:12
valorieUDS was a big loss21:17
valorieface to face is really important, IMO21:17
valorieeven if it involves flying across a continent and a large ocean21:17
viewer|70587Maybe one day I'll get that far lol21:19
viewer|70587Is there a page to view the Kubuntu shortcut basics? And a guide for absolute-linux newbies?21:20
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=== acheron_goneforb is now known as acheronuk
valorieviewer|70587: alt+space and type shortcut21:21
valorielots of them are built-in21:22
valorieand you can change some of those and add your own as well21:22
valoriewe've got our docs for Kubuntu21:22
viewer|70587reading them now :)21:23
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> who said docs!!!21:23
viewer|70587just deleted that little box on my desktop -_-21:23
ahoneybunhttp://docs.kubuntu.org/ ?21:23
viewer|70587*sigh* trial and error with a new OS begins now lol21:23
ahoneybunalways learning new things though ;)21:24
ahoneybunvalorie: http://usefoss.com/index.php/2016/09/15/plasma-features-the-endless-search-pt-2/ ;)21:25
ahoneybunviewer|70587: as well ^ features everywhere21:25
valorienice link, ahoneybun21:25
viewer|70587true true21:26
viewer|70587not a cluw how to get it back though21:26
valoriethe little box on your desktop?21:27
* valorie has no little boxes except21:27
valorieAmazon boxes21:27
viewer|70587yeah that I could see the root folder in21:27
viewer|70587a widget-like transparent box (fresh install)21:28
valoriewell, right-click is your friend, just remember that21:28
valorieand alt+space21:28
viewer|70587alt space does nothing21:28
andrew_why is my alt+tab not working?21:29
IrcsomeBotMarcelCarvalho was removed by: MarcelCarvalho21:29
valoriealt+space brings up "krunner"21:29
valorieat the top of your screen21:29
valorietype in that to get all kinds of goodies21:29
valorieincluding a simple calculator21:30
viewer|70587No really Valrie, alt+space doesnt do anything :')21:32
valoriedoes alt+f2 do it for you?21:38
valorieodd that that doesn't work21:38
valorieit's been standard for two cycles now21:39
valorieover a year21:39
viewer|70587yeah alt+f2 works21:41
viewer|70587how do I change that?21:56
viewer|70587Jut upgrading from 14 to 1621:56
valorieoh, you aren't on 16.04 yet?22:05
viewer|70587no is that maybe why? :')22:05
valoriealt+f2 continues to work22:05
viewer|70587but alt+space is the main?22:08
viewer|70587because my netbooks alt+f2 turns off the wifi lol22:08
valorieyou can adjust the shortcuts22:09
valorieviewer|70587: that would be very annoying!22:09
viewer|70587it is :')22:09
viewer|70587how'd I do that then? :)22:10
valorieyou can always use the menus at the K22:12
valorierather than krunner22:12
valorieto find what you need in systemsettings, etc.22:12
viewer|70587I quite like krunner tbf :')22:12
valorieyes, I use it as often as possible22:13
viewer|70587I'm used to the ctrl+alt+T for terminal though22:13
valorieoh, I use yakuake22:14
valorief12 pops it down, or back up22:14
valorie!info yakuake22:14
ubottuyakuake (source: yakuake): Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.9-3 (xenial), package size 346 kB, installed size 1782 kB22:14
viewer|70587That sounds ideal22:14
viewer|70587Krunner + Yakuake sounds like a neat combo22:15
valoriefor my usecases, yes22:15
valorieyou can have multiple tabs, etc22:15
viewer|70587What's this plasma thing I've been reading about? And what do you use Kbuntu for Val?22:15
ahoneybunit's your desktop22:16
valorieI use kubuntu for everything22:16
valorieI've not booted up windows for years22:16
valoriekept it for testing, but have not had time22:16
viewer|70587I just want to move away from that rubbish lol22:17
viewer|70587What do you do the most? You a developer?22:17
valorieI moved from windows to linux in 2001 and have not looked back22:17
valorieI work with the community, and have done some docs22:18
viewer|70587I'm trying to learn linux to move furher into development. Currently just a front end type of guy but I'm thinking of moving onto OOP but getting my head around all this new stuff is overwhelming :'(22:18
valoriemuch of my work is "upstream" in KDE, running student programs and working in the Community Working Group22:18
viewer|70587that's cool :)22:19
valoriefrom what I hear, the best way to learn is to find a project that really inspires you, and start contributing22:19
viewer|70587that's true :)22:20
valoriethe KDE community is so huge, there is lots to do22:20
viewer|70587I'm just more concerned about using linux than programming lol22:20
valorieand if you like packaging, Kubuntu is a very friendly place to learn22:20
valorieeh, if you know basic cp/m or windows cli stuff, it's easy22:21
viewer|70587huge windows user, down to sysadmin stuff :')22:21
valorieat least the basics22:21
valoriefrom what I know, linux sysadmins have better tools available, from monitoring to control22:22
viewer|70587If you have any basic-basic-for-super-dumb-dummies guides for kubuntu I'm down with that :')22:23
valorieour docs will get you going, viewer|7058722:24
viewer|70587reading them still :)22:24
viewer|70587thanks ^_^22:24
valoriewe have links to other stuff22:24
viewer|70587In the docs or in general?22:26
valoriein the docs22:28
valorieit all depends on what you are interested in learning, viewer|7058722:28
viewer|70587Alrighty then. Guess the docs are the bible of kubuntu?22:28
valorieif you find errors, we welcome your fixes22:29
viewer|70587Basically I'm interested in making my desktop nice and pretty. e.g hardware monitors and networking monitoring, irc chats, and an IDE for C#22:29
viewer|70587A VPN like hotspot shield :')22:29
valorieirc: konversation is my choice22:30
valorienot sure whether kdevelop or Qt Creator do C#22:30
valorienetwork monitoring -- there is a widget you can access through the "hamburger" menu > add widgets22:31
valorienot sure if it is complete enough for your needs though22:31
valorieit's rather basic22:31
valoriecontrol + escape has a monitor22:32
valoriehowever it isn't temperatures and such22:32
valorieI think many people use conkey or so22:32
valorie!info conkey22:32
ubottuPackage conkey does not exist in xenial22:32
valorie!info conky22:32
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10.1-3 (xenial), package size 3 kB, installed size 26 kB22:32
valorieviewer|70587: btw more stuff at https://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu22:35
valoriedon't overwhelm yourself however22:35
viewer|70587I remember using conky with crunchbang a few years ago22:37
viewer|70587Is that on Kubuntu or will I have to install the package?22:37
acheronukconky https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?70795-conky-thread22:37
viewer|70587thankyou :)22:37
valorieit's not our software, so yes, you have to install it22:38
acheronukmine the other day: https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?70795-conky-thread&p=392754&viewfull=1#post39275422:38
valorieoh that would drive me crazy22:38
valoriebut my son would love it22:38
valorieyours looks nice, acheronuk22:39
valorieI don't like stuff jumping about22:39
viewer|70587I do  like that ;o22:39
viewer|70587will you share the config archeron?22:41
acheronukit's just a slight adaption of the one posted by the original poster at the start of that thread.22:41
acheronukbut however... https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?70795-conky-thread&p=392773&viewfull=1#post39277322:42
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viewer|70587daft question but what does a swap drive do and do I have one if I made my kubuntu installation use the full drive?22:44
valorieswap uses your HD if needed, rather than on-board memory22:44
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info22:44

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