
tsimonq2fun: https://pad.lv/160623800:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1606238 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "gnome-software won't open" [Critical,Triaged]00:08
tsimonq2affects Lubuntu too, we recently switched to GNOME Software from the Lubuntu Software Center00:08
robert_ancelltsimonq2, can you reproduce that problem?00:39
tsimonq2robert_ancell: doing some test cases in VMs now, I'll reproduce ASAP00:39
tsimonq2going unusually slow today :/00:39
robert_ancelltsimonq2, if you could build from gnome-software git using the gnome-3-20 branch that would be helpful to check00:40
tsimonq2will do00:40
tsimonq2robert_ancell: what's your TZ if I want to ping you with results?00:41
robert_ancelltsimonq2, +1200:41
tsimonq2UTC? huh, never seen that before. ;)00:42
robert_ancell(New Zealand)00:42
robert_ancelltsimonq2, actually, do you workaround it by moving/removing ~/.local/share/gnome-software? If so, could you attach your contents of that?00:45
tsimonq2I'll do both :)00:45
tsimonq2(I'll be around and I'll let you know how it goes, but like I said, it's taking a while :/)00:48
robert_ancellLaney, I've pushed some more changes to wip/ubuntu but feel free to do a git push -f if you want to fix up the branch00:55
robert_ancellLaney, actually, now I notice it's my git that was set up wrong... please ignore the above messages...00:56
tsimonq2robert_ancell: so it does launch fine, that bug is no longer an issue01:39
tsimonq2robert_ancell: but look at that screenshot01:39
tsimonq2robert_ancell: that's when I try to update it, or whatever prompt it wants to give01:40
robert_ancelltsimonq2, weird, never seen that before01:40
tsimonq2I'll grab the latest gnome-software from the gnome-3-20 branch and see if it's also an issue there01:41
tsimonq2robert_ancell: have any idea as to what it could be?01:43
robert_ancelltsimonq2, I figure it's asking network manager if it's online. I wonder if that functionality is not in Lubuntu?01:44
robert_ancellor not working01:44
robert_ancellOr perhaps there is a GNOME service that proxies that information01:44
sarnoldis there any chance that the program in question logged to stderr or something else -why- it thinks it's offline?01:44
tsimonq2ah yes, "Device Not Managed"01:44
tsimonq2it's a known bug with uys01:44
tsimonq2could that be why?01:44
tsimonq2if so, that's a little...weird01:45
tsimonq2I'm going to bed, I'll troubleshoot more in the morning01:49
robert_ancelltsimonq2, thanks, bye01:53
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* duflu wonders if that's like a moonwalk02:15
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pittiGood morning05:23
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flexiondotorgMorning pitti07:56
willcookeGoodly morelode08:03
flexiondotorgMorning fellas08:04
willcookeThis dodgy import laptop battery is dying quickly now.  Won't charge to more than 42%08:07
Laneyhttp://freedrinkpubs.co.uk/ <- free pint08:09
willcooketrying to find a list of the pubs08:12
willcookeI assume it's Punch taverns only08:12
willcookeNowhere near enough to warrant going to for a free pint :(08:14
pittihey flexiondotorg, good morning08:17
pittiand good morning to Laney and willcooke too!08:17
willcookemorning pitti08:17
Laneyhi pitti!08:19
willcookeLaney, TheMuso uploaded ubuntu-terminal-app per: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/162645708:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1626457 in Ubuntu "[FFE] Ubuntu Terminal App request" [Medium,Triaged]08:22
willcookebut  can't find it in proposed.  Will it take a while to appear?08:22
Laneyit'll be in the queue08:23
willcookeand indeed it is08:23
willcookethanks Laney08:23
willcookeah, finally the survey lands in my inbox09:25
willcookehikiko, you might receive one too now? ^09:25
* Sweet5hark sneezes.09:26
* Sweet5hark caught a cold and is more grumpy than usual.09:26
willcookeuh oh.  :)  Nobody annoy him.  He has access to tanks.09:26
jbichagood morning10:14
flexiondotorgMorning jbicha10:27
hikikowillcooke: yes I rev10:31
hikikoreceived it10:31
willcookehikiko, thx.10:31
hikikoand your reminder too :) thnx10:31
Laneyhappy surveying!10:32
Laneyhi jbicha10:32
jbichaLaney: do you want to do the gobject-introspection update? since it's related to glib2.010:33
Laneyjbicha: it's already in progress, just finishing up something else10:34
jbichathanks, gnome didn't change much with the update but Debian did…10:36
Laneyriddy smoke alarm just went off10:55
Laneyno fire though ...10:55
Laneygood job I didn't go to the library today11:05
ricotzSweet5hark, hi, how is the feedback on defaulting to the gtk3 backend?11:06
ricotzhey desktopers11:06
davmor2flexiondotorg: 16.04.1 installing now I'll keep an eye on the slider throughout11:08
Sweet5harkricotz: tab titles are an issue on yakkety, otherwise fine there. backports are more tricky.11:11
ricotzSweet5hark, I see, I reverted it locally due it is not usable due a huge performance loss :\11:12
ricotzSweet5hark, "backports are more tricky"?11:13
davmor2flexiondotorg: slider for scaling is working on 16.04.111:16
Sweet5harkricotz: yeah, thats why we are doing in on LTS+1 -- most other distros already went gtk3 earlier anyway.11:19
Sweet5harkas discussed at the lO conf:upstream really wants to kill gtk2, the only reason it is still around is the ancient baseline for the  deb/rpm packages building for download on libreoffice.org.11:20
Sweet5hark 11:20
flexiondotorgdavmor2, Yes, I tested last night clean install on xps 13. Scale worked.11:23
Sweet5harkhttps://skyfromme.wordpress.com/2016/09/28/merging-communities/ <- just leaving this here (#libreoffice #openoffice)11:26
ricotzSweet5hark, ok, dropping gtk2 is bad if the gtk3 doesn't provide a nearly equal performance, and currently is seems really bad11:27
Sweet5harkricotz: patches welcome11:27
ricotzSweet5hark, or is there a known difference between gtk 3.20 vs 3.22 in that regard?11:28
ricotzI am on 3.22 here11:28
ricotzSweet5hark, yeah, of course :)11:29
Sweet5harknot that Im aware. But only gtk3 will run on MIR/Wayland.11:29
ricotzbtw, is 5.2.2~rc2 in sight?11:29
Sweet5harkalready on libreoffice-staging, but I need to fix the libabw madness.11:31
ricotzSweet5hark, ah, I see -- regarding libabw building against -proposed works fine11:41
ricotzthere are no actions needed on the libreoffice package other than a no-change rebuild to pick it up11:42
ricotzhmm, no ~yakketyX suffix11:43
davmor2willcooke, Laney: did something change for scaling between 16.04.1 and 16.10.  I set scaling to 2 upgraded and it was set to 1 again :(11:44
ogra_davmor2, this is due to our new partnership with your optician ... you should finally buy these new glasses11:47
Laneynot that I know of11:48
Laneyask Trevinho11:48
ricotzSweet5hark, https://paste.debian.net/plain/84308911:50
Trevinhodavmor2: Mh.. No. Nothing changed. There was an idle around for settings  that could be unstable though11:50
pittijbicha: I don't understand http://launchpadlibrarian.net/287053931/ubuntu-gnome-default-settings_16.10.4_16.10.5.diff.gz -- "stop hiding" sounds like "drop the NoDisplay", not "drop the entire .desktop file"?11:51
davmor2Trevinho: right I'll do an install in vm and see if it happens there too, erm I suppose the setting is stored in dconf right?11:52
davmor2ogra_: if only it was that easy ;)11:52
jbichapitti: the only reason u-g-default-settings sticks stuff in /usr/share/gnome/applications is to set NoDisplay=true to override unwanted "apps" showing up11:54
pittijbicha: ah, that's a higher-prio lookup path? I see11:54
pittijbicha: thanks, accepted11:54
jbichayes, and ubuntu-software uses /usr/share/ubuntu/applications/11:57
jbichawhich is the higher priority directory for Unity (based on the XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP name)11:58
Sweet5harkricotz: hmmm? that has no changes in control.in, just in control. build time is fine, installing on yakkety has trouble. but its ok, Ill take care of that.11:58
Mirvhmm, where in wiki.ubuntu.com is documented what's needed to edit wiki.ubuntu.com?11:58
ricotzSweet5hark, in rules11:58
ricotzSweet5hark, there are no gcc-6.2 packages11:59
Sweet5harkah, ok. will merge.11:59
* flexiondotorg seeks out food12:23
xnoxMirv, i believe one needs to login and be an ubuntu member.12:37
xnoxMirv, some pages are locked further more, to prevent spam and only subset of users can change those.12:37
jbichaMirv: it's documented if you click the Help button in the toolbar12:44
Mirvthank you xnox, jbicha! I was answering to someone who asked me to edit wiki pages that I had edited in the past.13:00
willcookewhat up desrt13:03
ximionLaney: any new mysterious crashes?13:11
* flexiondotorg returns13:16
Laneyhi ximion13:52
Laneyall good so far13:53
Laneyximion: what's this business about requiring permissive licenses?13:59
* andyrock is back14:02
Laneywb andyrock14:04
ximionLaney: we compile all the metadata into one big file in the end14:04
Laneywhat was the problem?14:04
ximionLaney: if one metadata piece is GPL licensed, and some other one is CDDL licensed, we will violate one of those license because we actually are not allowed to combine the works14:05
ximionhaving a set of allowed permissive licenses for metadata stated explicitly gives legal safety14:06
Laneyximion: that was a legal opinion?14:09
LaneyHow do Debian Packages files get away with it?14:09
Trevinhodavmor2: yeah, dconf14:13
davmor2Trevinho: yeah got it thanks :)14:14
davmor2Trevinho: just waiting on the upgrade to finish to check it14:14
flexiondotorgwillcooke, Regarding #1624022 I have a test build that works.14:24
flexiondotorgSo, the question is, should this be back ported to Xenial?14:25
willcookeflexiondotorg, excellent!14:25
flexiondotorgAnd what about Debian?14:25
willcookeWe can certainly try Debian, but not sure if they'd want it or not - worth asking though14:26
willcookeregarding Xenial - let's get it in to Y (if we still can) first and then worry about backports.  It should be safe enough, but would like to get feedback from Laney and seb12814:26
flexiondotorgLaney, regarding #162402214:27
flexiondotorgI've simply create a symlink in debian/rules as part of binary-indep:14:27
LaneyIs taking over such a generic name in a required package a good idea?14:28
flexiondotorgI did wonder.14:28
flexiondotorgI've check for name collisions.14:28
flexiondotorgCan't find any.14:28
LaneyI would talk to anibal first if I were you14:33
LaneyDepends how urgent this is14:33
willcookeI don't think it's super urgent14:34
ximion_Laney: they likely get away withit by nobody caring14:34
ximion_Laney: the request was made by Red Hat people in the very early days of AppStream, and the reasoning is sound14:34
ximion_a bit over-pedantic, maybe, but who knows? better be careful with legal stuff14:35
Laneyis it?14:35
LaneyI don't know if it's real or not14:35
LaneyGNOME stuff is using GPL in there14:35
ximion_which project is it?14:35
flexiondotorgLaney, aside from concerns about generic names, can you take a peek at this and let me know if the approach I've taken is suitable please?14:41
Laneyflexiondotorg: that looks correct (you should use the public pastebin on public IRC, BTW)14:44
flexiondotorgOK, noted.14:44
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ximionLaney: did you write something while my connection was flaky?14:48
jbichaI don't like sensible-browser; I think most things use mimetypes instead14:51
davmor2Trevinho: so it isn't being reset on virtual machine so might very well be a timing issue14:51
jbichaxdg-open http://www.google.com/ opens Firefox here but sensible-browser http://www.google.com/ opens Epiphany :(14:53
Laneyximion: https://paste.debian.net/843196/15:05
Laneyor https://paste.debian.net/843197/ for debian15:06
Laneyjbicha: yeah same here15:06
jbichaI commented on the bug report15:11
Sweet5harkLaney: around?15:51
Sweet5hark(contentless ping alert)15:51
rip_harambe_2016 Are we gonna have that unity 8 session in 16.10 or Not???16:00
Laneythat's the plan16:04
xnoxif I do specify gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') pyflakes yells at me that i have imports not at the top of the file.16:32
xnoxif i don't specify it, gtk yells at me for not declaring required version number16:32
LaneyI know which one of those I'd pick :-)16:36
Laney(# nopep8)16:37
ximionLaney: that weird bug hughsie found I will fix when I'm home16:37
ximionalso, fonts support is almost ready, I just need to make it spec compliant now :P16:37
ximionand it requires a lot of testing and fonts shipping metainfo files16:38
Laneyximion: what bug?16:44
Laney& nice16:44
ximionLaney: something haveing " as category name16:46
kenvandinewillcooke, the system-settings silo dropping urfkill and dbus-property-service has landed for xenial and vivid16:48
kenvandinewillcooke, in the unapproved queue for yakkety16:48
willcookekenvandine, awesome, thanks kenvandine16:48
kenvandinewillcooke, np16:49
Laneymight get a few minutes at the allotment if i'm quick17:01
Laneylaters potaters17:01
willcookesee ya Laney17:11
willcookenight all17:31
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