
tsimonq2hmm, reading lubuntu-users archives, came across this: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/lubuntu-users/2016-September/011194.html00:27
tsimonq2wasn't this a global issue at one point?00:27
sarnoldpity he didn't report bugs with detailed reproducers00:30
sarnoldthe pcmanfm changes may have been intentional, reporting that one upstream too might be nice, they might say "works as designed" or "thanks"00:31
tsimonq2sarnold: I was talking about the second one, sorry00:33
tsimonq2I can work on the first one ;)00:34
sarnoldtsimonq2: yeah, i figured, that's more likely to be 'global' :) hehe00:34
* tsimonq2 nods00:34
tsimonq2sarnold: not a lot of people wither on Facebook, Twitter or lubuntu-users report bugs00:34
tsimonq2so we usually file them for them00:34
tsimonq2not much, but still00:35
sarnoldtsimonq2: that's very kind of you :) I never know 90% of the programs that people are actually using so I can certainly appreciate when you -do- understand it well enough to report a useful bug ;)00:35
tsimonq2sarnold: well sometimes we *do* have to ask follow-up questions (but that's a given), then when we report it, we link them00:36
tsimonq2sarnold: but yeah it's something I like to do to make sure Lubuntu is bug-free ;)00:37
tsimonq2sarnold: possibly related: https://www.reddit.com/r/Lubuntu/comments/54endb/help_new_install_but_wifi_disconnects_randomly/00:38
sarnoldtsimonq2: tough to guess :/00:43
tsimonq2that's the thing with making bug reports out of FB/Reddit posts. You have to go through and confirm them yourself... :P00:43
tsimonq2I don't run standard Lubuntu, I'm on LXQt00:44
sarnoldand if you don't have that NIC, you're kind of out of luck with that one..00:44
tsimonq2well yeah00:44
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pittiGood morning05:23
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slangasekseems I don't have privs to set the topic here; someone want to note that yakkety final beta is released?06:35
daxslangasek: go for it06:57
daxUnit193: might wanna add ^06:57
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smbnacc, just saw you mention xen in the scrollback. could you point me to which xen where? also I got a xen-4.7 in unapproved for ffe after beta which I believe would/should compile in yakkety07:30
xnoxbdmurray, yes. in yakkety that is probably broken. Also I'm guessing that gpgv should be used.08:38
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pittiLocutusOfBorg: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/286884351/libgksu_2.0.13~pre1-9ubuntu1_source.changes09:02
pittiLocutusOfBorg: please use -v properly for merges09:02
pittiLocutusOfBorg: i. e. to include the relevant Debian changelogs too09:02
pittiLocutusOfBorg: for the learning exercise, I'd like to reject and you reupload with the fixed .changes?09:03
LocutusOfBorgpitti, let me save it please09:10
LocutusOfBorgok reject09:12
pittiLocutusOfBorg: ack09:12
LocutusOfBorgdpkg-buildpackage -S -d -V 2.0.13~pre1-8ubuntu109:12
LocutusOfBorgthis should do the trick09:12
LocutusOfBorgat least changes file looks good09:12
LocutusOfBorgBTW there aren't significative changes in that merge, just a lot of better in delta size09:13
pittiLocutusOfBorg: right, -v<last Ubuntu upload>09:13
LocutusOfBorgI hope I could do that automagically, but I failed to achieve that09:13
pittiLocutusOfBorg: rihgt, but the debian part is the "interesting" bit in a merge09:13
LocutusOfBorgmaybe calling some rmadison...09:13
LocutusOfBorgnot sure09:13
pittiLocutusOfBorg: grep for the first ubuntu-ish record?09:13
LocutusOfBorgI really don't like having to remember stuff, and I agree about your point09:13
pittibut I usually do that manually, copy the version number, then gbp buildpackage -v<paste>09:14
LocutusOfBorgpitti, patch dpkg-buildpackage to do that for me? :)09:14
pitticannot be made foolproof, I'm afraid09:14
LocutusOfBorgI guess so09:14
LocutusOfBorgyay looks better09:16
xnoxi'm going a bit crazy11:30
xnoxpython3 -c 'import apt_pkg; print(apt_pkg.config.find("Dir::Etc"))'11:30
xnoxprints nothing11:30
xnoxwhat's wrong?11:30
xnoxapt_pkg.init_config() -> aha11:31
xnoxgot it.11:31
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tsdgeosmitya57: about the appmenu-qt5 thing, would it even make sense to make it conflict with newer qts so it gets uninstalled? i mean what's the usefulness of it?13:09
xnoxbdmurray, ubuntu-release-upgrader needs quite a bit of fixing.... loads of things it does, no longer are present in apt.13:16
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, why you not DD yet?14:02
jbichaLocutusOfBorg: are you interested in being my advocate for it?14:05
* doko curses completely outdated xfsprogs/xfsdump versions ... coreycb, zul, jamespage: interested in fixing the ftbfs?14:07
LocutusOfBorgjbicha, yes14:10
LocutusOfBorgmaybe after one of two more sponsoring :)14:11
LocutusOfBorgwe can followup privately if you prefer14:12
naccsmb: yeah, sorry! -- the ftbfs was http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/test-rebuild-20160916-yakkety.html#ubuntu-server, debian bug https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=812166, fix is https://github.com/xenserver/xen-4.6/commit/ef6e53a83dc8948b44ffb4efa27c0c524f6d9f2a15:05
ubottuDebian bug 812166 in xen "xen: FTBFS with GCC 6: statement is indented as if..." [Serious,Open]15:05
smbnacc, ah ok, so looking at it its just failing due to indentation checking. Which means no need for fixing back in Xenial or so. And since my 4.7 test builds were not complaining I guess it got changed since then. Which would fix the yakkety rebuild once the ffe gets accepted15:11
naccsmb: ack, it's a trivial thing for sure15:11
naccsmb: i will note that for whatever reason, debian was also having trouble manually reproducing it (per that bug report)15:12
smbnacc, could be that we turn on some more hardening flags like treat warnings as errors15:13
naccyeah, although debian also reported it -- regardless trivial fix, and i'll look forward to your ffe build getting through :)15:16
naccso `apt-get changelog` doesn't correctly handle a package whose source is in main, but for which some binary packages are in universe (e.g., openexr) -- it tries to open a URL under universe/15:16
nacchas that always been the case?15:17
naccdoko: fyi, openexr fix is probably a merge/sync -- testing it now15:31
Gr33nteaHey guys, im trying to make a hello world kernel module, but am getting the following errors. make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.19.0-64-generic'15:55
Gr33nteamake[2]: *** No rule to make target `arch/x86/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl', needed by `arch/x86/syscalls/../include/generated/asm/syscalls_32.h'.  Stop.15:55
Gr33nteaAny advice?15:55
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Yakkety Yak (16.10) Final Beta! | Archive: feature freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-xenial | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | reverse-depends/seeded-in-ubuntu broken? http://ubuntuqa.tblwd.org/ | Patch Pilots:
naccslangasek: are you available for a quick question?16:11
pittihttp://xkcd.com/1739/ → SO TRUE!16:11
naccpitti: *especially* the hover text16:11
slangaseknacc: yes (was that the quick question?)16:27
naccslangasek: I wish! :) i'm trying to sru pollinate and it seems like prior SRUs of new upstream versions basically took the Y-1 version, and just appended a P/X/Z changelog entry to it. Rather than maintaining debian/changelog from P/X/Z and adding a version to it. Is there a best practices? And if SRU'ing a jump of two version (because the intervening version introdcued a bug fixed by the latter),16:29
naccshould there be d/changelog entries for both, or is it appropriate to just make one changelog entry?16:30
naccsorry, ended up being two questions :)16:30
slangaseknacc: ah - I saw that question flash by yesterday on here while in the midst of beta prep, was hoping someone else would have answered it for you, sorry16:30
naccslangasek: it's ok -- i have my own thoughts, based upon other packages, but given pollinate has already done this once, i wasn't sure what was "best"16:30
slangaseknacc: so, there is no strong convention here either way; in theory the SRU changelog should be "append only" so that we get a clean debdiff in the SRU review queue that only shows the new stuff, but in practice we'll let it in either way (because we understand the headache of maintaining separate branches just for the changelogs)16:32
xnoxpitti, that's like gpg2 transition16:34
naccslangasek: ok, and as to the upstream version jump? Im assuming i can just do one changelog entry that lists all the changes?16:36
slangaseknacc: yes, that's also permitted16:37
naccslangasek: ok, thanks for your help!16:37
dokochrisccoulson: could you give me some hints how to debug the firefox internal install failures?16:56
bdmurrayxnox: Could you elaborate on issues with ubuntu-release-upgrader? It'd be good to get it squared away soon...17:28
slangasekcaribou: any further progress on LP: #1619239? looks like this is blocked on enabling of tests?17:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1619239 in tomsfastmath (Ubuntu) "[MIR] tomsfastmath (runtime dependency of clamav)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161923917:49
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dobeyis there any way to do hooks with sbuild, similar to how they  work in pbuilder?18:01
slangasekdobey: akin to /etc/schroot/setup.d ?18:16
dobeyslangasek: maybe? but something more akin to --setup-commands for autopkgtest/adt-run. i need to run different ones depending on the package being built, not something that always happens every time necessarily18:19
dobeyslangasek: i'm trying to figure out how to enable coverage report building in our jenkaas setup, and found the old cupstream2distro/pbuilderjenkins stuff which uses pbuilder hooks which mess with override_dh_auto_configure in debian/rules in a script, to add the configure options18:21
dobeyso trying to figure out how i can do something similar with sbuild, which jenkaas uses18:21
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dobeyhmm, then again i have no idea if --pre-build-commands expects me to pass a local script as argument that is simply copied in and then run, or if i have to pass in a script that exists in the chroot18:29
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slangasek--pre-build-commands is called from outside the chroot, apparently vs. --chroot-setup-commands which is inside18:30
slangasek(but I only know this from looking at the manpage)18:30
dobeyyeah, i must have misread and conflated those18:31
naccmwhudson: would you be able to look at the memcached (test failure) and libwebp (compile failure) ftbfs on armhf? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/285962179/buildlog_ubuntu-yakkety-armhf.memcached_1.4.25-2ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz and https://launchpadlibrarian.net/285964171/buildlog_ubuntu-yakkety-armhf.libwebp_0.5.1-2_BUILDING.txt.gz respectively. I don't know enough about arm to know where to start :/18:52
xnoxbdmurray, working on them. Will send a merge proposal for review soon.19:00
bdmurrayxnox: cool, thanks!19:02
nemoSo... This isn't really about ubuntu-the-distro... But, I've been continually impressed with how much more awesome mozjpeg is than basically anything else out there on default settings at making a jpeg w/ minimum artifacts.19:39
nemoI was curious if anyone out there was maintaining a PPA that offered it as a dropin for the standard libjpeg19:39
nemoit's been a couple of years since mozjpeg 3.0 release19:39
nemotried poking around on launchpad but didn't see anything obv19:40
mwhudsonnacc: i guess nuking 32 bit arm from orbit would be a bit premature20:05
naccmwhudson: :)20:05
naccmwhudson: thanks for looking...20:05
mwhudsonnacc: it's a bit lazy, but have you retried the memcached one?20:06
naccmwhudson: no, i haven't -- not entirely sure how i retry them?20:07
mwhudsonnacc: find the build page, click retry20:07
mwhudsonor try it on the porter or whatever20:08
nacchrm, i htink i have insufficient permissions? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20160916/+build/1082118120:09
mwhudsonnacc: where is that libwepb failure from?20:09
mwhudsona test rebuild or something?20:09
naccmwhudson: both are from http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/test-rebuild-20160916-yakkety.html#ubuntu-server20:09
mwhudsonah so retrying might not be so simple20:09
naccyeah :)20:10
nacci am assuming i could ask doko to do it manually :)20:11
mwhudsonhuh why is that linking to a bug from 2014?20:11
mwhudsonnacc: is there a new gcc for the test rebuild?20:11
mwhudsonnacc: anyway, doko would be a better bet for figuring out what's going on there, some change in gcc defaults causing trouble20:12
mwhudsoni think20:12
naccmwhudson: ack, i'm not sure if there was in that one ... there was a second link in doko's email to the linaro-gcc 6 builds, but that failed the same way20:12
mwhudsoni'll try building it on rugby i guess20:13
nacci'm still learning about all of this, tbh :) just trying to fix as many as i can20:13
dokonacc: given back20:13
mwhudsonnacc: i'm not sure i'd call myself an expert :)20:14
naccdoko: which? :)20:15
naccdoko: interestingly, yakkety can't build the debian seabios either, so i'm guessing it's a compiler change, but i have little idea what (unless it's just more pedantic about the parens)20:19
mwhudsonmemcached failed again in the same way20:24
mwhudsonand on the porter too20:27
naccmwhudson: would you be able to test current debian/sid ?20:27
mwhudsonnot so easily20:28
naccnot debian itself, just the version of memcached20:28
mwhudsonah ok20:28
mwhudsonyes, that should be doable20:28
nacc1.4.31-1 i think20:28
mwhudsonsurely there is a debian mirror squid.internal is allowed to access20:30
mwhudsonheh https://launchpad.net/debian/+archive/primary/+files/memcached_1.4.31-1.dsc works20:31
mwhudsonnacc: the yakkety package fails to build in the xenial chroot too, fwiw20:31
naccmwhudson: ah good check, thanks20:31
mwhudsonnacc: and the debian package too!20:32
naccinteresting -- as it definitely builds under debian: https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=memcached&arch=armhf&ver=1.4.31-1&stamp=147182323920:35
nacc*built, i've not tested current, i guess20:35
ventricalMark... I downloaded the current ubuntu iso , installed unity8 desktop and it is in bare bones condition. Could you please tell me whats up with the unity8 project?20:37
mwhudsonnacc: do you have access to any arm64 hw?20:40
ventricalanyone else out there have any idea why the unity8 desktop is deprecating20:41
ventricalno ... I am working on the amd64 version without ppa.20:41
naccmwhudson: not immediately, but i could probably try to find some access20:41
ventricalsorree i thought I was being spoken too :)20:42
mwhudsonnacc: wondering about mk-sbuild sid && sbuild -d sid memcached_1.4.31-120:42
naccmwhudson: i'm assuming crossbuild (if that's even possible) isn't sufficient given the testcase failure?20:43
mwhudsonnacc: yeah20:45
mwhudsonnacc: i guess trying to see what this testcase is testing is probably also worth doing ;-)20:45
naccmwhudson: yep, on my todo :)20:46
* nacc was hoping it would be something obvious to you, but will dig into it more at this point :)20:46
naccdoko: fyi, seabios builds fine in xenial (yakkety and debian versions of the package). So I think it must be a compiler issue?20:49
ventricalBUMP! Any status reports of the current state of unity8?20:49
mwhudsonnacc: it's a bit strange, i don't even understand which test case is failing20:51
naccmwhudson: yeah the log is hard to parse20:51
mwhudsonnacc: and why doesn't the test stop after the message "Terminated" is printed20:51
mwhudsonah, it forks20:51
cjwatsonventrical: I'm not at all involved with it and cannot answer any further questions, but I think it's still something of a work in progress.  You could try #ubuntu-unity perhaps.20:54
dokonacc: could be, but all these boot related packages are usually touchy with new compiler versions... try to build with optimization disabled, or with -O1, and/or watch for warnings20:55
ventricalok.... I tried ubuntu-unity8  but nobody there... lets see..  and thanks..20:55
cjwatson#ubuntu-unity8 doesn't exist20:56
cjwatsonnote that the IRC server will auto-create a channel if you try to join it20:56
cjwatsonso you can /join any random garbage and it'll show you that you've joined but nobody else is there20:56
ventricalahhh .. thanks .. I got it now..20:56
dokonacc: maybe try first to disable pie20:57
dokobecause there is no debian rc issue20:57
naccdoko: for seabios?20:57
naccdoko: ack, will do, thanks!20:58
mwhudsonnacc: oh that message about signals is a red herring21:02
mwhudsonnacc: no i officially don't know what's going on :)21:09
naccmwhudson: :) thank you very much for looking at all21:09
mwhudsonnacc: a call to read() on a socket is reading 0 bytes and the test code blows up at that21:12
mwhudsonthat's about as much as i know :)21:12
mwhudsonduring tests of binary get21:12
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dobeyhow do i make something built with dh-golang, that uses vendor internally, build against packaged version of said vendored code, without removing it from the upstream tree?21:22
dobeymwhudson: ^^ might you know?21:23
nemohttps://www.agwa.name/blog/post/how_to_crash_systemd_in_one_tweet  ←  why I'm going to move straight from 14.04 LTS to devuan21:27
dobeyventrical: the unity8 session on yakkety ISO is meant to be a "tech preview" and not a final product21:27
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dokonacc: memcached failed again22:00
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naccdoko: ack, it was mostly a shot int he dark that it might work; mwhudson's analysis points at some real issue, still need to spend time to track it down23:02
mwhudsonnacc: fwiw things that only fail on armhf usually turn out to be alignment23:02
mwhudsonalthough i can't see how here23:04
naccmwhudson: yeah nothing obvious showed up to me; so i'm now wondering about optimization flags, etc. like doko mentioned23:04
naccdoko: as to mako, do you want me to upload my fix (which does build?) I've sent the same upstream, but no comments yet23:07
naccdoko: and also sent to debian23:07
naccdoko: good call on the PIE on seabios -- it seems like the makefile is using -no-pie, but it should be using -fno-pie. builds with that23:45

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