
potatozillaafter a upgrade my nvidia drirvers stopped work , i tried reinstall ,seems that are installed but i lost the xorg and nvidia settings01:13
potatozillahow i can fix that?01:13
potatozillai run nvidia-xconfig ,but command not found :(01:16
megazellHey all. I have a small issue. Any takers?02:24
=== Guest99735 is now known as shickmo
dunderDownloaded Ubuntu Mate but I couldn't validate it. It said not licensed for commercial use. ? I have Windows 8.1 on a tablet. What gives?04:19
dunderCan't unzip it either.04:20
dunderUh, well, it is late. Me gotta go.04:30
TaZeRwtf thats weird ^05:10
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Guest82778spricht jemand deutsch ?11:32
ouroumov!de Guest8277811:36
ouroumovGuest82778, sorry this is mainly English channel, head over to #ubuntu-de for help if necessary11:36
ouroumov!de | Guest8277811:37
ubottuGuest82778: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!11:37
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ubuntu-matehello, considering coming back to linux after about 15 years and have some questions if someone is game to talk shop15:22
masnell____fire away, can see if we can help15:25
Akuliquite a few things have changed, but many things are still about the same15:26
ubuntu-mateSo how well is UbuMate geared towards web development?15:26
ubuntu-mateYeah a lot has changed.  I tried to install Arch because I've always loved the DIY distro15:27
Akuliarch isn't really diy, its read the wiki :)15:27
ubuntu-mateIt didn't go so well so I'm looking for another distro to use while get my linux "chops" back up15:28
Akulia minimal debian installation is nice15:28
masnell____Not my area of expertise, but understand that Ubuntu (as a group) are good bases for web dev - there are tools in the repos such as umake that enable easy instal of IDEs etc15:28
Akuliany distro is about equally good for developing stuff, ubuntu also supports probably more packages than anything else so i'd say a great choice15:29
masnell____plus setting up VMs and webservers for local teast is super easy with VirtualBox etc15:29
Akuliof course, if something's not packaged you can always build from source :)15:30
ubuntu-mateMost of the tools I use on OSX I see are available on linux, just currious if they are stable15:30
Akulithey should run the same15:30
ubuntu-mategood point about source, I forgot.15:31
Akuliof course, you won't find many commercial tools for linux but there are free alternatives to many things15:31
masnell____Have to agree with Akuli - typically Ubuntu offers stable packages, plus you will find it's typically the goto distro for online info on how to do 'x' in linux15:31
ubuntu-mateI've never been a fan of commercial software15:31
ubuntu-mateI've been using GIMP and Inkscape on OSX15:31
Akulithen you're ready to just aptitude install your favorite software :)15:32
Akulisudo aptitude install gimp inkscape15:32
ubuntu-mateI'm just tired of the apple business model of forced upgrades that break working environments15:32
Akulisounds like microsoft also15:32
masnell____I think both of those packages are in the Welcome setup for Ubuntu-MATE from memory15:32
Akulifor a developer, installing stuff with the terminal is just much faster15:33
AkuliCtrl+Alt+T and we're ready to go15:33
ubuntu-mateMy main question is just stability.15:33
Akulishould be awesome15:33
Akuliif it's not something's wrong :)15:33
masnell____just confirmed - within 5min of having Ubuntu MATE booted the 1st time, you will have GIMP & Inkscape installed and running15:33
ubuntu-mateI was reading comments in an article today and someone was saying git is broken in 16.04.  Is that true?15:34
Akuliso far i haven't heard anything good about 16.04 :)15:34
Akulibut again, if it is just build from source and you're done15:34
masnell____I use git everyday and I havent had git problems - plus current release is 16.04.115:34
Akulia broken git would be indeed awful15:35
ubuntu-mateSo I downloaded this ISO from the UbuMATE website today so it should be 16.04.1 and git should work?15:35
ubuntu-mateThat's a huge relief.15:36
Akulii'm still running 14.04 :D15:36
Akuliof course, git isn't installed by default, but it just takes one command to get it installed15:37
ubuntu-mateIs there a main reason you are running 14.04 over 16.04?15:37
Akulii've seen people having weird trouble with 16.04, and i also don't like to have systemd as my init daemon15:38
Akulibut really, both of these are based on my own opinions more than facts15:38
ubuntu-mateOkay, I should also say I'm running on a laptop.15:39
Akulihow much processor power?15:39
ubuntu-mateI bought a couple year old thinkpad to replace my couple year old macbook air15:39
alkisgOne good reason to run 16.04 over 14.04 is if you have a very new system (kernel and xorg support)15:39
ubuntu-matei5 8GB ram15:40
alkisgAnother one is that 16.04 has more support for bugs, devs don't care much for previous releases15:40
Akulialkisg, i can install the 16.04 on 14.04.15:40
Akuliand i still think there is less bugs to begin with on 14.04.15:40
alkisgOne reason against 16.04 is that it probably has more bugs than previous versions, as new bugs always creep in and need months or years to go away15:40
Akuliubuntu-mate, you'll have no trouble at all running 16.04 on it if you want to :)15:40
masnell____i5 8GB shld be good with MATE15:40
alkisgi5 8gb ram should be good with any os :)15:41
ubuntu-mateit seems snappy right now.  I'm doing all this from the live image.15:41
Akuliboth of my main computers have 2GB15:41
masnell____Windows is terrible on any machine...15:41
Akuliwindows 10 is15:41
ubuntu-mateEverything is working out of the box including wireless, but I made sure to get a laptop without a Broadcom wireless chip :)15:41
Akuliactually, most broadcoms are supported just fine :D15:42
masnell____good move15:42
Akulibut you do need a propertiary driver15:42
ubuntu-mateThe broadcom was an issue when I was trying linux distros on my macbook air15:42
ubuntu-mateAnd an issue with my 10 year old Acer that is still kicking :)15:43
ubuntu-mateWell thanks for the answers all.  I think I'm going to pull the trigger and install.15:44
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guyhow do i change my text color in hex chat? i was able to change the background and default text color17:25
guynevermind local color 30 did it17:26
Akuliyes, that's it17:26
guyhaha i had to change all the gray ones but i found it finally17:27
guynot a fan of white background17:27
Akuliwhite backgrounds are awful17:29
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Guest17161better be guest21:53
SkywalkerIm back on Ubuntu-Mate! Woo22:24
* nomic has it on raspberry pi 3s22:26
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