
pavlushkaMorning/noon elacheche :)08:35
elachecheMorning pavlushka :)08:37
elachechepraisethemoon: What irc client do you use?08:37
elachecheMorning folks?08:37
praisethemoonhello every one \o/08:39
praisethemoonelacheche: Quassel :D08:39
praisethemoonon windows though ^^08:39
pavlushkao/ praisethemoon :)08:40
praisethemoonpavlushka: how is it going!08:40
pavlushkapraisethemoon: its cool/temperate :)08:41
praisethemoonpavlushka: good to hear that :)08:42
elachecheWhy you choosed it?08:50
elachecheIt don't tolerate lags..08:50
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest6734
=== Guest6734 is now known as pavlushka
praisethemoonelacheche: Quassel?08:56
praisethemoonpavlushka: welcome back08:56
elachecheyeah, last night you disconnected too many times x)08:57
praisethemooni think ooredoo is to blame not me ;-;09:15
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praisethemooncan you paste a snippet on how mess i caused? XD09:16
praisethemoonhow much*09:16
elachecheo/ Na3iL09:31
Na3iLhello elacheche how are you :D09:31
elachecheGood Na3iL :) u?09:32
elachechepraisethemoon: a sec09:32
praisethemoono/ Na3iL :D09:32
Na3iLfine as well elacheche I am trying to finish my tasks to back to that quiz :')09:33
Na3iLpraisethemoon, how are you?09:33
praisethemoonI'm good, thanks for asking09:34
praisethemoonhow are you?09:34
Na3iLfine too thank you :D09:34
elachechepraisethemoon: http://pad.tn/p/weelog :D09:35
praisethemoonomg xDDDDD09:35
praisethemoonhow can I prevent that?09:35
elachecheOh! Great Na3iL! I'm trying to pass the 1st Task from the eudyptula challenge.. But you know, I'm a n00b x) x(09:36
Na3iLYou can't praisethemoon I think it is your connection :p09:37
elachechepraisethemoon: I don't know.. My irc client show me a lag indication whenever there is some lag, but don't disconnect.. So I assume that my client is better :p → No time to really investigate this09:37
Na3iLelacheche, I am pretty sure that you will finish it :D for me, I really can't find time even for an extra cup of coffee :(09:38
elachecheNa3iL: I know that feeling :)09:38
elachechepraisethemoon: Are you interested in a IT/Ops quiz?09:39
praisethemoonwhat do you mean by Ops?09:39
praisethemoonwell, I am a software engineer, but dont have good sysadmin skills ^^09:40
praisethemoonBut I am interested I guess :)09:40
elachecheI share it anyway.. Just a sec09:41
elachecheHere https://redd.it/4y46zb09:42
elachecheafaik there is only 3 north africain solved it until today..09:43
Na3iLand the 4th is coming xD09:44
elachecheI'm sure he is.. ;) :D09:44
Na3iLah, btw if I am not mistaken I didn't saw any mails from CLibre's ML talking about SFD09:45
Na3iLIs there any problems?09:50
Na3iLI hope not..09:52
Na3iLlook what I have found surfing the net : http://takwas.github.io/article/ubuntu-africa-calls.html09:53
Na3iLa good article09:53
praisethemoonelacheche: seems like a good quizz :D09:56
praisethemooni'll try it during break time09:56
praisethemoonSalahMessaoud: hello o/10:41
elachecheo/ SalahMessaoud :)10:53
SalahMessaoudHi praisethemoon o/11:03
SalahMessaoudYoo elacheche o/11:03
SalahMessaoudHow you doing ? :D11:05
elachecheGood SalahMessaoud, you? Hello nizarus :)11:12
SalahMessaoudI am good thanks !11:13
nizarushello elacheche & all11:14
=== Na3iL is now known as nzoueidi
praisethemoonwhale hello there18:25
pavlushkahi praisethemoon18:56
praisethemoonpavlushka: how is it going man18:56
pavlushkapraisethemoon: going good, though I praisethesun :p18:57
praisethemoonyou betrayed me18:57
* praisethemoon is feelin' sad18:57
pavlushkatechnically no, The Sun provides the Moon's shine, that's why we can see the moon, So its good for praisethemoon :p18:58
praisethemoondo you know Dark Souls?18:59
pavlushkapraisethemoon: educate me please :)18:59
praisethemoonit's a video game ^^19:00
praisethemoonKinda my favorite19:00
praisethemoonit has myths about sun and moon etc19:00
pavlushkawow, interesting19:00
praisethemoonkinda like berserk anime19:00
praisethemoonI mean, if you google "praise the sun" you'll only see dark souls stuff xD19:01
praisethemoonthus came my user name, praisethemoon19:01
praisethemoonpavlushka: sorry, a very boring subject xD19:04
praisethemoonwhat do you do in life?19:04
pavlushkaha ha ha, interesting, I like the game "Metal Gear Solid", the hero is Solidsnake raised in a lab and has a lab twin liquidsnake, both names are cool but already registered :(19:04
pavlushkapraisethemoon: mostly chatting, shouting for Ubuntu, helping others fixing machines and gadgets, working under my Dad for our family business.19:05
praisethemoonso ubuntu is your hobby?19:06
pavlushkathat's what I do for my living, kinda diff19:06
pavlushkaits kind of my passion :)19:06
praisethemoonwe need more people like you19:06
praisethemoonI am also a ubuntu fan and I prefer ubuntu over windows19:06
praisethemoonI have been using ubuntu19:06
praisethemoonsince version19:07
pavlushkathen we can set a gaming channel, yay19:07
praisethemoon9 I guess19:07
pavlushkame from 8.0419:07
praisethemoonwhen they were distributing free CD's world wide19:07
praisethemoonI am not sure xD19:07
praisethemoonbut damn19:07
praisethemoonthe good old days19:07
praisethemoonpavlushka: i have ubuntu on vbox now becuse I have a gaming pc19:07
praisethemoonand had issues with nvidia drivers :/19:07
pavlushkaha ha ha, I didn't touch those disk in fear of getting scratch, so I also downloaded the ISO and writing another copy to work with :)19:08
pavlushkaa little weird19:09
pavlushkapraisethemoon: hmm19:10
praisethemoonpavlushka: at first there was that infinit login menu19:11
praisethemoonyou know that bug?19:11
praisethemoonthen the resolution went normal again (1080p)19:11
pavlushkadidn't experienced that19:11
praisethemoonand logged in19:11
praisethemoonafter installing nvidia-364 as i recall19:11
praisethemoonabd after reboot19:11
praisethemoonit went back to inifinit login loop19:11
praisethemoonwith drivers installed19:12
praisethemoonno SORRY19:12
praisethemoonnot login loop; but the resolution is horrible19:12
pavlushkapraisethemoon: on which version?19:13
praisethemoon16.04 lts19:13
pavlushkacan you link the bug? please19:13
praisethemoonuhmm you mean send a link describing the bug?19:18
pavlushkapraisethemoon: I mean the LP bug link19:20
praisethemoonalright, lemme see19:21
pavlushkanight night19:49
amtnelacheche: موجود؟22:44

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