
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
knightwi1emorning everyone05:23
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brobostigonmorning boys and girls.06:10
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foobarryso the snowden film sucks?08:49
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest6734
=== Guest6734 is now known as pavlushka
JamesTaitGood morning all! Happy Wednesday and happy Drink Beer Day! 😃  🍺09:03
AzelphurWow, Lenovo are really going bad, first the Rootkit, then the whole AHCI thing, now I am hearing from a friend of mine, tried to upgrade his WiFi card in the laptop, and the BIOS is throwing an error stating "Unauthorized Wireless network card is plugged in. Power off and remove it"12:03
zmoylan-piyeah i've heard someone complaining about that.  is it common?12:04
BigRedSand the keyboards really aren't all that any more, either. The nipple's basically the only reason to buy Lenovo these days12:04
Azelphurzmoylan-pi: seems a few people have encountered it, apparently you can hack the card and change its PCI ID12:05
zmoylan-piyeah, they mentioned that they got some uber hacker to supply a bios update to get past it.  but they now have a niggling doubt about hacker supplied bios on laptop now :-)12:06
zmoylan-pijust short one meeting in a dark carpark for full paranoia... :-)12:07
davmor2Azelphur: depends uefi offers an option to build the keys based on the hardware. That might be a requirement for the windows8+ os so would throw up an issue if the hardware is changed12:10
Azelphurzmoylan-pi: yea, my friend is looking at the same stuff12:12
Azelphurdavmor2: apparently it's because Lenovo have to get the FCC to validate the wifi card and antenna setup12:13
zmoylan-pithey could offer the firmware updates for sale on horse shaped usb drives for quick installs... :-)12:13
zmoylan-pii really must find and/or make some horsey shaped usb drives...12:26
ali1234Azelphur: lenovo have locked wireless cards like that for ages12:29
ali1234hp also do it12:29
ali1234and others12:29
Azelphurali1234: seems like an odd practice, never bumped into it myself12:32
zmoylan-pihavee you ever changed the included wifi card in a laptop?12:32
ali1234so i bought a nexus 7 on ebay... stuck in boot loop12:33
ali1234was sold as 16GB but the bootloader says it is 32GB12:33
ali1234i think someone flashed the wrong bootloader on it12:33
ali1234dont know yet12:33
zmoylan-pifingers crossed...12:33
=== lee is now known as Cueball
AzelphurBeen looking into the GPD Win, looks really interesting, $330 5.5" laptop essentially, http://bit.ly/2d7h8ok they have videos of it running all sorts of games (GTA 5 even) and the manufacturers have said it might support Linux ( http://bit.ly/2daiZ7Q ) wonder if it will actually work driver wise17:41
popeylooks fun18:19
m0nkey_Uhh, doubt it'll run GTAV very well.18:41
Azelphurm0nkey_: yea, it struggles, but it runs at a playable frame rate19:12
Azelphurwhich is impressive for a 5" device19:12
=== acheronuk is now known as acheron_goneforb
=== acheron_goneforb is now known as acheronuk

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