
=== JanC is now known as Guest85708
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
oSoMoNdednick, good morning! have you seen dandrader’s review of https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/qtubuntu/1623861.window-focus/+merge/306318 ? I’m interested in landing this branch as part of the browser multiple-windows silo, and would appreciate if you could address the minor comments so he can approve the MR08:02
dednickoSoMoN: ack. will address now08:04
dednickoSoMoN: done08:25
oSoMoNdednick, cheers08:25
dandraderdednick, ping09:24
dednickdandrader: yup?09:24
dandraderdednick, the comment you added back wasn't the one I mentioned. :)   although good to have that too09:25
dednickstrange. i searched it...09:25
dednickoh right09:26
dednickdandrader: done09:27
dandraderdednick, https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/qtubuntu/1623861.window-focus/+merge/306318/comments/79472110:32
dednickdandrader: removed.10:34
dandradergreyback, we need a silo for all the approved qtubuntu  changes. they're piling up and risking conlifct with each other10:38
dandrader@unity is there a new silo going on already?10:38
mzanettino, there isn't10:38
greybackdandrader: ack11:00
greybackdednick: hey, I'm gonna restart reviewing this: https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/qtubuntu/menuTheme/+merge/296997 - that ok?11:01
dednickgreyback: yes please!11:01
dednickgreyback: i'm going to start putting a silo together for all the menu bits11:01
greybackdednick: ok, then I'll add a few extra qtubuntu bits into that silo11:02
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=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
greybackdednick: hey, lp:~nick-dedekind/unity8/menus has lots of conflicts with trunk, can you update it please13:44
dednickgreyback: yeah, i'm busy doing that14:01
greybacknice, thanks14:03
dednickgreyback: done14:09
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=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
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=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
ventricalcan anyone please tell me the current state of development of unity8 ?20:57
ventricalat the moment after downloading the current .iso it seems to have deprecated. Are there some big probems with it?20:59
ventricali am running yakkety amd64 ubujt-desktop with unity8/libertine installed21:00
ventricalBUMP  I am just inquiring about the current state of unity8 in this development cycle.  It appears to have deprecated after the most recent Beta 1 release of yakkety amd64 ubuntu desktop. I would like to know if thi sstate will persisit so that I may use resources to test elsewhere.Thanks and kind regards..21:19
JanCventrical: what do you mean by "deprecated"?22:30
ventricalall the scopes are mostly gone, libertine scope .. gone .. and then freeze ups eh..22:54
ventricalno apps store22:56
ventricalit has become worse than it was say... 6 weeks ago..22:56
ventricalok... I gotta go...22:57

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