[01:37] Chromebook Pixel 2 gets Android apps on the Chrome OS stable channel … http://www.androidpolice.com/2016/09/27/chromebook-pixel-2-gets-android-apps-chrome-os-stable-channel/ [01:37] What about mine!? [01:37] Yep nice [01:37] Oj [01:38] I thought you got it [01:38] Not yet [01:38] Wow. I flagged a spam video and it was taken down 1 minute later. I must be a YouTube Hero! [01:39] XD [01:40] I'm trying it again. [01:40] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAplb_nZ-6Y [01:41] last time, I was on pause, then the video went to a fuzzy screen. [10:51] https://plus.google.com/101543748957840229304/posts/d12Yw9V8sdS?_utm_source=1-2-2 [11:51] I have an app I'd like to test in Android 4.0. Is there any way to emulate Android 4 on a device running 5 or 6? Or should I use the x86 build of Android in a vm? [12:26] @govatent, Android Studio can be used to fire up just about any version of Android [12:27] I'll check it out === danstone1 is now known as danstoner [16:56] @Ivoriesablaze, But Google can.... [18:35] https://youtu.be/7rud2rFVoLU [18:36] For anyone not in the Japanese loop yet [18:36] Just Google pineapple pen on Google news. And look at the results [18:48] You got it right this time Amazon [18:53] https://www.humblebundle.com/books/make-fan-favs-and-digital-debuts [18:53] Best feature ever [18:53] @KMyers and @RazPi [19:04] Nice [19:56] @RazPi https://imgur.com/kgbFShX [20:19] @ahoneybun, Too few keys [21:16] @KMyers any good places to play card games in Miami Gardens? [21:16] I reinstalled linux on my desktop,but decided on unity... I forgot how freaking annoying the side dock is [21:17] pssht.. windows has a bottom dock. [21:17] you can hide it. [21:17] Or I could go kde [21:17] Who uses kde? [21:18] XD [21:18] Or mate [21:18] Or xfce [21:18] Or lxde [21:18] I do [21:18] just fine thank you! [21:19] That was the joke, Aaron [21:19] I know [21:19] :S [21:19] :D [21:20] Or cinnamon [21:21] Am I forgetting any other de? [21:21] LightDM! [21:21] :D [21:21] ? [21:22] Ah, yes! How could I forget that?? [21:22] LightDM=Unity [21:22] :D [21:22] Unity, KDE, MATE, XFCE, LXDE, Cimmamon, Patheonon or whatever elementary uses [21:22] FluxBox is my next favorite after Unity. [21:22] LXQt [21:22] would that be a DE? [21:23] I don't know if it even uses a dm... I think it's just fluxbox. [21:23] Maybe I'll switch to arch [21:23] have fun with that [21:25] Meh, how hard could it be? ... 6 hours later ... WHAT HAVE I DONE??? [21:26] I am L337, I use a TTY shell [21:26] OH! Maya [21:26] Linux from scratch is 6 months later lol [21:28] No, that's gentoo [21:30] How long until we get Unity on Windows? I have to use windows for everything. [21:40] Kde is already on Windows, use that [22:09] a REALLY old version [22:54] Has anybody tried coreos? [22:54] nope