
=== Scary_Guy1 is now known as Scary_Guy
jrwrenlooks interesting: http://beta.repology.org12:52
jrwrengood morning12:53
jrwrenno ubuntu there, but hoepfully they will add it. I know there are some universe packages that have been abandoned for years and keep getting carried over. Maybe this will shed some light on their needed maintenance.12:53
cmaloneyPerhaps they figure Ubuntu / Debian already do something like this12:54
cmaloney(albeit, not as nicely surfaced)12:55
jrwrendebian is on the list.12:56
jrwrenits still beta.12:57
cmaloneyWell, then Ubuntu is covered. :-P12:57
dzhono CentOS/Fedora/Scientific Linux13:13
jrwrenno one uses those. :p13:17
jrwrenit is weird, they chose to ignore the 2 top high used distros.13:18
dzhowell, ignore or not start with or whatever13:29
jrwrentrue. it does look like you could plug them in. I think they support rpm based distros.13:30
dzhothis looks like the tricky part https://github.com/AMDmi3/repology#package-matching13:34
jrwrenindeed. that is some black magic there.13:34
dzhothe thing that comes to mind for me there is that org-mode is a separate package in Debian, but is included in the emacs packages for Fedora et al13:34
cmaloneyIs there such a thing as a central RPM repo?13:34
cmaloneySeems there's still reasons to use rpmfind13:35
jrwrendzho: i think they would be better suited analyzing source packages instead of binary, but maybe both are important.13:35
dzhoyeah that's where my thoughts turned13:36
dzhobut you'd have to depend on the upstream package source files being programmatically available13:36
jrwrendzho: they are for all the distros we have mentioned.13:36
dzho"oh that's easy, you just download the source file for each package for each distro and then ..."13:37
dzhothen a miracle occurs because that turns into a huge task13:37
jrwrendzho: i haven't looked at how this thing actually works. I'm sure you are right.13:37
dzhoI like to see these sorts of things, though, because it's of a piece, in my mind, with universal builds and reproducible builds and such.13:38
dzhomaking sure you have, as the GPL puts it, complete and corresponding source.13:38
* dzho now feels compelled to search the phrase "source code ontologies"13:39
=== widox_ is now known as widox
jrwrenappears there is no rpm based distro support. That explains that.13:55
dzhook, I have recovered from my urge to read anything having to do with ontologies14:21

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