
* Kilos waves to ZA05:48
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=== pavlushka is now known as Guest6734
=== Guest6734 is now known as pavlushka
Kilosight all. sleep tight10:37
Kilosight as well10:37
* pavlushka smiling for Kilos nights :)11:27
dlPhreakI have never used Slackware.13:06
dlPhreakIs that wrong?13:06
dlPhreakI've used Gentoo tho..13:07
MaNIwhy would that be wrong?13:11
superflydlPhreak: It just means you're not as masochistic as some folks out there ;-)13:16
dlPhreakBut I want to use it, you know.. for leet points!13:24
=== Na3iL is now known as nzoueidi
pavlushkaHello Cryterion :)18:17
pavlushkahey The rebooted theblazehen_ :p18:17
pavlushkaCryterion: how are you?18:17
CryterionI'm all good and you18:27
superflyhi Cryterion19:29
kulelu88I'm debating with the copyfree okes about their unbridled copyright utopia :D19:30
Cryterionheya superfly19:32
superflykulelu88: ohdear19:42
kulelu88superfly: their arguments seem to halt at a point where copyfree is only good when opposed on other people. 19:43
superflykulelu88: ah yes, i've heard that sort of thing before19:43
superfly"you're free to have you own opinion as long as your opinion is the same as mine"19:44
kulelu88they seem to disagree with every type of OSS license except the one that agrees to their philosophy19:44
MaNIthey can do whatever they want with their code, just don't tell me what to do with mine :p19:46
kulelu88MaNI: that is precisely my point. I am free to choose the license I want. 19:48
paddatrapperSounds like the protesters at UCT... 19:59
paddatrappersuperfly's point at least 20:00
CryterionJust burn it, see what they say afterwards20:28
kulelu88the thing about the protests is a tough 1. fees are outrageously expensive, but I think everyone besides the students themselves finds it equally outrageous to learn that they burnt books21:59

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