
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
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Wayward_VagabondDid my message get through last time either?02:28
Wayward_VagabondThis wifi connection is unstable -_-02:28
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debkadhello, i'm using lubuntu 14.04.5 lts trusty, wonder about a good ppa or something to have xfce 4.12 , as i want to switch to the new xfce12:51
debkadwhen googling i found 2 at least, one is using xubuntu-dev and another using upd812:55
debkadboth ppa *12:55
debkadit is died here, have a nice sleep12:59
SkarotaHi, i have a pc with Xubuntu 14.10. The problem is that I can not see the WiFi icon, and then I can no longer connect manually. Someone has a solution?13:57
mmoaihi. i'm using ubuntu 14.04 and my keyboads shortcuts (i.e. to start xfce4-appfinder) sometimes work and sometimes don't. The xfwm shortcuts always work14:20
mmoaii'm not technically using xubuntu, i think, since I simply installed xfce4-desktop ontop of a normal ubuntu14:20
mmoaii've tried some potential solutions to this, for example resetting all shortcuts to the default, making sure there are no duplicates in the corresponding file in ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/...14:23
mmoaiit's "decided" if the shortcuts work immediately after logging in. That is, either they work from the beginning (after logging in) or they don't work at all14:23
mmoaiI would guess some xfce daemon does not start properly or starts twice or smth along the lines of that14:24
mmoaibut I don't know where to look for solutions to this problem14:24
xubuntu18whi i got a question i done a fresh install of xubuntu 16.4 and i can not configure the disply but when i do the try xubuntu i can configure the display to what ever size i want17:19
xubuntu18whow can i do it on the full install i have been trying for 3 days now17:20
xubuntu17iYakkety install seemed unusually quick. About nine minutes from beginning to end.19:29
Azrael84Anyone else found it is quite tricky to resize windows in xubuntu? grabbing the edges has to be uber precise (this is my first time on xubuntu after many years of ubuntu)20:02
Azrael84Is there a tweak to correct this?20:02
knomeAzrael84, try some of the tips here: http://xubuntu.org/news/window-resizing-in-xubuntu-and-xfce/20:04
Azrael84the alt and right-click method seems a good alternative20:06
knomeindeed, once you use it, you can't go back20:06
Azrael84I'm also having some issues with resizing terminal splits (byobu)20:07
Azrael84alt-shift up/down worked fine on ubuntu20:07
Azrael84but in xubuntu it doesn't do much20:07
Azrael84the split will seem to resize then bounce back to 50% 50%20:07
Azrael84Any tips for that?20:07
knomeunder settings manager -> window manager tweaks -> tab accessibility, you could change the "key to grab..." to something else than alt to see if it's overlapping with that20:08
knomenotice that for example this resize shortcut changes then20:09
Azrael84I see, so it's actually the resize thing messing with byobu keyboard shortcuts?20:09
knomebut it *might* be that something else is using - or just stopping that key combo from working20:10
Azrael84well I changed it to ctrl (the resize key, which is fine)20:10
Azrael84but alt-shit -up/down is still no working20:10
knomeok, then it's not that... was just an idea20:11
Azrael84yeah, maybe it's on the right lines20:11
Azrael84could there be another native xubuntu key that messes up alt-shit-up/down?20:11
Azrael84so it's just byobu and xfce don't play well ?20:12
knomei don't use byobu myself, but i also haven't heard people mention this much, so it could of course be something completely different that is stopping the shortcut from working20:13
xubuntu69dMy clam av or clamtk won't update how do i fix?20:28
knomeat least not by not waiting for an answer for more than a minute20:29
knome" :) "20:29
=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone`
JustanickHi, what is the right way to start xfce in a x2go session?21:04
RoadRunnerAm using 14.04 LTS where many apps, defaults and settings have been changed. Will upgrading to 16.04 erase all of those changes?21:21
RoadRunner... or will the upgrade just change the kernel and nothing else?21:22
RarrikinsRoadRunner: The upgrade will basically upgrade the kernel and programs to 16.04's version. It's supposed to not mess things up, but bugs happen.21:23
knomeyour home directory is kept intact and if you have modified system configuration files, you should be asked which version you want to keep.21:23
RarrikinsRoadRunner: Be particularly careful when it asks you whether you want to keep your old version of a configuration file or replace it with a new one.21:23
knomealways take backups before upgrading.21:23
RoadRunnerif 14.04 used app A and it was changed by me to app B, will upgrading to 16.04 revert me to a new version of app A or skip it just upgrading my chosen app B?21:27
RarrikinsRoadRunner: If you used apt install to install it, it should still stay installed, but upgraded to 16.04's version of it.21:27
RarrikinsRoadRunner: It might add some apps, but it tries to keep anything you manually install using apt install.21:28
RoadRunnerok so it tries to keep my new apps but will it try to intall the ones I removed as well...?21:30
RarrikinsRoadRunner: It's possible it will.21:30
RoadRunnerand with configs of existing apps I guess I should just say 'no' to all new config changes...21:31
RoadRunnerin a nut shell, what are the main advantages of 16 over 14 and is an upgrade really recomended?21:33
knomeRoadRunner, 14.04 is EOL next april, so the upgrade is no just recommended, you will have to do it sooner or later - pretty soon anyway21:33
knomeend of life, not supported21:34
RoadRunnerI thought lts's are suppose to be supported for 4 or 5 years?21:35
knomefor xubuntu, they are 3 years, and it's specifically mentioned in the release announcement, which you clearly haven't read21:36
RoadRunneror read and forgot21:36
RarrikinsRoadRunner: Ubuntu is 5 years, a lot of the flavors like Xubuntu are only 3.21:37
RoadRunnerbut in any case, if 14 is supported till next april, why is it already giving a no upgrade to stack message?21:39
RoadRunnerdid I misunderstand something?21:44
knomeno more point releases are being done21:44
RoadRunnerbut the apps are still automatically upgraded?21:45
knomethose that get SRU's21:45
knomestable release upgrade21:46
knomeeg. upgrades to old stable/LTS releases.21:46
knomeor "stable release updates" really21:47
RoadRunnergot it, thanks :)21:47
RoadRunnerbtw, on average, how frequent are point releases in Xubuntu?21:51
RarrikinsEvery six months.21:51
RoadRunnerso perhaps a prudent course of action would be to wait till Jan '17 for the next point release for the current bugs in 16 to be fixed?21:54
Gaming4LifeDEhi. so i don't have an internet connection on my machine (intel atom 230, 4gb ram)21:55
Gaming4LifeDEi can't connect through ethernet. any ideas?21:55
xanguaRoadRunner: any specific bug?21:56
RoadRunnerxangua: the ones mentioned in the release notes (like those pertaining to Thunar)21:56
xanguaProbably until next major release or you can try, on your own risk, some PPA repository21:59
knomeif only we knew what's wrong with thunar...22:01
xubuntu127Hello, suddenly my desktop screen is gone. I get the message: "the desktop application is unexpectedly closed". What now??22:01
knomeGaming4LifeDE, which xubuntuy version?22:01
knomexubuntu127, which xubuntu version?22:01
xubuntu127Xubuntu version 14.0422:02
knomexubuntu127, try running 'xfdesktop'22:03
knomeGaming4LifeDE, new installation or upgrade?22:03
Gaming4LifeDEdidn't work on the live medium either22:03
xubuntu127I did the command "gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache" and enter but got the message: "entrance denied"22:08
RarrikinsRoadRunner: They usually come out at the end of April (xx.04) or the end of October (xx.10).22:11
xubuntu127Also with the command "sudo" beforehand it didn't work22:12
RarrikinsRoadRunner: But if you use a non-LTS version, you have to upgrade before nine months have passed, since non-LTS versions aren't supported after they're nine months old.22:12
knomeRarrikins, that's not what "point releases" are22:14
Rarrikinsknome: What are point releases?22:21
knome14.04.1, 14.04.2, ...22:22
RarrikinsAhh, I see.22:22
RoadRunnerknome: then, you would agree with waiting till the next point release for an update to 16?22:23
knomeit's no guarantee that the thunar bugs are fixed by then, but if you rather wait, then why not22:23
knomeobviously an LTS->LTS upgrade can always bring some unexpected things, so do it when you have time to tweak and work potential issues22:24
RoadRunnerespecially since I don't feel like doing a ton of backups and then god knows how much cleaning and tunning...22:24
knomethe amount of backup and cleaning is the same, regardless if you upgrade now or later though22:25
RoadRunnerI guess on this, I'd rather procrastinate :)22:25
RoadRunnercheers and thanks again22:27

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