
smoserharlowja, the errors... you really have no 'ip' command ?14:01
smoseryou need to fix that nonsense.14:02
smosersilly paths on redhat14:02
smoserharlowja, https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/30720016:47
smoserthat fixes some of those gist failures i think16:47
smoserharlowja, ping17:39
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smosermagicalChicken, around ?19:38
harlowjasmoser sorry, got up late and just got in :-P20:01
harlowjaus cali people, lol20:01
harlowjasmoser so there is an ip command20:02
harlowjabut something maybe just isn't mocked right20:02
smosercan you help me get a cent6 and cent7 environment ?20:03
smoserwould like to know how to do that.20:03
magicalChickensmoser: i have a work in progress of my branch that adds that20:15
smosermagicalChicken, embarrasing question20:15
smoseri was looking at your doc branch20:15
smoserhow do i build doc20:15
magicalChickenOh haha, its 'sphinx-build docs/rtd /tmp/docs'20:16
magicalChickenOh, I don't have a setup for lxd based centos environment yet, just got curtin vmtests. I can look into that though tonight20:22
smosermagicalChicken, you want to add : http://paste.ubuntu.com/23252743/20:23
magicalChickenSure, I'll get that added in20:25
magicalChickenRight now we're using the default template too, not the one for read the docs, I can add that into the repo too, but I think when we build the docs there it will use it by default20:26
magicalChickenI've gotta relocate to go get my laptop, I'm on a lab machine right now. I'll get that merged in in 1520:27
harlowjavirtualbox :-P20:30
harlowjasmoser let me run your branch on cent720:31
harlowjasee what happens20:31
smoserharlowja, https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/cloud-init-centos-unittest20:32
smoserteach me20:32
smoserssh ubuntu@
harlowja$ git clone -b open-nebula-no-ip https://git.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init cloud-test20:33
harlowjaCloning into 'cloud-test'...20:33
harlowjaremote: Counting objects: 22313, done.20:33
harlowjaremote: Compressing objects: 100% (7809/7809), done.20:33
harlowjaReceiving objects:  28% (6292/22313), 2.47 MiB | 12.00 KiB/s20:33
harlowjasmoser  are the tubes broken over there, lol20:33
harlowjadown to 8kb/s20:33
harlowjarestarted, seems better20:33
harlowjamaybe a tube was broken somewhere20:33
magicalChickensmoser: I just got the tox env for docs added in and pushed to the repo21:04
smosermagicalChicken, ok. thanks.21:04
magicalChickenI noticed though, in tox its trying to highlight everything as python21:04
magicalChickenit wasn't doing that outside of tox21:04
magicalChickenI need to figure out why real quick21:04
magicalChickeni think its py2 sphinx vs py3 sphinx21:05
smosergot to run now21:07
magicalChickenI'll get that fixed and pushed tonight21:08
harlowjasmoser  https://gist.github.com/harlowja/62315edad713304076f35ff40ac9c4f122:08
harlowjaso 1 fail i think still22:08
harlowja*that's using https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/30720022:09
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harlowjaone more mocking fix probably addresses that22:25
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