mup | Bug #1628729 opened: first partition for sda disk starts with sda-part2 instead of sda-part1 <MAAS:New> <> | 01:09 |
mup | Bug #1628761 opened: netaddr assumes MAC OUI is ascii <MAAS:New> <> | 03:57 |
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban | ||
baldpope | hey guys, I have what seems like a dumb question regarding maas / openstack install | 14:33 |
baldpope | in the series of articles, you setup vlan trunk ports to each blade, but when the blade boots, the ports are in trunk mode, and the blade wont get a dhcp offer, because it doesn't know about the trunk | 14:35 |
baldpope | did I miss something? | 14:36 |
baldpope | - scroll down to the switch config and it's all tagged traffic, not sure how the blade (prior to os) knows about the invidiaul vlans | 14:37 |
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baldpope | ignore my previous comments, i was following the maas article too literally and did not have the switch ports in the correct mode to support pvid | 15:52 |
baldpope | got it resolved | 15:52 |
baldpope | i think | 15:52 |
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk | ||
baldpope | during commissioning - when I boot one of the blades, throwing lots of errors running url_helper | 16:25 |
baldpope | | 16:25 |
baldpope | eventually it just hangs here | 16:26 |
baldpope | rather, sitting at a login prompt - but never completes commissioning in maas | 16:32 |
shubjero | baldpope: i had the same problem the other day. are you using the correct maas_url in rackd and regiond configs? | 16:55 |
shubjero | baldpope: I run maas 'all in one'.. regiond and rackd running on one server. both my rackd.conf and regiond.conf point to localhost for maas_url | 16:56 |
shubjero | root@maas:~# grep url /etc/maas/regiond.conf | 16:57 |
shubjero | maas_url: http://localhost/MAAS | 16:57 |
shubjero | root@maas:~# grep url /etc/maas/rackd.conf | 16:57 |
shubjero | maas_url: http://localhost:5240/MAAS | 16:57 |
roaksoax | shubjero: you need to change that | 16:58 |
roaksoax | shubjero: change /etc/maas/rackd.conf to point to an actual IP address machines can reach to | 16:58 |
roaksoax | shubjero: maas_url in regiond.conf is the IP that machines can reach to if we can't automatically determine from which rack they boot from | 16:59 |
roaksoax | shubjero: but they need to be reacheable | 16:59 |
shubjero | maas seems to break if i change it to the only IP used by maas | 17:01 |
shubjero | when its localhost, i can discover, comission, and deploy nodes (although deploy breaks near the end lol) | 17:01 |
mup | Bug # opened: 1629004, 1629008, 1629011, 1629019 | 17:05 |
shubjero | my deploys fail at stage config and stage final, tracebacks | 17:05 |
mup | Bug #1629022 opened: [2.1, UI] Broken 'images page' link <MAAS:Confirmed> <> | 17:35 |
mup | Bug #1629026 opened: [2.1] Images have been imported, but can't add a chassis <MAAS:Triaged> <> | 17:35 |
mup | Bug #1629022 changed: [2.1, UI] Broken 'images page' link <MAAS:Confirmed> <> | 17:38 |
mup | Bug #1629026 changed: [2.1] Images have been imported, but can't add a chassis <MAAS:Triaged> <> | 17:38 |
mup | Bug #1629022 opened: [2.1, UI] Broken 'images page' link <MAAS:Confirmed> <> | 17:41 |
mup | Bug #1629026 opened: [2.1] Images have been imported, but can't add a chassis <MAAS:Triaged> <> | 17:41 |
mup | Bug #1629045 opened: [2.1] When failing to download images, MAAS leaves old files in the fs <MAAS:Confirmed> <> | 18:11 |
shubjero | curtin is the most confusing thing ever | 18:32 |
shubjero | I just want my BIOS booted system to use a GPT partitioning scheme on deploy | 18:33 |
shubjero | Following this: | 18:33 |
shubjero | i need to add block-meta: & format: gpt to the curtin_userdata file but i have no idea where | 18:33 |
baldpope | shubjero, maas_url=the IP for - which is the IP of eth1 | 18:37 |
baldpope | i dont have a rackd.conf in /etc/maas | 18:37 |
mup | Bug #1629061 opened: Release and list IPs reserved by another user <MAAS:New> <> | 18:44 |
baldpope | calling ... | 18:45 |
baldpope | network unreachable... | 18:46 |
baldpope | just continues to spew... | 18:46 |
baldpope | then it just ends up at a console login promt | 18:47 |
shubjero | baldpope: try dpkg-reconfigure maas-regiond | 18:50 |
shubjero | follow the wizard to set the maas_url, then reboot the maas server.. retry your comission | 18:50 |
baldpope | shubjero, when running, the only prompt is to enter the IP, presumably for eth1 | 18:55 |
baldpope | and it's set | 18:55 |
shubjero | baldpope: just re-set it, then reboot.. and try again.. honestly my impressions of maas so far are that its extremely buggy | 19:08 |
* baldpope sigh | 19:09 | |
baldpope | ok | 19:09 |
baldpope | shubjero, there's a reference to an iptable entry that needs to be set - but I have no iptables rule | 19:10 |
baldpope | do you? | 19:10 |
shubjero | iptables on my maas server is set to accept all | 19:11 |
shubjero | baldpope: why arent you running rack-controller.. aka rackd? | 19:11 |
shubjero | pretty sure thats required.. also.. how did you install maas? | 19:11 |
baldpope | installed maas through apt-get | 19:11 |
baldpope | as per | 19:11 |
shubjero | I did a 2.0 install of 'maas region controller' right from the ubuntu 16.xx ISO | 19:13 |
shubjero | and it installs region-controller and rack-controller | 19:13 |
shubjero | | 19:13 |
jhegge | baldpope: check maas-region local_config_get --maas-url, make sure it's pointed at your maas server IP, otherwise set it explicitly. i had to do that w/ 1.9 when i saw the 169 IPs | 19:13 |
baldpope | jhegge, where is that? | 19:14 |
jhegge | baldpope: it's a binary on your maas install server | 19:14 |
baldpope | maas-region command not found | 19:15 |
baldpope | maas-region-admin? | 19:15 |
baldpope | jhegge, sudo maas-region-admin local_config_get --maas-url | 19:15 |
baldpope | maas_url: | 19:15 |
jhegge | not in your path, i can't recall where it's at. try maas-region-admin, might be it changed from 1.9 | 19:15 |
baldpope | that IP is the eth1 address | 19:15 |
jhegge | baldpope: that IP needs to point to the right interface, if it's not you can use local_config_set --maas-url to change it | 19:17 |
jhegge | i saw this several times depending on how i'd setup the server | 19:17 |
shubjero | baldpope: i believe i followed this when i had the same problem as you: | 19:19 |
shubjero | but i mean, ultimately its just making sure you have that maas_url variable set correctly.. which you've already confirmed | 19:19 |
shubjero | but like i said.. pretty buggy.. reboot once.. might not work.. reboot again.. works suddenly | 19:19 |
shubjero | i still have flaky dhcp service with maas.. literally doesnt work on some reboots | 19:20 |
baldpope | i dont mind rebooting again - but still... | 19:20 |
shubjero | yeah i know *shrug* | 19:20 |
baldpope | jhegge, when you say the 'right interface' - do you mean the maas internal one? | 19:25 |
jhegge | baldpope: the one you want to serve TFTP to nodes | 19:26 |
baldpope | ok, then yea -it's set correctlyt | 19:26 |
jhegge | i always had this: http://<maas-ip>:5240/MAAS perhaps the port is needed | 19:27 |
baldpope | hm, port wasn't there, I'll add it | 19:29 |
mup | Bug #1629080 opened: [2.1 ipv6] deploying machine needs connectivity to maas <maas-ipv6> <MAAS:New> <> | 19:29 |
baldpope | btw - not sure if it matters, but I'm on 14.0.4? | 19:30 |
baldpope | should I reinstall the maas host with 16? | 19:30 |
baldpope | or do a dist-upgrade? | 19:30 |
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban | ||
baldpope | jhegge, on the internal, right? | 19:32 |
shubjero | Anyone come across this before? | 19:33 |
shubjero | 'Can not apply stage config, no datasource found! Likely bad things to come! | 19:33 |
shubjero | Traceback | 19:33 |
jhegge | baldpope: I don't know what you mean by internal but the maas-url needs to be on the interface that is pointed at your nodes | 19:35 |
baldpope | ok, then yea - from the guide the eth0 would be 'public' and eth1 (along with the sub interfaces) were all internal | 19:36 |
baldpope | added the port | 19:36 |
baldpope | rebooting a node | 19:36 |
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk | ||
baldpope | no change | 19:39 |
baldpope | hm | 19:39 |
baldpope | hm | 19:40 |
baldpope | ok - dumb question | 19:40 |
baldpope | i have a total of 6 nics in the node/blade | 19:40 |
baldpope | eth0 - 3 are an add on card, while eth4 and eth5 are onboard - I currently have the onboards plugged in and the add-ons are vacant | 19:41 |
baldpope | is it possible it's trying to use eth0, which has no binding? | 19:41 |
baldpope | the default route is out eth4, so I wouldn't think so... | 19:41 |
baldpope | | 19:42 |
shubjero | baldpope: yeah that looks fine | 19:48 |
shubjero | your maas is in the ? | 19:50 |
shubjero | ah yep, just read up | 19:50 |
baldpope | /20 | 19:50 |
baldpope | but yea | 19:50 |
shubjero | sorry, meant to type /20 | 19:50 |
shubjero | I cant get UEFI or BIOS deploy's working. BIOS deploys end up with tracebacks near the end of the deploy. UEFI deploys just drop at the GRUB boot. Enticing me to just use Foreman | 19:53 |
shubjero | The support and documentation for maas sucks | 19:53 |
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baldpope | shubjero, i got it working - was able to deploy | 20:38 |
shubjero | baldpope: me too! lol | 20:40 |
shubjero | only using UEFI though (which is fine) | 20:41 |
baldpope | interesting note (expected?) no default route set | 20:42 |
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mup | Bug #1629106 opened: DHCP probe service fails for interfaces with no IP address assigned <MAAS:New> <> | 21:17 |
baldpope | confirming - i cannot change the network settings for a deployed node, it must be in the ready state? | 21:29 |
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