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kalikianatimp: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/contextPropertyWindowQStringLiteral/+merge/30715410:34
timpkalikiana: why did I never see that warning?10:36
timpwhat is the warning?10:36
kalikianatimp: See the description. Warnings are still flaky10:36
kalikianaHave been for a long time10:37
kalikianaUnless one were to use clang10:37
timpyeah, I know. But I never saw a warning when testing locally (on yakkety)10:37
timpah the warning only shows with clang?10:37
kalikianatimp: I just replied to that :-)10:37
kalikianaI'm saying clang is 100% consistent, gcc is random10:37
timpoh... nice ;)10:37
timpkalikiana: ok, happroved.10:38
kalikianaI've complained about it before... and I was thinking loicm_'s work was meant to fix that, but it hasn't evidently10:38
kalikiana(But I stopped using clang because I don't constantly want to fix build errors)10:38
loicm_kalikiana: was it generating warnings on all builds or on specific Qt (or Ubuntu) version?10:44
kalikianaloicm_: I've seen it with Qt 5.6 and Xenial10:45
kalikianaThe build actually continued10:45
loicm_kalikiana: the warnings were fixed for Qt 5.5.1, not sure we were testing against 5.6 on CI yet10:49
kalikianaloicm_: Even if we weren't then, it should be failing the build now...10:58
kalikianaBut it does not10:58
loicm_kalikiana: right, but that's another issue10:59
loicm_kalikiana: is it a custom compiled Qt?10:59
kalikianaNo, it's what comes with Xenial11:00
kalikianaIt's not "another issue" exactly - if it had failed the build, CI would've rejected the MR :-)11:00
kalikianaUsually I rely on that11:01
timpI added this contextproperty call in parallel with loicm_ adding all the QStringLiterals, that's why it was missing for this instance.11:02
loicm_kalikiana: it's linked obviously but fixing the QStringLiteral issue won't fix the warnings ar not errors on Qt 5.6, so two different issues with two different fixes required11:08
loicm_timp: ah ok11:08
loicm_kalikiana: I'll have to check what happens here, do you still have the link to the CI errors?11:08
loicm_kalikiana: to check the flags11:09
kalikianaloicm_: You can see it here https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-sdk/job/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-ci-amd64-devel/1300/consoleText - search for setContextProperty11:22
kalikianaloicm_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23250707/11:23
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loicm_kalikiana (timp, zsombi): the reason why the implicit  char*->QString conversion emitted a warning but didn't generated an error even though we have -Werror is because we also have -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations, all that is handled on purpose by the qmake warnings_are_errors option12:36
loicm_they reason they explicitly add -Wno-error=deprectaed-declarations is explained here https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/63414/12:37
zsombiloicm_: oh, so this means that if we take that away, we'd get rest of the string failures on Linux too...12:37
loicm_zsombi: I guess so, but it depends on the compiler12:38
loicm_kalikiana, zsombi: we don't have the same issue regarding -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations since we don't ship tarballs for our releases (AFAIK), but that's definitely a good reason12:41
kalikianaloicm_: Hrm yeah, I can see the point. From my/ our point of view I'd say it's a little different in that specifically for CI all warnings can expected to be fixed - if that makes sense we could perhaps override it in the debian/rules specifically, so anyone using branches elsewhere won't have to deal with new warnings12:48
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loicm_kalikiana: that's also what I think would be the best, it could be done by removing that flag when compiled with the debian_build option (passed at qmake time in the debian rules)12:56
loicm_kalikiana: but that also means that by default when developing, these warnings would go unnoticed and appear only in CI, which could be a little frustrating12:59
loicm_kalikiana: I don't think that's too problematic though since we'll switch on the silent option and make these warnings much more visible12:59
loicm_kalikiana: together with the colored GCC messages that are one by default now13:00
kalikianaGenerally speaking I'd argue that anyway you are going to run into errors that only occur on CI13:00
loicm_kalikiana: yup13:01
loicm_I'm adding that to my TODO then13:01
kalikianaIdeally we could enable warnings in qmake based on the systems we have CI for - but I'm not sure how feasible that is13:01
kalikianaloicm_: You're saying we'll have silent flags in CI? I always have them locally because I'd go mad otherwise, but I thought there's a reason we don't do it out of the box13:02
loicm_kalikiana: I think silent should be on only when !debian_build13:03
loicm_kalikiana: because on CI you want to see the flags13:03
kalikianaHmmkay I guess in that case it's not relevant to me13:03
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