
cmaloneyhow goes?11:35
rick_h_wife is bummed, got her a new mountain bike yesterday and now rain today11:36
cmaloneyAh, so you're the culprit. :)11:40
cmaloneyCurrent status: https://twitter.com/squeekyhoho/status/781457892838739968 and https://twitter.com/squeekyhoho/status/78145828373536358411:42
rick_h_10k nodes?11:43
cmaloneyI'm exaggerating. :)11:43
cmaloneyJust a feeling of being left behind11:44
cmaloney(nobody's fault but mine)11:44
jrwrenooh! what kind of mountain bike?12:28
rick_h_I wanted her to look at a giant tempt12:40
rick_h_but she liked the specialized one better with the larger wheels12:40
rick_h_I'm looking to try to get a giant fathom here soon, but she got into mountain biking first and I wanted to get her onto a safer bike12:41
jrwrenooooh! larger wheels!12:41
rick_h_yea, we've had 29'er bikes so far12:42
rick_h_so she liked keeping those12:42
rick_h_vs the 650b wheels12:42
jrwrenwhat makes for a safer bike?12:43
rick_h_so we've both had specialized crosstrails12:43
rick_h_so their more street/dirt road bikes12:43
jrwrendid she get a hardrock, or something nicer?12:43
rick_h_so the tires are smooth vs off road grip, the new bike has hydraulic disk brakes, and better components overall12:44
rick_h_she got a hardtail, coil spring fork nothing too fancy12:44
jrwrenhydraulic disks are really nice. I remember the one time I rode one with them. it was luxury ;]12:44
rick_h_she doesn't notice the differences in things as much unfortunately, so my main goals was wider tires, more grip, and better brakes = safer to run trails on12:44
jrwrenyup. i get it now.12:45
jrwrenat first, I couldn't understand what safer would mean, but now that you mention hybrid v. mountain bike, it makes complete sense.12:46
cmaloneyPretty sure my nickname for this unemployment row is "Dobby"17:07
* rick_h_ is curious how that lines up17:07
cmaloneyMentioned to JoDee that I got a ping-back from one of the applications, and she said "that's nice. Make the bed and put up the shower curtain"17:08
jrwrencmaloney: amazon is hiring in detroit, IIRC17:12
cmaloneyLast few times I've talked to them they wanted us to relocate to the mothership17:13
cmaloneywhich I'm reluctant to do (for now)17:13
jrwrenoh. bummer.17:16
greg-gnon-remote friendly tech organizations are so dumb17:24
greg-g(in my completely unbiased opinion, of course)17:24
rick_h_greg-g: :)17:31
cmaloneygreg-g: Which is why I applied to a remote-friendly tech organization but I think they filled the position.17:33
cmaloneyUnfortunately I don't have the security chops for the positions that are available.17:34
greg-gyeah, those are our main open reqs now17:36
jrwrengreg-g: what is the difference between those two positions?17:42
jrwrengreg-g: the app sec one is more js focussed?17:43
cmaloneyOne looks like a liaison role17:43
cmaloneywhere you're doing more with the outside world17:43
cmaloney(the application security engineer)17:43
greg-gI think so, yeah19:04
=== brousch__ is now known as brousch_
greg-gI'm listening to soma.fm via a nodejs cli app21:06
* rick_h_ runs away21:07
greg-gyeah, 'twas my first time doing a npm install on this laptop, actually :)21:08
greg-gbut but.... cli apps!21:08
cmaloneyWhy node of all things?21:10
Zimdalewhy not node!?21:11
cmaloneyHeh, that script no longer works because I don't have mpg123 on my machine anymore21:12
cmaloneyusing the Squeezebox21:12
cmaloneyWith Perl, and C (like a gentleman)21:12
cmaloneyZimdale: Why not node? I don't trust the ecosystem.21:13
ZimdaleThe ecosystem doens't trust you!21:13
greg-gcmaloney: heh21:13
cmaloneyIt feels like Node installs 130 packages just to get started21:13
greg-git does...21:14
cmaloneyit could be that they haven't made a stdlib like Python eventually earned.21:14
cmaloneyBut the worst I've seen for Python dependencies tends to be on the tens of packages21:15
cmaloneynot on the hundreds21:15
greg-g37 for the somafm cli21:15
cmaloneygot@5.6.0 (lowercase-keys@1.0.0, timed-out@2.0.0, is-redirect@1.0.0, ?21:16
greg-gno idea21:16
greg-geffing node21:16
cmaloneyOh, and it pipes through mplayer21:17
cmaloneyhow adorable21:18
cmaloney37 packages to parse somafm and pipe to mplayer.21:18
cmaloneyIt is cool though, I'll grant that21:18
gamerchick02you guys are funny. :)21:29
greg-gbut right :)21:38

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