
=== bigpet_ is now known as bigpet
TemperoRyo tjaal08:29
TemperoRI think I have what I was looking for08:29
TemperoRW: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_dmc_ver1_01.bin for module i915 W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_guc_ver9_14.bin for module i915 W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/bxt_guc_ver8_7.bin for module i915 W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/skl_guc_ver6_1.bin for module i91508:29
TemperoRthat was when I upgraded08:29
TemperoRthe kernel08:29
tjaaltonyou don't need that08:29
tjaaltonfor booting up08:29
TemperoRokay well then the update to the kernel didn't work08:30
tjaaltonok, then upstream needs to know about it. bugs.freedesktop.org08:30
TemperoRthanks man will report it08:31
TemperoRwhat is the command to purge the kernel?08:31
tjaaltondpkg --purge ...08:31
TemperoRokay ty08:31
TemperoRpurge that08:32
TemperoRor this 08:33
TemperoRokay sec08:33
tjaaltonnot full filename08:34
tjaaltonjust linux-image-4.8.0-994-generic08:34
TemperoRjust linux-image-4.8.0-994-generic08:34
TemperoRokay ty08:34
TemperoRokay purged08:39
TemperoRYou don't think there is something I might be doing something wrong?08:39
TemperoRlike a possible missing driver08:39
tjaaltonthat pciid is supported, I have it on my desktop08:41
tjaaltonrunning xenial08:41
tjaaltontry a live image witih uefi08:41
TemperoRas a point of interest08:44
TemperoRmy colleague downstairs08:44
TemperoRtested on virtual box booting into my server and it worked completely fine.08:44
TemperoRwith the correct res and everything08:44
tjaaltonwhat does virtualbox have to do with real hw?08:45
TemperoRjust as a point of interest08:46
TemperoRit doesn't08:46
TemperoRbtw you said that the pciid is also supported by the 4.4 kernel correct?08:48
TemperoRyou just wanted me to test the 4.808:48
tjaaltonbecause 4.4 didn't work for you08:48
TemperoRyou want me to do a live boot on this PC with ubuntu08:49
tjaaltonand uefi08:49
TemperoRwell with uefi enabled08:49
TemperoRmakes sense08:50
TemperoRthat way we can rule out whether the ltsp is causing issues08:50
TemperoRbecause atm, I'm using legacy08:50
TemperoRon the bios on this PC08:50
TemperoRso I will try uefi08:50
=== JanC is now known as Guest12605
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
furkantjaalton: any plans to put out Xorg 1.18.4 for Xenial? would be nice to resolve the glamor glyph corruption issue in LibreOffice... it makes some dialog boxes basically unusable23:28
furkanmaybe in X staging PPA if you would prefer further testing?23:29
furkanoh i see it's in xenial-proposed already23:30

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