
check_https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?orderby=datecreated&start=0  sort-order -->> Server error, please contact an administrator. OOPS ID:OOPS-9e425f1fd4592e9db9be1a330892358600:00
MMan_Maybe it is time for linux community, special ubuntu one to build its own search service!00:00
kdawgSorry something happened when i was using life cd and xchat00:00
kdawgnow i booted to windows lol00:00
kdawgprobaly was i went to scroll down the chat page00:01
kdawgand there was a yellow thing over xchat made the whole screen area it covered yellow, then nothing was clickable00:01
OerHeksMMan_, maybe this works for you, output to vdpau ot openGL GLX http://www.attabot.org/linux/remove-green-lines-vlc-media-player-linux/00:01
Bashing-omMMan_: Google does very well by us : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PopularPages . Try the search here .00:02
MMan_Thank you all iam on m way00:02
kdawganyone have and ideas00:03
MMan_OerHeks i believe your solution could be the one!00:03
matejkopost some links people it is opening! and I missed it00:03
de-factoin my experience xv is pretty fast for vlc output00:05
check_https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?orderby=datecreated&start=0   sort-order -->> Server error, please contact an administrator. OOPS ID:OOPS-4dc20cec3262c6a32be4b4fc9b99242f00:05
k1l_check_: that url works here00:07
check_did y change acend decend00:08
k1l_check_: can click on the asc/desc and it sorts new.00:08
Rarrikinscheck_: It works here as well, but you can report it here: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad00:09
check_asc/desc on date or age gives erroe?00:10
k1l_check_: not for me00:10
OerHeksif you hit that switch too often per minute, you might get that oops00:10
check_hit change once00:11
check_happens every time in one direction00:11
k1l_check_: tried in a private browser and i  do get an error when not logged in.00:12
check_yes i'm not logged in00:12
k1l_check_: i guess that is a topic for #launchpad then00:12
check_tkns do they have an irc channel?00:13
k1l_that is the irc channel :)00:13
check_thank you00:14
maddawg2IRC much00:14
matejkohow to go to #ubuntu-offtopic?00:15
k1l_well, people do get confused with hashtags from social media :)00:15
k1l_!ot | matejko00:15
ubottumatejko: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:15
RLShiftyDoggityou do the slash join command then #ubuntu-offtopic00:16
matejkoRLShiftyDoggit: not working00:16
k1l_matejko: you need to register with freenode first, like the bot told you00:16
RLShiftyDoggityeah reg first then log in then join00:17
MMani miss the old nice K9 dog :(00:17
=== matejko is now known as hpsmm
wadadlik1l_: sorry didn't know canonical maintained mpv and audacity00:19
wadadlik1l_: just ask any question you wan't not having to do with the /topic00:19
wadadlik1l_: got it00:20
hpsmmthank you guys.. one last question, how to type apostroph?00:21
hpsmmin ubuntu? in windows it was alt+36 but that dont work now00:22
hpsmmI'm noob, got it00:23
debkadthink in linux is a little different, ctrl+shift+u then the number00:25
k1l_i have that on my keyboard layout and can just press that key :)00:25
MMantc all gtg see you later! and never forget, thing out of the box.00:26
debkadk1l_: shortcut or just the quote is on the keyboard?00:26
hpsmmdebkad: I don't have so many arms lol ... right alt+ 2 buttons to the left from L button (bettween enter and "L") working for me00:27
hpsmm*2 buttons to the right00:27
debkadecho -e "\u" is cool too00:28
debkaddamn i forget my question00:29
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votlonello all00:38
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votlonwas wondering what the best way to get a mx5 pro for ubuntu phone was, if anyone new in the chat :)00:38
votlonusa at&t network00:38
gde33is there a way to have vlc always be able to write to its config file?00:44
gde33I have to set it to always on top every time I use it00:44
lotuspsychje!touch | votlon00:45
ubottuvotlon: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch00:45
lotuspsychjegde33: perhaps the #videolan guys might know also?00:45
debkadgde33: you mean you changed the config and when you start it next time it get to the default config?00:46
votlonYe i got that, but finding the hardware seems impossible00:46
gde33debkad: yes00:46
votlonjd.com isn't selling them and won't response to questions :p00:46
debkadgde33: my guess is permission issue but as lotuspsychje said, the folks in ##videolan may know what's wrong00:46
sandeepkr_Is there a linux based OS that comes preinstalled with python, numpy and matplotlib? need it in form of a live cd.00:47
sandeepkr_an ubuntu based will be nice00:48
debkadwhy not just install them00:48
sandeepkr_need it in form of a live cd.00:49
votlonpersistant partition the softwares is the easy way or google how to make ur own live cd :)00:49
debkadi was to say that00:50
debkadcustomized os00:50
kdawgHow to mount a drive in linux without formating it00:53
bazhangwhat sort of drive kdawg00:54
debkadkdawg: that what mount do00:54
kdawgone sec i'll try and write it in one message00:55
kdawgI am looking to back up data from a drive from and old nas i build using windows home server 2011 using drive bender. To make use of drive pool. Its readible from latest ubuntu live cd however its not mounted and show that its empty00:56
Bashing-omkdawg: Terminology ? as 'mount' attaches 'file systems ' .00:57
kdawgi am currently reading this article00:57
hpsmmok I go to sleep its 2:58am here :) goodnight and thx k1l_ :)00:58
OerHekskdawg, you need to find out what the partition(s) are and what type, ext4/ntfs/exfat ..00:58
OerHeksif that NTFS is clean, no broken files or something, you would see it in filemanager00:59
gde33changing permission didn't work (assuming I did it correctly)00:59
kdawgchanging permissions?01:01
kdawgyou mean some how claiming owner ship of the drive before mounting it01:02
OerHeksgde33, vlc got that option in its menu http://askubuntu.com/questions/100231/how-to-set-always-on-top-on-vlc-by-default01:02
kdawgAlso ubuntu mounts all other drives connected on bootup01:02
kdawgjust this one shows up in disks01:02
gde33OerHeks: I keep changing that, it just forgets I did01:02
OerHekskdawg, no permission change, ntfs is not posix, if that ntfs partition is not visible automatic, then check with windows chkdsk01:03
kdawgas unallocated space01:03
kdawgwindows shows it as a drive thats 16843 GB lol01:04
kdawgwhich its not01:04
lordcirthkdawg, sounds like one of those Chinese 16TB HDD's they sell on the street XD01:04
kdawgits a 3tb01:05
kdawgubuntu knows what it is lol01:06
kdawgi think because it was part of a drive pool01:06
OerHeksformat it01:06
kdawgit shows the entire pool data size or tire size of the pool size. if that makes sent01:06
kdawgi dont want to formate it i want to keep the file structure01:07
debkadkdawg: if you are sure there were data inside it, try undelete01:07
OerHeksnope, not with ntfs01:07
kdawgyou mean i cant keep the folder structure01:08
kdawgHeres the thing in the passed long time ago anyways sometimes there was away to mount drives and to display the data the best it could. However i dont remember how. hense why i am here.01:09
debkadi meant Testdik sorry for a typo01:09
kdawgYou could then backup your files. and corrupted files would copy01:09
kdawgi mean01:10
kdawgbut this was at least 10 years ago since i've attempted something like this01:10
debkadkdawg: read this http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step it may help you i think01:10
kdawgthanks i'll read it right now01:11
debkadespecially the part "NTFS Boot sector recovery" kdawg01:11
debkadcross fingers too :)01:12
kdawgumm i wonder01:16
kdawgI can try plugging in the drive directly to the motherboard01:16
kdawgin the passed if memory serves me right sometimes that works01:17
kdawgto read the disk01:17
kdawgwish me luck01:17
debkadgood luck01:17
etzerdhello all01:21
Keydnshow is it i am supposed to save attachments through alpine?01:21
etzerdhow do i check which version of linux that I'm using01:22
debkadetzerd: uname01:22
debkadfor full: uname -a01:22
bazhanglsb_release =a  you mean01:22
debkador cat /etc/os-release01:22
OerHekscat /etc/issue01:23
Keydnsfigure it out!!01:23
Keydnsfigured (***01:23
bazhangdebkad, presumably he means the OS, not the kernel01:23
OerHekshostnamectl status01:23
debkadbazhang: ah you're right, i mis-understand the question01:24
kdawganyone no if cardboard is conductive01:28
kdawgwant it to temporarily seperate a hard drive from my ssd01:28
kdawgtemporary might be like 4 days01:28
kdawgor does that sound like a bad idea01:29
bazhang##hardware kdawg01:30
lordcirthkdawg, cardboard is not conductive.  But be careful about things slipping, falling, vibrating, etc01:30
debkaddidn't get that, but may be it is better to ask that in ##hardware or something01:30
kdawgyup thanks just didn't want a static charge or something lol01:31
kdawgi brushed it off by hand a lil in case of dust01:31
debkadnever touch the device when under electricity ( just an advice )01:31
lordcirthkdawg, cardboard can cause static, I don't know how bad.  Again, ##hardware.01:31
kdawgthanks lordcirth01:33
dust Depends: python3-apt but it is not going to be installed01:36
dust Depends: python3-xkit  but it is not installable01:36
dust  Conflicts: ubuntu-drivers-common  but 1: is to be installed01:36
dustwithout them steam dosnt run... 16.0401:37
gtxbbkdawg, know is not spelled "no"01:37
Ranieri__Hello #ubuntu01:47
Ranieri__I have a particular problem. I need to print out some pages of a secure pdf that uses Vitrium. It's unprintable and uncopyable. You have to log into it on page 1, and then it accesses a server for the content before it's displayed. Any ideas?01:48
=== zot is now known as Zot5
Ranieri__If I screenshot the pages, it is very blurry when I need to print it.01:49
Ranieri__Also, the only reader that properly unlocks the pdf is adobe reader. I am licensed to read it, so I have the content01:50
=== coredump_ is now known as coredump
aus_malHi, I am trying to uninstall an application. When using sudo apt-get remove --purge it gets rid of most, but searching in files reveals that there are some files left over, am I missing something or will I inevitably have to manually remove some files. Thanks.02:02
=== Guest3705 is now known as lllopz
lotuspsychjeaus_mal: what did you purge exactly02:09
aus_malit was gnome-mahjongg02:11
aus_malthen i typed in apt-get autoremove02:12
Bashing-omaus_mal: Maybe ' sudo apt autoremove gnome-mahjongg ' But the package manager will not touch files in your /home .02:13
aus_malsorry if I should be browsing askubuntu or the forums, just got a bit lonely!02:13
aus_malthanks for the answers, just to confirm: "sudo apt autoremove --purge" will get rid of everything associated with the program EXCEPT what is in the Home folder, and I can stop obsessing about any files that were left over? Thanks again.02:15
ubuntu309Anyone know when a Ubuntu phone will be available02:21
Bashing-omaus_mal: I am a hands on type .. and it is surprising what ' dpkg --list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo dpkg --purge ' reveals about orphaned files .02:22
aus_malthanks, I will try to decipher that!02:24
codepython7771my apt-get update is hanging02:25
codepython7771how do i fix that?02:25
aus_malwould love to learn what all these mean and do. would "just" learning bash help with that? Thank you mate.02:26
Bashing-omaus_mal: Basically all it says is that if the package manager finds a file marked as 'rc' then purge it !02:26
etzerdhi all02:28
Bashing-omaus_mal: Learning bash is never a waste of effort : http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FullBashGuide . My favorite .02:28
aus_malthanks very much!02:28
Chukarumy battery is charged 100% but it doesn't stop, the battery still keeps charging for no reason at all. how can i fix this?02:29
etzerdI'm using ubuntu 16.10 beta 1 now beta 2 is just release. how do I upgrade to beta 2 or should I do a fresh install?02:29
Chukaruim on ubuntu 16.0402:29
Chukaruplease someone lend me a hand02:29
etzerdI'm using ubuntu 16.10 beta 1 now beta 2 is just release. how do I upgrade to beta 2 or should I do a fresh install?02:30
Bashing-om!16.10 | etzerd02:30
ubottuetzerd: Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) will be the 25th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released in October 2016. Discussion in #ubuntu+102:30
Chukaruetzerd, please be patient, i too have submitted a problem02:30
Chukarumy battery is charged 100% but it doesn't stop, the battery still keeps charging for no reason at all. how can i fix this?02:31
=== Liz is now known as Guest45653
jtdesigns01how do I create a service of the kind manageable with "sudo service * stop/start/status"  in ubuntu 16.04?02:43
=== rolf is now known as Guest32429
Bashing-omjtdesigns01: See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers http://www.howtogeek.com/216454/how-to-manage-systemd-services-on-a-linux-system/ .02:45
debkadjtdesigns01: i think most init are under /etc/init.d pick one and see how it is wrotten02:45
jtdesigns01debkad: yeah, but when I did that and tried to start it,  it told me that the ".service" unit wasnt found. IE systemd unit file.02:47
debkadthat for systemd ".service" i think02:50
rexwin_I have a production server running websites. Will running sudo apt--get upgrade break my apache and SSL functionality?02:57
Bashing-omrexwin_: "upgrade" only updates installed packages . and if you are stable now there is no reason to expect breakage . ( sudo apt update 1st !)02:59
umindedIm stuck in nvidia login loop. Virtual console is dumping call traces and i cant log in. Secure boot is disabled. How do I remove the driver?02:59
rexwin_can I revert back to the original version after apt-get upgrade if there are problems?03:00
Bashing-omrexwin_: short answer is no . Long answer is yes with a lot of trouble and know how .03:01
codepython7771anyone knows how to fix this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23249502/ ?03:01
=== boomer is now known as bitch
Bashing-om!info texlive-latex-base-doc trusty updates03:05
ubottutexlive-latex-base-doc (source: texlive-base): TeX Live: Documentation files for texlive-latex-base. In component main, is optional. Version 2013.20140215-1 (trusty), package size 36196 kB, installed size 42725 kB03:05
Bashing-omcodepython7771: ^ a PPA " what returns ' apt-cache policy texlive-latex-base ' ?03:06
codepython7771Bashing-om: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23249519/03:09
OerHekscontact the ppa maintainer, bad packaging. or you didn't remove texlive before using this ppa.03:10
codepython7771OerHeks: am i supposed to remove texlive before adding the ppa?03:12
OerHekscodepython7771, the lin#53 goes wrong, Unpacking texlive-latex-base-doc03:13
OerHeksso without previous docs, maybe you succeed03:13
=== Guest80433 is now known as NameNick
codepython7771OerHeks: how do i remove current texlive, before i try again?03:14
codepython7771OerHeks: sudo apt-get purge texlive* - cant even execute that03:17
OerHeksuse ppa-purge03:17
codepython7771OerHeks: exact command please03:17
OerHeksand the option -purge and autoclean and see if there is any cruft in your homefolder03:17
fastAndBulbousI have to regularly transfer large amount of audio files to an android device and the mtp transfer is heinously slow... is there a way to speed this up or this just the way it is?03:17
OerHeksfirst ppa purge03:17
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html03:18
OerHeksgood luck, i don't support ppa's further. endless game.03:18
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Guest38355End Game huh.03:21
Guest38355Not a very fun alternative03:22
=== andyhuzhill1 is now known as andyhuzhill
* OerHeks wonders how that is related to ubuntu support03:23
=== _fs0ciety_ is now known as wadadli
leptoneis vim not installed by default on ubuntu 16 LTS?03:25
leptonei can use the vi command (like i usually do on OS X) but a lot of the commands were working different that how they used to in vi on my mac.03:26
cashHi Everyone03:27
OerHeksvi is installed, Vim Improved03:27
trevor_show do i stop an old program from running in linux when there are two different versions?03:33
trevor_sthe old one always runs instead of the new one03:33
OerHeksnormally the old one gets disabled.03:34
trevor_sok well lets assume that doesn't happen03:34
OerHeksbut with this much info, who can tell?03:35
trevor_sthese are tools that were cloned from github03:35
coonundrumare there any white nationalists here?03:36
cashno coonundrum03:36
OerHekshe is lonely, guys, not seeking ubuntu support.03:38
coonundrumno i just want to code with fellow white nationalists03:38
coonundrumwe can improve the ubuntu codebase03:38
cashGuys i have a legit question - i have an old macbook 5,2 that I UEFI boot ubuntu with.  Sometimes when I resume from Suspend, the wireless card (broadcom) doesnt turn back on and pickup wifi03:39
coonundrumthat's a known problem cash03:39
cashany suggestions? I am not sure if this is wifi driver related, or some other problem - it happends randomly03:40
coonundrumi experience the same problem and so do a bunch of my friends03:40
coonundrumwhat i did was write a bash script that resets the wireless interfaces03:40
cashso.. if i type sudo restart service network-manager it may or may not come back03:40
cashim guessing thats what your script does?03:41
coonundrumyeah something like that03:41
cashI guess i am thinking of possibly changing wifi drivers03:41
cashmy card is partially supported by b4303:41
cashbut right now im using wl (aka bcmwl-kernel-source)03:41
coonundrumthat's an issue from 14.0403:42
coonundrumthat's like 2 years ago lol03:42
coonundrumwhat version are you running?03:42
cashon this macbook - its not my main machine but id like to get it working somehow03:42
cashi mean, it works, but id like to squash the remaining bugs when i find em03:42
coonundrumwell ubuntu is kinky like that03:43
cashoddly, i was using fedora 24 and for 2 weeks i had no problems on the 4.7.2 kernel until it was updated03:43
cashbut that was over a month ago03:43
cashand i brought it back to ubuntu on a uefi boot, not a bios boot03:44
cashso far thngs have been slightly better but the broadcom wifi issues are so annoying when they pop up03:44
coonundrumthey should just integrate code that automatically resets all drives after suspension03:44
coonundrumis over03:44
cashthats a good idea03:44
cashI wonder tho - should I try the b43 driver instead of WL?03:44
coonundrumsee if that makes a difference03:45
cashcould the issue be graphics related?  Im using the stock driver but this macbook has a geforce 9400m from nvidia03:45
=== giraffe is now known as Guest84199
fission6i am running sudo service celery start and getting start: Job failed to start03:45
fission6how can i debug a bit03:45
cashnvidia, apple, broadcom = proprietary mess03:46
coonundrumyou're running a vm on top right?03:46
WhiteNationalisti don't know why i was klined03:48
WhiteNationalisti didn't violate any of freenode's terms of service03:48
debkadoh that you lol03:49
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest51462
cashcoonundrum who were you asking about the vm?03:49
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=== anonymous is now known as Guest36965
WhiteNationalistyou cash03:49
WhiteNationalisti was asking if you were using a vm03:50
cashNo I am not using a VM03:50
cashthe old macbook boots in uefi mode straight from the bootloader03:50
WhiteNationalistthat's cool03:50
cashoddly - the trackpad configured itself totally differently than a Bios install03:50
cashdid this automaticlly - theres no right click anymore lol03:51
cashbut thats another issue03:51
j0_were can one go to get paid linux support? i'm needing help reinstalling grub on an older system03:51
=== Guest51462 is now known as pavlushka
cashmy employees use it03:51
cashj0 call system7603:51
cash$100 per hr03:51
NeXTSUNwhy would a whitenationalist use ubuntu?03:51
WhiteNationalistNeXTSUN: why not?03:51
j0_cash: thanks.. anyone that does 24x7 support? :)03:51
NeXTSUNwhy not aryan OS?03:52
fission6how do i reload upstart scripts in /etc/init03:52
cashj0 idk03:52
WhiteNationalistubuntu is a decent os that you can use to develop web apps with03:52
NeXTSUNYeah but ubtuntu is about africa03:52
cfhowlettNeXTSUN, please.  not even remotely true.03:52
WhiteNationalistmark shuttleworth is white03:52
NeXTSUNironic right?03:53
NeXTSUNbut he loves ....03:53
Bashing-omj0_: What is the nature of the problem that you do not utilize these assetts here ?03:53
NeXTSUNmark shuttlwworth loves africa03:53
j0_Bashing-om: i'm in a rush and would prefer to pay for support and hand holding :)03:53
NeXTSUNwouldn't that be against the white cause whitenationalist??03:53
cashj0 unfortunatley linux takes forever03:53
cfhowlett!ot | NeXTSUN03:54
ubottuNeXTSUN: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:54
WhiteNationalistactually it's bonus points for the white cause03:54
WhiteNationalistyou never saw any non whites invent computers or software03:54
cashyo White -Dr Dre invented beats, so there03:54
j0_cash: lol.. yes, it sometimes does... it's been too many years since I worked with linux so all my knowledge is rusty03:54
fission6why does this ln -s show up in black and red? http://imgur.com/a/PUJ3f03:54
WhiteNationalistcash lol that's not an invention03:54
cashj0 the internet has so much free info03:54
NeXTSUNwhy name dedicate it african philosphy then and use the os?03:55
reisiofission6: readlink it03:55
cashJay Z invented the Tidal Software whch is bombing03:55
WhiteNationalisthe did not invent that either03:55
fission6reisio: ?03:55
Bashing-omj0_: Sorry - not really though - that I know of no such; Maybe a local shop ?03:55
reisiofission6: 'readlinke path/to/thing'03:55
cfhowlettfission6, your terminal is set to display that way.  different terminal emulators = different themes03:55
NeXTSUNmark shuttleworth would be disgusted in you whitenationalist so why use his software?03:55
reisiofission6: 'readlink path/to/thing'03:55
j0_Bashing-om, not any local linux shops i'm aware of03:55
reisioyes, the white south african would be disgusted03:55
j0_right now i'm not even able to boot my rescue cd.. keeps wanting to know where my driver image is.. ideas?03:55
cashthe wright brothers were black right?03:56
reisiocash: obviously03:56
WhiteNationalistget mark shuttleworth in here and let's see what he says03:56
NeXTSUNiam pretty sure mark shuttleworth is liberal as isarael and your not03:56
WhiteNationalistyou're not being very liberal right now with your attacks03:56
fission6reisio: what am i looking for in the output03:56
fission6i get celery.cong03:56
fission6which is odd03:56
reisiofission6: pastebin03:56
NeXTSUNwho said i WAS03:57
fission6should be celery.conf but i dont understand what readlink is showing03:57
NeXTSUNI just find it ironic03:57
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
Bashing-omj0_: 1st oeder is to insure that in bios the CD drive is set to 1st boot priority .03:57
NeXTSUNand gives your name a bad rap03:57
j0_Bashing-om, i think i'm going to try to burn it to an actual physical CD.. (it is an old system)03:57
j0_right now i'm trying off USB03:57
cashguys - lets not get carried away.  back to computer stuff03:57
debkadwhat happen here03:58
WhiteNationalistNeXTSUN: it would be ironic if the people who invented ubuntu were niggers03:58
cfhowlettj0_, old systems like lubuntu03:58
debkadah solved03:58
cashyes cfhowlett03:58
procyonwhy did that take so long :|03:58
cashthey love it03:58
Bashing-omj0_: one other step back . verify the .iso ? and verify the cipy to USB ?03:58
cashespecially old ex-corporate business laptops from Dell03:59
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=== zel is now known as Guest27182
cashguys, when i type lspci -knn | grep Net -A2 , im told i have a different wifi card than I actually do04:02
fission6how do i reload upstart scripts, it does not seem to reconigze the service of a script04:08
Rarrikinsfission6: service whatever restart04:09
Bashing-omfission6: What release are you on ?04:09
debkadservice name_of_service restart or stop then start04:09
fission6celery: unrecognized service04:09
fission6i just added celery.conf to /etc/init/04:09
fission6any ideas/04:11
debkadfission6: there is a simple init.d script here: https://gist.github.com/naholyr/4275302 take a look04:14
debkadi think i lost internet again04:16
fission6my issue is that upstart does not find the service04:16
debkadyou must create it i think, as like in the example in that link04:17
unrobotSuggest me a good icon pack that suits with ARC dark theme.04:30
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Guest38355Looking for freenode admins05:26
cfhowlettGuest38355, go to freenode, not ubuntu05:26
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:35
ubottuError: You are not identified05:36
matejkohow to login?05:36
matejkoon IRC05:36
cfhowlett!register | matejko05:36
ubottumatejko: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode05:36
matejkocfhowlett: thx but im registered but don't know how to login lol05:39
pantatoi'm trying to use youtube-dl to download a playlist05:40
pantatoand the online articles i'm seeing aren't helping05:40
pantatoit only downloads the first song05:40
pantatoi've tried a bunch of different arguments05:40
pantatono idea what i'm doing wrong05:40
ballpenpantato: paste yer output bro05:42
Jordan_Umatejko: Your IRC client should have an option to set a login password. While there are other ways to identify, that is usually the best way.05:42
ballpenyoutube-dl "playlist_url"05:42
pantatoballpen: figured it out. I needed to put the url in quotes05:42
pantatodon't need quotes for a singular video though. Weird.05:42
ballpenpantato: it also happens in peerflix05:43
debkadmay be it contain some special characters05:43
debkadie: & and stuff05:43
ballpenyou need to put torrent/magnet link in quotes05:43
pantatoownload] 100% of 4.95MiB in 00:0005:43
pantatowoops didn't mean to paste that05:43
pantatoballpen: ooh can i use that to bypass tpb's stupid magnet thing?05:44
ballpenpantato: it helps in streaming movies without downloading it05:44
ballpenpeerflix "torrent/magnet lin" --vlc/mplayer05:45
ubottuError: You are not identified05:45
pantatooh sick05:45
matejko_2@login hpsmm05:45
pantatothat's awesome05:46
pantatois there a gui version?05:46
ballpenpantato: sure it is05:46
ballpenpantato: no gui bro but cli one is very easy to use05:46
ubottuError: You are not identified05:47
hpsmm@login hpsmm05:48
ubottuuse @login05:48
ubottuError: You are not identified05:48
ubottuYou can identify to NickServ automatically when connecting to freenode. See https://www.freenode.net/faq.shtml#identify for more information. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, as a typo will give away your password. If that happens, identify and then type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.05:48
cfhowletthpsmm, 1.  that is not how freenoe logs in   2.  this is not the freenode channel.  go to #freenode05:48
hpsmmokay i get it, thx05:49
DK2what is the best way to upgrade a productive server from ubuntu 14 to 16?05:55
ballpenDK2: take ma advice don't do it05:56
ballpen14 is still much better than 1605:56
DK2whys that?05:56
OerHeksDK2, just upgrade to the next lts, and read the changes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes05:57
OerHeksand if you production-server, you should have a test-server too05:58
OerHeksc/if you have05:58
alkisgIt's quite easy to do a `cp -a /old-installation /new-installation` to keep a backup before upgrades...06:00
orlockOerHeks: Everybody has a test server - Some people even have seperate production serers!06:00
ulrichardHow can I run a snap from the commandline? "snap run telegram-sergiusens" doesn't work.06:21
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ducasseulrichard: look in /snap/bin06:25
OerHeksulrichard, snap list # then you find the names, type a few letters and tab to complete06:25
ulrichardOerHeks: That is how I found the name that the question is about.06:31
ulrichardducasse: What do I look for in /snap/bin?06:32
OerHekswait, after install, isn't it available in the dash menu with icon ?06:32
OerHeksjups, it is06:32
ulrichardOerHeks: Yes, I can start it from the dash. But I want it to automatically start when I log in.06:33
OerHeksopen startup programs, type telegram in dash, and drag the icon to startup programs, done06:34
ulrichardOerHeks: That seems to work. Thanks for this insight. I dodn't know drag n drop works for this. The commandline it resulted in is : "env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/telegram-sergiusens_telegram.desktop /snap/bin/telegram-sergiusens.telegram %U"06:37
OerHekssaves a lot of typing06:38
User39943I wish to run Ubuntu side by side with Windows 10 (my primary OS). Will things get all screwy with boot loader or w.e?06:39
orlockUser39943: No, should be fine - tried Ubuntu for Windows?06:40
OerHeksUser39943, it can be done, with/without UEFI06:40
pantatoUser39943: it should work. But I much prefer to have separate HDs for multiple OS installs06:41
pantato1 ssd for winblows, 1 for ubuntu06:41
User39943I'm using an Ultrabook, so sadly don't have the option06:41
pantatoi honestly wouldn't do it06:42
pantatowhat are you gonna use ubuntu for?06:42
User39943orlock: Did you mean run it as a Virtual machine?06:42
pantatoUser39943: no, there is a version of ubuntu that can be installed inside of windows 10 now06:42
User39943programming, etc06:42
pantatoUser39943: if you're gonna use it for that, I would just use a VM06:43
ubottuCanonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.06:43
pantatoor a VPS even should be fine if you're not making GUI stuff06:43
OerHeksbeta and not reliable yet06:43
pantatoI get a really awesome/cheap VPS through nfoservers.com06:43
pantatoi love it06:43
OerHeksUser39943, let windows make the free space and you'll be fine06:44
pantatoOerHeks: I've had the most success by installing windows first, then booting off the ubuntu usb stick, then choosing the "install alongside windows" option06:44
pantatowhich resizes the partition inside of that setup06:45
pantatoUser39943: have you tried VirtualBox?06:46
User39943To be honest... I want to give Linux a fair chance to possibly be my new primary OS. So I'm thinking dual booting is probably the way to go. I don't like experiencing performance issues VM's are prone to (or well in my experience... probably crappy CPU's)06:47
pantatoUser39943: does your machine have an SSD or an HDD?06:48
pantatoother than programming, what do you use your machine for?06:48
gebruikeris the new flash already available? source: source: http://www.zdnet.com/article/adobe-reanimates-npapi-flash-for-linux-after-4-year-stasis/06:48
User39943browsing internet, videos, word processing06:49
User39943typical things06:49
pantatowell if you are a super user of micrsoft office nothing can really replace that as of yet06:50
User39943yeah... abiword just isn't the same06:51
pantatoas far as the other things i can say with confidence ubuntu is perfectly fine if not better06:51
pantatowhat sort of things are you wanting to program?06:51
Kartagisdoes anyone remember my videos fps issue?06:52
User39943some phone apps, and some pointless University code assignments06:53
morriswakerAnyone seen that new Denial film by Becker Street?06:53
User39943languages - C++, C#, python, lisp, java06:54
User39943oh and C06:54
pantatoUser39943: id say go ahead and dual boot. Bear in mind youll have to do a total fresh install of windows if you want things back to normal once you do06:54
pantatoalso i recommenr 14.04 instead of 16.0406:55
OerHeksif he has a recent netbook, 16.04 lts06:56
pantato14.04 forever06:56
User39943Is 16.04 kind of.... problematic06:56
pantatoi dunno it boots up slower and there are less software guides for it06:58
KartagisUser39943: it's usually a case of PEBKAC06:58
pantatoI'm just biased because 14.04 has been so good to me :p06:58
pantatooh also whatever version you pick stick with it. Ubuntu does not do well with distro upgrades. Fresh installs only06:59
OerHeksplease pantato, totally nonsense ..06:59
pantatoOerHeks: When is the last time you did a distro uograde without running into a bunch of problems?07:01
User39943Do I want to run a Ubuntu Installer or Install via flash drive?07:01
OerHekspantato, many times.07:01
User39943I don't want Windows to get all screwed up.  Will this only happen should I chose to remove Ubuntu?07:02
OerHeksUser39943, do not use the wubi installer, use a flashdrive07:02
gebruikertry ubuntu in virtualbox07:02
User39943This has me concerned lol "Bear in mind youll have to do a total fresh install of windows if you want things back to normal once you do"07:04
pantatoUser39943: make your flash drive with a windows program called Rufus. It is incredibly reliable07:04
Ben64User39943: that's completely wrong07:04
orlockUser39943: nah, not really07:04
OerHekshe is trolling07:04
pantatoIm judt giving advice based on my experience im not trolling07:04
Ben64User39943: the channel ##windows can advise you on how to re-do the MBR so windows will boot, then you can go ahead and delete the ubuntu partitions07:04
orlockOerHeks: yeah, ubuntu the OS and this channel are both so noob friendly there's a lot of room for trolls to spout incorrect-but-plausible crap at unsuspecting people07:05
pantatoim not trolling jfc07:05
User39943Okay, so things only become problematic for Windows if i chose to remove Ubuntu?07:05
OerHeksUser39943, it does not.07:05
Ben64User39943: not if you do it the way i just said07:05
gebruikerUser39943, I had to reinstall my entire computer07:06
pantatoUser39943: if theres one piece of advice i am absolutely 100% sure on is to make your ubuntu flash drive with a program called rufus. You cannot go wrong with that one07:06
User39943I've used it before as well07:07
gebruikerbut yeah go ahead it will be fun07:07
User39943Oh! Is swapping files between the OS's on same SSD easy these days?07:09
User39943Or do I need to create a separate partition for that?07:09
ducasseUser39943: linux can read/write just about anything.07:09
gebruikerUser39943, is linux more secure than windows?07:10
OerHeksubuntu can read/write ntfs/exfat fine, and there is a windows driver for ext4 .. not used myself.07:10
wilsonchloe582hey i may sound like a newb here but how do i use wireshark on ubuntu 16.04 ive looked online and on youtube and i cant get a straight foward answer07:11
ducassewilsonchloe582: use for what?07:11
Ben64wilsonchloe582: sudo apt-get install wireshark; wireshark07:11
wilsonchloe582no not how to install it like how to grab ppls ip and see where they are07:12
Ben64what does that mean07:12
User39943don't you need specific hardware07:12
wilsonchloe582i know how to install stuff lol07:12
Ben64wireshark just captures packets07:12
User39943not all wireless adapters can do... special... stuff07:12
wilsonchloe582@user39943 what do u mean07:13
Ben64wilsonchloe582: best if you explain in detail what you're trying to do, and what is happening that you don't expect07:13
wilsonchloe582ok so lets say im on skype or omegle i want to grab there ip and freak them out by telling them ik where they live lol07:14
hateballSounds more like ##networking imo07:14
wilsonchloe582if possible can i do the same from termanil07:15
User39943wilsonchloe582: what I was referring to was something called monitor mode (though the term escaped me for a moment)07:15
wilsonchloe582user39943 oh lol07:16
User39943Time to install Ubuntu... Hopefully all goes well. Thanks for the help07:18
d0d50fe2e21a57c8Funny song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyxNgnQ9m3007:19
pantatoOerHeks: I did a distro upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04 and it was a total disaster. Errors galore. I googled some of the issues and a lot of people on the forums advised against doing distro upgrades.07:21
pantatoMaybe there's some hoops to jump through, some fixes to apply here and there,07:22
wilsonchloe582how can i change the color of my name on here is it /color then i just input the color of choice07:22
igoryonyahello, I do-release-upgrade. It updated package list. Started calculating of changes. Then, it stops, saying: cannot compute system update. Discovered unresolvable problem. Then it aborts upgrading and returns everything to the original state.07:23
igoryonyaIt doesn't show details about which packages caused the update abortion07:23
ducassepantato: as long as you don't use a hundred ppas distro upgrades work just fine.07:24
igoryonyaIs there a way to find out, what it stumbles upon, so I will @ least know, what to remove before trying to upgrade again?07:24
ducasseigoryonya: use ppa-purge to get rid of ppa packages07:25
igoryonyabut I need to know, which ppa packages to remove, How to find out which ppa packages are the stumbling block in my case?07:26
ducasseigoryonya: just remove all of them, ppas are problematic for distro upgrades.07:27
gebruikerdont use ppa s07:28
jhajiI wan't to keep fixed ip for in-coming requset but rotate ip for sending request07:29
igoryonyaducasse: I don't want to remove all of them. I need to remove only the necessary ones, since some packages don't exist in new versions of Ubuntu, that I need and I won't be able to reinstall them later.07:29
ducasseigoryonya: and you don't think they might be causing the problem?07:30
igoryonyaducasse: I've upgraded many times before with my ppa's enabled and still have packages installed from previous distro, that don't exist in current distro and nothing similar. and everything works fine.07:32
igoryonyaI ment nothing similar, that I could replace the old package with.07:33
ducasseigoryonya: that may be, but the general advice is that ppas should be removed before upgrades. that's the only supported way.07:35
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ducasseigoryonya: as long as the packages don't cause conflicts, you can install them again later also.07:36
igoryonyaI don't mind to remove, but I would prefer to just remove only the necessary problemmatic packages, not all of them. I need to figure out a way, what package upgrade gets stumbled upon, so I would remove only that, problemmatic package.07:37
wilsonchloe582whats up07:42
wilsonchloe582same how can i change my names color on here07:42
mexicantoasterI don't know, probably depends on the program you are using07:43
wilsonchloe582im useing hexchat07:43
igoryonyagebruiker: I would not use ppas, if everything, I need was in the official repo. Some times, it happens, when some package appears in the official repo. In this case, I sacrifice the latest version in ppa to the one in official repo07:43
ducassed0d50fe2e21a57c8: take the nazi crap elsewhere07:43
igoryonyad0d50fe2e21a57c8: Oh, yea, and so what07:43
d0d50fe2e21a57c8lol nazi crap07:44
d0d50fe2e21a57c8MORE NAZI CRAP!07:44
ducasse!ops | d0d50fe2e21a57c807:44
ubottud0d50fe2e21a57c8: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu07:44
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demahumshutdown vs shutdown -h?07:54
Naeildemahum, you can use the man command to see the '-h' what stand for.07:56
demahumNaeil: Already read. Can't get it. Basically, I am intrested in the answer which one will really turn off my server - which one is the same as that power off click we do on Ubuntu Desktop?07:58
=== tking0036 is now known as Guest55146
mexicantoasterI think I messed up my ubuntu :(08:01
Naeildemahum, for me when I need to shutdown one of the nodes in my cluster manually I type shutdown -h now08:01
Naeilfollow this link, it is basics but a useful tips : http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-shutdown-linux/08:01
pantatomexicantoaster: what's up?08:02
mexicantoasterI was trying to get steam to work my video card, ended up manually installing the radeon drivers which did not work and I somehow got it working but I'm worried I really messed something up08:03
pantatomexicantoaster: i dont follow. What makes you think you messed something up?08:04
trailtronHas anyone got any idea on how to get sound working in Epiphany browser in Lubuntu other than 'Lol use firefox'08:06
mexicantoastersorry, I'm getting this error "grep: symbol looup error: grep: undefined symbol: pcre_jit_stack_alloc" multiple times08:06
pantatomexicantoaster: when you do what?08:07
Naeiltrailtron, /j #lubuntu #lubuntu-devel08:07
mexicantoasterwhen I run steam from the console08:07
trailtron#join gnome08:08
pantatomexicantoaster: http://askubuntu.com/questions/761176/steam-doesnt-start-after-upgrade-to-ubuntu-16-0408:08
pantatotry that?08:08
david89On a ubuntu spin/derivative, can the ubuntu-sdk ppa be added and used to istall the sdk?08:08
mexicantoasterpantato: thanks I will try, it's just become a huge headache getting steam to work08:09
proxx_mexicantoaster ,well i hate to say this but when u having working fx its pretty straight forward08:11
mexicantoasterthat first link worked! finally.08:12
mexicantoasterproxx_: what do you mean? the graphics? many other people had similar issues with the video I have online08:12
mexicantoastervideo card*08:13
proxx_mexicantoaster I admit it can be a pain :P08:13
proxx_worst part is that nvidia sucks about as much these days , poor linux ppl08:14
mexicantoasterreally? I was thinking I should have bought an nvidia card insteal of a radeon08:14
mexicantoasteroh wait nvm, I can't read08:15
proxx_No nvidia is really being a pain the last several years, they screwed over the community08:15
proxx_ill never buy one again , and yes on-topic :P08:15
demahumNaeil: Thanks a lot. That command works for me as well. However, I am more interested in fully understanding what is the difference and what happens behind each of them. But thanks of course. :)08:17
atanasiohijos de puta08:18
HelloEarthsomeone with ELK (Elasticsearch, logstash and kibana) syslog system experience????????08:23
blutWhich pam implementation does Ubuntu 16.04 use?08:24
NaeilAsk your question HelloEarth and if there is anyone who could help, he/she will spoke up :)08:24
HelloEarthno questions Naeil08:25
HelloEarthonly opinions08:25
HelloEarthand recomendations08:25
de-factowaaa Xorg is maxing out my hdd and i cant shit xenial down08:25
NaeilI work daily with those services and I am using docker08:26
thekrynnis it common for NFS to cause high load averages with minimal cpu?08:26
HelloEarthare you using ELK?08:26
HelloEarthi want to monitor all my pfsenses firewalls08:26
HelloEarthnot monitor sorry, only syslog08:27
NaeilI would recommend this tutorial HelloEarth https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-centralize-logs-with-rsyslog-logstash-and-elasticsearch-on-ubuntu-14-0408:28
de-factothat was nasty, not even sysrq was working for shutting down08:29
Naeildemahum, you welcome, sorry I didn't saw your message. the shutdown command have extra arguments while poweroff doesn't, for example we can use shutdown to reboot the system with -r argument while we can't with poweroff08:30
HelloEarthThanks Naeil08:31
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robotdevilmavis beacon08:34
demahumNaeil: ok ok - thanks :)08:35
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juanonymouswhat is a trf compression?08:41
Jakey3would this cron work 40 9 * * * /sbin/xset dpms force off08:41
juanonymousand how do i install this on my system?08:42
sun_lchaohello 米那桑08:42
robotdevilsasung printer center freezes consistently....08:46
sun_lchao米那桑 what are you doing?08:47
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:53
akiksun_lchao: this channel is for ubuntu linux support08:53
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:53
xtreamwayzI've got my main drive and a second mounted data drive. What would be the best strategy these days to backup my system in such a way that I can restore it from Ubuntu live.09:00
xtreamwayzOr even better, restore only parts of it if I messed up something.09:02
kruzinHi there, I need help with setting up a crontab to run at startup - any help?09:06
SkyriderEllo all.. Quick Q before I'll get back on this channel using my irc bouncer. If I create a new linux user, it appears to be created with /bin/sh as shell.09:07
SkyriderWhat's the major difference between /bin/bash and /bin/sh?09:07
proxx_kruzin just ask09:07
SkyriderI've looked over the internet for it, but I can't find any answer regarding that it doesn't matter which one of the 2 you pick for the user.09:07
SkyriderIt's a sudo user btw.09:07
Jakey3where do i need to put a script if i want to run a cron job on it?09:07
kruzinproxx_: Well, I'm running a python script in the crontab. How do I make sure it runs on reboot too?09:08
proxx_kruzin you can use shutdown scripts for that, just call the same script iirc there is no way of being sure cron does its thing before shutdown etc unless you put a timeout on the shutdowns09:09
k1lSkyrider: are you sure about /bin/sh? how did you create those?09:10
kruzinproxx_: hmm.. if I run it the crontab from root - will it keep running? my script is written to loop.09:11
Skyriderwebmin (create user) auto applied bin/sh09:11
proxx_kruzin well in that case why would you need a cron ?09:11
k1lSkyrider: oh, webmin. well that is known to make a mess of your system09:12
proxx_kruzin if you are saying it runs on an infinite loop i suggest you just make a sort of daemon out of it that is started post boot09:12
kruzinproxx_: I run the script which sleeps for 30 seconds and starts again in a loop. The problem is, when I restart the machine, I want it to auto-run09:12
SkyriderReally? :p never experienced that.09:12
SkyriderCould be that I never have noticed.09:12
kruzinproxx_: how could I do that?09:12
SkyriderWhat do you use then for a control panel? (if you use any)09:13
k1l!webmin | Skyrider09:13
ubottuSkyrider: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.09:13
SkyriderThat sucks09:13
proxx_kruzin depends on how clean it has to be , you could just make a post boot script which is hackish but easy09:13
SkyriderAny recommendations for a free CP?09:14
k1lSkyrider: i dont use a control panel. i manage my systems manually.09:14
kruzinproxx_: Hmm.. let me give it a shot09:14
SkyriderThanks :)09:14
proxx_@kruzin you could for testing purp redirect its output to another file , easier to see if its running n stuff09:16
kruzinproxx_: you mean script >> output.file or something?09:16
proxx_kruzin yes09:17
kruzinproxx_: sure, I'll give it a try right away09:17
proxx_kruzin depending on which version you are but this would be the better cleaner way https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-automatically-execute-shell-script-at-startup-boot-on-systemd-linux09:17
kruzinproxx_: checking09:18
z8zhow to access my ubuntu desktop using some remote desktop system?09:28
proxx_z8z look up X11 forwarding over SSH09:30
z8zproxx_: isnt that incredibly slow?09:31
lotuscomputersz8z: be carefull with remote desktops for security reasons09:32
proxx_z8z , depends or your line , but who needs a gui really ?09:33
OerHeksif you want to play arcade games remote, yes.09:33
z8zproxx_: the people who needs to use and app with a gui in remote :D09:34
lotuscomputersz8z: those people get mostly system compromized also09:34
proxx_z8z you can passthrough a single app instead of the whole desktop09:35
proxx_z8z Basically start the gui remotely with the display running local09:35
z8zlotuscomputers: but some of them don't give a %£)" about being compromized as they are not running any classified stuff09:36
proxx_z8z I do that all the time with virt-manager09:36
proxx_Hes just scared and doesnt know how to protect himself ,09:36
z8zproxx_: thanks i know how to do that but i was searching for something fast and extremely insecure to work comfortable :D09:38
proxx_nomachine is also very awesome09:38
th0rz8z, (nice job of answering the questoin guys). There are several ways to access a gui remotely. VNC is popular. I have done some research with a friend in europe and found ssh X-forwarding was pretty good since it only sends the open window.09:39
z8zye vnc i couldn't figure how to have applications top bar to be shown :D09:39
th0rz8z, there was also a package called NX that I doubt the folks at ubuntu would allow to be installed, but it was faster than anythnig except ssh/X09:39
ThePentesterproblem with creating users09:39
ThePentesteri know this sound strange but this what happens09:40
proxx_z8z look into guacamole, just run it in a webbrowser (html5)09:40
k1lThePentester: what ubuntu is it exactly?09:40
ThePentester i can't create users except with the name "test"09:40
proxx_z8z awesome performance09:40
ThePentesterk1l , actually i'm using debian09:41
k1lThePentester: then please ask in #debian09:41
ThePentesterk1l i can't send anything there i don't know why09:41
th0rz8z, if you just need a program, and not the whole desktop, ssh and X-forwarding is probably the way to go09:41
ThePentesterubuntu is based on debian ?!09:41
k1lThePentester: i guess its because you are running as root, which is bad.09:41
lotuscomputers!debian | ThePentester09:41
ubottuThePentester: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!09:41
ThePentesteri told you i can't create users09:41
k1lThePentester: then ask in ##linux09:42
th0rz8z, you can do it on windows also (or could...don't know about win8 or win10) using a package called xming09:42
z8zproxx_: guacamole :|09:42
ppfThePentester: you need to register and identify with nickserv for ##debian09:42
ThePentesterppf already done it09:42
proxx_z8z I had a test setup with that and it works beyond anything i expected09:43
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z8zth0r: i tried ssh and X but was really slow... (i mean insane slow)09:44
proxx_You can set the compression higher and the encryption lower09:44
ppfThePentester: you identified as well?09:44
proxx_really helps perf09:44
Jakey3why does this cron job not work http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23250393/09:44
fpghost84Could someone help with my vpn connection on buntu 16? This http://superuser.com/questions/1129402/vpn-issues-with-ubuntu-16-04 has a full briefing of my configs and log outputs, but basically the openvpn connects seemingly successfully, but all requests,pings etc just timeout09:44
ThePentesterppf yes09:45
ThePentesterany help ?09:45
morfsilly question: how can i change memcached startup script (i need to create /var/run/memcached/ directory) ... i have tried to edit /etc/init.d/memcached but it hasn't have any effect... didn't find the right thing to edit i guess, any advice pls? :)09:45
z8zfpghost84: depends on what is your goal i might have a easier solution09:46
ThePentesterppf ?09:46
fpghost84z8z: what do you suggest?09:46
z8zfpghost84: what do you have to do? :D09:46
fpghost84z8z: I need to connect to my vpn and access the internet09:47
ppfyeah no idea. if you identified with nickserv you should be able to talk in #debian09:47
z8zfpghost84: use the vpn just as a proxy?09:47
ThePentesterppf any help with this problem ?09:47
fpghost84z8z: unfortunately that won't work for me09:47
ppfon the other hand i don't know whether this ircing as root user is a thing09:47
ppfThePentester: if it's a debian problem, ask over there09:48
SkyriderThere we go09:48
ThePentesterwhen i create users with other names i can't login display doesn't work09:48
fpghost84this was working just fine on ubuntu 14, and after upgrade to 16 stopped09:48
ppf"display doesn't work"?09:48
fpghost84I need it for work, so it's a real issue09:48
Ben64Jakey3: surely there's a better way to do whatever it is you're trying to do there09:48
ThePentesteryeah i type username the password and then it's back and keep asking09:48
Jakey3Ben64, ok but in this case why is my cron job not working09:49
Ben64it is working09:49
Jakey3not for me09:49
z8zfpghost84: use as a proxy? can you reply to my qyestions? :D09:49
Jakey3my screen doesnt turn off09:49
fpghost84z8z: I did, I said proxy won't work for me09:50
ppfJakey3: who's crontab is that in?09:50
k1lThePentester: as already explained: we cant focus on different distributions. ask the #debian ops why you are muted /banned there. or try ##linux09:50
Pointblank_1Hi and good day to all of you. Which syntax would you use to replace a line in one file (identified by some string, or may be by line number) by some line from another file? Example: file1.txt contains 2 rows: 1. Temperature is: 2. 35 °C  #change_me,  file2.txt contains 3 rows: 1. Current data 2. Temperature is: 3. 36 °C  #change_me. Glad for any input if you know. :)09:50
Ben64Jakey3: it's set to only run the script at 10:18am09:50
fpghost84z8z: I need this for work, and must have a VPN connection09:50
Jakey3Ben64, yes i tested at 10.18 nothing happended09:50
z8zfpghost84: i mean you need to use this vps as a proxy? to use different IP on the internet?09:50
Ben64then the script is bad09:50
fpghost84z8z: It all worked fine on ubuntu 14, so it must be something simple09:50
Ben64Jakey3: really, what you're doing doesn't make sense. why turn the screen off at 10:18am09:51
Jakey3ppf, what do youmean09:51
Ben64just set the screen to turn off after x minutes09:51
ppfJakey3: who is running this script09:51
Jakey3i was testing this morning at 10.1809:51
fpghost84z8z: no, I want VPN. For my private airvpn VPN I want vpn for enhanced security that proxy doesn't offer, and for work I need VPN to access the internal network09:51
Jakey3it was an example09:51
Jakey3but my screen didnt switch off09:51
Ben64Jakey3: just set the screen to turn off after x minutes09:52
ppfJakey3: essentially, xset needs to know the X it is talking to09:52
Jakey3ok so how do i set who it talks to09:52
ppfBen64: why try to convince him that his problem is wrong instead of solving it?09:53
ppfJakey3: -display09:53
Ben64ppf: because it is wrong09:53
ppfBen64: how do you know?09:53
Jakey3ppf,  do you mind being explicit how do i add -display to my script09:53
ppfJakey3: it's usually something like -display :009:53
Ben64it doesn't make any sense to randomly turn the screen off at a certain time/times regardless of use09:53
Jakey3it goes that the begining of the shell script09:54
ppfif it is at a given time, it kinda explicitely isn't random09:54
ppfJakey3: no, it's an xset argument: xset -display :0 ...09:54
z8zfpghost84: i don't clearly understand what you need then.. if configure the vps server at work or just connect to the work vpn09:54
fpghost84z8z: I'm not sure what bit you're not understanding. I connect to the vpn, yet the requests to websites etc fail and timeout. I need some help figuring out why09:55
Jakey3ppf,  what is weird is if i run it with my user with 'display ...' it works09:55
ppfJakey3: in a live session, X is identified via the DISPLAY environment variable09:56
Jakey3ppf, ah ok thanks09:56
ppffpghost84: your routing table looks suspicous09:56
fpghost84ppf: how so?09:56
ppfi'm assuming is your work gateway?09:57
z8zfpghost84: ok then... you are just connecting as a client.... then i'm not sure about how to help you with this issue09:57
ppfall your routes go through your work vpn09:57
ppfis that intentional?09:58
fpghost84ppf: so this is all for an AirVPN which also fails09:58
fpghost84I basically just used the ovpn file AirVPN generates09:58
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ppfcan you ping anything on the vpn network09:58
fpghost84you mean another address like say?09:59
fpghost84I'd have to connect to VPN and try, but it will kill my internet and IRC09:59
fpghost84one moment10:00
ppffpghost84: maybe also try multiple machines10:02
ppfin case the don't do icmp10:02
Jakey3ppf, can my script screen.sh reside in my home folder10:03
ppfJakey3: sure10:04
fpghost84ppf: no I couldn't10:04
ppfany machine? or just the one?10:04
Jakey3so i have the cron job set to 6 11 * * * /home/c1/screen.sh10:04
fpghost84ppf: I just tried I don't know if that's a valid machine though, I mean this is airvpn10:05
fpghost84I don't know anthing about their network10:05
Jakey3ppf, doesnt seem to work10:05
Ben64Jakey3: set it to * * * * *10:05
ppfJakey3: no don't do that10:05
Jakey3lol im not reatard10:05
Ben64yes do do that, then you can test it every minute instead of keep editing and waiting10:06
Jakey3but i cant type :D10:06
ppfi need to go grab some food10:07
Sevetjakey3: it might run with a different environment, eg a different PATH, that makes the script fail when it works ok at your prompt10:07
Sevetjakey3: if there're errors running it you'll get an email (which might be in your mailbox file, you can avoid that by setting MAILTO in the crontab). you could also check syslog to verify cron is running it.10:08
Jakey3Sevet, ok thanks10:08
Aizencan any1 help me with SSO ?10:12
Azrael84ppf: fpghost here10:12
Aizeni have went through multiple links10:12
Azrael84ppf: weird i changed use lzo compression and it all works!10:12
Azrael84ppf: I don't understand this at all10:12
Aizenbut could not get relevant answer10:12
Aizencan some body help me ?10:12
Ben64!details | Aizen10:13
ubottuAizen: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.10:13
stevenmhey is it normal on the new 16.04 - for Ctrl+Alt+F1 to have stopped working?10:13
AizenI am using UBuntu 14.04 as my server.. where we are trying to configure ldap using sso for our web application10:14
Aizeni have installed ldap successfully on ubuntu10:15
Aizenbut sso .. i am not understanding how to install it10:15
Aizenshould it be configured using any 3rd party tool or should be directly installed as that of LDAP10:15
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AizenAnd also our web apllication is deployed using tomcat810:16
GourlayI have a second screen Samsung TV and I connect i to HDMI, how do I change sceen LCD brightness on it?10:18
AizenAny1 der?10:19
bazhangpatience Aizen10:19
Aizensorry i thought my screen lagged ? so,10:19
upgradingto1604hello there. I'm trying to upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04. I'm in the middle of the upgrade, but it is getting stuck; the "terminal" in the upgrade window just shows a "[More]" writing (and I can't resize that window to show what's going on). I guess dpkg-reconfigure is asking me some question that I can't see. is there some workaround to make it proceed?10:19
proxx_Gourlay , on the tv itself ? , in case of nvidia or ati you can do that from the control center10:20
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GourlayI have an Nvidia card, and have computer to TV with HDMI10:20
Gourlaywill try Nvidia card, does this work, by the way: http://askubuntu.com/questions/149054/how-to-change-lcd-brightness-from-command-line-or-via-script?10:21
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Guest97327oye teri10:23
shadyzMost of the things can be reconfigured in the command line...like cpu..to gpu10:25
jenohow would i get a shell script to start on boot?10:25
shadyzWhich programming language is it writting in10:28
Azrael84ppf: On my work vpn, strange things are happening. I can ssh and ping the IP of a node on the network, but if I use the hostname (in the browser or ping) it timesout10:31
Azrael84ppf: this is despite the fact that dig <hostname> returns the correct IP10:32
Jakey3tested my crons they work for another test script for this one https://paste.ubuntu.com/23250585/ no joy10:34
shadyzWell seem most of us having unata10:35
shadyz#ustable network10:36
Ben64Jakey3: does the script work if you run it from ssh login10:37
Jakey3Ben64, didnt try why would it make a difference?10:37
John[Lisbeth]Does ubuntu come with the dc command line utility?10:38
Ben64Jakey3: yep10:38
shadyzWhat difference does it make10:39
fpghost84I'm having a strange issue now on VPN. I can ping/ssh/browse to an IP on the network, but trying to do the same with the hostname fails. This suggests DNS issue, but nslookup and dig of hostname works10:40
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shadyzFpghost84: try reconfiguring the Dns again10:41
fpghost84shadyz: I purged resolvconf and reinstalled10:42
fpghost84no luck10:42
fpghost84not sure if that's what you mean...10:42
Seveasfpghost84: perl -E 'say gethostbyname "yourhostnamehere"'10:43
shadyzOnly if u are in charge or use wireshark to locate the problem10:43
shadyzNaaa rebooting does not change anything10:43
fpghost84Seveas: that returned blank10:44
Jakey3thats the error i get from syslog10:44
Jakey3Sep 29 11:44:01 cc CRON[6102]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)10:44
fpghost84Seveas: on the vpn the resolv.conf looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/23250622/10:46
fpghost84where evo.local is the work internal network10:47
Seveasah, .local10:49
Seveasdon't name your network .local, it's reserved for avahi/bonjour10:49
Seveasworkaround: remove all traces of avahi/mdns from your computer10:50
Seveasspecifically, nss-mdns. That's the thing that causes gethostbyname to fail while dns works, as it knows it should not do dns queries for .local, only avahi/mdns queries10:51
Kartagisif anyone remembers my videos fps issue, it was fixed with a clean install of 16.0410:55
shadyzIs it jus now10:56
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proxx_I used a sledgehammer to kill an ant , its dead though10:58
Jakey3Ben64, Seveas, ppf the reason was because xserver is run by a different user and im trying to run as root11:00
Jakey3im not clear how to run that command as the user as i need to do other things with root privlage within the script?11:01
proxx_Jakey3 well you could use command exceptions for sudo, nopasswd11:02
proxx_Jakey3 myusername ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /my/damn/binary/is/here , something like that11:04
Jakey3i was thinking of running the specific command as that user11:04
Jakey3in the script11:04
Jakey3with su11:04
proxx_Jakey3 take the most simple , secure and failproof method whatever it is u do11:05
Jakey3proxx_, ok thanks11:07
ppfJakey3: just run the command from that users crontab11:07
Jakey3ppf, the the script needs to11:08
ppfalso, for fun, you can test if the script actually works by running it in an empty environment11:08
Jakey3ppf, the the script needs to be run as root11:08
ppfthen run the user command with sudo -u11:08
Jakey3got it working thanks11:09
proxx_Jakey3 :)11:10
codepython7771does someone know of a linux vm i can run that boots up in less than a second?11:11
PCdudehello all11:11
PCdudeI am trying to connect postfix on a ubuntu 16.04 box to Amazon AWS SES service (SMTP relay)11:11
PCdudeThe problem I get is:11:11
proxx_Yes , TTYlinux @codepython77711:11
proxx_codepython777 or tinycore/microcore11:11
PCdudeMessage rejected: E-mail address is not verified11:11
PCdudeand that makes sense, coz it is trying to send it as noreply@mydomain.com , but that address is not connected to amzon aws11:11
PCdudeI want to connect it to xxx@mydomain.com and I think it will work11:11
PCdudewhere can I set the MAIL FROM that postfix will use11:11
PCdudeI tried /etc/postfix/generic with noreply@mydomain.com xxx@mydomain.com , but did not work at all11:12
codepython7771proxx_: will any of them compile gcc/python?11:12
sorin-mihaiat some point i tried tu use cuda, but i gave up on it and now i'm trying to remove it, but i keep getting: Failed to stop var-lib-snapd-lib-gl.mount: Unit var-lib-snapd-lib-gl.mount not loaded. i can't freaking upgrade any packages because apt fails!11:12
proxx_codepython777 lol you asked fast not complicated :P not sure but what doesnt run python/gcc11:12
Jakey3in cron what would this mean 15 18 * * 1,2,511:12
Jakey318.15 on mon tue and friday?11:13
codepython7771proxx_: seems like microcore / tinycore were last updated in 2008?11:15
codepython7771ttylinux = 201311:15
proxx_codepython777 Damn im old11:15
codepython7771anything that is well maintained?11:15
proxx_codepython777 ah so slitaz ?11:15
proxx_codepython777 or puppylinux11:15
codepython7771proxx_: http://mirror1.slitaz.org/iso/rolling/ - which one do i download?11:16
ppfcodepython7771: what will you be needing the VM for?11:16
codepython7771ppf: run python inside vm - sandbox python code11:17
ppfwhy not use a container11:17
codepython7771ppf: shared kernel?11:17
proxx_codepython7771 I wouldnt know since its been to long ive used any of it , thats from memory in the cat. tiny fast stuff11:17
ppfdo you need a different kernel for the python code?11:18
codepython7771ppf: no - security is an issue with shared kernels11:18
ppfcontainers give you namespace isolation11:19
proxx_I would agree that a container or jail would be suitable but depends much on what kinda stuff you r doing11:20
ppfso all resources are protected between host and containers11:20
proxx_if it is some future production stuff I would personally rather use a full machine but whatever11:20
ppfVMs make sense if you need to run different kernels or emulate different hardware. anything beyond that can be done much more lightweight with containers and chroots11:22
proxx_@ppf I agree11:31
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=== c1_ is now known as Jakey3
Jakey3how can i improve this script https://paste.ubuntu.com/23250754/11:39
Jakey3i want to turn off the screen and then shut down11:40
Jakey3to turn off the screen i switch to another user11:40
Jakey3for shutdown i must be root11:40
ppfJakey3: now that makes little sense. why turn off the screen and then shut down?11:40
ppfjust shut down11:40
Jakey3ppf, true11:41
Jakey3how would i do it any how11:41
Jakey3i believe because i switch user11:41
Jakey3im no longer root so i will not shutdown ?11:42
Ben64put it into root's crontab11:42
Jakey3it is11:42
Jakey3the screen turnsoff but doesnt shut down11:42
Ben64probably needs a "now" at the end11:43
k1lyep, "now" missing11:43
Jakey3with the "" included?11:44
ppfdoesn't matter11:44
ppfalso, no11:44
punkoivan"systemctl poweroff" doesn't required sudo/root11:45
viceson 16.04 a fresh install I've got an issue with wireless continuously disconnecting every couple minutes.  It doesn't happen on the windows boot so it's not the router11:46
mjaykAnyone know if there is a kde connect system tray icon for ubuntu11:46
ducassepunkoivan: shutdown is a symlink to systemctl11:46
vicesthe surface tablet ubuntu is installed on doesn't have an ethernet connection so I'm a bit nervous about trying to install wireless firmware drivers without some guidance11:46
vicesshould I just run: sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree ?11:48
Jakey3didnt make a difference with now11:49
vicesor sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer ?11:49
ppfducasse: not really11:49
ducasseppf: ?11:50
ppfshutdown isn't a symlink to systemctl11:50
ducasseppf: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Sep 29 03:40 /sbin/shutdown -> /bin/systemctl11:50
usuarioI NEED HELP!11:50
gebruikeris the flashpluing-nonfree compatible with firefox?11:50
ppfducasse: yeah, my bad11:50
ppfwrong system :D11:50
\9usuario: ask, then. and drop the caps11:51
k1lusuario: ask a question, dont use caps11:51
gebruikerand if so how uptodate is it?11:51
\9usuario: yelling is rude11:51
gebruikerusuario, do not use caps11:51
vices"lspci -n | grep 0280" doesn't return anything.. what should it be giving?11:51
ppfducasse: but that's a hack, isn't it? systemctl checks argv[0] to emulate the old shutdown command?11:51
usuarioThe numbers, 4 8 15 16 23 4211:51
usuarioYou have to write the numbers into the terminal when the countdown its at 4 minutes11:52
ppfusuario: we don't do peoples homeworks11:52
ducasseppf: it just calls systemctl poweroff, i think, if argv[0] is shutdown.11:52
mjaykusuario: what problem do you have with ubuntu that  you need help with11:52
k1lusuario: ? this is the ubuntu support channel11:52
captainACEhello world!11:54
captainACEhow many desktop environments are there in ubuntu?(except mate)11:54
crypto0hello , how can i read this 71 a4 13 67 65 6f 3a 34 30 2e 36 39 34 34 2c 37 33 2e 39 38 36 36 00 ec 11 ec 11 ec 11 ec 11 ec 11 ec11:54
k1lcaptainACE: "a lot". what do you need?11:55
captainACEcrypt0 its hexadecimal i think11:55
usuariodude, I need a constant, what year is it?11:55
captainACEk1l i dunno just feel like changing environments11:55
blutwhatever happend to the /etc/cups/client.conf? Why is it deprecated, and what to use instead?11:55
usuarioi need to know it quickly or it will succed agaon11:55
captainACEneed something fresh11:55
usuariowhere is walt11:55
k1lcaptainACE: unity, gnome-shell, kde, xfce, lxde, tiling WMs...... the list is very long.11:56
Ben64usuario: you aren't making any sense11:56
captainACEany personal favourites?11:56
crypto0captainACE can you read it for me?11:56
captainACEcrytp0 you can use hexadecimal translators online11:56
k1lcaptainACE: just test them what suits you best.11:57
ppfcrypto0: it's not text11:57
ppfcaptainACE: our personal flavours won't help you pick one11:57
gebruikerusuario, the numbers are secret informaiton into th8th dimension outside of the time and space continium11:57
ppfjust google that question, there are literally dozens of articles on DE comparisons11:57
crypto0i used hexadecimal its didnt worked , does it raw bytes?11:58
ducassecrypto0: what are you trying to accomplish here?11:58
Ben64crypto0: it's a location in the mountains in southern kyrgyzstan11:58
k1lcrypto0: if you give more context people could try to help11:58
crypto0i want to read it11:58
vicesinterestingly.. while i'm connected to this IRC server my wireless connection isn't dropping12:00
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vicesanyone have any ideas why it usually disconnects every few minutes?12:01
crypto0ben64 how did you read it?12:01
usuario_electromagnetic energy vices12:01
Ben64crypto0: google "hex to ascii" then put the latitude and longitude into google maps12:02
vicesi used some 'wireless info' script but it doesn't seem like there are any obvious errors12:02
vicesanyone familiar with reading them?12:02
ducassevices: which chipset is this?12:03
ppfvices: you can turn powersaving of and see if it disconnects you without the irc server12:03
crypto0ben64 when i convert it h"hex to acsii" i got : q¤geo:40.6944,73.9866ìììììì12:03
vicesanother fun problem the wireless has is that instead of dropping the internet, sometimes it does something cute, it lets me do google queries but not connect to the webpages until I reconnect to the wifi network12:04
vicesducasse, how would I find out?12:04
Ben64crypto0: yep exactly12:04
vicesppf how do i turn off powersaving? I didn't see anything in the Power GUI12:04
ducassevices: lspci12:04
crypto0ben64 then google map and what typing on it ?>12:04
k1lcrypto0: i dont think this is an ubuntu issue so better join #ubuntu-offtopic fo that12:04
Ben64crypto0: 40.6944,73.986612:04
ppfsudo iwconfig wlan0 power off12:05
vicesIntel Haswell-ULT ?12:05
ducassevices: the line says 'network controller'12:06
vicessorry had to reconnect, lspci says it's a Haswell ULT ?12:08
avocado123Hi, I just connected a PS3 controller with bluetooth to Ubuntu, it is connected now (there was a minor weird thing where on my laptop it says I had to enter a PIN code in my device, but you obviously can't do that for a controller). But now I found out the buttons are not mapped the right way (so X is not actually X but has moved to another place), what to do?12:09
avocado123I am trying to use it with Steam, maybe that's relevant12:10
vicesppf sorry I didn't see if you answered about where powersaving is'12:10
ppfsudo iwconfig wlan0 power off12:11
vicesppf wlan0 no device12:11
ppfyeah, whatever your wifi device name is12:11
ppfULT is an ultrabook; so beware that turning wifi powermanagement off isn't very nice for battery life12:12
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viceswlx281878595327  IEEE 802.11abgn <-- is that wlx the wireless name?12:12
ppfno, check ifconfig12:13
avocado123Looking into xboxdrv now, might work12:13
vicesppf it worked though.. now it says power management off ^^;12:13
akikvices: yes it could be the interface name12:13
ppflooks like it :)12:14
vicesdo you guys think power management might also be responsible for not being able to connect to webpages?12:14
vicessometimes i can do google searches but cant connect to any other page12:14
vicesi searched google for that problem and the most recent entries were from 2014 and the solutions there, like changing the MTU to 1492, didn't work12:15
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frombrowseranyone please help I can install any software or can't find anysoftware from ubuntu software center12:19
frombrowsertyping sudo apt-get install chrome-browser and getting unable to locate chrome-browser12:20
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k1lfrombrowser: chromium is in the ubuntu repos, not chrome12:21
k1l!info chromium-browser12:22
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 52.0.2743.116-0ubuntu0. (xenial), package size 58291 kB, installed size 223119 kB12:22
frombrowserthanks k1l now chromium-browser started to install12:22
frombrowserk1l what is name of vlc in ubuntu?12:22
proxx_ugh vlc12:23
k1lfrombrowser: vlc12:23
ChetManlyproxx_: lmfao12:23
frombrowserthanks, I will try with this12:24
k1lfrombrowser: you can search the repo with "apt search vlc"12:24
proxx_vlc is for windowz ppl :P12:24
proxx_we have mplayer, yes ill shut up12:24
ChetManlyk1l: does that replace apt-cache?12:24
frombrowserk1l ok..12:24
k1lChetManly: yes12:24
ChetManlyother is still recognized?12:25
frombrowserproxx_  thanks I will try mplayer.12:25
k1lChetManly: yes.12:26
viceshmm.. turning off the power managment didn't solve the issue of randomly being unable to access any website besides google12:26
vicesany other ideas?12:26
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proxx_frombrowser , there is a gui fancy thing for mplayer called smplayer12:27
vicesoh, a semi-related issue, I can't install some OS updates from the ubuntu software GUI, the installing bar just hangs.. how can I do it from terminal?12:27
Ben64proxx_: mplayer2 and mpv are even better than regular old mplayer12:28
frombrowserproxx_ so mplayer is command line?12:29
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vicessudo apt-get install updates doesnt get anything, but there are some things listed in the GUI that should be installed12:29
proxx_frombrowser yes and smplayer is a gui wrapper , and listen to this Ben64 dude, im a fossil12:29
Ben64proxx_: i mean, they're all better than vlc12:31
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proxx_Ben64 I agree , Personally I have very good experience with mplayerish players , especially when u come from windows its amazing to see how well shit can work12:32
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proxx_!lang proxx_12:32
frombrowserBen64 if I type "sudo apt-get install mpalyer2" will it install maplayer or mplayer2?12:33
frombrowsermpplayer is little bit daunty, first find the file from terminal, then type the command to play that file12:35
Ben64you could set it up so you double click a video and it opens12:35
frombrowserBen64 How can I do that?12:36
frombrowserI'm more of window user.12:37
crypto0how can i decrypt mp4 file?12:37
Ben64heh, idk. i pretty much never use gui, except for web browsing12:37
Ben64crypto0: doesn't make sense12:37
crypto0ben64 can i pm you?12:38
frombrowserBen64, haha ok, thanks... I'll try to search on google12:38
ppfcrypto0: is  this a hacking riddle game? this is somewhat the wrong forum for this kind of questions12:38
Ben64just ask in the channel if it's ubuntu support related, #ubuntu-offtopic if not12:38
ppfalso, you should find the answers yourself ;)12:38
proxx_frombrowser http://smplayer.sourceforge.net/en/screenshots , this is what the gui for mplayer looks like12:38
crypto0ppf nope , im practice12:38
proxx_frombrowser apt-get install smplayer12:38
Ben64why anyone needs a gui for a video player i'll never know12:38
akikproxx_: vlc is supported under linux all right12:38
ppfakik: of course12:39
proxx_yes it is and it sucks12:39
proxx_winndooowwzz bloatware12:39
frombrowserproxx_: it looks pretty good.12:39
akikproxx_: that's just your personal opinion12:39
proxx_It is , isnt linux in general12:39
Ben64vlc has worse video quality12:39
proxx_bbl have fun ppl12:40
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frombrowserBen64: yes sometime I also seen, videos play better in other players12:40
crypto0http://prod_atl_dc3_r49_u23.rogueterminal.com/static/js/utils.js can someone explain me this12:44
Picicrypto0: looks like javascript. You'd be better off asking in ##javascript than in #ubuntu12:45
Ben64crypto0: you're in the wrong channel for all your questions12:45
crypto0oh sry12:45
frombrowserproxx_: there is smplaer and Enqueue in smplayer which one I chosse?12:45
Ben64frombrowser: enqueue = add to playlist12:46
frombrowserBen64 got it thanks12:47
Ladillero_=[ Hello, it's my first time using Lubuntu ]=_12:50
Ladillero_=[ Can anyone help me install a usb network driver ? ]=_12:50
Ladillero_=[ I already have the .tar.bz2 ]=_12:51
EriC^^which driver?12:51
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ LinuxDriver4Fedora ]=_12:52
k1lLadillero: usb network? can you show the output of "lsusb | nc termbin.com 9999" in your terminal?12:53
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Ladillero_=[ k1l I'm sorry, I don't understand ]=_12:53
EriC^^Ladillero: open a terminal and type lsusb | nc termbin.com 999912:54
k1lLadillero: ah ok, you are not using that ubuntu at the moment12:54
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ Ok. I'm using Lubuntu. ]=_12:54
EriC^^it'll give you a link, paste it here12:54
atralheavensorry, do you guys know any channel for hosting/domain registering issues?12:55
thirasatralheaven, maybe #web ?12:55
atralheaventhiras: that should work! thanks :)12:56
Ladillero_=[ Ok EriC^^ thanks ]=_12:56
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ , k1l this is the driver RT2870 Wireless Lan Linux Driver ]=_12:57
k1lLadillero: usually you dont install drivers that way on linux. so we want to see some facts to not install random stuff to your system.12:58
k1lLadillero: so please run my command in termina, it will give out a url, please show that url here12:58
Ladillero_=[ k1l ok, I'm using windows here but on the other computer is the one I'm trying to install the driver. I will do as you say. ]=_12:59
PiciLadillero: do you have any internet access on the computer with the problem?12:59
Ladillero_=[ Pici no, I don't. ]=_12:59
k1lLadillero: ok, if that machine doesnt have internet connection that command will not work13:00
Ladillero_=[ k1l all I have is the tar.bz2 file I downloaded from the manufacturer. ]=_13:00
ppfLadillero: i need to ask: what client are you using? or are you manually wrapping all your lines in decorative braces?13:01
afidegnum[{u'sector': u'693393', u'description': u'<p>New Constructions</p>\r\n', u'_key': u'999167', u'_rev': u'999167', u'_id': u'projects/999167', u'type': u'994055', u'name': u'New Constructions'}]13:01
k1lLadillero: again, that is not the usual way to get hardware running. most times you already have the drivers inside the kernel13:01
Ladillero_=[ k1l I understand. ]=_13:01
Piciafidegnum: this isn't #python13:01
k1lLadillero: so this is the RT2870 wifi chip?13:01
Ladillero_=[ k1l Yes. http://www.pandawireless.com/Drivers%20%7C%20Panda%20Wireless.html ]=_13:02
EriC^^Ladillero: did you try to see if a conflicting driver is being loaded?13:02
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ I apologize but I don't know anything. I'm a beginner. ]=_13:02
EriC^^Ladillero: ok, try sudo rmmod rt2800usb13:03
captainACEhow do i install wallpapers from other DE's into mate is there a way to locate them in file system? im trying to install wallpapers from budgie13:03
afidegnumPici: sorry.13:03
k1lLadillero: afaik, that chip should run out of the box on ubuntu 16.0413:03
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ I just tried that on the terminal nad it looks like it's loading. ]=_13:04
Ladillero_=[ k1l I installed Lubuntu instead of Ubuntu because I read it was faster and lighter since the desktop it's super old. ]=_13:04
EriC^^Ladillero: what's loading?13:05
frombrowserproxx_: how can I get full screen on mplayer, whenever I open video, it doesn't stretch to my screen13:05
k1lLadillero: lubuntu and ubuntu share the same codebase. so it should be included in lubuntu 16.04 too13:05
Ladillero_=[ k1l Should I install Lubuntu 16.04 ? ]=_13:06
ronaldsmazitisI can't open Nautilus13:06
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ I had to restart, the computer wasn't responding after I typed the password. ]=_13:06
ronaldsmazitisgetting these errors13:06
EriC^^Ladillero: ok, unplug the device, then try it again13:07
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ Ok. Trying that now. ]=_13:07
EriC^^try also sudo rmmod rt2x00usb and sudo rmmod rt2x00lib13:08
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ ERROR: Module rt2x00lib is in use by: rt2800lib ]=_13:10
EriC^^Ladillero: try sudo modprobe -r rt2x00lib13:10
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ FATAL: Module rt2x00lib is in use. ]=_13:11
EriC^^Ladillero: sudo modprobe -r rt2800lib ?13:13
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ Ok I just tried thato one and it worked ]=_13:13
crypto0what does this mean 727 wew wwelncpa wcvb lihgqevw wq wigligs wew vevvenqwpv.13:13
EriC^^Ladillero: ok try to plug in the usb13:14
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ I just plugged it in. ]=_13:14
Picicrypto0: again, that has nothing to do with #ubuntu13:14
EriC^^Ladillero: try lsmod | grep rt13:14
EriC^^Ladillero: does it say rt2870sta and maybe other rt2800 stuff?13:15
mcphailcrypto0: you have already been asked to stay on topic. Please do not keep spamming the channel with offtopic chat13:15
ppfPici: best ignore him?13:15
ppfor someone throw him out13:15
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ Yes it did. ]=_13:15
Picippf: I will be doing that after this last warning :)13:15
Picior k1l will take care of it13:16
EriC^^Ladillero: is the rt2800usb still in that list?13:16
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ Yes it is. ]=_13:16
EriC^^Ladillero: try to unplug the usb again13:17
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ I just did. ]=_13:17
EriC^^Ladillero: try sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf13:18
Smnguys, I'm suffering from a minor annoyance. I have playonlinux tied to my dock, but when I launch it it creates another icon instead of using the fixed one that's already there. what's more, the new one uses the default and ignores my icon theme(regardless of what icon theme I might be using)13:18
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ done. it worked. ]=_13:18
EriC^^Ladillero: it will open a text editor, type at a line "blacklist rt2800usb"13:19
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ Type on top of that text editor or a new terminal ? ]=_13:20
EriC^^Ladillero: and on another line "blacklist rt2x00lib" and "blacklist rt2x00usb"13:20
EriC^^Ladillero: in that text editor, put them at the top on new lines13:20
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ Ok I just finished. ]=_13:22
EriC^^Ladillero: ok, press ctrl+o to save it13:23
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EriC^^then ctrl+x to exit, then try rebooting the pc13:23
EriC^^Ladillero: it should only load the rt2870sta driver now without the other rt2800usb that make a conflict together13:23
aus_malHi, I was trying to select the home folder in Unetbootin and with a slip of the finger moved it to another folder! I didn't manage to fix it before a restart, so here I am unable to login. Hope someone can help. Thanks.13:24
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ Ok. Should I plug it in while it's restarting ? ]=_13:24
EriC^^Ladillero: yeah13:24
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ Ok... I just restarted the computer but I don't see the network icon or anything new. ]=_13:25
EriC^^Ladillero: try lsmod | grep rt13:26
ChetManlyEriC^^: can you help me file a bug report13:26
lotuscomputers!bug | ChetManly13:26
ubottuChetManly: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:26
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ Ok, done. ]=_13:26
EriC^^Ladillero: also in a terminal try "iwlist scan"13:26
EriC^^Ladillero: does the rt2870sta driver show up without the rt2800usb?13:27
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ ok. no scan results. lo and eth0 interface doesn't support scanning. ]=_13:27
EriC^^Ladillero: aha, what about lsmod | grep rt ?13:29
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ it shows the rtx2800usb - 0 ]=_13:30
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ it shows the rt2x00usb ...... 1 rt2800usb ]=_13:30
EriC^^Ladillero: damn13:30
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ Should I try installing the 16.04 Lubuntu ? ]=_13:31
EriC^^does sudo modprobe -r rt2800usb work?13:31
EriC^^Ladillero: it's not necessary, 16.04 is faster and newer than 14.04 though13:31
EriC^^i'd definitely recommend it13:32
blutEriC^^: How is it faster?13:32
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ no, it doesn't work. the computer stops working. I have to restart. ]=_13:32
EriC^^blut: systemd for one.. newer kernel13:32
BluesKajHi folks13:32
EriC^^it does feel faster (try both in a vm and you can tell immediately, as is 14.04 faster than 12.04)13:32
EriC^^Ladillero: aha13:33
Ladillero_=[ EriC^^ Ok thanks a lot for your help. I will install 16.04. ]=_13:33
blutEriC^^: That is like responding to a questing about time with a unit of length13:33
EriC^^Ladillero: ok, no problem :)13:33
EriC^^blut: hehe, ok13:33
* EriC^^ wonders what you're talking about..13:34
vicesi'd like to turn off the n-mode for my wireless, anyone know offhand how to do that?13:34
vicesmodprobe -r iwlwifi && modprobe iwlwifi 11n_disable=1 <-- I don't have the iwlwifi module apparently13:34
EriC^^blut: put both in a vm you'll see which one is faster, anyways 16.04 feels faster to me, and 14.04 on the same pc was faster than 12.04 on it.. many do agree as well13:34
captainACEhow do i delete all the panels in mate ubuntu since i am using a dock?13:35
vicesit's so strange that xchat is working but firefox can't connect to any sites..13:35
lotuscomputers!xchat | vices13:35
ubottuvices: xchat and xchat-gnome have not had stable releases in years. xchat was removed from Ubuntu for 16.04. Consider using hexchat instead, which is actively developed and available in 14.04 onwards.13:35
maddawgno he didnt... he fucked his friend's mom13:36
maddawgwrong channel13:36
maddawgOMG dont ban me13:36
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:36
viceslotuscomputers, okay well.. thanks for the tip, once my wireless stops dropping connection every few minutes i'll get right on that13:36
blutWas upstart only replaced by systemd in the 16.04 version?13:36
maddawg15 and later me thought13:37
EriC^^blut: no, it came in 15.0413:37
EriC^^14.04 is upstart though13:37
lotuscomputersvices: wich ubuntu version is that13:38
viceslotuscomputers, 16.0413:38
lotuscomputersvices: up to dat to latest?13:39
lotuscomputersvices: aka 16.04.1?13:39
viceslotuscomputers, seems like there's something that needs to upgrade13:40
lotuscomputersvices: make sure version with lsb_release -a13:41
viceslotuscomputers,  yeah 16.04.0113:41
lotuscomputersvices: does tail -f /var/log/syslog spit any wifi dropping errors?13:42
viceslotuscomputers, jayme-Surface-Pro-2 NetworkManager[825]: <error> [1475156609.9012] platform-linux: sysctl: failed to set '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wlx281878595327/mtu' to '1500': (22) Invalid argument13:43
viceslotuscomputers,  jayme-Surface-Pro-2 whoopsie[771]: [22:44:42] offline13:45
vices <--??13:45
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vicesthe failing to set to 1500 error pops up often13:49
anchnkhi any advices about optimizing a SSD drive for a developper workstation ? I do have a 256GB SSD and 1TG Hard Drive and I am wondering if i should mount some folder on the HDD rather than the SSD (everything can be hold on the SSD in terms of space) ? I am also wondering if there would be an up to date guide to optimize SSD drive with ubuntu 16.04 LTS ?13:51
tomodachianchnk: this depends on your way of working ofc13:52
tomodachianchnk: keep opertingsystem and applications on SSD and large streaming only media on the other drive13:52
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:52
viceslotuscomputers, unfortunately the exact moment when my internet browsers can no longer connect to the web isn't linked to any error in the log13:53
viceslotuscomputers, this irc network isn't disconnected however..13:53
anchnktomodachi I mainly use eclipse/maven/jonas build chain all installed in /opt for javaEE developement and ST3 within node/npm etc for some middleware microservices13:53
anchnkwhat do you mean by large streaming only media on the other drive ? any example ?13:53
anchnkshould my sources be on the SSD for instance ? I work on large applications with thousand of files13:54
vicesahh wait..13:54
vicesthere was one strange message that popped up just before the internet came back..13:54
vicesjayme-Surface-Pro-2 AptDaemon: INFO: Quitting due to inactivity13:54
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ChetManlywhy on earth do I always seem to be accessing the sites that are doing maintenance or are slow as hell13:57
ChetManlywhats going on with launchpad?13:57
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tboiko!pizda Jay Kristoff - [Nevernight 01] - Nevernight (epub).epub  ::INFO:: 3.1MB14:02
ubottutboiko: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:02
tomodachianchnk: like a true developer you know the saying "premature optimization" :)14:02
tomodachibuilding your project shouldnt be taking that long no matter what setup you have14:02
tomodachiif so you can make sure to keep those project files on the ssd while you work on them14:02
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ppf"premature optimization" is the most abused quote in programming history14:03
anchnktomodachi that makes sense14:04
ppfever built a tex file from a spinning disk? its horrible.14:05
tomodachippf: isnt that the DRY principle?14:05
ppfto not say the quote?14:06
ppfanchnk: general rule: keep any kind of hot data on the ssd, anything else someplace else.14:06
ppfno matter what you're working with or on14:07
BluesKajand this relates ubuntu support, how?14:08
anchnkBluesKaj i admit it's a bit off-topic sorry for dat14:09
BluesKajanyway I've created text files with my old HDDs without any trouble14:10
ppffloppy disks worked perfectly well, too14:12
viceshow can i see my wifi card model?14:12
ppfvices: lspci14:13
vicesppf, is 'communication controller' the card?14:13
vicesshould i try to blacklist the driver used by the communication controller?14:18
viceswill it automatically get a new driver?14:18
fk_007I've installed xUbuntu 16.04.1 on a 64 gb sandisk flash drive. It's been about 2 weeks since installation and it is pretty stable but has booted into busy box a few times. The file system seemed to have been corrupted. It is back to being stable since it fixed itself on one of the boot-ups but I believe the problem comes from the shutdown not syncing to the flash drive or something of that nature. Just curious if this is a known issue with Ubuntu installe14:21
fk_007d on a flash drive (not live, persistent)14:21
vicesalright bed time..14:24
ag2019Hello. I need some help installing ubuntu 1614:26
BluesKajfk_007, make the install persistent ot install on a sata device14:27
leo-rensome one speak spanish?14:27
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:27
lotuscomputers!ask | ag201914:27
ubottuag2019: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:27
fk_007BluesKaj it is persistent, it's not live14:28
ag2019I tried using a live CD that i burned and it keeps failing in the installation process14:29
fk_007i ran the installation of ubuntu and installed it to the 64 gb flash drive14:30
negevhi, is there a replacement for /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd not written by lennart poettering?14:31
BluesKajfk_007, does it boot off the flash drive ?14:31
ppfnegev: not a fan of lennart? :)14:31
ag2019i tried the flash and nothing at all.14:31
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/95-799/rute.pdf14:32
fk_007BluesKaj, yes it does, for the most part. I just had a run the other day with it booting into busybox and having issues, i believe because it was not shutting down correctly14:32
fk_007its what i'm using right now :)14:32
negevppf: https://www.agwa.name/blog/post/how_to_crash_systemd_in_one_tweet14:32
negevi switched to sysvinit but there are still three systemd processes running14:32
BluesKajfk_007, then the issue you had is probly unrelated to the drive , but to the OS itself , but if you updated and upagraded since then you should be fine14:33
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k1lnegev: thing is, there are a lot of projects that are merged into systemd. so you need a lot of effort to get a systemd free system. and debian and ubuntu moved to systemd.14:34
negevk1l: totally against the unix philosophy :|14:34
leo-rensome one know how to dynamically(with mouse click) change the icon of a launcher on gnome panel?14:34
ppfthank god14:34
leo-ren*on the own script14:35
k1lnegev: well, make a better init system and spread it. i guess a lot of people will thank you for that.14:35
negevwhat's wrong with sysvinit?14:35
ag2019problem here is that i'm new to linux and ubuntu and had ubuntu erase my current partition and can't get back on.14:35
ppfnegev: it's horrible to use14:35
k1lnegev: look at the debian debate about the new init system. that lists all arguments. this is out of the focus of this channel14:36
ChetManlyEriC^^: hey you around, I need help to file a bug14:47
freelancerbobanybody help me with ddrescue ? yesterday i run that more than 5 hour but on the output HDD is nothing14:48
EriC^^ChetManly: what's the problem?14:48
ChetManlyyou familiar with kde at all>14:48
Surendilhow do I check for errors on a HDD?14:48
k1lChetManly: for kde specifics #kubuntu might be the place to be14:49
k1lSurendil: unmount the disk and run fsck14:49
freelancerbobEriC^^:  maybe you can help me with that ddrescue14:49
ChetManlyk1l: good one14:49
Surendilk1l, just fsck on /dev/sda?14:50
freelancerbobk1l: you were helping me with corrupted hdd 2 weeks ago14:50
k1lSurendil: fsck on the partitions. that will look after the filesystems.14:50
k1lSurendil: if you want the disk look at the smartmontools14:51
k1lfreelancerbob: what is the issue?14:51
k1lfreelancerbob: what did the command you used look like? what were the errors?14:52
ChetManlyEriC^^: use kde at all?14:52
freelancerbobk1l: yestreday I run ddrescue but there is nothing on output hdd14:52
freelancerbobk1l: ddrescue -d -f -r3 /dev/sdc /dev/sdb lubo.txt14:52
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ChetManlywould kde and unity use the same backend to show gui mounts eg. udisk?14:53
ChetManlyI am trying to get a bug report out for DEVICE MONITOR in kde system tray, it is incorrectly identifying drives leading to data loss, I read the bug page and dont see how to file a bug report against it14:56
Surendilk1l, works the same with ntfs partition?14:56
k1lfreelancerbob: did you look into lubo.txt?14:56
freelancerbobk1l: there is not any file14:56
freelancerbobbefore i run that command i rofmat output disk14:56
k1lfreelancerbob: so did it do anything at all?14:57
ChetManlyif anyone could help with that even though this is a more gtk oriented channel14:57
freelancerbobk1l: do you think i need to run i t again ? first format ?14:57
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k1lfreelancerbob: dont format. the dd coammdn will wipe everything on the target anyway14:57
freelancerbobk1l: and why it did not create that file ?14:59
k1lfreelancerbob: i dont know14:59
boxrick1I am currently creating an automated install for Ubuntu, for both 14 and 1614:59
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boxrick1However the ethernet device changes between the two of these15:00
boxrick1Is there any way I can just set a generic 'use the first network interface'15:00
boxrick1For my kernel options, or pre seed?15:00
boxrick1Rather than having to specify en0 for example15:00
freelancerbobk1l:  ok i just plug in external HDD and do not see it with file manager, do i have format it first ?15:00
boxrick1If I remove the hard coded interface it starts asking me which one do I  want to use.15:01
naccboxrick1: 'd-i netcfg/choose_interface auto'15:01
k1lfreelancerbob: no. look at dmesg if that disk is seen by the kerne15:01
naccboxrick1: presuming you have only one plugged in interface15:01
boxrick1And if not, it would ask anyway ?15:01
freelancerbobk1l: how ti find it ?15:02
freelancerbobk1l:  [sdb] Attached SCSI disk15:02
k1lfreelancerbob: so, there it is15:02
naccboxrick1: you mean you have multiple interfaces with link?15:02
naccboxrick1: uh, in that case, i think it becomes unpredictable which one might get chosen15:03
naccboxrick1: not 100% sure, though15:03
boxrick1Ok, thats fine15:03
freelancerbobk1l:  yes i plugin good HDD and do not see it15:03
boxrick1Cheers for that though :)15:03
ChetManlyI am trying to get a bug report out for DEVICE VIEWER in kde system tray, it is incorrectly identifying drives leading to data loss, I read the bug page and dont see how to file a bug report against it*****15:03
nacc!bug | ChetManly15:03
ubottuChetManly: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:03
k1lfreelancerbob: again: i dont know what you did to your systems. but if you plugin your disk to the pc and in dmesg at the end you see a "sdb attached" then your disk is seen"15:04
boxrick1How does the above command vary to the following command 'd-i netcfg/choose_interface select auto' ?15:04
ChetManlynacc: freezes15:04
boxrick1Does the select make a difference15:04
k1lfreelancerbob: what you mean with seeing it in your desktop browser its about partitions. but that is a totally different thing15:04
naccboxrick1: *err, you're right, should be 'select auto'15:04
freelancerbobk1l: ok what i should do now ?15:05
boxrick1Interestingly, I had a prompt with that command which is telling me the first interface has been selected but it isn't confirmed it15:05
boxrick1So that has stalled the install15:05
naccboxrick1: oh it might need one more preseed15:05
naccboxrick1: let me look15:05
k1lfreelancerbob: i dont know if that dd command was correct and if there were any errors. i dont know your setup or what the intention was15:06
freelancerbobk1l: and what ddrescue command do you suggest ?15:06
k1lfreelancerbob: using dd(rescue) its very important to make sure that source and target are correct.15:07
k1lfreelancerbob: ddrescue is fine. but there is enough stuff that can be done wrong by the user15:07
freelancerbobk1l: and what can be wrong ? I have one wrong HDD and one good HDD15:09
boxrick1netcfg/choose_interface=auto seems to come up from my search as a kernel paramter15:09
naccboxrick1:that's the equivalent of the preseed file command15:10
naccboxrick1: ah i see, yes, that's your issue15:10
naccboxrick1: so network booting, you need network *before* you get the preseed15:10
naccboxrick1: so i'd suggest sending all network stuff over the kernel cmdline15:10
k1lfreelancerbob: something must have been wrong.15:10
boxrick1Yea it seems so, that line just there seems to have helped15:11
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freelancerbobk1l:  ok tell me what i have to do with correct HDD ?15:11
skinuxI'm trying to install a standard for PHP CodeSniffer. It tells me to add something to PATH variable of .bashrc, but my /etc/bash.bashrc doesn't set any PATH variable15:11
k1lfreelancerbob: look at the dmesg output when you connect that disk15:11
naccskinux: /etc/bash.bashrc is not 'your' .bashrc15:11
skinuxWhat happened to .bashrc is home directory?15:11
naccskinux: that's the system-wide one, consider using ~/.bashrc15:11
skinux~/.bashrc didn't show in result of 'locate .bashrc'15:12
freelancerbobk1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23251459/15:13
skinuxThe ~/.bashrc doesn't set PATH either15:13
skinuxShould I just add PATH=whatever-here to the bottom of the file?15:13
k1lfreelancerbob: and what was placed on that old disk that you dd to that new disk?15:14
punkoivan.bash_profile ?15:14
freelancerbobk1l: it is corrupted, i have photos there to need to restore :(15:14
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skinux.bash_profile is empty15:14
freelancerbobk1l:  and you or someone told me use ddrescue15:14
naccskinux: you should use PATH=...:$PATH generally15:16
naccskinux: otherwise you're overriding PATH, not prepending to it15:17
naccskinux: but what PHP thing needs to muck with PATH??15:17
skinuxYeah, but should I just add that to the bottom of ~/.bashrc?15:17
* ChetManly thinks EriC^^hates kde people :-D15:17
skinuxIt says to do it in this https://github.com/WordPress-Coding-Standards/WordPress-Coding-Standards15:17
k1lfreelancerbob: yes. ddrescue is the right tool if the hardware is faulty. but its not a guarantee. there are hardware faults that cant be recovered. so without you saying what error was there when ddrescue was working i dont know what happend. you could try testdisk on the new disk if there are partitions on it.15:17
naccskinux: gross. But ok. Is there a reason you can't use the archive version of codesniffer?15:18
naccskinux: they want you to, for some reason, use their version of codesniffer15:19
naccskinux: ah, i see they need 1.7.x15:20
freelancerbobk1l: testdisk http://paste.ubuntu.com/23251499/15:20
naccskinux: yeah, you can just put PATH manipulations wherever you want in your .bashrc ... although it's a bit surprising to me that your .bashrc is empty15:20
skinuxIt's not empty, it just doesn't set PATH at all15:21
k1lfreelancerbob: you know what partitions were on that disk before. so look if testdisk can find that right setup.15:21
skinuxIt has a couple of if conditions, both containing some code15:22
_AxS_Hey all -- i've got an ubuntu 14.04 install, but am trying to run something that needs rubygems newer than 1.9.3 ...  is bringing in a newer ruby or rubygems easy enough or should I bite the bullet and look into doing a full dist-upgrade to 16.04 ?15:22
freelancerbobk1l: i do not know what to do with testdisk15:22
naccskinux: you can just put an appropriate PATH= line (as i mentioned above) in your .bashrc15:22
_AxS_skinux: what's the thing you're trying to do? i just got here...15:22
k1lfreelancerbob: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk  it can repair the partition table where the start end endings of partitions are written15:23
LoulouThis is a test15:23
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skinuxWait. The tutorial is having to install PHP-CodeSniffer from GitHub...I installed it from repo..15:24
naccskinux: yes, it requires a more recent version than ubuntu has (and so will presumably fail when you try to us the ubuntu version)15:25
lotuscomputers_AxS_: inmost cases its recommended to not mix package versions15:28
lotuscomputers_AxS_: unless you want to experiment with !pinning15:28
* _AxS_ nods.. My main distro is gentoo, and we've got the ability there to install multiple versions of ruby without any conflict. I wasn't sure if ubuntu had the same capability or not15:29
_AxS_multiple major-versions, that is (1.9, 2.0, 2.1)15:29
nacc_AxS_: no, that's not supported, afaict -- although 16.04 has both a ruby and ruby2.3 package15:30
Linux-NinjaTeam, does encrypting home using a login password still makes the system vulnerable to someone with access tot he system since theyc an go into single mode and reset the local password and debrypt the home? How are you guys approaching this, encrypting the boot process as well?15:35
drjulsGreetings! My mouse only works on ubuntu 16:04 to run "sudo rmmod usbhid" "sudo modprobe usbhid". But every time I turn on my laptop have to do this, someone could help me?15:36
naccLinux-Ninja: you could use whole-disk encryption15:37
Linux-Ninjanacc, what tools do you recoemnd for this purpose?15:37
naccdrjuls: can you compare the 'dmesg' output for that device before & after you run those commands15:37
naccLinux-Ninja: reinstall, in this case, and select the whole disk encryption option15:37
Linux-Ninjanacc, I already got the system up and running15:38
Linux-Ninjais there a tool we can do after the system is running?15:38
naccLinux-Ninja: no15:38
naccLinux-Ninja: not if you want whole disk encryption, afaik15:39
Linux-Ninjanacc, thanks...I will search around...15:40
drjulsnacc, I am newbie in Linux, I do not quite understand15:41
naccdrjuls: boot first where it doesn't work, run `dmesg > dmesg.pre`, then do the rmmod/modprobe and run `dmesg > dmesg.post` and then pastebin them both (pastebinit -i dmesg.pre; pastebinit -i dmesg.post) and provide the two URLs here15:42
drjulsnacc, [   33.645273] input:  USB OPTICAL MOUSE as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.1/1-1.1:1.0/0003:15D9:0A4C.0002/input/input1315:45
naccdrjuls: please use a pastebin as directed15:46
ATDT912I have ubuntu on my Macbook pro 15" retina, and I have a lot of screen tearing in google chrome, while scrolling. I have tried to find a remedy, but I haven't found any clear instructions. Can anyone here, help?15:46
ptyttycurrently im replacing ubuntu login with custom greeter & usb authentication15:48
ptyttyanyone know if its been done or have examples?15:49
drjulsnacc, sorry. http://pastebin.com/NeyuGHpk15:49
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naccdrjuls: that's the pre?15:51
naccdrjuls: or is that both?15:51
craigbass76I'm trying to only allow ssh from the LAN and a couple other public IPs. Not sure how. If I've got deny all in hosts deny, and then allow 192.168.x.0/24 and the couple of other IP addresses, will that do the trick? This is an older machine with no repos available, so I'm trying to do it without having to go grab and install whatever iptables worked on this when it was new15:51
craigbass76And are hosts allow/deny changes immediate, or do I haveto restart the network first?15:52
drjulsnacc, is pre15:52
naccdrjuls: the error appears to be "usb 1-1.1: input irq status -75 received" can you please provide post?15:52
nacccraigbass76: i think you want hosts.deny to say "ALL EXCEPT ...." syntax15:53
nacccraigbass76: if you're allowing public access, though (even if restricted), don't you want to get on a supported release?15:53
drjulsnacc, http://pastebin.com/ZZdmXsFu  post the commands15:56
naccdrjuls: and i'm guessing you no longer see that '15:57
naccdrjuls: sorry mishit entre -- 'input irq status' line?15:57
craigbass76nacc: I'm at the mercy of what my company stuck on these servers. This one is Fedora17, but with a new guy in charge, I think we're moving to Ubuntu Server eventually15:58
craigbass76I've been on a RH 7.3 box lately15:58
naccdrjuls: how is your usb device connected? hub? kvm switch?15:58
nacccraigbass76: you should verify with the fedora or redhat channels, then15:58
naccdrjuls: fwiw, i think it should also just work to unplug & replug your mouse, possible16:00
drjulsnacc, optical mouse16:00
drjulsnacc, I've tried to do that too16:00
naccdrjuls: https://askubuntu.com/questions/768455/usb-mouse-suddenly-stopped-working-16-04 ?16:01
drjulsnacc, I will trying here, I notice any results. Thank you very much!16:01
c_nickI want to perform some operations on three servers - copy some folders, update paths and install standard softwares like wincmp3,7zip etc.. how can i automate the same?16:02
ubuntu214Hey All !16:02
naccc_nick: think we talked about this a few days ago16:02
ubuntu214Have A big Problem ,, Can u help me with ,, plz ! :(16:03
nacc!ask | ubuntu21416:03
ubottuubuntu214: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:03
ubuntu214thanx nacc and ubottu ...16:03
ubuntu214i have installed Ubuntu 16.04 ( GNOME Flav) And my wifi and Bluetooth ,, not working :( ... "" P.S : i Dont have an internet connection ...16:04
naccubuntu214: are you here on a different computer then?16:05
ubuntu214yes nacc ,,, yes i am ...16:05
tcornelihi, my mouse is stuck in a small square in the top left corner (after using wine ); i would like to change this without restarting x16:06
ubuntu214Any help ? :\16:06
compdocubuntu214, download the Ubuntu desktop iso, and boot that without installing. see if it works16:07
ubuntu214compdoc : i tried that ,,, but , still not working ...16:08
compdocubuntu214, do you see the wifi and wired interfaces in Network Manager? maybe its your network. ot maybe you pc is broken16:09
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ubuntu214compdoc : no icon is shown .... think the problem in the Driver ....16:10
ubuntu214when i run this command " lspci -n | grep 14e4 " on terminal , shows this " http://paste.ubuntu.com/23251766/ "16:11
compdocubuntu214, if thats the case, then when 16.10 comes out, that version might support your hardware16:11
ubuntu214compdoc : i only use LTS version ,,, Thanx For Helping .. :)16:12
compdocubuntu214, if its a laptop, make sure the wifi/network switch is on16:12
ubuntu214any Suggestion ??16:13
c_nicknacc, I read on ansible docker and Fabric etc.. but they are more about deploying the Software Application on the server but i want to install System Software like 7zip etc how can i achieve that in an automated way16:13
naccc_nick: 'software application' and 'system software' are not ubuntu/linux concepts16:13
naccc_nick: `apt install p7zip` is what you're trying to automate16:14
naccc_nick: which is no different than any other package16:14
ubuntu214compdoc : there's no wifi icon .... that means ,, bcmwl ' not here :(16:14
c_nicknacc, any idea about windows16:14
c_nicki need 7-zip wincmp3 installed16:15
naccc_nick: why are you asking about windows in an ubuntu channel?16:15
c_nickthrough a script which i can then schedule using TC/jenkins16:15
compdocubuntu214, yes, many laptops have an actual on/off switch on the keyboard for security16:15
compdocwhen its off, there is no wifi card16:15
c_nicknacc, i work on linux but i cant ignore the windows servers :(16:15
naccc_nick: this is the *ubuntu* support channel16:15
naccc_nick: it's completely offtopic to ask how to install software on windows16:16
c_nick:( ok i will head over to windows16:16
naccwoudl have been nice for you to mention windows anywhere in your original message, or your prior message, as well...16:16
ubuntu214i have installed bcmwl for my chip st ,, and i run additional Driver ... Can't Run my STA Driver ... it is Automatically chose off   :(16:16
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ubuntu214need help ,,, plz :'(16:17
c_nicknacc,  yep but i needed for linux too .. cross platform solution didn't leave my mind16:17
tcornelican anyone tell me why i can move my mouse only in a small square in the top left corner?16:17
tod_shispress red button16:17
morty_hey errybody.. is it possible to use bcmwl with kernel 4.8?16:18
ubuntu214tcorneli ,, i solved this problem by installing gecko lib & PlayOnLiNUX ...16:18
tcorneliubuntu214, playonlinux is installed; do you mean to install gecko lib in playonlinux or in ubuntu?16:20
naccmorty_: the only topical reason for that question is for 16.10, which should be in #ubuntu+116:20
ubuntu214tcorneli install it for ubuntu16:20
morty_is it bad practice to use a newer kernel in 13.04?16:21
naccmorty_: it's not supported, wait for the hwe kernels16:21
tcorneliubuntu214, what's the package name? i tried gecko and gecko-lib16:21
ubuntu214tcorneli : https://wiki.winehq.org/Gecko16:22
ubuntu214tcorneli : askubuntu.com/questions/.../wine-install-do-i-need-mono-gecko-etc16:22
morty_not being supported and not working well might be two things :)16:23
ubuntu214any help for my wifi card :(16:23
naccmorty_: it's not going to have been tested16:24
naccmorty_: just wait for hwe or you're on your own16:24
morty_nacc: i was hoping to be on my own with some other enthusiastiv people i could find here :)16:24
_AxS_morty_: technically you can roll your own kernels from source, there really isn't much in terms of system libs or software that binds to kernel versions, just kernel features.  However, you do get to pick up the pieces for such things, and proprietary binary drivers are very likely to not work.16:24
ubuntu214whats the kernel version in UBUNTU 16.0416:25
pavlosaround 4.4.0-3816:26
tcorneliclosing the windows app (in PoL) solved the issue16:26
nacc!info linux-image-generic xenial16:26
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB16:26
naccubuntu214: --^16:26
_AxS_morty_: tbh i wouldn't recommend running newer than 4.4 anyhow, i've found them to be crashy.16:27
elisa87if I have IP address of an Ubuntu EC2 instances, how can I check what is the output of its df -h /?16:27
naccelisa87: you would ssh in and run that command?16:28
elisa87nacc so I am writing this in a script16:28
naccelisa87: ok ... so you'd run `ssh <...> df -h`16:29
naccpresuming you have keys setup16:29
morty__AxS_: i had a very annoying flickering in the gnome3 title bar.. that went away with 4.8 :) i try to go back to 4.6 or sth.. maybe both works then16:29
morty__AxS_: its not an important system or anything.. so i can play a little.. dont mind16:29
naccmorty_: then just run 16.10?16:30
_AxS_morty_: which video chipset?  I'd be somewhat surprised if the kernel made that much of a difference, unless it's got to do with the versions of the firmware its loading or whatever16:30
morty_intel hd16:30
morty_4k somthing16:30
_AxS_is it super new?16:30
morty_no not really16:31
* _AxS_ shrugs16:31
morty_nacc: might try 16.10 soon.. but wouldnt i run into exactly the same problem then?16:31
naccmorty_: 16.10 has the 4.8 kernel16:32
_AxS_morty_: 16.10 isn't LTS so i'm guessing it's not tied to LTS kernels16:32
morty_nacc: but if bcwlm doesnt support that kernel i still have no wifi16:32
nacc_AxS_: 16.04.2 will also have 4.8 (aiui) via hwe stack16:32
ubloomtoHello all16:33
naccmorty_: and you've installed bcmwl-kernel-source?16:33
ubuntu214 i have installed bcmwl for my chip st ,, and i run additional Driver ... Can't Run my STA Driver ... it is Automatically chose off   :(16:33
ubuntu214any help ^16:33
naccmorty_: as that's the bcmwl driver, it's in all versions of ubuntu, the restricted section16:33
ubloomtosay there is an application that overwrites files temporarily during ubuntu running, is there a way I can check for an overwritten file whilst still on the same logged in session?16:34
ubuntu214Any Driver for this :> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23251766/  ... using Ubuntu 16.0416:35
morty_nacc: yes its installed.. but the --reinstall does say no module wl found and kernel 4.8 not supported16:35
dfreyIs there a guide to install a more minimal Ubuntu?  I am trying to create a VM with a development environment, so I don't want things like rhythmbox, mail clients, etc.  I know there is a minimal ISO, but that seems like it just installs the same Ubuntu, but downloads everything at installation time.16:35
naccmorty_: in 16.10?16:35
morty_16.04 still16:35
naccmorty_: again, 16.04 doesn't have a 4.8 kernel, so of course the pacakge doesn't work16:35
nacctry 16.10, if you want16:36
MonkeyDust!mini | dfrey there's this16:36
ubottudfrey there's this: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:36
morty_nacc: mine has :) even though not supported.. i go try 4.6.. maybe till later16:36
ubuntu214my Kernel Version is 4.4 ... Bcmwl gona work ? :\16:36
morty_ubuntu214: yeah.. worked under 4.416:36
naccmorty_: please stop trying to be cute, i think you know what i mean16:36
naccdfrey: you could also start with server and install whatyou need16:37
dfreyMonkeyDust: I mentioned that in my question.  Doesn't that just install all the same stuff as the regular desktop ISO?16:37
ubloomtoI am looking for a certain firefox file that may have been overwritten, but possibly still stored on my machine somewhere. Is there a place (like a /tmp/ area) where such overwritten files are stored?16:38
naccubloomto: if it's been overwritten... where would it be?16:38
naccubloomto: most programs don't make backups of their own files, ime16:38
naccubloomto: unless you did it yourself, first16:38
dfreynacc: Is there anything special about the server installer that will make my installation unusual once I install a desktop environment?16:38
ubuntu214am so stupid ,, can't run my wifi16:39
naccdfrey: no, just a difference of what packages are installed by default16:39
ubuntu214how to know my Bcmwl Driver - Card/Model ??16:40
ubloomtonacc: I accidentally chose the wrong option on session restore. then I panicked, closed the browser, re-opened and tried to restore. the sessionrestore file likely got overwritten, but this guide: http://techrant.co.uk/2012/03/how-to-recover-your-firefox-session-when-all-hope-is-lost/ says there might be a temp version stored somewhere. It is howev16:40
ubloomtoer, windows-based, so I thought I'd ask here for a Linux option16:40
dfreynacc: ok. thanks16:41
naccubloomto: try ~.mozilla/firefox/<session id>/sessionstore-backups ?16:42
naccubloomto: er ~/.mozilla/firefox/<session id>/sessionstore-backups ?16:42
morty_soo.. if anyone is interessted.. with 4.6.7 it works.. aaaand 4.8 didnt help the flickering as i thought :)16:42
ubloomtonacc: I have looked there already. The recovery.bak and recovery.js both got overwritten. I want to find the version 'just before' they were overwritten16:44
naccubloomto: so you've recovered twice already?16:45
ubloomtonacc: I opened my browser, accidentally chose the wrong option. it gave me a fresh option. I then closed the browser and re-opened (thinking my old session might be there), but it is not there anymore. Browser has been closed once only16:51
theonefooI’ve created a key pair on my host machine and copied the public key to an ubuntu server. sshd_config has PasswordAuthentication set to no. Why is it that now trying to run `ssh -i privatekey myuser@ubuntu-machine-ip` prompts me for my user’s password? This command is run from within ~/.ssh on host machine and privatekey exists in that path.16:52
ubloomtotheonefoo: did you restart the SSH service after making changes?16:52
theonefooyes, but I can try that again since I changed sshd_config several times before I was able to log in with the new privatekey16:53
hicoleriI use refind ans a workaround as a method to boot to usb devices on my computer, because GRUB seems to override the rest of my boot devices (and the boot device selection menu, i.e. the f10 menu). However, even that doesn't seem to detect my usb devices now. (i have tested them on a seperate computer.) What should I do?16:53
theonefoosudo /ssh/init.d/ssh restart right?16:53
ubloomtotheonefoo: yes16:54
theonefoohm no that’s not the path…16:54
pavlos /etc16:54
theonefoothat did the trick, thank you!16:54
ubloomtotheonefoo: you don't need to add your private key to the command. Add that info to your hosts file16:55
theonefoothis ssh command is running on a CI environment, not sure how I could script creating the hosts file so that it works in this case16:55
theonefooright now private key is set as an environment variable in CI configuration and is echo’d to a “sshkey” file16:57
akikubloomto: which hosts file do you mean?17:01
akikubloomto: because in /etc/hosts there are just ips and hostnames17:01
theonefooakik: ~/.ssh/known_hosts?17:01
ubloomtothat one ^^17:02
theonefoohm I guess I could just echo it to there17:02
theonefoois that even necessary though when the ssh command runs once in a disposable CI environment?17:03
CHBMBAnybody replaced nautilus with nemo?  Any "gotchas"17:03
MonkeyDustCHBMB  nemo has the F3 dual pane, nautilus does not17:04
CHBMBWorthwhile changing then?  I'm fairly new to Ubuntu (less than a month exclusively)17:04
MonkeyDustCHBMB  'worthwile' is a matter of opinion and appreciation17:05
k1lCHBMB: best is to try it on your own, to be honest. everyone got a different taste or workflow17:06
CHBMBFair point chaps...17:07
akikcorrect me if i'm wrong but i thought known_hosts has only host keys, not personal keys17:07
CHBMBAny other nautilus replacements you'd recommend?17:07
ubloomtoakik: known hosts is what you'd use to map each key to an IP17:08
ChetManlydoes chown not work on ntfs drive?17:09
ChetManlymine is root but I want it to be my user17:09
MonkeyDustChetManly  iirc, ntfs does not know linux flags17:09
k1lChetManly: ntfs doesnt support that.17:09
k1lChetManly: so chown the mountpoint and look at what mount settings you used17:10
eslam_LinUxerHey Guys ,,,, i have Succeed  . installing STA for my Bcmwl ,, using Ubuntu 16.04 {offline}17:10
ChetManlyok mount point not device17:10
akikubloomto: i just didn't understand what you meant by adding the private key to the hosts file17:10
ChetManlyk1l: spanks :-)17:11
eslam_LinUxerbadly " http://3.1m.yt/Hdm3mDI.png " , can't select proprietary ,, ! " when i chose it and press Apply ,, show no action ...17:11
eslam_LinUxerAny Help Plz ! ^17:12
ChetManlyso do I need a card with three or more video outs to three monitors?17:13
ChetManlymeaning its not possible to have three with a card that only has two outs?17:13
eslam_LinUxerany help ,, for my problem ???17:14
slaffeanyone care to help? Trying to enable a service in systemctl17:14
MonkeyDust!patience | eslam_LinUxer17:14
ubottueslam_LinUxer: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:14
naccslaffe: what is happening?17:14
slaffe[19:14:46]slaffe@scenics:~$ sudo systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/deluged.service17:14
slaffeFailed to execute operation: Too many levels of symbolic links17:14
eslam_LinUxeroK ,ok , ok17:15
naccslaffe: why are you passing a path?17:15
Alec_sudo systemctl enable deluged17:15
slaffeTrying to get deluged to work after it broke due to 16.04 upgrade17:15
naccslaffe: can't you just do `sudo systemctl enable deluged` ?17:15
slaffe[19:14:52]slaffe@scenics:~$ sudo systemctl enable deluged17:15
slaffeFailed to execute operation: Too many levels of symbolic links17:15
naccyou probably have broken some things by using that path in the path17:15
naccas the path for enable is the unit file, not the /etc/ file17:16
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slaffeneer gotten any other reply than that17:16
naccslaffe: than what?17:16
slaffebefore upgrade i always used service deluged start17:17
slaffeand that wont work nomore17:17
Alec_slaffe: This started when you upgraded?17:17
slaffeya, right after17:17
Alec_From 14.04?17:17
naccslaffe: if you go back and forth, you might have messed things up, and i'm guessing now that some symlink is broken in /lib/17:17
Alec_I would not have updated17:17
slaffeso removed deluged deluged-webui and reinstalled, now this17:17
naccslaffe: give me a few minutes to reproduce17:17
naccAlec_: that's not helpful17:17
Alec_Remove deluge and reinstall17:17
slaffeAlec_ already done :S17:17
Alec_I have deluge also :)17:17
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Alec_How did you install17:18
naccslaffe: have you filed a bug, btw?17:18
ppfslaffe: on my system, deluged doesn't ship a systemd unit17:18
ppfwhere is this coming from?17:18
Alec_ppf: exactly what I was getting at17:18
ppfdpkg -L deluged17:19
johnpaulhi sir help me how to fix this17:19
johnpaulThis location could not be displayed17:19
slaffeppf I read some tutorial somewhere17:19
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slaffeAlec_ just removed it and sudo apt-get install deluged deluged-web17:19
ppfslaffe: use the one from the repositories17:19
k1ljohnpaul: what program gives you that error?17:19
slaffeso I did17:19
slaffebut the systemctl enable thingy is from a tutorial17:20
ppfjohnpaul: not again. your warez disk is broken, get a new one17:20
ioriaslaffe,  http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/Service/systemd   this ?17:20
Alec_I think that the systemd script is the problem17:20
slaffeyes ioria17:20
slaffethat one17:20
naccslaffe: yeah, afaict, there is no systemd unit in the ubuntu package?17:20
johnpaulaw i use it 1yr only17:20
k1ljohnpaul: ah right. your disk was broken with i/o errors. you cant use that anymore. you need to get a new disk17:21
ioriaslaffe,  and the  'Migration from init.d or Upstart scripts' section, not working ?17:21
k1ljohnpaul: time is no matter of hardware failures. some even brake before they leave the factory17:21
eslam_LinUxerhow to run software&updates by sudo ?17:21
johnpaulhow sad17:21
nicomachuseslam_LinUxer: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade17:22
slaffeguess i'll try to remove it and install it again then17:22
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ioriaslaffe,  and the service it's not running ... i guess17:22
ppfslaffe: won't help17:22
k1leslam_LinUxer: sudo apt update && sudo apt fullu-upgrade17:22
slaffeno ioria its not17:22
k1leslam_LinUxer: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade17:22
ppfthe systemd unit looks alright17:22
ppfreadlink -e /usr/bin/deluged please17:22
nicomachusk1l: too slow. >:D17:22
slaffe[19:17:22]slaffe@scenics:~$ readlink -e /usr/bin/deluged17:22
slaffe...[19:17:22]slaffe@scenics:~$ readlink -e /usr/bin/deluged17:23
eslam_LinUxeri mean this http://3.1m.yt/Hdm3mDI.png17:23
Alec_Try /usr/bin/deluged17:23
k1leslam_LinUxer: what is the output of "groups" in terminal?17:23
ppfreadlink -e  /etc/systemd/system/deluged.service17:23
eslam_LinUxerk1l : i am not using ubuntu now ...17:24
slaffesays: /lib/systemd/system/deluged.service17:24
tahirtahir cdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev netdev lpadmin scanner bluetooth17:24
ppfyeah, that won't work17:24
tahiri am using debian17:24
ppfsystemd enable doesn't do symlinks17:24
k1leslam_LinUxer: because usually the desktop will ask you for the password when needed there. so you dont run it as sudo manually.17:25
johnpaultnx sir k1l17:25
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ppfat least it didn't do until very recently17:25
ppfso: move that file over to /etc/systemd/system17:25
Alec_Test that ./usr/bin/deluged works just to be sure17:25
ppfAlec_: won't be necessary17:26
eslam_LinUxerk1l : yes ,,,,, there's no ask for password .... how can i solve it ?17:26
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ppfslaffe: systemctl enable deluged works?17:26
slaffemoved the files to /etc/systemd/system17:26
slaffehang on17:26
slaffeya, deluged.conf and deluged-webui.conf17:26
ppfneed to catch a train, back in a bit17:27
noirchromehoy ppl17:30
k1leslam_LinUxer: you cant like you think.17:30
slaffeppf when you're back: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23252129/17:30
eslam_LinUxerwhat to do ?17:31
k1leslam_LinUxer: i guess your user is missing some group memberships and therefore you cant change the settings there17:31
k1leslam_LinUxer: that is why i asked for the output of "groups"17:31
eslam_LinUxerok ,, how to can change group ???17:31
eslam_LinUxerwell ,,, theres no root group in my ubuntu ...17:31
k1leslam_LinUxer: why dont you show us what groups that user is in?17:32
eslam_LinUxerk1l : i am not using ubuntu now ...17:33
eslam_LinUxerok i will use it now ,,, any thing else exept group ??17:33
k1leslam_LinUxer: ok, so we cant solve this issue now17:33
wildc4rdI run a Ubuntu media server, is there any way to get Netflix working?17:34
noirchromedoes anyone get some strange flickering when seeing the login screen ? ubuntu 16.04 ?17:34
k1lwildc4rd: netflix should work with chrome17:34
wildc4rdk1l, when you try to play something, it says it required Silverlight...17:35
k1lwildc4rd: chrome, not chromium17:36
Alec_Does anyone have any experience with NIC bonding in 14.04?17:37
akikwildc4rd: netflix works with firefox too but you need to change the user agent17:38
akikwildc4rd: i think it was firefox 49.0 which brought the support17:39
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wildc4rdthanks k1l (and akik), chrome did the trick17:42
naccslaffe: to be clear, what did you use to do in 14.04 (my lxc is dist-upgrading right now, will ping you when it's done)17:43
eslam_LinUxerk1l  : groups output http://1.1m.yt/AjZnE57.png17:43
slaffenacc what I used my server for?17:45
slaffein 14.04?17:45
naccslaffe: no, i meant what did you use to manipulate deluged before17:46
k1leslam_LinUxer: ok. that looks ok. you are in sudo and plugdev17:46
eslam_LinUxerthank god ...17:46
eslam_LinUxerwhat 2 do ,, mister k1l17:46
tahirhow do i enable ssl17:47
k1leslam_LinUxer: if you set the unknown device to "using processor microcode" can you press apply then?17:47
eslam_LinUxerk1l : no i cant17:48
k1leslam_LinUxer: dont know whats broken there17:49
eslam_LinUxerme 2 ,,,17:49
de-factotahir you mean ssl here for irc connection? i think you can connect to irc.freenode.net on port 6997 with ssl enabled in your client17:50
de-factochat.freenode.net rather17:50
eslam_LinUxermaybe if i tried 2 press Apply using sudo ,, maybe :\17:50
de-factowhoaa correction i mean chat.freenode.net on port 669717:51
naccslaffe: so i have no idea what you did, but here's what i did: started up 14.04, `apt install deluged`. dist-upgrade to 16.04. and the result of doing a normal systemctl enable is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23252204/17:52
naccslaffe: like i said, i don't know why you were passing a path to `systemctl enable` rather than the name of the unit file, but that's almost certainl what broke things17:53
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slaffenacc i think my server is relaly messed up by this upgrade17:55
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slaffehad everything working great before, after the upgrade, did same as you did17:55
naccslaffe: i'm not sure it is or not -- the upgrade went fine and then you seemed to follow a different guide?17:55
slaffefail2ban stopped working, owncloud server crashed, deluged wont work and so on17:55
naccslaffe: i thought you did `systemctl enable /etc/systemd/....`17:56
Alec_slaffe: if possible I would consider rolling back17:56
naccslaffe: owncloud is no longer apackaged in 16.0417:56
slafferunning owncloud 9.1 now17:56
naccslaffe: from where? built from source?17:57
slaffefrom their repo17:57
naccslaffe: you would need to ask them for support, then17:57
naccwe can only help with ubuntu packages here17:57
slaffehad to reinstall it, works fine now17:57
slaffethis i know17:57
ppfslaffe you've got a typo in that paste?17:57
eslam_LinUxerany help ..17:57
ppfis that still pending?17:57
ppffwiw: sudo systemctl start deluged17:58
slaffeppf i am still at the paste ya17:58
slaffestart: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused17:58
slaffeat that stage17:58
ppfstart is an upstart command, not systemctl17:58
ppfso maybe drop in a systemctl there :)17:59
slaffeok, done it17:59
slaffe==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units ===17:59
slaffeand so on, same as before17:59
slaffeWhy is this prompting?17:59
ppfit's asking you for your password17:59
ppfmissing a sudo?18:00
ppfnacc: systemctl can do paths in enable (at least today, don't know about t he ubuntu version)18:00
slaffeclient started now18:00
eslam_LinUxercan i run ubuntu by sudo ? i mean all the system ....18:00
k1leslam_LinUxer: no18:00
ppfthat'll combine systemctl link with systemctl enable on the then-symlinked unit18:01
k1leslam_LinUxer: and i dont know if a "oneiric" driver is the right one for you18:01
ppfbut it might not be a good idea to do that from the /etc/systemd home :)18:01
ppfand also won't work with older versions18:01
akikeslam_LinUxer: i've noticed some systemd commands ask you for the password if you don't use sudo18:02
naccppf: yes, i understand it *can* -- i don't know why you would18:02
eslam_LinUxericonfig -a ?18:02
naccppf: and like i just said, i didn't experience any issues upgrading for deluged in a quick test18:02
cagomezif a command isn't in my path, should this work to add it temporarily? export PATH="/usr/local/gprolog/bin:$PATH"; echo $PATH; gprolog -h18:04
nacccagomez: if that's the correct path, yeah18:04
cagomeznacc: I'm using the python subprocess module like this; print(subp.getoutput('export PATH="/usr/local/gprolog/bin:$PATH"; echo $PATH; gprolog -h'))  ... and it gives...18:05
cagomez' /usr/local/gprolog/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Users/cagomez/venv/bin , then /bin/sh: gprolog: command not found18:06
nacccagomez: given you're doing path manipulation, why not just do an absolute apth to gprolog?18:06
slaffeppf when i try to connect to the webgui and start the daemon i am getting this in terminal18:07
ppfslaffe: well the error message is rather clear, isn't it?18:07
slaffeya is, but using same config as before18:08
slaffeso using same pw oO18:08
cagomezthanks nacc ! doing that instead18:08
ImageJPEGI've got two quick questions. I've got a Ubuntu laptop setup for a timeclock punch. (Users just log onto a web app and clock in/out). I've got a user just for that purpose on the computer. Is there any way that I can disable all apps execpt for firefox for the timeclock user? Second question would be if there's a way I can disable the use of Firefox safe mode for this user as well. I've got a website blocker addon (blocks all but the web app for the time c18:08
ImageJPEGlock) and a Kiosk addon to disable menus etc...18:08
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slaffewhen loggin on to webui it accepts the password, then when I try to start daemon I get this18:09
slaffeThat is why I dont get the password dont match?18:11
ppfdoes the user running the daemon match?18:13
ppfwho's the error coming from?18:13
slaffedeluge-web runs by user deluge18:13
slaffedeluged runs by me, although it says deluged in config file18:14
ppfthat's probably wrong?18:14
noirchromecan anyone give a little hint about ncmpcpp ?18:14
slaffewonder why it runs by me when it's supposed to be deluged18:14
ppfwell how did you start it?18:14
slaffestarted both same way, systemctl start deluged and web. web started by user deluge and deluged by me.18:16
ppfwhat's in the systemd file?18:16
slaffesame in both configs18:17
ppfsomeone earlier suggested to try and run the program to test it, did you do that?18:17
slaffekilled the process now and started with sudo -u deluge systemctl start deluged18:17
slaffeworks now18:17
slaffeprobably not the right way though :D18:17
ppfno, just sudo18:18
zteamHi all!18:19
chynohi! i have a many times discussed question, but i haven't found any working answer... Is it possible to update nvidia drivers on ubuntu (16.04)? i'm currently using nvidia-340, but i couldn't compile doppia (https://bitbucket.org/rodrigob/doppia) with cuda 6.5, so i was thinking about updating driver to install new cuda 8.0.18:19
zteamI'm troubleshooting sound problems on Ubuntu, and my friend asks me to try to change sampling rate on my soundcard how can I do that with Ubuntu??18:20
slaffethank you for helping a pure beginner in this new world ppl. Most people would tell me to fuck off, my lift my virtual hat and bow.18:20
ppfchyno: nvidia.com?18:21
zteamaccording to this post it can't even be done18:21
ppf!sound | zteam18:21
ubottuzteam: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:21
OerHekszteam, a codec can, but i think it is not related.18:22
ppfslaffe: sure thing!18:22
chynoppf: i tried downloading driver from nvidia.com, but i wasn't able to install it from virtual console. (with lightdm stopped)18:22
zteamppf, that doesn't answere my question at all, isn't there any easy way to solve this?18:23
OerHeksdon't use the drivers from nvidia.com chyno18:23
ppfchyno: why18:23
OerHeksuse the official driver ppa https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa18:23
ppfOerHeks: if you want cuda8 you need to18:23
zteamppf, I need to try other sample rates, I have used Ubuntu for over 10 years18:24
Alec_I am having some issues setting up a balance-rr (mode 0) bond in 14.04. I am using this bond for a direct connection to my NAS. The two slaves are running and appear to be working. The bond is showing as no link detected however. Any ideas of where to look for the problem? No errors in dmesg.18:25
Alec_Here is my interface config: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23252353/18:26
ppfzteam: try changing the sample rate in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf18:26
chynoOerHeks, ppf: i don't exactly need cuda8, but maybe newer than 6.5. idk. i ran the installation first time, it added the nvidia-installer-disable-noveau.conf, restarted it a the same response came, that it can't install drivers with Nouveau in use18:26
ppfif you don't need cuda then stock drivers will do18:27
OerHekschyno, just blacklist nouveau?18:27
ppfyes, do that18:28
chynoppf: i certainly need cuda, but i am not sure which version, browsing through the internet i came to conclusion that it won't compile with cuda6.518:28
chynoOerHeks: how? i thought it was done by that conf file18:29
ppfthe 340 driver works with cuda718:29
chynoppf: ok, that sounds good. i'm sorry, but where can i find this cuda and driver's compatibility?18:30
ppfnvidia 361 is the lates one in the repos i think18:31
nacc!info nvidia-36718:32
ubottuPackage nvidia-367 does not exist in xenial18:32
nacc!info nvidia-367 yakkety18:32
ubottunvidia-367 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-367): NVIDIA binary driver - version 367.44. In component restricted, is optional. Version 367.44-0ubuntu3 (yakkety), package size 39265 kB, installed size 167306 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)18:32
ppf!info nvidia-36118:32
naccppf: yeah for 16.0418:32
ubottunvidia-361 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-361): NVIDIA binary driver - version 361.42. In component restricted, is optional. Version 361.42-0ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 37848 kB, installed size 163365 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)18:32
OerHeksdriver ppa got 367 and 370 https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa18:33
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naccOerHeks: nice18:33
DK2Alec_ why do you define eth0 and eth1 as manual18:35
chynoOerHeks, ppf: yeah, i use that repo, but when i install nvidia-(fe. 370) than it makes no change in software and updates panel18:35
Alec_DK2: what else would they be defined as?18:36
gebruikerdo we really need flash?18:36
DK2you can comment the config for eth0 and eth1 out i think18:36
chynobut, i will now try to install cuda7, i really only need to be able to compile doppia18:36
DK2and put eth0 eth1 in bond-slaves18:36
chynoppf, OerHeks : thanks for now18:37
DK2the configuration you have sucks18:37
Alec_I thought that was only for mode 4 (ieee)18:37
DK2did you tried it this way?18:37
Alec_DK2: why does it suck, it is almost if not identical to the one on the ubuntu website18:37
mpountaHello, is there a specific channel for ubuntu IoT , snappy ubuntu core ? :)18:38
Alec_I already tried adding them to bond-slaves but I did not remove them from the config. I will try that shortly18:39
shadaloocan someone tell me what this article refers to when it says18:39
shadalooSave the .config file and recompile the kernel and boot it. The above error should not occur.18:39
shadaloowhat do they mean recompile the kernel?18:39
naccshadaloo: it's referring to rebuilding your kernel18:39
shadalooif I installed the kernel from a .deb18:39
DK2i think even if its working a restarting the network wont get the boding back up18:39
shadaloodo they mean use dpkg -i again?18:39
naccshadaloo: if you don't know, then it's not somethign you should do18:39
DK2because the ifaces are defined as manual18:39
naccshadaloo: no18:39
DK2and there are no slaves defined in the bond config18:39
nacc!compile | shadaloo18:40
ubottushadaloo: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall18:40
Keydnsis there a reason i cant use my nickname anymore across two terminals running irssi?18:40
k1lshadaloo: compiling means making the kernel.deb package again. but this needs some knowledge and some more computing time18:40
shadaloonacc: thanks18:40
naccshadaloo: i only have the 16.10 .config in front of me, but that option is on now (at least)18:41
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shadaloonacc: i am actually on linux-mint, but I pulled the .debs from ubuntu archives18:41
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Alec_DK2: So remove the eth1 and eth2 configs and bond-slaves eth1 eth2 to the bond0 config?18:42
Alec_DK2: So remove the eth1 and eth2 configs and **add** bond-slaves eth1 eth2 to the bond0 config?18:42
slaffeanyone else havng problem with fail2ban after upgrade to 16.04?18:42
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k1lshadaloo: ouch. mint handles stuff like kernels and module differently. better ask their support about issus18:43
naccshadaloo: it's enabled in ubuntu 16.04 too18:43
k1l!mint | shadaloo18:43
ubottushadaloo: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:43
naccshadaloo: but !mint is ot here :/18:43
naccshadaloo: and i don't think it's recommended to mix distributions like that18:43
gebruikerI would like the stability of debian stable branch and unity18:44
shadalooI read in askubuntu18:44
DK2i have one working config18:44
shadaloothe fix to run 4.7 kernels is as simple as this one config line18:44
naccshadaloo: running mainline kerenls is also offtopic here18:44
shadaloowalled gardens18:45
Alec_DK2: config updated, rebooting18:45
naccshadaloo: that's not what we're saying by any means18:45
naccshadaloo: you should read where that reference comes from to understand18:45
shadaloonacc: why don't you just tell me18:46
naccshadaloo: this is the *ubuntu* support channel. You are on mint, which is not supported here, asking about kernels that are not supported on any version of Ubuntu.18:46
k1lshadaloo: you run a system that handles kernels, modules and updates differently. so please ask the mint guys for help on your issue18:46
zteampfoo, you don't happen to know a GUI or something for this stuff?18:46
ppfzteam: drivers don't usually come with a gui18:46
chynoppf, OerHeks : please, i haven't found any package for ubuntu16 on their website (https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit-70), neither they are in official repo18:46
slaffethis is the output from fail2ban after upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/23252428/18:47
ppfchyno: i've used the 14.X version successfully18:47
Alec_DK2: It did not work. Be back shortly.18:48
chynoppf: ok18:48
ppfjust give it a try, can't break much :)18:48
zteamppf, I can agree on that, but on Windows you do have a gui for that provided with the drivers CD, maybe that's not the case in Ubuntu, but having to spend time on reading on different sample rates withot knowing which one to use just feels hopeless18:49
ppfare you certain that that's really what you need to do?18:49
naccppf: did you have local configurations before?18:50
ppfnacc: local configurations of what?18:50
naccppf: of fail2ban18:50
naccppf: modified from what ubuntu shipped in 14.0418:50
ppfnacc: i think you mean slaffe18:51
naccppf: urgh, sorry!18:51
ppfno worries18:51
slaffenacc ya I had my jail.local18:51
naccslaffe: did you have local modifications to fail2ban18:51
DK2Alec_ weird, do you have ifenslave installed?18:51
slaffeWhat do you mean by local modifications? I did not use jail.conf, only jail.local18:52
naccslaffe: any changes in /etc/fail2ban18:53
naccslaffe: there is LP: #158431518:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1584315 in fail2ban (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS fail2ban problems at upgrade from 14.04 LTS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158431518:53
slaffei will check18:54
zteamppf, if you talking to me, no, not at all, but that is one of the things my friend adviced me to do18:54
ppfwhat's the actual problem you're trying to solve18:55
slaffenacc I do not have any files ending with .dpkg-dist18:56
erasmusI need to vent ubuntu sucks18:56
nacc!ot | erasmus18:56
ubottuerasmus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:56
erasmusI wasn't asking for help nacc18:56
naccerasmus: you're offtopic18:56
ppferasmus: #fedora will listen happily!18:56
erasmushow is what I said offtopic?18:57
erasmusppf pfft =)18:57
naccerasmus: this is the support channel, not the random complaint channel (or vent channel)18:57
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erasmusok irc toughguy you are right.18:57
zteamppf, I'm experiencing sound clips and noise with my freshly built machine18:58
naccslaffe: it seems like possibly some actiosn have been renamed, can you pastebin your conf?18:58
zteamppf, if you talking to me please write my nickname18:58
=== IKEA is now known as Swant
ppfzteam: will do. afraid i don't have much knowledge in that area19:00
slaffenacc here you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23252471/19:01
Alec_DK2: I'm back19:03
Alec_So it doesn't look like it bonded eth1 and eth219:03
DK2do you have ifenslave installed? configured the bonding module?19:03
DK2what does it say?19:03
Alec_Yes to both.19:03
Alec_dmesg | grep "bond0" - [    6.179680] bond0: Setting MII monitoring interval to 10019:04
Alec_That is all19:04
SlugdudeSo, I have two graphics cards in my system, an RX 470 and a 9400GT (big contrast) and I want the 470 to drive one display, for gaming on, and the 9400GT to run the other display, for web browsing etc. I have AMDGPU-PRO installed and working on the 470, and nouveau installed for the 9400GT, but on the screen the 9400GT is connected to all I get is a blank screen. It doesn't show up in system settings -> screen display. Anyone know ho19:05
DK2what does ip a say?19:05
SlugdudeAlso, both cards are in lspci19:05
chynoppf: currently downloading cuda7 .deb... but i found an answer on SO (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30820513/what-is-version-of-cuda-for-nvidia-304-125), that i won't be compatible with nvidia-340 (currently installed)... where do you search for compatibility table between cuda and drivers? google is no help19:06
DK2the output of "ip a"19:06
ppfchyno: install the latest drivers from the repo19:06
ppfstock drivers are fresh enough19:06
DK2or cat /proc/net/bonding/bond019:07
Alec_bond0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,MASTER,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default qlen 100019:07
Alec_cat /proc/net/bonding/bond019:07
Alec_MII Status: down19:07
Alec_sudo ethtool bond0 -> Link detected: no19:07
Alec_sudo ethtool eth1 -> Link detected: yes19:08
Alec_sudo ethtool eth2 -> Link detected: yes19:08
nicomachus!paste | Alec_19:08
ubottuAlec_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:08
SlugdudeOK, what? I hit suspend by mistake (both monitors switch off) and then when I resumed, the screen connected to the 9400GT turned white.19:08
DK2hats weird19:08
Alec_DK2: I know....19:09
DK2what kind of server is it?19:09
Alec_FYI it is a USB 3.0 dual NIC adapter19:09
DK2maybe driver issues?19:10
chynoppf: you mean this repo? http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu19:10
Alec_Intel NUC, so only one NIC (eth0). eth1 and eth2 are the adapter.19:10
Alec_DK2: maybe, but the interfaces didn't work and then I installed the driver and now they interfaces work. Just the bond doesn't.19:10
SlugdudeAfter a reboot, now the 9400GT's screen has the five Ubuntu loading dots but everything else is black19:10
slaffenacc did you find anything strange?19:11
thrawn_newHi, im a bit of a newbie to linux and ubuntu collectively and was wondering if someone could help me setup Steam19:11
ppfchyno: no, the ubuntu xenial repos19:11
glitchdthrawn_new, sure19:11
ppf(you are on xenial, right?)19:11
glitchdthrawn_new, its not hard, what version linux are you running?19:11
nicomachusthrawn_new: not much to it. Just install it from Software Manager or from terminal with "sudo apt-get install steam"19:11
naccslaffe: so i'm 99% sure you're just hitting an incompatiblity on upgrade. Not syaing ti should happen, but your local config is probably meant to be used with 14.04 only. So you'll need to look at what's in the package-managed config (jail.conf) and compare to what's in jail.local19:11
thrawn_newim on 16.04 ubuntu19:11
naccslaffe: the upstream changelog on 0.9.x says they refactored the configuration significantly19:11
glitchdthrawn_new, you can either install it from command line, the software center, or download the .deb file directly from the steam website19:12
Slugdudethrawn_new: Use the steam from steam's website, if I recall correctly the one in Ubuntu's repos (on the Ubuntu software store) is outdated.19:12
slaffehmm, ok. i'll have to compare them configs and see what is causing this then.19:12
slaffeThanks alot nacc19:12
glitchdthrawn_new, yes the one in the software center is exrememly outdated, Slugdude is correct19:13
nicomachusit's not *that* out of date19:13
glitchdthrawn_new, your best bet is to download the .deb file from the steam website19:13
glitchdnicomachus, its enough outdated to be a bed idea to install19:13
ppfit's also self-updating19:13
DK2Alec_ the configuration is definately fine now, the problem must be something else19:13
thrawn_newOh thank you guys19:13
thrawn_newI tried so hard last night to do it and couldn't19:13
nicomachusppf is correct. you can install from the repos and then the client will prompt to update when you first open it.19:14
glitchdthrawn_new, do you need a link to the download?19:14
cagomezI'm passing command line arguments via subp but the process never quits. like so: ('/usr/local/bin/gprolog --consult-file maze.pl --query-goal "findPath(0,0,4,5,Path), !, write(Path)"') . If I enter CTRL-D in the terminal, the process executes the command line args and returns. Any ideas?19:14
Slugdudethrawn_new, once you have the .deb file you can install it the easy way by double clicking it, or use the terminal sudo dpkg -i pathto/fileYouDownloaded.deb19:14
cagomez^(python subp module)19:14
SlugdudeAfter that it's pretty much the same as Windows.19:14
nacccagomez: you may want to ask in a more python-oriented channel19:14
glitchdcagomez, *sudo19:14
thrawn_newI was almost afraid to ask for help b/c im such a newbie19:15
SlugdudeWe don't bite :)19:15
nicomachusthrawn_new: we all start somewhere.19:15
* nicomachus bites Slugdude 19:15
SlugdudeApparently we do19:15
michel_i sterted yesterday19:15
Slugdudemichel_: biting people?19:16
michel_i dont bite19:16
Alec_DK2: I ordered another USB 3.0 to dual gigabit adapter. Should be in tomorrow. I will try the new one. But the individual NICs are working fine so I highly doubt that the adapter the problem.19:16
michel_when im sober19:16
Alec_Anything else you can think of causing the issue?19:16
chynoppf: yes, xenial. i'll try to reboot. hope to get back )19:16
SlugdudeAnyway, anyone hee interested in helping me with my problem?19:16
glitchdSlugdude, whats your problem?19:17
Slugdude*sigh* it's rather long, I did say it already19:17
SlugdudeOr did you just join glitchd?19:17
glitchdSlugdude, i just got here and the scrollback is not available to me..19:17
glitchdSlugdude, yes19:17
nicomachusglitchd: he has 2 GPUs, one on one screen another on another. one works the other doesn't.19:17
glitchdSlugdude, just give me the cliff notes version19:17
SlugdudeOK, one second.19:17
glitchdSlugdude, its already been explained..19:18
DK2well whats the configuration of /etc/modprobe/bonding.conf?19:18
glitchdSlugdude, are the 2 gpus the same?19:19
Alec_That file does not exist. I think it was removed in 14.04.19:19
naccslaffe: glitchd: i would look for errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:19
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SlugdudeI have two GPUs, RX 470 and 9400GT, I want dual monitor, one for gaming on the other for web browsing. The one connected to the 9400Gt is displaying the five Ubuntu dots but nothing else but the RX 470 works completely. I have AMDGPU-PRO for the 470 and nouveau for the 9400GT19:19
thrawn_newWOuld it be possible to dl Teamspeak on ubuntu 16.04?19:19
Slugdude@glitchd No19:19
DK2i do still configure my bondings with the bonding.conf tho19:19
DK2create it then19:20
Alec_DK2: DO you have an example config?19:20
Slugdudethrawn_new: as far as I know, yes, but I haven't tried it myself.19:20
thrawn_newsudo apt-get install teamspeak?19:21
DK2~try this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23252528/19:21
k1l!find teamspeak19:21
ubottuFile teamspeak found in collectd-core, collectd-dbg, gufw, nmap, ubuntu-kylin-software-center, ubuntukylin-theme19:22
DK2then load with with "modprobe bonding"19:22
SlugdudeI don't think it's in the repositories19:22
k1lthrawn_new: afaik its prop. and you need to load it from their website19:22
thrawn_newseems they have native support for linux. dl'ing from their site19:22
thrawn_newIm trying to get where i can abandon windows19:23
Alec_DK2: Should it be in modprobe.d?19:23
SlugdudeI ditched Windows about five years ago @thrawn_new19:23
SlugdudeNever looked back19:24
DK2create the file in the modprobe.d directory, yes19:24
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joe__Hey all, slowly converting from mac(main)/Windows(for cwertain things) to Ubuntu.  Alowly making progress!19:24
glitchdif you ever end up needing windows, you can always install it in a vm and use it that way19:25
joe__I have a question about using spaces.19:25
Slugdude 19:25
SlugdudeLike that ^ ?19:25
ThrawnYeah ive played with that before but i'd rather just be able to do everything in Ubuntu19:25
ThrawnEspecially since you guys and gals are so nice about helping a new person out like me19:25
Alec_DK2: Nothing happened, should I take down the interfaces?19:26
DK2yes, reload the network19:26
joe__ON the mac, I can assign certain software to open in a certain "space".   Each time I reboot or start up my computer, I need to move my programs around to the right windows.    Anyone seen a way to assign programs to a certain space?19:26
glitchdThrawn, well sometimes you just have to use windows, as good as linux is, not every windows program works and cooperates in linux19:26
SlugdudeOne thing I hated about Windows was how toxic the community can be. We're generally pretty friendly on this corner of the tubes @thrawn19:26
glitchdyes and yes^^19:27
ThrawnYeah i installed 16.04 alongside my windows 1019:27
SlugdudeI should have said "On this side of the POSIX specification"19:27
ThrawnI just allocated most of my hard drive to linux19:27
Alec_DK2: Link is still down19:28
SlugdudeSo glitchd, any insights into my dual-GPU dual-monitor situation?19:28
SlugdudePlease don't say I have to do xorg conf...19:29
glitchdSlugdude, sry i got sidetracked immediatly but im looking for info on the subject19:30
SlugdudeGlitchd, OK thanks19:30
DK2well im kinda out of ideas19:31
glitchdSlugdude, np19:31
glitchdSlugdude, btw what kind of gpus are they?19:31
SlugdudeRX 470 (AMD, primary) and 9400GT (Nvidia, secondary, stop judging me)19:32
Thrawnso i have the teamspeak 64 bit file download but its not an exe file. i made it executable but now when i try to install, i get the error that there is no file19:32
bekksThrawn: whats the filename you downloaded?19:33
pjfl_pthi all19:33
glitchdSlugdude, no judging in here=)19:34
bekksThrawn: So how are you trying to execute it then?19:34
Thrawnwas using a terminal after making it executable19:34
Alec_DK2: Thanks for helping. It is the craziest thing. Hopefully the new adapter will work.19:34
Slugdudeglitchd: relevant: https://xkcd.com/963/19:34
pjfl_ptI have a problem on my ubuntu server. I have update to the last software versins and after update i can not send curl requests19:34
glitchdSlugdude, is one an onboard gpu and the other is a physical video card?19:35
bekksThrawn: What did you do? Staring at the terminal and executing by the power of your mind? :)19:35
SlugdudeNo, both dedicated @glitchd19:35
Alec_I did have it working at one point but then I restarted and it hasn't worked since.19:35
Denommusis there a place where I can ask packaging-related doubts?19:35
pjfl_ptif I execue the command curl -x GET "http://google.com"19:35
glitchdSlugdude, ok then19:35
pjfl_pti get the response19:35
glitchdSlugdude, funny pic btw19:35
pjfl_ptcurl: (7) Failed to connect to GET port 1080: Connection refused19:35
pjfl_ptcan anyone help or have similar problem19:35
SlugdudeGlitchd: don't praise me, it's not mine19:36
bekksThrawn: and whats the output of that?19:36
Thrawnbash: no file or folder found19:36
zarkhello girls do you know a good solution like virtual box on ubuntu ?19:36
bekkszark: You just named the solution. :))19:36
tgm4883zak_: have you tried virtualbox?19:36
SlugdudeYes, zark, it's called virtualbox19:37
glitchdSlugdude,  im not finding any relevant info on this matter19:37
zarkoOOhh sorry buddies i m a bit drunk19:37
zarkthanjs guys19:37
Slugdudeglitchd: neither am I, which is why I'm here. Pretty sure it's possible though.19:37
ioriaSlugdude, if you boot in text mode and it's all ok for both screens , the issue is X... you 'll probably need a xorg.conf19:38
glitchdSlugdude, unfortunately, i am of no help on this matter, sry bud19:38
baxtOk so just came in what's the issue?19:38
Slugdudeglitchd: when I power down, the power down screen with the Ubuntu logo sometimes shows on both displays.19:39
pjfl_ptanyone with this response when run curl request on ubuntu server19:39
pjfl_ptcurl: (7) Failed to connect to GET port 1080: Connection refused19:39
SlugdudeUsually does*19:39
glitchdSlugdude, is each display hooked up to a different card?19:39
Slugdudeyes, glitchd.19:40
glitchdSlugdude, it sounds like its using them bother then19:40
baxtI would start by swiping them over, then setting to only use one then only use the other.19:40
glitchdgood advice^^19:41
Slugdudeglitchd: here's what it looks like: http://imgur.com/R2Oa0ML19:43
pjfl_ptcurl: (7) Failed to connect to GET port 1080: Connection refused19:44
pjfl_ptanyone with this error19:44
glitchdSlugdude, login the bring up the run dialog and paste this in "xfce4-display-settings --minimal"19:44
glitchdSlugdude, without the quotes19:44
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SlugdudeThe second monitor (9400GT) doesn't show up in xrandr -q or system settings19:44
glitchdSlugdude, see if there are any optiouns to turn the other display on19:44
tgm4883pjfl_pt: you'll need to give more details than that. You're getting a connection refused, but without knowing what you are trying to curl nobody can help you19:44
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Thrawnokay i got the file i download to create the installation files but when i got to execute the installer and double click on it nothing happens. Any advice?19:45
ThrawnThis is for TS 3 64 bit19:45
SlugdudeI already did, there aren't. Only one display is listed in xrandr -q and system settings @glitchd19:45
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pjfl_pttgm4883> I am just send a normal curl request from the console19:45
SlugdudeAlso to clarify both cards are in lspci19:45
pjfl_ptcurl -X GET "http:\\google.com"19:46
SlugdudePreeetty sure URLs use http:// pjfl_pt19:46
SlugdudeNot \19:46
tgm4883pjfl_pt: you need // not \\19:46
pjfl_ptyes thats correct19:46
pjfl_ptbut thats not the error19:47
tgm4883pjfl_pt: that also isn't the command you are using to get that error19:47
glitchdSlugdude, this may be above my paygrade..sry bud..19:47
pjfl_ptroot@pjflopes:~# curl -x GET "https://google.com"19:47
pjfl_ptcurl: (5) Could not resolve proxy: GET19:47
OerHekscurl & https, always fun19:48
tgm4883pjfl_pt: that's not the error you posted above...19:48
pjfl_ptand if I change to http i get the error curl: (7) Failed to connect to GET port 1080: Connection refused19:48
SlugdudeNp glitchd19:48
tgm4883pjfl_pt: disable your proxy?19:48
OerHeksthere is no http://www.google.com anymore, https only.19:48
MonkeyDustpjfl_pt  maybe it's the target that causes the error ... what's the exact file you're trying to download?19:49
pjfl_ptyes but the http always redirect to the https19:49
OerHekspjfl_pt, good you found out19:49
tgm4883pjfl_pt: sounds like your computer is trying to proxy your curl through some proxy19:50
tgm4883pjfl_pt: sounds like your computer is trying to proxy your curl through some proxy19:50
OerHekswhy does curl not work on https ? certificate ..19:51
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Alec_I have the same curl error19:51
glitchdSlugdude,  you should also check if there are any additional drivers that can be activated19:51
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glitchdSlugdude, System Settings -> Additional Drivers.19:51
Alec_-x is the same as --proxy19:52
summerraini connected an external mouse to my notebook with ubuntu but its not working19:52
summerrainwhat should i do19:52
Alec_man curl19:52
ioriai think he wanted X not x19:52
summerrainwhat should i do ?19:52
SlugdudeGlitchd: the only thing is switching from nouveau on the 9400GT to nvidia 340 which doesn't help at all.19:52
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OerHekspjfl_pt, try curl -k https://www.google.com19:53
Alec_OerHeks: He is gone19:53
glitchdSlugdude, maybe a reboot or a logout/login is required to activate it?19:53
glitchdSlugdude, after you select it i mean19:54
tgm4883ugh, this is why we want users to copy and paste the commands they are using...19:54
Thrawnthrawn@thrawn-GA-78LMT-S2:~/Downloads/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64$ ts3client_runscript.sh19:54
Thrawnts3client_runscript.sh: command not found19:54
pavlosscript not executable19:55
glitchdThrawn, navigate to the folder manually in terminal19:55
muntaThrawn: chmod +x <file>19:55
RarrikinsThrawn: ./whatever19:56
glitchdThrawn, then try to use it, and do what that guy said ^^19:56
muntaglitchd: :)19:56
chynoppf: so i installed nvidia-361 after rebooting, there was an error http://pasteboard.co/92H2AfKUs.png  (not sure if relevant), but i'm not sure how to check if the installation was ok. when i change in nvidia-settings from intel to nvidia driver, it show a message that i should relog, but after relogging there is still the same intel driver selected19:56
glitchdmunta, ..?19:57
baxtOk guys go to the 4. Kernel info on kernel.org19:58
baxtRead the blerb. This might have answars for you.19:58
muntaglitchd: sorry wrong person ...19:58
glitchdmunta, lol np19:58
ppfchyno: lsmod | grep nvidia19:59
OerHeksbaxt, bad kernel, don't use it.19:59
ppfbut sounds like it wasn't successfully install19:59
john_doe_jrI would like to use aws to backup a remote computer but use the aws binary that is installed on 1 computer instead of installing the aws on every computer on my network…is that possible?19:59
SlugdudeGlitchd: I did reboot when I tried it19:59
ppfchyno: which compiler do you have installed?19:59
chynoppf: no output19:59
OerHeksbaxt, you will find out soon .. use the kernel from mainline, build for ubuntu19:59
ppfchyno: no output?20:00
glitchdSlugdude, ...so did it work, or not?20:01
chynoppf: yes, no output... i actually installed gcc 4.8.5 because of doppia incompatibility issue (or old cuda, not sure)20:01
ppfchyno: no output on what?20:01
chynolsmod | grep nvidia20:01
ppf-fstack-protector-strong is a feature thats in later gccs20:01
ppfgo and grab a gcc520:01
SlugdudeGlitchd: no, it didn't.20:02
ppf(the dkms error you posted complained about that)20:02
glitchdwhat error message did it give?20:02
ppfinstall gcc5 and then reinstall the package20:02
chynoi only need to relink /usr/bin/gcc to gcc5, am i right? (sorry for dumb questions, i just want to be sure)20:03
glitchdSlugdude, sry bud, i confused you with another user...i still have no idea to get your 2 displays to work correctly20:03
ppfis it installed yest?20:04
Thrawn~/Downloads/TeamSpeak3-CLient-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64 ch mod +x20:05
chynobut /usr/bin/gcc and /usr/bin/g++ point to v4.820:05
Thrawnbash: /home/thrawn/Downloads/TeamSpeak3-CLient-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64: No such file or directory20:05
ppfyeah, then resymlink it20:05
Thrawnstill cant get this teamspeak to install20:05
ThrawnPlease help20:05
Gaming4LifeDEhi. so i have a pc with an nvidia ethernet adapter on it and i can't connect. any ideas?20:05
glitchdThrawn, the command would be chmod +x ts3lcient_linux_amd6420:06
chynoppf: ok20:06
glitchdThrawn, chmod is one word20:07
chynoppf: should i reinstall the nvidia driver?20:07
ppfchyno: yes20:07
Thrawn@glitchd i have the exe file set to be executable via the properties option. When i double click that exe file nothing happens20:09
ThrawnIt just sits there20:09
ppfThrawn: run it in a terminal20:09
glitchdThrawn, you downloaded an exe file to run in linux?20:09
mist_heya fellas my boot partition is full and i can't manage to purge it20:10
glitchdThrawn, teamspeak has a linux version..20:10
glitchdThrawn, no need to run the .exe20:10
ThrawnOk i downloaded /home/thrawn/Desktop/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64-
ppfwait, windows exe? as in PE/COFF?20:10
ppfThrawn: that sounds good20:10
Thrawnwhich then turned into /home/thrawn/Downloads/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd6420:10
glitchdThrawn, ok ill give you the command 1 sec20:10
Thrawnwhich is a folder inside my downloads folder20:11
ppfjust start it in a terminal?20:11
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ThrawnIve been trying and i can't get it for some reason. Im new to linux so i don't know how to get the install started20:11
ppfopen a terminal20:11
glitchdThrawn, inside the teamspeak folder, "./TeamSpeak3-Client-linux"20:11
ppfenter /home/thrawn/Downloads/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd6420:12
glitchdThrawn, check you pm's20:12
meisth0thi've just installed 16.04 lts on my server, trying to get libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 working. the latest version on repo is 4.3.0, but i am hitting a bug that is fixed on 4.5.2. is there a way to install 4.5.2?20:12
john_doe_jrwhat does the dash mean in the following command: "tar -cf - /path/to/backup/dir" ?20:12
meisth0thi don't want to compile the module myself20:13
meisth0thanybody? :(20:14
naccmeisth0th: file a bug? note that debian has 4.5.7 only in unstable20:14
meisth0thnacc: this is a server i need to get working in like 5 hours. so, for now, i am on search of a workaround.20:15
meisth0tha ppa or sth20:15
Justme__can anyone help me with updating from 14.04 to 16.04?20:23
Jordan_U!upgrade | Justme__20:23
ubottuJustme__: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:23
glitchdJustme__, insert disc, install.20:23
grumpy i am having a sound issue when i start pepermintos 7 its not reconizing then hdmi sound i have to unplug and replug the hdmi to get sound20:24
mist_heya fellas i've come across a problem. my boot partition is full and i'm not able to use apt-get purge20:24
k1lmist remove the old kernel package with dpkg20:25
elisa87please have a look at my question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39779363/i-tensorflow-core-common-runtime-gpu-gpu-init-cc81-no-gpu-devices-available-on20:27
afiefhHow can I upgrade from 16.04.1 to 16.10? `sudo do-release-upgrade -d` says that no new release was found20:28
tgm4883afiefh: that's a dev release20:28
mist_k1l: http://pastebin.com/4c2ChXpc20:28
afiefhtgm4883: I am aware of that, been testing them since 2006 but for some reason the upgrade manager seems to be unable to find it this time, even using the "-d" flag which is supposed to fetch the devel release20:29
OerHekselisa87, this page mentions 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-modprobe' https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/39420:31
k1lmist_: try with --force-depends20:31
elisa87OerHeks: http://pastebin.com/Fu5qvm5Z20:33
OerHeksThen i have no clue, could be gcc version, library path,..20:33
elisa87mona@pascal:~$ modinfo nvidia20:33
elisa87modinfo: ERROR: Module nvidia not found. OerHeks20:33
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ppfelisa87: forgot to install the gpu drivers?20:34
mist_thank you k1l, i removed a few manually and let autoremove get rid of the rest20:34
k1lmist_: yep. just get enough space to get apt working, then use apt to get rid of the old kernels20:35
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tgm4883afiefh: sorry in a meeting. Is your system set to LTS only?20:35
elisa87ppf: I did install20:36
k1lafiefh: make sure your release prompt is not set to LTS.20:36
afiefhtgm4883, k1l: Thanks, it was set for LTS only without me realizing20:37
k1lafiefh: afaik, that is the standard on lts20:37
chynoppf: thanks! nvidia driver is now running, i would like to know whether cuda8 is compatible with my installation (nvidia-361)?20:38
chynoppf: i will try to install cuda7 with runfile installer20:38
afiefhk1l:  funny... I thought I had this system for a few years without a fresh install... must have done a fresh install at some point without realizing it20:38
k1lafiefh: no, iirc that is reset if you upgrade to a LTS20:39
chynoppf: but when i tried install it via deb (local/network) there was no success20:39
afiefhk1l: oh that explains it20:39
ppfchyno: why20:40
elisa87why do I keep receiving this error "E: Failed to fetch http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu1404/x86_64/./nvidia-modprobe_352.99-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb: Size mismatch" when using this command? sudo aptitude install cuda20:42
chynoppf: deb+network will not add anything to sources.list.d or sources.list20:42
EightynineWhat should I install? Xubuntu or Ubuntu GNOME? I'm using a quad core AMD processor, 4 GB RAM and Radeon HD675020:44
ppfchyno: okay20:44
Rarrikinselisa87: Try `sudo apt update`, then retry.20:44
ppfEightynine: whichever you like better? that machine is capable of either20:45
EightynineI don't know. I need a handy system. XFCE is more simple and GNOME is unusable without Tweak Tool.20:45
elisa87Rarrikins: I get these errors when I run sudo apt-get update20:46
elisa87http://pastebin.com/GauqUUBd Rarrikins20:46
chynoppf: ok, i'm bit confused20:46
k1lEightynine: its your choice. if you are not sure you can install both desktops and test it when switching on the login screen20:46
EightynineI'm currently using XFCE on OpenSUSE and when scrolling mouse wheel system is switching desktops and can hide windows and only window titles remain. Does it work like this on Xubuntu? I don't need this.20:48
elisa87how should I fix this error? W: GPG error: http://developer.download.nvidia.com  Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F60F4B3D7FA2AF8020:49
Rarrikinselisa87: Try ``wget -q -O - http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/GPGKEY | apt-key add -`20:50
Rarrikinselisa87: Sorry, with sudo.20:50
Rarrikinselisa87: Run `sudo -i`, then that.20:50
EightynineDo you know when will be next XFCE release?20:51
elisa87Rarrikins: didn't fix. still get this error mona@pascal:~$ wget -q -O - http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/GPGKEY | sudo apt-key add - OK20:51
[Gort]Eightynine, that's configurable in Xfce's settings. You need to find Settings and then look for window management and desktop. I haven't used Xfce for over a year, so can't point exactly where those settings are, but they're there.20:51
Rarrikinselisa87: After you get OK, does `sudo apt update` work?20:51
elisa87no it doesn't Rarrikins Reading package lists... Done W: GPG error: http://developer.download.nvidia.com  Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F60F4B3D7FA2AF8020:52
Eightynine[Gort]: do you use Unity or what?20:52
bekkselisa87: Can you pastebin the entire ouput of "sudo apt update" pleasE?20:52
bekkselisa87: Because the output above is a warning only.20:53
RarrikinsEightynine: They come out very slowly. 4.10 came out in April 2012. 4.12 came out in February 2015.20:53
chynoppf: ok, it shows that it is installed, but i was used to search for the lib and includes in /usr/local/cuda-*, but there is nothing now20:53
[Gort]yeah, I do. Now thinking about it, I have Xfce on a Debian install on a virtual machine, but that's on my Windows system (on Ubuntu 16.04 now)20:53
[Gort]Eightynine, but when I did use Xfce regularly, those settings were ones I changed.20:54
elisa87bekks:  Rarrikins http://pastebin.com/TtLB6ZVX20:54
EightynineI like that XFCE is simple and takes twice less than Gnome.20:54
chynobut it can also be some mismatch beacuse of output of apt-install20:55
chynoNote, selecting 'libcuda-7.0-1' for regex 'cuda-7.0' Note, selecting 'libcuda1-361' instead of 'libcuda-7.0-1'20:55
[Gort]yeah, it was great on my previous system which was quite old. Ran fine even on a P4 with 1GB of RAM.20:55
Rarrikinselisa87: I searched for that NO_PUBKEY message on Google, and what shows up as the only result? Your paste just now.20:55
ppfchyno: what exactly did you install?20:56
ppfyou need the driver (that's libcuda), and the cuda sdk (/usr/local/cuda20:57
chynocuda-7.0 with added deb+local package20:57
ppfthey call it toolkit now20:58
WicaeedIs there any way to make modprobe.d config changes take affect immediately (or without rebooting)? I'm trying to lock down the RPC NFS lockd process to use a certain tcp/udp port in nfs_lockd.conf file under modprobe.d, however the changes aren't picked up following a restart of the rpcbind service.20:59
WicaeedEverything I've read says you need to reboot the client machine in order to make that happen20:59
WicaeedWhat's the reason behind that?20:59
chynoppf: yes, i downloaded deb+local package from https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit-7021:00
chynoppf: but it seems to me that only the lib was installed21:01
ppfdid it install  cuda-toolkit-7 as well?21:04
chynoppf: not sure, this is the output of `sudo dpkg --get-selections  | grep cuda` : http://pastebin.com/Z3vv0UWd21:06
ppfapt update && apt install cuda-7-021:07
ppfor cuda-7, don't know what the correct name is21:08
OerHeksbug 162868721:08
ubottubug 1628687 in systemd (Ubuntu Yakkety) "Assertion failure when PID 1 receives a zero-length message over notify socket" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162868721:08
k1lOerHeks: that is the todays famous systemd bug?21:09
OerHeksk1l, jups21:09
chynoppf: apt install cuda hints only this : http://pastebin.com/T4LAGb2c21:10
chynoand Unable to locate package cuda-7-021:10
chynothey are usually named this way21:11
ppfthen something didn't go right in your install21:11
ppfwhy not install 8?21:12
ppfapt install cuda-toolkit-8-021:12
idokoOerHeks, i thought a patch was released like an hour after that post made rounds21:12
ppfidoko: the patch was bad21:12
OerHeksidoko, correct, http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-3094-1/21:12
OerHeksbut the vuln is not fixed complete21:13
OerHeksbugreport says we need to wait for upstream, instead of opening new cve21:13
chynoppf: not sure if it is supported by my driver (361) and last time i have found it out after recompilation of all sources (opencv + doppia) and that takes like an hour or so21:13
idokooerheks, oh i see...21:14
=== alien_ is now known as Guest15563
ppfyou did run apt update, right?21:14
chynoyes, sure21:15
ppfi suggest try toolkit-8 or download the 7(.5) .run installer21:16
chynoppk: thanks, i will try. and there is any refrence to minimum version of driver needed for these cuda toolkits?21:18
ppfi'm running 7.5 with 35221:20
ppfbut that's why it's preferable to install the packages, they depend on appropriate drivers21:21
esuarez!push 2376821:24
elisa87any hint to have me fix this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/831355/failed-to-initialize-nvml-driver-library-version-mismatch21:26
=== zel is now known as Guest81731
ppfelisa87: did you try to uninstall 352?21:29
ppfelisa87: actually, can you show us the contents of /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-352_hybrid.conf?21:31
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=== thrawn_new is now known as Thrawn
ppfif that file contains a modprobe, delete it or move it someplace else21:34
craigbass76I've got an rsync script running. Is there a way, if the network conks out, for it to resume itself with a switch in the rsync command, or have I got to cough up some sort of script? I'm currently running rsync -azOP user@remote_box:/directory /local/directory/21:35
craigbass76I'm also listening to a John Pizzarelli concert on youtube, but I'm not sure if that will help...21:36
=== skodward is now known as skank
NomadJimdoes ubuntu come with a swap file already configured? I'm running a 2GB vm that is getting an "virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory" and I'm about to make a new swap disk but don't want to make one if it's alreadythere but too small21:50
NomadJim14.04 LTS21:50
k1lNomadJim: no21:50
bekksNomadJim: How much RAM does your host have?21:51
bekksNomadJim: So thats not the underlying issue.21:51
k1lNomadJim: you can look at "swapon -s"21:51
bekksNomadJim: Which kind of vm, which hypervisor? And where exactly do you get that error?21:52
NomadJimthx sawpon -s is empty21:52
NomadJimI'm getting it after doing a pip install scipy21:52
bekksNomadJim: Inside the VM?21:52
bekksNomadJim: So configure more RAM for your VM.21:52
=== thrawn_new is now known as Thrawn
NomadJimwould rathe rkeep it the same and have a swap file for the install21:53
chynoppf: many thanks! it seems that everything is properly installed and the driver was updated because of cuda8 dependency. thanks again for your time and patience21:53
bekksNomadJim: So you need a swapfile in your VM.21:54
achtung_mikeHas anyone seen the following situation.  A tmpfs is mounted say at /data/export/tmp and there is an LV mounted at / and when you do a df -h for the entire system the LV mounted at / shows usage against it (thinks there is more disk usage than there is) bc of the tmpfs mounted below it in the hierarchy?22:04
crypto0what kind of crypto 727 wew wwelncpa wcvb lihgqevw wq wigligs wew vevvenqwpv22:14
nicomachuslol ok22:19
=== nacc_ is now known as nacc
MahatmaAndiHi there... is there anyone who can help me?22:28
MahatmaAndii used ubuntu gnome 14.04.3 and it was good. stable.22:28
MahatmaAndicouple weeks ago i upgraded to 16.04.1 and it just crashes and freezes randomly since22:28
MahatmaAndiis there anything i can do to fix that?22:28
MahatmaAndiits just disappointing and there is no fun to work with that system anymore22:28
MahatmaAndiasked in #ubuntu-gnome but no answers there22:29
naccMahatmaAndi: 14.04.3 (fwiw) is eol, you need to be on 14.04.5 at this point22:29
naccMahatmaAndi: it's not normal that you see random crashes or freezes22:29
naccMahatmaAndi: do you have any logs or suspicions?22:29
MahatmaAndimaybe.. where do i get logs22:30
k1lMahatmaAndi: depends on what is happening exactly. is it a hardware/driver issue? or is it a software issue?22:31
MahatmaAndisoftware i think.. like i said. in 14.04 all worked well22:32
MahatmaAndiand it freezed about 15 minutes ago22:32
MahatmaAndimeens... i could not do anything except mooving the mouse22:32
naccif you can move the mouse then it's not frozen22:32
naccwell, not fully22:33
naccMahatmaAndi: can you drop to a terminal shell (ctrl + alt + f2)22:33
MahatmaAndiand go with ctrl+alt+f1 to another terminal to sudo reboot22:33
naccMahatmaAndi: oh and you can?22:33
naccMahatmaAndi: then again, it's not frozen ...22:33
double_faceHi all22:33
MahatmaAndibut i cant do anything else22:33
gnomelink for a hack blog in deep?22:33
double_facehow i can downgrade in a ubuntu 16.04 machine from version 47.0 to version 36 of curl22:34
double_faceto remove it's just apt-get remove curl22:34
naccdouble_face: you can't22:34
naccdouble_face: why do you think you want to?22:34
double_facea ssl issue22:34
k1lgnome: we dont support that in here.22:35
FreeFogHI sorry to bother i'm tring to setup my ubuntu pc, and im unsure about my SSD compatibility , using Kubuntu 16.04 kernet 4.4 and Crucial M550, which apears black listed on https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/e64f638483a21105c7ce330d543fa1f1c35b5bc7/drivers/ata/libata-core.c#L4109-L428622:35
naccdouble_face: what ssl issue?22:35
double_faceI have the same probelm in version 4722:35
MahatmaAndiso maybe its not called "frozen"... but something happens so that the system does not respond to mouse-clicks and keyboard22:36
double_faceand because I have some php curl request in the server and they are important to us I need to downgrade22:36
naccMahatmaAndi: except you said it let you go to the shell22:37
OerHeksFreeFog, old issue, already fixed22:37
Penguin900Can anyone here help me with a weird problem I am having with a aufs mount?22:37
naccMahatmaAndi: so you mean the windowing environment has crashed?22:37
MahatmaAndinacc: yeah right22:37
FreeFogOerHeks, Whats the proper way to check SSD issues? should I specify TRIM on fstab?22:38
FreeFogOerHeks, Thanks in advance22:38
ubottuMany Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. Ubuntu 14.04 activates it by default. For older versions, see http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it.22:39
OerHeksno need for any tweaking anymore, FreeFog22:39
MahatmaAndinacc: it would help, if i at least could do something withour rebooting every time it happens. so that all programs stay open22:39
naccMahatmaAndi: we'd need to know what's crashing (things like journalctl, dmesg, etc. woudl help)22:40
FreeFogLast SSD question, I do use tmpfs, checking the devian manual there is a note activating RAMTMP, RAMRUN and RAMLOCK o "yes" (in /etc/default/rcS or /etc/default/tmpfs since Wheezy), but I see no such structure22:40
drjulsnacc: Hello! the only way I could make the mouse work was creating an executable file with the commands, and opening every time began: /22:41
=== z1haze1 is now known as z1haze
double_facefor example I have two server with the same code and the curl version is difrent. in the older version works, and in the new version fail22:41
double_faceand the reqeust is the same22:42
double_face  https://api.fleetclaims.net/app/api/test/info.php22:42
FreeFogSSD when editing I see no /etc/default/tmpfs file, I'm concerned if I should create 1 or edit rcS or manually specify the tmpfs on fstab22:43
naccdouble_face: and you're sure you're using the right optoins to e.g., curl_setopt in php? Note that i fixed (well rejected) a bug someone else filed that was similar22:43
naccdouble_face: LP: #159479322:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1594793 in php7.0 (Ubuntu) "Curl extension doenst use CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER as expected" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159479322:43
Jordan_UFreeFog: You're usisng tmpfs for /tmp/ or something else? You should only need to configure it in /etc/fstab. Also, I don't see how this relates to use of an SSD (unless you're worried about exessive writes, which you probably shouldn't be with a modern ssd).22:44
=== zot is now known as zot5
naccdouble_face: are you able to curl (not php curl) by hand on both servers?22:44
double_facein the server with version 35 yes22:45
double_facein the other npo22:45
double_faceand yes the code is exacly the same22:45
naccdouble_face: not the code (no php), just `curl` ... can you pastebin `curl -v <url>` from both?22:46
naccdouble_face: i assume php7?22:46
double_facewhen i do the call from the server with the version 45 i get the error22:46
double_facecurl: (35) gnutls_handshake() failed: Error in the pull function.22:46
double_faceis php 722:46
naccdouble_face: can you pastebin the full `curl -v` output?22:47
naccdouble_face: actually wait, that's weird22:48
MManHello there... is there a way to get the entire distr as iso image ? DVD or something ?22:48
double_facecurl 7.47.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.47.0 GnuTLS/3.4.10 zlib/1.2.8 libidn/1.32 librtmp/2.322:48
double_faceProtocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher http https imap imaps ldap ldaps pop3 pop3s rtmp rtsp smb smbs smtp smtps telnet tftp22:48
double_faceFeatures: AsynchDNS IDN IPv6 Largefile GSS-API Kerberos SPNEGO NTLM NTLM_WB SSL libz TLS-SRP UnixSockets22:48
naccdouble_face: pastebin not in the channel22:48
double_facethats the server with problems22:48
FreeFogSSD Jordan_U : Even if modern ssd arent a problem, it just makes sense for me to move /tmp /run/lock and /var/spool22:48
double_facecurl 7.36.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.36.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1f zlib/1.2.8 libidn/1.2822:48
double_faceProtocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher http https imap imaps ldap ldaps pop3 pop3s rtsp smtp smtps telnet tftp22:48
double_faceFeatures: AsynchDNS GSS-Negotiate IDN IPv6 Largefile NTLM NTLM_WB SSL libz TLS-SRP22:48
naccdouble_face: *pastebin*22:48
nacc!pastebin | double_face22:49
ubottudouble_face: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:49
FreeFogSSD : but instead of editing fstab Debian manual recommends changing 3 variables22:49
MahatmaAndinacc: the full output of journalctl and dmesg? thats a lot..22:49
naccMahatmaAndi: well, relevant output, probably22:49
naccdouble_face: while not exactly the same, i just spun up a 16.04 container: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23253285/22:50
naccdouble_face: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23253289/22:51
naccdouble_face: --^ with that version22:51
naccdouble_face: your second server (working) is using openssl22:51
naccdouble_face: what OS is it?22:51
zupern00bhello, some  releases ago I remember having an option in the ubuntu installer that allowed you to install windows and ubuntu side-by-side without having to do manual partitioning. Is it not the case any longer? BTW I'm trying to install 16.04 in dual boot with an oldish version of Windows 722:52
MahatmaAndinacc: well.. so i need to know whats the relevant part.. somehow. Is there a description where i can get that? not how to use the programs but whats the "relevant" part :)22:52
naccdouble_face: but as you can see from my pastes, my 16.04 of the same version as yours is able to connect22:52
double_faceone is ubunto 16.04 the server 1, and the otehr is 14.0422:52
naccMahatmaAndi: pastebin the whole thing and we can help22:52
=== user_390 is now known as crackhd
double_faceand I have notice that the second server is using openssl and teh otehr one package I don't know to be honest22:53
Bashing-omzupern00b: The option is "install along side" is still there . However, the 4 primary partition limit applies !22:54
FreeFogzupern00b , EFI or MBR Windows 7?22:54
Jordan_UFreeFog: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/01/20/data-driven-analysis-tmp-on-tmpfs/ says that only the fstab entry is needed, and I see no reason anything else should be needed.22:54
zupern00bMBR probably, it's a machine from 2010 I think22:54
FreeFogTHanks A lot Jordan_U22:54
double_faceI get connections to some server but for some specific server I get ther error of the ssl22:54
Jordan_UFreeFog: You're welcome.22:55
zupern00bFreeFog: probably MBR22:55
naccdouble_face: you mean by IP? or by hostname? as I tried to the server you showed me as erroring it seemed to work?22:55
FreeFogJordan_U what I gonna tmpfs is /var/run /var/lock /tmp and spool22:55
MahatmaAndinacc: dmsg : http://pastebin.com/JQCVT8q022:55
zupern00bBashing-om: really? the installer goes just "Erase entire disk", encryption, LVM or "Try something else" onnly to me22:55
double_faceby hostname22:55
zupern00bBashing-om: but then I haven't counted the partitions. I never saw this problem before tbh22:56
naccdouble_face: are you trying to force sslv3?22:56
MahatmaAndinacc: journalctl from last 50 minutes: http://pastebin.com/MnkYGcKv22:56
Jordan_Uzupern00b: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" and "[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS" .22:56
FreeFogzupern00b : it also depends on the parittion table, if it is gpt u can have more than 4 primary22:57
Bashing-omzupern00b: In the live environmentl terminal command 'sudo fdisk -lu ' and count the partitions present . Best I recall, if there is not partitions available for the installer to install ., the install alongside option is not available .22:57
FreeFogzupern00b there are ways to modify the disk and disk partitions but they are super risky22:57
double_facenacc: yes.22:58
double_facethis page don't will display nothing but if you try what result you get?22:59
zupern00bJordan_U: looks like it's BIOS! http://paste.ubuntu.com/23253300/22:59
naccdouble_face: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23253303/23:00
naccdouble_face: worked fine in 14.04, 16.04 and 16.1023:01
naccdouble_face: did you provide `curl -v` or `curl -v -3` output trying to access that URL from your not working server?23:01
naccdouble_face: not curl --version, but verbose curl23:01
Jordan_Uzupern00b: "Warning: The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes." Ubuntu's installer doesn't handle errors from libparted gracefully at all, so this is probably why you're not seeing the "install alongside" option.23:01
zupern00bBashing-om: hmm... I count only three partitions on /dev/sda, which is the HDD with only one windows install. perhaps the linux swap would add a fourth on it that's why?23:02
double_facejust the curl -v23:02
zupern00boh Jordan_U, perhaps that's why? :(23:02
naccdouble_face: that's curl -V you provided23:02
naccdouble_face: i'm specifically asking for curl -v23:02
naccdouble_face: (lower v)23:03
naccdouble_face: as in verbose output of the curl that fails23:03
zupern00bJordan_U: if that's the case are there any workarounds? Or should I just partition the disk myself with GParted?23:03
naccdouble_face: but as you can see from my 3 setups, curl is using SSLv3 just fine?23:03
Jordan_Uzupern00b: GParted is just as ungraceful, and will just show the disk as being empty.23:03
=== user_754 is now known as crackhd
zupern00bFreeFog: IIRC partitioning isn't too hard, as long as you put the root, home and swap in there. I know there are a few guides, but do you have any in mind that teach how to do it manually?23:04
hwaetwegearIf I install the beta release of yakkety, will it automatically upgrade to the LTS in two weeks?23:05
Bashing-omzupern00b: should be in that case that the installer will make up a "extended" partition, and in this extended partition make up 2 logical partitions  to install the system to . Humm . sorta lost now as to why the option is not offered .23:05
zupern00bJordan_U: oh darn. Looks like I'm out of options then?23:05
nacchwaetwegear: yakkety is *not* LTS23:05
MahatmaAndinacc: could you find something usefull?23:05
hwaetwegearnacc: I know it isn't atm, but will the beta version update to the final version if I install it now, or will I need to do a full clean reinstall in two weeks?23:06
nacchwaetwegear: no, yakkety is *not* an LTS release23:06
nacchwaetwegear: nothing "atm" about it23:06
FreeFogzupern00b : I generally do it manually =), I go gpt, then create absurdly big EFI and mycrosoft system reserved partitions (512MiBs each)23:06
double_facenacc yes.. and your version is the same as mine strange23:06
FreeFogzupern00b but the mos timportant remark is to install the boot loader on /sda1 , on the efi partition with windows23:06
zupern00bBashing-om: yeah, I had never seen this thing either. Thought it was the ubuntu installer having removed the option starting from some of the newer editions23:07
hwaetwegearnacc: Oh, my bad. Please excuse my ignorance. I should have asked if it will update to the stable version.23:07
nacchwaetwegear: yakkety will of course be yakkety when it releases, whether you installed at beta or dist-upgrade from xenial -- but in either case it's not LTS23:07
nacchwaetwegear: well, depending on what you mean by 'stable'23:07
zupern00btbh I haven't dual booted in a few years myself23:07
FreeFogzupern00b : and to remove the 4 primary partition limits u need gpt partition table23:07
naccdouble_face: yeah, very strange, i'm reading what you pasted23:07
naccMahatmaAndi: nothing is sticking out :/23:07
hwaetwegearnacc: I mean the final, consumer version23:07
FreeFogzupern00b : there is some extra complications if u want LVM but nothing super hard23:07
Jordan_Uzupern00b: I'm honestly a little surprised that you're getting this error message and I don't understand why you are. Is this possibly a new drive that was image copied from an older drive?23:07
nacchwaetwegear: yes, betas are just points in time23:08
zupern00bFreeFog: thanks, I will keep these tips in mind. Doesn't the installer put grub automagically there in the end, though?23:08
naccdouble_face: can you run that agin with 'GNUTLS_DEBUG_LEVEL=6' set in the env?23:08
zupern00bJordan_U: yeah, It's the first time I'm getting these too23:08
hwaetwegearnacc: but will it automatically upgrade to the final version when it is release, or will I need to download the iso and start the whole process over again?23:08
MahatmaAndinacc: okay.. thanks anyway23:08
nacc!final | hwaetwegear23:09
ubottuhwaetwegear: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Yakkety and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 16.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.23:09
hwaetwegearnacc: I am asking b/c I am a new user who need yakkety for the polaris support, but I'm wondering if it would be a waste of time to install it now.23:09
zupern00bJordan_U: this computer has never been reinstalled or had any major changes to its disk. It's the same thing all the way since it was purchased in 2010 ish23:09
hwaetwegearnacc: OK, thanks. That's the info I was looking for.23:09
zupern00bJordan_U: I didn't know that HDDs could also have compatibility issues with some linux distros. I guess I just TIL'd it23:10
nacchwaetwegear: just to be clear, i think the question implies a misapprehension of what an ubuntu release is :) yakkety is a stream basically. You can join the stream whenever you want (well presuming it's open), it will be 'released' at some point, and then 'eol'd at some point. A 'beta' is just a fixed point in the stream close to the 'release'23:11
Jordan_Uzupern00b: This isn't a distro specific problem, and I now see that the error is related to your USB drive, which makes much more sense.23:11
zupern00bJordan_U: the USB drive? Where I've put the LiveCD?23:12
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zupern00bJordan_U: perhaps a badly-burnt CD Image?23:13
Jordan_Uzupern00b: Yes. It makes total sense because the drive has a large block size but the iso file is designed for 512 byte sectors.23:13
Jordan_Uzupern00b: Please check if Gparted Does or does not list the partitions on your internal drive properly.23:14
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double_facenacc How I can change the value of the var?23:15
zupern00bJordan_U: weird, Gparted keeps crashing23:15
naccdouble_face: e.g., `GNUTLS_DEBUG_LEVEL=99 curl -v -3 https://licences.fleetclaims.net/oAuth/token/renewAccess.php`23:16
zupern00bJordan_U: perhaps one more reason to suspect that the LiveUSB was badly burnt?23:16
FreeFogzupern00b : generally the default option is to install the boot loader on sda and not sda1, the first being a tiny sector on the disk, I strongly recommend ya using the installer on a USB stick and run sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade BEFORE installing23:16
FreeFogzupern00b : then restart the live USB and peform the install23:17
Jordan_Uzupern00b: It's not neccessarrily badly written (the verb burn only applies to optical media).23:18
Bashing-omzupern00b: In the boot options screen of the liveUSB is " check disk for defects" .23:18
zupern00b1Bashing-om: right, that would check the Computer's disk or the liveCD?23:19
zupern00b1Bashing-om: (sorry, but to me it sounds a little ambiguous)23:20
zupern00b1FreeFog: thanks for the tips! Last case scenario I will go manual partitioning23:21
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zupern00bJordan_U: ok, maybe it's not badly written. Could be a compatibility problem between Ubuntu and the device-handling capabilities of this computer then?23:22
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Bashing-omzupern00b: The "check disk for defects" checks the install medium .23:24
naccdouble_face: hrm, i really don't know -- you might need to file a bug23:26
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naccdouble_face: it's really strange that i can't reproduce the exact output you're getting23:26
zupern00bBashing-om: ok thanks, I'll try that later :)23:30
Bashing-omzupern00b: :)23:31
double_facenacc I think the problem is related with this23:31
double_faceThere was a non-CA certificate in the trusted list:23:31
elisa87please have a look http://askubuntu.com/questions/831386/gpgkeys-key-f60f4b3d7fa2af80-not-found-on-keyserver23:31
naccdouble_face: ah ... that could affect it23:32
mrb101Hey, I need help with rendering some fonts characters showing up as squares in Terminal and Vim. Anyone can help ?23:33
naccdouble_face: not sure, but it might be worth trying to fix that23:33
secretdude0what's up ubuntu-ers!! :D :D23:36
Bashing-omelisa87: Checking : "gpg --search-key F60F4B3D7FA2AF80 >> gpg: searching for "F60F4B3D7FA2AF80" from hkp server keys.gnupg.net >> gpg: key "F60F4B3D7FA2AF80" not found on keyserver " .23:37
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naccdouble_face: i was hoping it would be something more obvious, but if that doesn't work, I would file a bug. curl is pretty core so i think it'd get some attention23:38
double_facethanks nacc23:39
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randomjoin #Threads23:57
naccdouble_face: np, sorry i couldn't be of more direct help23:58

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