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dufluRAOF: Why doesn't MirSurfaceOutputEvent just give you an output to query with the output API? Are you reserving the right to virtualize the output (if it represents multiple physical outputs)?06:58
RAOFduflu: I was actually going to add the MirOutput to it, but it turned out to be unnecessary.06:59
RAOF(And kinda annoying to do)06:59
RAOFIt already contains the display ID, and you can look up the MirOutput by the id.06:59
dufluRAOF: Maybe but I find myself adding new fields07:02
dufluAnd it seems I shouldn't have to07:02
dufluSo I'm wondering if jumping to just MirOutput makes sense. Although the caller then has to annoyingly query current mode etc07:02
dufluActually we've already had this conversation. I now remember arguing for the status quo... as heterogeneous attributes of multiple monitors a surface is on should be massaged into a summary (which is not a single physical output)07:02
dufluSo maybe the current API is more future proof07:02
dufluJust has more functions07:02
RAOFduflu: If the fields are already exposed by MirOutput then they're unnecessary.07:03
RAOFThe client can look up the MirOutput itself.07:03
dufluRAOF: That's true but similar to other parts of the client API, common use cases shouldn't be so complicated as requiring multiple function calls...07:04
dufluI think we can do better but won't rush into adding more functions either07:05
dufluThere's no clear winner07:05
RAOFAs I said, I was going to add a MirOutput* accessor.07:05
RAOFBut (a) it doesn't make the API any more powerful, just more convenient, and (b) it was a bastard to try and plumb througgh.07:05
dufluAgreed. And you lose the power to summarise multiple heterogeneous physical outputs in a single result07:06
RAOFNo, that's already gone.07:06
dufluOnly if you query the ID :)07:06
RAOFRight, but if a client *does* query the ID we need to give them sensible results.07:07
dufluOK, current API stands07:07
RAOFIf we want to provide them with enough information to handle “you're on two different outputs” then we should just give them both the outputs.07:07
RAOF(Plus an API for binding RenderSurfaces to output, so they can render their content twice and we display it appropriately)07:08
dufluI'm ignoring that last part. Discussed it multiple times before and each time concluded it hurts toolkit compatibility too much to ask each frame get rendered multiple times07:09
RAOFWe'd only do it if a toolkit asked us for it.07:09
RAOF(Plus, we control the relevant toolkits, so we'd basically only do it if *we* wanted it done)07:10
dufluTarget audience too small to worry right now07:10
dufluAlthough on that subject... intel where is my 10-bit support?!07:10
alan_ggreyback: once we can land my current two MPs I think we should start thinking of a miral-0.2 release. What do you think?09:08
greybackalan_g: sure. It has what we need in there09:11
alan_ggreyback: your comment suggests you're happy, your vote suggests you're not - which is it? https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/miral/rework-handling-of-surface-state-changes/+merge/30716309:43
greybackah it was not a question, you did it09:45
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alan_ggreyback: does this look right to you? https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/miral/changelog-for-0.2.0/+merge/30729511:34
greybackalan_g: those are the main enhancements anyway. I'll trust you collated all the bugs11:38
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om26erHi! is there a way I can run mirout without proving the MIR_SOCKET var ?12:01
om26ergreyback, Hey! yesterday you were saying that if a client requires a display server under Mir session it has MIR_SOCKET env variable available. Does that mean python script wont be able to access that variable ?12:22
bregmaom26er, if the environment variable is available there is no reason a Python script can't get at it12:34
om26erbregma, its not a global variable apparently12:34
bregmathere is no such thingv12:34
bregmavogons, is there a command-line too that connects to the Mir server ^^?12:35
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kdubargv[1] of mirout accepts socket file12:36
alf_bregma: how do you mean? We can mirping that connects,pings, and disconnect?12:36
bregmaom26er, there's a good answer for you:  the mirping tool from the mir-utils package12:41
bregmaafter all, it;s not enough to check check that an environment variable is set12:42
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om26erbregma, will test mirping as my phone boots.12:42
om26erkdub, alf_ I need to query screen resolutions sans xrandr with mirout, the problem is the location of the socket is not consistent in different environments. Is there a way to find the MIR_SOCKET ?12:43
kdubI'm not sure how that gets set up, I thought something in upstart set the env variable12:44
alf_om26er: I think that for unity8 the socket is always XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/mir_socket12:51
alf_om26er: What kind of inconsistencies have you found?12:51
om26eralf_, $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/mir_socket does exit reliable but it does not work with mirout. on touch devices mirout works with /tmp/mir_socket12:55
om26erand seems on unity8 desktop that path is different, something under the banner of lightdm12:56
om26eralso is it normal message: Could not connect to a display server: Failed to send message to server: Success13:03
om26ersuccess as in ?13:03
om26er(that's result of mirping)13:04
bregmathat doesn't sound useful13:05
kdubsuccess! we didn't crash13:06
bregmagenerally speaking if mirout doesn't connect to the server and get the right information, using something else that isn;t a part of Mir is not going to work any better13:07
bregmamirout should know how to connect to the server i the absolute correct way13:07
om26erMIR_SOCKET=/run/mir_socket mirping <-- that command gives "Could not create a surface."13:07
om26erso that does sound like its working ?13:07
om26erbut the thing is... How do I dynamically find that mir_socket path :)13:08
kdubthat's probably a policy denial from u813:08
kduband bregma it should know how to connect to the server, but it still has to know which server to connect to13:08
kduband... that error message is very confusing13:08
bregmaI would suggest trying to second-guess the mir server configuration is not going to bring a satisfactory level of success13:09
bregmaom26er, exactly what is your goal?13:12
om26erbregma, I need to check which display server is running (X or Mir), then talk to their relevant utilities (xrandr or mirout) to query screen resolutions.13:13
om26erthis is needed for autopilot. I want a concrete solution not something on guesswork.13:14
bregmayou're looking for ways to get your solution to work, but you're not describing what it's a solution to so we're not going to give you useful answers13:16
bregmathat's why I'm asking what your goal is, not your solution13:16
om26erbregma, the goal is to make autopilot input code ready for convergence.13:17
bregmaOK, but that's a little vague...  what problem are you trying to solve that involves the Mir server?13:18
bregmaare you trying to run autopilot tests in a pristine environment without all the session setup that goes into a Touch or Ubuntu session?13:20
bregmaunder what circumstances will these tests be running, and how is the Mir server being run?13:20
om26erautopilot currently saves hard coded screen resolutions for many touch devices, its not scalable as we add more and more devices. We want dynamically determine the device resolution.13:21
bregmawhat device?  when is the test run and under what circumstances?13:21
om26erthis is important because we have code that relies on display resolutions along with windows geometry to determine if that window is visible on a given screen.13:22
om26erbregma, Unity8 desktop for example, where different people have different screen resolutions on their laptops.13:22
om26ercurrent autopilot assumes that if you are on a desktop you are running X11, we need to change that.13:22
bregmaom26er, so this is for tests that will be run from a logged-in Unity 8 session?13:23
bregmaor does it need to run elsewhere?13:23
om26erbregma, unity8 desktop and/or our current touch devices.13:23
om26ermaybe in kvm as well13:23
* alan_g muses: "the server" isn't always meaningful. Just now I happen to have two X servers and two Mir servers running onscreen. Which is "the server"?13:24
bregmaif you are in a Unity 8 session, then MIR_SOCKET is the environment variable that contains the address of the Mir socket.  It doesn;t make any difference what device you're running Unity 8 on.13:25
bregmayou can't just up and connect to the Unity 8 Mir server, however, because it accepts only authorized connections.13:26
om26erbregma, only that $MIR_SOCKET is not in the environment :/13:26
bregmaUnity 8 in Mir is not X1113:26
bregmaom26er, if MIR_SOCKET is not in the environment, then you have a borked installation13:26
bregmaif you do not have MIR_SOCKET set, you;re not in a Unity 8 environment13:27
bregmawell, not a valid oner13:27
om26erI tested on krillin and arale.13:27
bregmahow did you test?13:27
om26erecho $MIR_SOCKET13:29
om26eralso `env` does not list it13:29
bregmaso, you opened a Terminal App instance and typed those commands?13:30
om26erwhat about just `pidof unity8` ? if its running we are in Mir, what you say.13:30
om26erbregma, ssh'd13:30
bregmaom26er, you're not in a Unity 8 environment if you ssh in13:31
bregmatry this: tr '\0' '\n' </proc/$(pidof unity8)/environ | grep MIR_SOCKET13:31
bregmaalan_g, greyback, HO?13:31
om26erbregma, hmm, that does give UNITY_MIR_SOCKET that points to /run/mir_socket13:32
bregmaom26er, you will notice if you ssh in to any machine you do not have an X11 environment either, unless you use -X to tunnel your local server over the ssh socket13:32
om26erbregma, is that the same for adb shell ?13:33
bregmaom26er, yes, that's the nature of Unix logins13:34
bregmaom26er, the Unity 8 mir server belongs to a particular login session, unlike X11 in which it runs as root and can be accessed by anyone13:36
bregmathere is a system-level Mir compositor also, but you're not allowed to connect to that, for obvious security reasons13:37
bregmathat said, I've successfully used the above tr command to bring up Mir-based applications through ssh on my Unity 8 desktop13:38
bregmabut Unity 8 only accepts authorized connections, it's not promiscuous like X1113:41
bregmaom26er, it looks like there have been some changes in the unity8.conf file (the upstart script that invokes Unity 8) and MIR_SOCKET does not show up in the unity8 process environment any more13:47
bregmait does get expoerted to Unity 8 clients, however13:48
bregmathis still works reliably: tr '\0' '\n' </proc/$(pidof unity8-dash)/environ | grep MIR13:48
bregmasorry, that should be grep MIR_SOCKET13:48
bregma$ eval $(tr '\0' '\n' </proc/$(pidof unity8-dash)/environ | grep MIR_SOCKET) mirout13:51
bregmaCould not connect to a display server: Failed to connect: not accepted by server13:51
bregmaso, Unity8 still rejects the connection attempt because it's not authorized...  need to wrap that in a .desktop file.....13:51
bregmahey vogons, did we not provide a D-Bus interface that can be used to query the display config of a Mir server?13:53
anpok_there is only UnityScreen13:53
kdubmir doesnt do dbus13:53
alan_gbregma: Mir doesn't know about dbus13:53
anpok_provided by usc13:53
bregmaI know we did discuss it last December13:53
bregmawell, it sounds like we have another topic for discussion at the upcoming sprint13:54
TheKitwhy there is no arm64 in Mir PPAs?14:03
anpok_there should be14:04
TheKithttps://launchpad.net/~mir-team/+archive/ubuntu/staging - only amd64, armhf and i38614:05
TheKitis it somewhere else?14:05
anpok_https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay .. there you get the released mir versions14:06
anpok_with arm64..14:06
anpok_not sure why the staging ppa does not include arm6414:07
anpok_oh reminds me that I have to fix usc14:07
bregmajust togled arm64 in that PPA14:11
bregmait's just that no one went in and manually did that after the functionality was made available in Launchpad14:11
bregmathe staging PPA isn't really a part of the Mir development workflow so it did not go amiss14:12
bregmaTheKit, thank you for bringing it to our attention14:30
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