
guivercUWN a skeleton;  i'm unlikely to have time this weekend sorry, hence visit now.  (fri night local)11:13
guiverc2ps  if helpful for me (guiverc) to scan & add from RSS (planet ubuntu, fridge etc) feeds instead.. just ask.11:20
tsimonq2guiverc2: have you read our docs on adding new articles?11:21
tsimonq2or have you done it before?11:21
tsimonq2because that would be SUPER helpful11:21
guiverc2nope (re: done it before); reading docs >12 months ago so unlikely to remember whatever I read.11:22
guiverc2ps:  how's knee(s)? better I hope.11:22
tsimonq2guiverc2: here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/LinkSuggestions11:22
tsimonq2a lot better now ;)11:22
tsimonq2thanks for asking :)11:22
guiverc2very glad to hear it Simon.11:22
guiverc2ok. going to walk dog; then will have a look when back....11:23
tsimonq2o/ guiverc211:23
guiverci have added entries before, but NOT to blank.... i suspect many of my additions will need EDITING/deletion...   ie. is it noteworthy?; i'm adding almost everything12:07
guivercps: all adds have a comment marking i added; just resolve if ok.12:09
guiverc12 added:  LOCO 1,  Planet 10, Canonical 1  (with another duplicate in comments that could be added to Canonical)12:28
guivercCanonical 2  (added story i had in comments; as its not summarized adds little length..)12:32
guivercsome summaries done.. the * heading doesn't feel right  (tried to follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/IssueTemplate?action=raw  ; I seem to remember more ====='s.   but i'm getting sore so calling it quits tonight.  (may still see stuff on IRC next hour+ or so)13:22
* PaulW2U reformats the prep doc, adds a link and returns to other non Ubuntu things :)15:36
pleia2oh gosh, I need to work on that15:36
guiverc2:)   it now looks more like it should thanks Paul (referring to my comment ~130mins ago which you may not see)  .. resolve my comments if OK as they're too numerous...15:41
pleia2guiverc2: thanks for adding planet things \o/15:45
guiverc2:)  most welcome15:45
pleia2ok, sent to summary writers16:44

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