
jrwrenwife thinks I should coach 4-5th grade first robotics.00:04
jrwreni'm like... fuck no.00:04
jrwreni hate kids.00:04
gamerchick02internet is back up!!00:09
jrwrenj/k, i dont' hate kids. I'm just not sure I want to do it.00:16
greg-gjrwren: as another father, I wouldn't look down on you. It's a special person who can handle medium to large groups of kids. I was a camp counselor before grad school. Eight 12-17 year olds (each week was a different grade, basically) was a lot, even with 1 counselor and 1 assitant counselor.00:18
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jrwrengreg-g: how are you doing out there with the fires?00:23
cmaloneyjrwren: JoDee does science olympiad. If it's anything like that expect a rag-tag group of somewhat organized volunteers who can't get their shit together.00:27
jrwrencmaloney: yes, i saw through a science olympiad thing a while back adn noped out of that too ;]00:29
jrwrencmaloney: my impression of tonight is that its JUST liek that.00:29
greg-gjrwren: we're ok, mostly. Except: http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2016/09/29/discarded-cigarette-sparked-petaluma-neighborhood-fire/00:31
greg-gA helicopter had to come and get water from a near by park to help put it out00:31
gamerchick02glad the fire is put out, jwren. why do people discard their cigs ont eh ground? ugh00:33
gamerchick02ok i'm going to try to get byrd irc working on the chromebook. for all the great things about the chromebook, irc is not one of them. :-P00:33
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gamerchick02huh. that worked. nice.00:38
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=== ^^^dzho is now known as dzho
greg-g jrwren: view from my cousin's house in southbay: https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p280x280/14441087_10209147216789540_3147332590860450363_n.jpg?oh=3a425dc0209e40ef02370d472304fb19&oe=5864B9A600:40
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=== oldman is now known as dzho
gamerchick02greg-g, wow!00:41
greg-ggamerchick02: yeah, we're dry here :(01:00
gamerchick02i've heard.01:00
gamerchick02:( i hope you get some rain soon.01:00
gamerchick02it's been raining here... maybe we should try to send the clouds your way.01:01
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=== DzhoDredd is now known as dzho
greg-ggood luck with that :)01:04
gamerchick02lol i know, the winds aren't in our favor01:05
gamerchick02there's flooding warnings around here.01:06
gamerchick02ok, i'm gonna do some winding down... i've another long day tomorrow (at least i don't have a 7 am conference call...). peace out everyone and i should be around this weekend for bits and bobs. :)01:09
jrwrenmy basement has some water in it... it so wet here.01:10
cmaloneyYeah, all of the rivers are flooding01:58
jrwrenI found out this woman I know likes to do odd jobs for money, including babysitting. I might actually go to S U R V I V E13:09
jrwreni just found a 1-word changed wikipedia page that had been tehre for 11months. Easy enough to revert, but weird.13:41
greg-gjrwren: linky?15:50
jrwrengreg-g: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apatar said the companies main product is Facebook in section 2.15:50
jrwrenvery weird.15:50
jrwrenomg, jorge's baby is beautiful.17:10
cmaloneyWonder if it has new baby smell19:09
jrwreneverytime I type if err!=nil { return err} I die a little inside.21:59
gamerchick02why? is there something wrong with your computer?22:32
rick_h_jrwren: +10023:10
jrwrenrick_h_: lol.  See, you know!23:15
cmaloneyOh, lovely23:53

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