
=== elezium_ is now known as EleziumOnTheGo
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tommy_slimanyone configured hubot on kubuntu?07:08
jubo2g'morning folks07:40
jubo2I got a question07:41
jubo2I am maybe installing a Kubuntu for mi grand-dad07:41
jubo2should the printer be connected at installation time or doesn't that matter regarding the printer detection and installation?07:41
jubo2This machine has a 150GB disk with Windows Vista using about 60GB atm07:42
jubo2so I was thinking of putting like 60GB for Kubuntu.. sound ok?07:42
jubo2he doesn't do much fotos or any videos07:42
Fritigernvalorie: Could you give EasyMP3gain a whirl, attempt to apply gain to an MP3 file, open "Options > Show Console Output" and see if you too see loads of "AddressSanitizer CHECK failed" errors? If you do, then perhaps this is not just my PC being weird07:47
IrcsomeBot<Deno Jacob> How to update kubuntu 16.04 to 16.10?07:55
FritigernDeno, open a terminal and enter kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade07:56
FritigernKeep in mind that it's still beta software, expect breakage!07:57
Fritigernvalorie: Don;t worry about installing easymp3gain, if you just have mp3gain for CLI then just starting it (even without specifying a file) it should generate this error.08:02
jubo2What is best way to check for printer compatibility with GNU/Linux (Kubuntu16.04) (without installing) ?08:38
jubo2right now running antivirus to this Vista08:38
jubo2but as all 5+ yrs old MSFT products this is so slow it is barely usable08:38
jubo2There has gotta be some database somewhere08:40
jubo2it is Samsung Xpress 202608:40
Smurphyjubo2: Make sure it's a postscript capable printer. E.g. it is not a printer that requires software on the OS to render the page.08:41
jubo2Smurphy: knowing my grand-dad the printer is likely the cheapest they sold08:41
jubo2so prlly the latter08:41
jubo2I'll check with the Internet08:41
Smurphyjubo2: Yep.08:42
SmurphyOr take one that runs under OS-X. OS-X uses Cups, so most probably it should work with Linux too (as linux uses Cups too).08:43
jubo2Oh shoot.. it is some GDI rubbish printer08:47
jubo2and GDI is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphics_Device_Interface (some MSFT rubbish)08:47
jubo2is there no emulator or something so a Linux could print with a printer that only speaks GDI?08:48
jubo2New printer don't cost much though08:48
jubo2Grand-dad says yes to "Do I install GNU/Linux?"08:50
jubo2Yeay. I go do it now08:50
jubo2got my unlimited 4G WiFi basestation here so updates will be a breeze08:51
jubo2See ya on the other side!08:51
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mparillohttp://www.samsungdrivers.net/samsung-m2026-driver/ has a linux tar.gz09:49
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Smurphymparillo: It does not mean it will work with the current releases.10:13
mparilloAhh, OK. I know that my Epson WF has a .deb on their official website and it has been converted on the AUR, and while both versions seem to print fine, the management functions seem to only work on the Windows driver.10:15
chet/nick noodlesnod10:18
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mobijuboI get error from installation ... something returns error when trying to set keymap to finnish11:14
mobijuboI recreate it now11:14
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jubo2Something is going wrong with the installer11:19
jubo2I get error11:19
jubo2ubi-console-setup failed with exit code 1. Further information may be found in /var/log/syslog. Do you want to try running this step again before continuing? If you do not, your installation may fail entirely or may be broken.11:19
jubo2I better see what it says in /var/log/syslog11:20
jubo2Should I just pastebin what it says11:21
jubo2I see it is failing to set locale to local locale \11:22
jubo2or something thereabouts11:22
jubo2The following seems to be the problem that invokes the logger and exits with code 111:24
jubo2Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale11:24
jubo2something somewhere is slightly wrong11:25
jubo2how do I check what is the default locale11:25
jubo2and how do I change it to Finnish11:26
jubo2Mi grand-dad was born in the 20s11:26
jubo2not very fluent in English11:26
jubo2I change OS lang to Finnish and relogin]11:27
jubo2a moment11:27
mobijuboOk... now OS is in Finnish11:29
mobijuboI check locale11:29
=== kubuntu_ is now known as jubo2
jubo2Now OS is in Finnish11:30
jubo2but kbrd is Murican11:30
jubo2and LC_ALL is empty11:31
jubo2I retry the installation but it will fail again11:31
jubo2unless someone explains to me how to make it work11:31
jubo2Before beginning the installation attempt I see from /var/log/syslog that it will fail because https://paste.kde.org/p6ntun9jq11:35
jubo2I need to mangle something manually for it to understand that language Finnish and kbrd Finnish is very valid and existing choice11:35
jubo2there was some command to create the needed locales11:38
jubo2I needed that on some Debian server11:38
jubo2but I dunno what is going on.. I have installed many Kubuntu with this exact same stick without any problems11:38
jubo2locale -a indicates there are only silly anglophone locales available11:39
jubo2so I need to add the FIFI to there somehow11:40
jubo2fi_FI.UTF-8 is shown in the /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED11:41
jubo2localectl says connection timed out11:42
jubo2and sorry for not using underscores, apostrophes etc. coz I have no idea where they are on a Murican kbrd11:43
jubo2locale-gen is what I want11:43
jubo2that worked... now retrying the installation11:45
jubo2/var/log/syslog is still in tail -f11:45
jubo2that solved it11:49
jubo2now progresses beyond the point where it would fail11:49
jubo2looking good11:49
jubo2this sure runs a lot faster than the Vista that is the old os11:50
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mobijuboOh yes. It works. Next I need to determine RAM-type and see where I can get some12:25
mobijuboUhh.. 667 upgrades12:25
mobijuboThat'll take a while on age-old celeron and 2GB12:25
BluesKajHey folks12:27
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user|25449Kann ich Kubuntu neben Windows haben ?14:59
mparilloIf you mean dual boot Kubuntu and MS-Windows, the answer is yes. It is easiest on legacy BIOS, hardest on Secure Boot.15:09
BluesKaj_mparillo, I made the mistake of wiping the hdd clean and just using legacy mode wth a msdos table, now if i shut the laptop down completelythen sometimes  it won't reboot or find grub, it stalls at the post page.15:47
_thelion_hi there, i have a problem with emacs - i've asked the folks in #emacs, but they couldn't help me. As you can see in the screenshot: there's a big blue icon in the toolbar. Any idea ... why? https://imgur.com/eQzVbBQ16:03
_thelion_i've tried the system settings / icons --> no effect.16:05
_thelion_i've tried to start emacs like: emacs -Q16:06
_thelion_or emacs -q --> no effect ...16:06
_thelion_is it possible to remove the toolbar / Emacs?16:08
mparilloBluesKaj_: Ouch. I was trying to answer the German user.16:14
BluesKaj_mparillo, yeah I saw that, but he didn't stick around16:15
mparilloOh well. Can you always boot your laptop with a live USB?16:16
BluesKaj_yes, and i have done16:16
BluesKaj_mparillo, now I just suspend it , I don't shutdown16:18
BluesKaj_hi beta16:25
betahi Bliska16:26
betahow are you ?16:28
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chcknrubno updates to 16.04, great18:29
Sevishwondering if kde plasma 5.8 will hit the kubuntu kde backports ppa in the coming months18:37
Sevishanybody got the scoop?18:37
mparilloYes, that is to be expected, but the current focus is getting the latest packaging into the YY Archive.18:48
valoriegetting the LTS Plasma into our LTS would be a good move18:58
Sevishagreed. I'm not sure how likely it is to happen but I will just wait patiently.19:16
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IrcsomeBotUli was removed by: Uli21:37
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RodNICELooking for kubuntu/KDE assistance22:12
RodNICEJust got back to kubuntu... got rusty... how do I configure a little multirow panel with shortcuts?22:13
RodNICEAnyone know how to do multiline taskbars?22:18
valorieyou can right-click on the panel22:19
valorielots of options there22:19
valorieor try the "hamburger" menu on the right22:19
valorieRodNICE: ^^^22:20
RodNICEsorry, I'm the only Kubuntu user within 5 miles22:21
RodNICE(I think)22:21
valorie||| on its side22:22
RodNICEWhen I first installed Kubuntu like 4 years ago, I figured out how to do it and never had to do it again until my laptop died22:22
valoriewell, we've got a major version upgrade to Plasma since then22:22
valorieso a few little details are different22:23
RodNICEhow do I easily check the version22:23
valoriefor the most part22:23
valorieplasmashell -v in the commandline22:23
RodNICEHardware = Dell Inspiron :(22:23
valorieor in krunner, About...22:23
valoriewhich will give you about system22:24
valorieI had some Dells I loved22:24
valoriesome I didn't22:24
RodNICEplasmashell -v... command not found22:24
RodNICEhmmm I guess I should have done "sudo" first maybe?22:24
valoriehmmm, what version of kubuntu are you running?22:25
valorieno, no sudo22:25
RodNICEI installed the X animal named one I think22:25
RodNICEnot the newest one22:25
valoriexenial, the 16.0422:26
clivejodont use sudo with anything in KDE22:26
RodNICEthanks guys22:26
RodNICEno sudo22:26
valorieso either alt+space22:26
RodNICE     plasmashell: command not found22:26
valorieor alt+f2 will give you krunner22:26
valorieyour shortcut to everything22:27
valoriejust type about up in krunner22:27
RodNICEthat was easy22:27
valorie very useful22:28
RodNICEwow lol22:28
RodNICEI've never seen that before22:28
valoriestarts anything, and does all kinds of stuff22:28
valoriekrunner has been around since kde3 days at least22:28
RodNICEDoes Kubuntu generally have printed books or is it mostly by memory and community that I need to learn?22:28
valoriebut for some reason, nobody knows about it!22:28
valoriewe have documentation at docs.kubuntu.org22:29
RodNICEI used to do krunner by accident and always closed it out fearing I broke sometehing22:29
valorieyes, if you don't know about it, it eats your typing22:29
valorieand leaves you confused22:29
RodNICEKubuntu 14.04 is my version22:29
valorieok, that's a bit older22:30
RodNICEI just installed it22:30
valoriethat's fine22:30
RodNICEDidn't think this Insipiron 6000 could handle anything newer22:30
valorienewer is generally lighter IMO22:30
valoriebut suit yourself22:30
RodNICEas in less baggage?22:30
RodNICEor less ability?22:31
valorieas in quicker and easier on your system22:42
valorieof course you can load up any system with multiple applications running at once, a million tabs on your browser, etc.22:42
RodNICEOK, I'll try the newer version22:48
RodNICEI'm just trying to cheap out on internet at home, but wifi takes forever22:48
RodNICEI'll have to download it to USB when I stop in to the library22:49
RodNICEI guess coming from a Windows mindset, I'm thinking newer is heavier22:49
valorieyou can just upgrade, but that is slow as well22:52
RodNICEespecially on wifi22:54
valorieimo the best way is to download it via torrent22:54
valoriethat's faster and more secure, since the parts are automatically checked22:55
RodNICEfor some reason, the torrent didn't work when I tried for this one22:55
valorieyou can do that on wife while you sleep22:55
RodNICEthe direct download was faster22:55
RodNICEYou're right.22:55
valorieprobably not many people seeding the older one anymore22:55
RodNICEToo bad the wifi and my bed are in separate locations, lol22:55
valorieI seed all the ubuntu torrents22:56
RodNICEyou're right!!22:56
RodNICEMan, I feel so stupid right now.22:56
RodNICEI'll try the newer one22:56
valoriedon't be22:56
valoriejust start that and let it take it's own sweet time22:57
valoriewhen it's done, burn it to a DVD or usb and try it out22:57
valorieif you like it, fine22:57
valorieif not, you've got a working install22:57
RodNICEis it noticeably different?22:58
valorieI like the newer better, but there are those who prefer the old22:59
valorieyou have your choice22:59
* valorie is running the beta of the latest22:59
RodNICEWow, that link..!!22:59
RodNICEThat's gold!23:00
valorieyep, that's how I seed all the torrents that are supported23:00
valorieI have a good connection, so why not?23:01
RodNICEYou must be in Korea23:04
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RodNICEhey valorie, I'm downloading the beta of the latest right now23:46
valoriewoah, ok23:47
valoriebe sure to test that before installing23:47
valorieLTS is recommended for most users23:47
RodNICENow you tell me?  Well I figured as much, but what could go wrong?23:48
SporkWitchRodNICE: anything from minor glitches like an icon being broken to crippling failures that prevent normal use of the system.23:49
SporkWitchRodNICE: i know what i'm doing, i still run LTS only on systems i need to be working at any given time23:49
RodNICEI'll go with the LTS23:50
SporkWitchRodNICE: odds are you'll be fine, it's not like it's arch or something23:50
RodNICEThat's what I was thinking23:50
valorieI'm running the beta right now on my main computer23:50
RodNICEIt's not a mission critical system23:50
SporkWitchRodNICE: the later version is better and worse; later versions / versions, but greater chance of bugs and instability23:50
valoriebut I do have a backup laptop running the LTS for now23:50
SporkWitch*versions / features23:51
SporkWitch*newer features23:51
SporkWitchvalorie: out of curiosity, is gpg2.1.15 in 16.10?23:51
RodNICE*pauses beta download*23:51
valorie!info gpg yakkety23:52
ubottuPackage gpg does not exist in yakkety23:52
SporkWitch!info gnupg yakkety23:52
ubottugnupg (source: gnupg2): GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement. In component main, is important. Version 2.1.15-1ubuntu4 (yakkety), package size 801 kB, installed size 1908 kB23:52
SporkWitchyay ECC support23:52
SporkWitchi have sid running on this chromebook, and .15 seems to be much more feature-complete; .11 seems to have some residual issues with smartcards (it says it's pulling the key when issuing a fetch from --card-edit, but doesn't actually import it, even though it downloads successfully; .15 on sid successfully pulls and imports)23:54
SporkWitchalso looking forward to playing around with the gpg-agent forwarding in .15 (it's somewhat present in .11, but it's hit and miss)23:54
SporkWitch(works for signing, but not auth)23:55

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