
=== JanC is now known as Guest94114
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
meritoHello, every boby09:31
meritoI have a launchpad reverse proxy, but how to use it? Can anyone help me?09:32
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest81133
=== Guest81133 is now known as pavlushka
tsimonq2timeouts are FUN /o/19:26
tsimonq2everything on this page needs to be deleted: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports/+delete-packages?field.name_filter=&field.series_filter=wily&field.status_filter=&batch=75&direction=backwards&start=15019:36
tsimonq2they're all Wily packages and Wily is EOL19:36
tsimonq2unfortunately, I'm getting timeouts every single time I try :(19:37
acheronuktsimonq2: same here19:48
acheronuktsimonq2: there is a klearppa script in kubuntu-dev-tools, but I'm slightly scared to run that against just one release and trust it does what it says and leaves the rest in place19:54
tsimonq2+1 acheronuk19:54
cjwatsontsimonq2: try deleting fewer at a time.19:59
tsimonq2cjwatson: ok, let's see then20:00
tewardare unsigned source packages accepted for PPA uploads?22:02
tewardasking out of curiosity only22:02
tewardIIRC they're not22:02
cjwatsonteward: no, they aren't (and won't be)22:08
tewardyep, just needed to refresh my memory :)22:12
tewardthanks, cjwatson22:12

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