
mupBug #1629491 opened: [2.1] After upgrade to latest trunk (pre-beta1) and after updating images, machines fail to pxe boot due to missing hwe-x kernel <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629491>00:00
mupBug #1629491 changed: [2.1] After upgrade to latest trunk (pre-beta1) and after updating images, machines fail to pxe boot due to missing hwe-x kernel <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629491>00:15
mupBug #1629491 opened: [2.1] After upgrade to latest trunk (pre-beta1) and after updating images, machines fail to pxe boot due to missing hwe-x kernel <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629491>00:21
mupBug #1629499 opened: Internal server error being reported back from various API calls <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629499>01:07
Harish_How to list server list in maas?04:36
Harish_I commissined 5 servers to maas ip is given by maas dhcp now i don't know what is the assigined ip's for these servers04:37
Harish_is there anyway to see ?04:37
mupBug #1629578 opened: [2.1] Node commissioning failure - 'cloudinit' running config-ntp when node does not have route to the archive <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629578>15:59
mupBug #1629578 changed: [2.1] Node commissioning failure - 'cloudinit' running config-ntp when node does not have route to the archive <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629578>17:42
mupBug #1629394 changed: MAAS networks section needs to be removed from 2.0 docs <doc> <maasgh> <MAAS:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629394>18:12
=== Stack is now known as Guest328
stack_kororaAnyone out there who would be willing to chat about MAAS?19:21
mupBug #1629604 opened: Command 'interface link-subnet' does not work <docteam> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629604>20:42
stack_kororaWell, this has been a pleasant chat. Goodnight!21:59
MichaelFischerI'm trying to setup a maas dev cloud with some core m compute sticks. Only problem is that the drivers for USB 3.0 Ethernet adapter isn't included in any supported Ubuntu images for maas.22:23
MichaelFischerIs there any documentation on creating custom image for Ubuntu? The image builder doesn't seem to support Ubuntu.22:24
pmatulisMichaelFischer, so the device is not supported by the Xenial kernel?22:30
MichaelFischerThat's correct, I had to compile the driver and add it afterwards.22:32
MichaelFischerpmatulis, any advice on how to proceed?22:58

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