
LinDolhi all :)01:28
darkxstjbicha, gnome initial setup shows up on upgrades also09:08
jbichadarkxst: yes, it shows up unless ~/.config/gnome-initial-setup-done exists10:10
darkxstjbicha, yes I realise that, just seems wrong10:11
darkxstlike we should stamp that file on upgrades, not sure how though?10:12
jbichamany other distros don't have this problem because they began shipping initial setup years ago10:12
darkxstyeh because they don't have the overlap with ubiquity10:17
jbichaI don't think it really overlaps with ubiquity10:18
jbichasure for a single-user computer, maybe we don't need to ask about keyboard and language10:19
darkxstperhaps we just copy the stamp from the getting started guide (which I assume is no longer used now g-i-s is used)10:19
jbichabut privacy and online accounts isn't in the Ubuntu GNOME installer10:19
darkxsttrue, its reallly just the language bit10:20
* darkxst yaketty yaking on my laptop now ;) 10:21
jbichayou can patch the autostart file like that if you want10:24
darkxsthave a massive 16GB of data to use this month :)10:24
darkxsthmm, no I would just copy the stamp in the maintscripts10:24
jbichaon the other hand, people complain that Ubuntu and GNOME don't change very much so having something new even if it's not necessary might be good10:25
darkxst  lol, people will complain always no matter what we do ;)10:26
robikHello. Is the the place to ask for help with (probably) GNOME ubuntu related issues?10:30
jbicharobik: yes but a lot more people use askubuntu.com so you may get better help there10:42
robikjbicha, okay, thanks :)10:52
msev--Emmm anyone of you guys using kdeconnect with gnome?14:37
ounedi cant login into chromium or gnomes online accounts (google) it always says "service unavaiable try again later"19:40
ounedthis is with ubuntu gnome 16.10 but works on the same machine with windows or ubuntu gnome 16.0419:41
jamie_1let me give it a try... i ran into the same issue quite a while ago19:41
jamie_1have no issues on 14.0520:05
jbichaouned: I can't tell from your description but some times I'm affected by https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77154723:01
ubot5Gnome bug 771547 in Mailer "Internal Google OAuth2 authentication fails with expired token" [Normal,Reopened]23:01
jbicharebooting is one workaround23:01

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